- Added i18n support for date picker placeholder text via the
- Add margin right and margin left.
- Minor spell Check error.
- Fixed DateTime icon spacing issue when the rendering direction is "rtl" Right-To-Left.
- Fixed DateTime field spacing issue when default value MM/DD/YY on Edge and Firefox.
- Fixed regression in px-icon sizes.
- Updated both
to useMath.ceil(length)
due to the inconsistency of rounding widths that include decimals between major browser platforms. (article & example, view in different browsers) - Added
to the calculated width of thepx-datetime-entry
since the input number was being cut off in multiple browsers (it was only visible properly in Chrome) - Cleaned up multiple eslint / formatting errors throughout the
files - Added minor contextual css that only applies to rendering of the
component to "fix" the improper rendering of the icon within thepx-datetime-common
demo (icon is rendering full size)
- Removed id #dtEntry from px-datetime-entry-cell and replaced with class variable .datetime-entry-input.
- This ensures no duplicate non-unique id error that chrome console checks for.
- Added ability to hoist timezone dropdown
- change ordering of timezone dropdown
- fix null check in range-behavior
- fix null check in range-behavior
- the icons are now able to be tabbed to
- reflected showButtons prop to attribute for styling
- fix copy/paste error
- reduce icon-set imports
- added
property inpx-datetime-buttons.html
to allow a different layout of the buttons
- fixed typo in
that mistakenly allowedthis._tempMomentObj
to equal null
- Renames all behaviors to explicitly use the PxDatetimeBehavior namespace
- Ensures that all behaviors are declared in a way that will attach them to the window even if executed in an IIFE or other non-global-level way when loaded by customer applications
- Small code cleanup
- added
to travis
- added
to validation
- cleaned up code and updated api docs
- various fixes around cells and validation
- fixed bugs around minDate and MaxDate
- removed _onEnter
- Removed
property - Removed
property momentObj
is new source of true- Allows a blank/empty state
- Cell is no longer readonly
- Added validate for field
- Added validation error message for min and max
- Polymer 1.x/2.x hybrid element support
- Polymer 1.x/2.x hybrid element support
- fixed am/pm timezone bug
- Update documentation for presets
- support min and max as strings
- add min and max date support
- Fix comments for analyzer
- update readme, fix typos in documentation
- updated dependencies for design refresh
- added new icons
- load moment through px-moment-imports
- DELETED px-datetime-imports
- Updated to new demo style
- Updated documentation
- Added a simple demo
- Removed unused properties
- combined -predix and -sketch sass files
- Added localization for moment.js through Px.moment.changeLocale() and localize elements using app-localize-behavior
- bump dropdown dependency
- fix #8 - validation text color
- fix typos in documentation
- fixed css variable names for dropdown
- added button type to avoid issues in forms
- removed px-time-input & px-time-rangepicker css
- Fix observer listed as listener in px-datetime-range-common
- Update colors design to pick up new colors
- changing ghp.sh to account for Alpha releases
- Correct sass typo in v0.7.1
- Add theming variable for datetime entry field
- fixed am/pm timezone validation bug
- Updated dependencies
- changing browser in wct testing from safari 8 to safari 10 on elcapitan
- changing all devDeps to ^
- Update px-theme to 2.0.1 and update test fixtures
- updated px-datetime-entry-predix.scss dropdown css variables
- fixed validation timing bug by waiting for attached to fire ‘px-cell-validate'
- update dependencies for dropdown
- removing px-theme style call
- merging 'cell width issue' branch
- fixed fontSize returning 0px bug
- changing Gruntfile.js to gulpfile.js
- fixed test
- fixed error icon not showing up
- updated entry to use px-polymer-font-awesome
- Updated dependencies
- changed bower from px-moment to pxmoment, added px-polygit-imports-datetime for code pen
- Prevent range being changed when already being processed internally
- Fix timezone typo
- Fixed issue in validating future/past dates after UTC changed date
- Fixed shared behavior to use Px.moment instead of moment
- Make sure that we don't override moment if loaded already
- Removed bower resolution
- Fixed blockFutureDates blockPastDates validation bug
- Added block past dates
- Fixed css bug with error icon
- Keep local copy of moment.js
- added polymer behavior declaration
- add auto generation of gh pages
- Upgrade to Polymer 1.5.0
- Improve demo and provide default values for px-datetime-entry momentFormat and dateOrTime
- Upgrade moment
- rework with lot of changes toward first release
- Changed allowFutureDates to blockFutureDates
- Updated px-datetime-behavior. Added tests. Various fixes/improvements
- merged master with entry. Updated entry and entry-cell functionally
- added pull request test for travis and updated OSS Notice
- added functions to set range in px-datetime-range-behavior
- Initial release