- Give min/max bounds for code editor height, fixes #18 and #10
- Give min/max bounds for code editor height, fixes #18 and #10
- Add property to configure Github org in px-demo-header
- Removed px-overlay from bower
- Add in px-demo-design to content-helper CSS.
- Add spacing and headers to demo helpers CSS.
- Rebuild CSS and check it in from v3.0.19
- reduce icon-set imports
- add box sizing to helpers
- Add centre layout class
- Add demo helper css, for use when styling demo page buttons/forms etc.
- Added setProperties option to demo-configs
- Bump to use new px-demo-design with container size fix, re-build sass
- Use Github tag for latest version shields.io image
- remove unused scss/css file.
- Re-add function to parse plain old JSON to string
- Add EvaluatedJavaScript code editor for demo props
- Updates to use new version of px-code-editor
- Make sure Object.assign polyfill is loaded
- Fix code editor bug in Polymer 2
- use hybrid version of px-view-header
- change GH links to work in Canary
- Fix initial load heights of shield badges and tab area.
- Use the corresponding slot for px-deck-selector
- fixing dependency versions
- fixing dependency versions
- more dependency updates
- fix demo sync for polymer 2
- Update to released dependencies
- Migrate to Polymer 1.x/2.x hybrid component
- add indicators for device sizes
- calculate urls to avoid errors in safari
- pass through
for snippet
- updated css to pick up properties panel to display full width change
- Updated properties layout, added scrolling
- Updated footer styles
- Add ability to configure api source file and element name
- Pick up new px-tabs version and API
- Added noIndentation prop to turn off the demo snippet indentation
- fix shields.io url for GH issues
- updated css to pick up new forms-design change
- Adding suppressPropertyValues property
- add new theme switcher helper to work inside iframes
- rebuild sass to pick up button style fix for chrome canary
- disable clearing of prop dropdown
- fix monogram wordmark for all browsers
- add ability to disable toggles
- update GE link
- Open links in footer in new tab/window with target="_blank". Without this the links will break if they are inside an iFrame.
- updated dependencies for design refresh
- removed unused code: px-input-group-design
- updated to work with new dropdown api
- cutover from px-toggle-design to px-toggle
- added new icons
- Fix JavaScript function scope errors for code editor converter callback to solve IE11 bug
- Fix CSS visibility errors to ensure code editor shows up on IE11
- Fix issue where configs could re-apply over input values and override them if two properties were set in a row. Now, instead of watching and _userConfigs path for a change, we only watch the object itself changing. Seems to still trigger all the right observers.
- update dependencies
- fix GH link logic
- update dependencies
- accessibility improvements
- added ability to debounce inputs (#5)
- removed _handleTypeaheadInput to prevent early event firing
- Added typeahead option to demo props
- fix #6
- update px-api-viewer dependency
- add disabled toggles
- update event fired label in calendar picker demo
- make disableInput dynamic
- ensure json editor saves value in shadow dom
- fix event fired label behavior for calendar picker
- Set
attribute on px-code-editor to ensure it fits available space
- Set
attribute in px-demo-code-snippet to default to an undefined value instead of an Object, which it should have never been. Fixes a bug where CodePen links break because checkingif (this.codeLink)
on an object returns a truthy value, instead of returning falsy like an undefined or empty string.
- added theming for collection deck selector
- added codepenLink in px-demo-component-snippet & enable-validation-states
- added scriptsIncludes & polygitIncludes in px-demo-component-snippet
- removed *.png & monogram-wdmk.png from bower ignore because demo pages need this file
- fixed issue of text fields setting on-input="_handleNumberInput" causing the field to display 'Nan'
- Ensure 'Number' properties are being coerced back to numbers before being passed back to the component
- Use flex on the px-component-demo wrapper
- removed safari 8 from gulpfile autoprefixer
- compiling sass for v1.2.0 of px-demo-design
- cleaning up some extra code
- compiling sass for v1.1.0 of px-demo-design
- compiling sass for change in px-demo-design v1.0.7
- added the ability to filter out or change description of properties for the api viewer.
- Add feature to configure the parent shield name, or hide shields altogether
- Remove dead code. Fix import. Add yarn.lock file
- Fix alignment for props demo helper text
- Tweak spacing in the header to tighten up empty line-break
- Add style tweaks for collection deck selector
- Add demo collection feature, for multiple demo sub-pages
- added flex__item--msfix
- fixed configShowProps to allow an 'configShowProps: []'
- Remove extraneous function checking if input is 'text' or 'number'
- Fix bug that showed undefined value for empty text inputs
- Add ability to specify which props are/are not shown
- Fix single/double quote replacement in px-demo-component-snippet
- Added type equal number for input fields
- Added buttons and inputs groups to bower and sass
- Flex the demo container to be the full height for props
- Remove debugger that should not have been checked in
- Add
, which allows for editing complex configuration objects
- Add ability to pass
to describe an input - Add
to the toggle input type
- Fix double-quote-string bug that caused px-demo-snippet to fail silently
- removed async from px-theme-styles import
- fixed typo in demo/index
- Moved theming includes into index & index-dark-theme
- Removes abstraction for toggle input, fixing a bug where Edge browser could not update props
- added an event that fires when the light dom is loaded on demo-component, which holds the component that is being demoed.
- adding index-dark-theme.html
- loads theming links dynamically in the head of index.html
- added inputDisabled to props
- .demo-component-container changed to overflow visible for datetime panels
- added demo-container-flex for mobile
- Updating to cool grays
- Update chosenConfig when userConfigs are populated
- updating bower dependencies
- Initial release
- Demos can be created with minimal markup
- Property configuration fields can be generated through a
object - Pre-set configurations can be generated through a
object - User changes to a configuration persist
- Styles and theming capability is baked in