-export const ChildrenInitials: Story = Template.bind({});
-ChildrenInitials.args = { children: '(Initials)' };
-ChildrenInitials.storyName = 'children=(Initials)';
-export const ChildrenInitialsSTP: Story = Template.bind({});
-ChildrenInitialsSTP.args = { children: '(Initials)' };
-ChildrenInitialsSTP.decorators = [sparkThemeProvider];
-ChildrenInitialsSTP.storyName = 'children=(Initials) (STP)';
-export const ChildrenInitialsSizeMedium: Story = Template.bind({});
-ChildrenInitialsSizeMedium.args = { children: '(Initials)', size: 'medium' };
-ChildrenInitialsSizeMedium.storyName = 'children=(Initials) size=medium';
-export const ChildrenInitialsHover: Story = Template.bind({});
-ChildrenInitialsHover.args = { children: '(Initials)' };
-ChildrenInitialsHover.parameters = { pseudo: { hover: true } };
-ChildrenInitialsHover.storyName = 'children=(Initials) :hover';
-export const ChildrenInitialsActive: Story = Template.bind({});
-ChildrenInitialsActive.args = { children: '(Initials)' };
-ChildrenInitialsActive.parameters = { pseudo: { active: true } };
-ChildrenInitialsActive.storyName = 'children=(Initials) :active';
-export const ChildrenInitialsExpanded: Story = Template.bind({});
-ChildrenInitialsExpanded.args = {
- 'aria-expanded': true,
- children: '(Initials)',
-ChildrenInitialsExpanded.storyName = 'children=(Initials) aria-expanded';
-export const ChildrenInitialsFocusVisible: Story = Template.bind({});
-ChildrenInitialsFocusVisible.args = { children: '(Initials)' };
-ChildrenInitialsFocusVisible.decorators = [containBoxShadowInline];
-ChildrenInitialsFocusVisible.parameters = { pseudo: { focusVisible: true } };
-ChildrenInitialsFocusVisible.storyName = 'children=(Initials) :focus-visible';
-export const ChildrenInitialsDisabled: Story = Template.bind({});
-ChildrenInitialsDisabled.args = { children: '(Initials)', disabled: true };
-ChildrenInitialsDisabled.storyName = 'children=(Initials) disabled';
-const OnInverseTemplate = (args) => (
-export const OnInverseChildrenInitials: Story = OnInverseTemplate.bind({});
-OnInverseChildrenInitials.args = { children: '(Initials)' };
-OnInverseChildrenInitials.decorators = [inverseBackground];
-OnInverseChildrenInitials.storyName = '(on inverse) children=(Initials)';
-export const OnInverseChildrenInitialsDisabled: Story = OnInverseTemplate.bind(
- {}
-OnInverseChildrenInitialsDisabled.args = {
- children: '(Initials)',
- disabled: true,
-OnInverseChildrenInitialsDisabled.decorators = [inverseBackground];
-OnInverseChildrenInitialsDisabled.storyName =
- '(on inverse) children=(Initials) disabled';
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/AvatarButton/AvatarButton.test.tsx b/libs/spark/src/alpha/AvatarButton/AvatarButton.test.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index dc8934734..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/AvatarButton/AvatarButton.test.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
-import AvatarButton from './AvatarButton';
-describe('AvatarButton', () => {
- it('Can render without ThemeProvider', () => {
- const { baseElement } = render(A);
- expect(baseElement).toBeTruthy();
- });
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/AvatarButton/AvatarButton.tsx b/libs/spark/src/alpha/AvatarButton/AvatarButton.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d2329048..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/AvatarButton/AvatarButton.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-import type { ElementType } from 'react';
-import React, { forwardRef } from 'react';
-import type { ExtendButtonBaseTypeMap } from '@material-ui/core/ButtonBase';
-import { default as ButtonBase } from '@material-ui/core/ButtonBase';
-import type { OverridableComponent, OverrideProps } from '../../utils';
-import type { AvatarProps } from '../Avatar';
-import Avatar from '../Avatar';
-import type { Styles } from '../../withStyles';
-import withStyles from '../../withStyles';
-type _AvatarButtonTypeMap<
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
- P = {},
- D extends ElementType = 'button'
-> = ExtendButtonBaseTypeMap<{
- props: P &
- Pick<
- AvatarProps,
- 'alt' | 'color' | 'imgProps' | 'sizes' | 'src' | 'srcSet'
- > & {
- /**
- * The size of the component.
- */
- size?: 'large' | 'medium';
- };
- defaultComponent: D;
- classKey: AvatarButtonClassKey;
-export type AvatarButtonTypeMap<
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
- P = {},
- D extends ElementType = 'button'
-> = {
- props: Omit<
- _AvatarButtonTypeMap['props'],
- | 'centerRipple'
- | 'disableRipple'
- | 'disableTouchRipple'
- | 'focusRipple'
- | 'focusRippleClassName'
- | 'TouchRippleProps'
- >;
- defaultComponent: _AvatarButtonTypeMap
- classKey: _AvatarButtonTypeMap
-export type AvatarButtonProps<
- D extends ElementType = AvatarButtonTypeMap['defaultComponent'],
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
- P = {}
-> = OverrideProps, D>;
-export type AvatarButtonClassKey = 'root' | 'avatar';
-const styles: Styles = (theme) => ({
- root: {
- border: theme.borders_alpha.transparent,
- borderRadius: theme.radii_alpha.md,
- '&.Mui-focusVisible > $avatar, &:focus-visible > $avatar': {
- boxShadow: theme.shadows_alpha.focus,
- },
- '&:hover > $avatar': {
- border: theme.borders_alpha.hover,
- },
- '&:active > $avatar': {
- border: theme.borders_alpha.active,
- },
- '&[aria-expanded="true"] > $avatar': {
- border: theme.borders_alpha.expanded,
- },
- '&:disabled': {
- backgroundColor: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[80],
- '& > $avatar': {
- opacity: 0.62,
- },
- },
- },
- avatar: {
- border: theme.borders_alpha.transparent,
- margin: -1,
- },
-const AvatarButton: OverridableComponent = forwardRef(
- function AvatarButton(props, ref) {
- const {
- alt,
- children,
- classes,
- color,
- imgProps,
- size = 'large',
- sizes,
- src,
- srcSet,
- ...other
- } = props;
- return (
- {children}
- );
- }
-const AvatarButtonWithStyles = withStyles(styles, {
- name: 'MuiSpark_alpha_AvatarButton',
-})(AvatarButton) as typeof AvatarButton;
-// @ts-expect-error property does not exist
-AvatarButtonWithStyles._PDS_ID = 'AvatarButton';
-export default AvatarButtonWithStyles;
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/AvatarButton/index.ts b/libs/spark/src/alpha/AvatarButton/index.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index dd310c291..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/AvatarButton/index.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-export { default } from './AvatarButton';
-export * from './AvatarButton';
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Banner/Banner.stories.tsx b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Banner/Banner.stories.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index cd8b27303..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Banner/Banner.stories.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import type { Meta, Story as DefaultStory } from '@storybook/react/types-6-0';
-import type { BannerProps } from '..';
-import { Banner } from '..';
-export default {
- title: '@ps/Banner',
- component: Banner,
- args: {
- children: <>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.>,
- },
-} as Meta;
-const Template = (args) => ;
-type Story = DefaultStory;
-export const Default: Story = Template.bind({});
-Default.storyName = '(default)';
-export const SeverityInfo: Story = Template.bind({});
-SeverityInfo.args = { severity: 'info' };
-SeverityInfo.storyName = 'severity=info';
-const onClose = () => {
- return;
-export const SeverityInfoOnClose: Story = Template.bind({});
-SeverityInfoOnClose.args = { severity: 'info', onClose };
-SeverityInfoOnClose.storyName = 'severity=info onClose';
-export const SeverityWarning: Story = Template.bind({});
-SeverityWarning.args = { severity: 'warning' };
-SeverityWarning.storyName = 'severity=warning';
-export const SeverityWarningOnClose: Story = Template.bind({});
-SeverityWarningOnClose.args = {
- severity: 'warning',
- onClose,
-SeverityWarningOnClose.storyName = 'severity=warning onClose';
-export const SeveritySuccess: Story = Template.bind({});
-SeveritySuccess.args = { severity: 'success' };
-SeveritySuccess.storyName = 'severity=success';
-export const SeveritySuccessOnClose: Story = Template.bind({});
-SeveritySuccessOnClose.args = {
- severity: 'success',
- onClose,
-SeveritySuccessOnClose.storyName = 'severity=success onClose';
-export const SeverityError: Story = Template.bind({});
-SeverityError.args = { severity: 'error' };
-SeverityError.storyName = 'severity=error';
-export const SeverityErrorOnClose: Story = Template.bind({});
-SeverityErrorOnClose.args = {
- severity: 'error',
- onClose,
-SeverityErrorOnClose.storyName = 'severity=error onClose';
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Banner/Banner.test.tsx b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Banner/Banner.test.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e53d8859..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Banner/Banner.test.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
-import Banner from './Banner';
-describe('Banner', () => {
- it('Can render without ThemeProvider', () => {
- const { baseElement } = render(Message.);
- expect(baseElement).toBeTruthy();
- });
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Banner/Banner.tsx b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Banner/Banner.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 24a2c28bb..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Banner/Banner.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-import React, { forwardRef } from 'react';
-import clsx from 'clsx';
-import type { AlertClassKey, AlertProps } from '../internal/Alert';
-import Alert from '../internal/Alert';
-import type { Styles } from '../../withStyles';
-import withStyles from '../../withStyles';
-// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
-export interface BannerProps extends AlertProps {}
-export type BannerClassKey = AlertClassKey;
-type PrivateClassKey =
- | 'private-root-severity-error'
- | 'private-root-severity-info'
- | 'private-root-severity-success'
- | 'private-root-severity-warning'
- | 'private-icon-severity-error'
- | 'private-icon-severity-info'
- | 'private-icon-severity-success'
- | 'private-icon-severity-warning'
- | 'private-message-severity-error'
- | 'private-message-severity-info'
- | 'private-message-severity-success'
- | 'private-message-severity-warning';
-const styles: Styles = (theme) => ({
- root: {
- alignItems: 'flex-start',
- display: 'flex',
- gap: 16,
- padding: 24,
- [theme.breakpoints.down('sm')]: {
- gap: 8,
- padding: 12,
- },
- },
- icon: {
- display: 'flex',
- fontSize: theme.typography_alpha.pxToRem(24),
- lineHeight: 1,
- paddingBottom: 4,
- paddingTop: 4,
- },
- message: {
- ...theme.typography_alpha.body,
- flexGrow: 2,
- paddingTop: 4,
- },
- action: {
- justifySelf: 'flex-end',
- },
- /* Private */
- 'private-root-severity-error': {
- backgroundColor: theme.palette_alpha.red[700],
- },
- 'private-root-severity-info': {
- backgroundColor: theme.palette_alpha.blue[700],
- },
- 'private-root-severity-success': {
- backgroundColor: theme.palette_alpha.green[700],
- },
- 'private-root-severity-warning': {
- backgroundColor: theme.palette_alpha.yellow[600],
- },
- 'private-icon-severity-error': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[0],
- },
- 'private-icon-severity-info': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[0],
- },
- 'private-icon-severity-success': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[0],
- },
- 'private-icon-severity-warning': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[600],
- },
- 'private-message-severity-error': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[0],
- },
- 'private-message-severity-info': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[0],
- },
- 'private-message-severity-success': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[0],
- },
- 'private-message-severity-warning': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[600],
- },
-const Banner = forwardRef(function Banner(props, ref) {
- const {
- classes,
- severity = 'info',
- CloseProps: ClosePropsProp,
- ...other
- } = props;
- let CloseProps: AlertProps['CloseProps'] = ClosePropsProp;
- if (['info', 'success', 'error'].includes(severity)) {
- CloseProps = { color: 'inverse', ...CloseProps };
- }
- return (
- );
-export default withStyles(styles, { name: 'MuiSpark_alpha_Banner' })(
- Banner
-) as typeof Banner;
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Banner/index.ts b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Banner/index.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 72cc4b874..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Banner/index.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-export { default } from './Banner';
-export * from './Banner';
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumb/Breadcrumb.stories.tsx b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumb/Breadcrumb.stories.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index ed01fbf0a..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumb/Breadcrumb.stories.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import type { Meta, Story as DefaultStory } from '@storybook/react/types-6-0';
-import { Breadcrumb, BreadcrumbProps } from '..';
-import { inverseBackground } from '../../../stories';
-export const _retyped = Breadcrumb as typeof Breadcrumb;
-export default {
- title: '@ps/Breadcrumb',
- component: _retyped,
- excludeStories: ['_retyped'],
- args: {
- children: <>Text>,
- href: '#',
- },
-} as Meta;
-const Template = (args) => ;
-type Story = DefaultStory;
-export const Default: Story = Template.bind({});
-Default.storyName = '(default)';
-export const Hover: Story = Template.bind({});
-Hover.parameters = { pseudo: { visited: false, hover: true } };
-Hover.storyName = ':hover';
-export const Visited: Story = Template.bind({});
-Visited.parameters = { pseudo: { visited: true } };
-Visited.storyName = ':visited';
-export const VisitedHover: Story = Template.bind({});
-VisitedHover.parameters = { pseudo: { visited: true, hover: true } };
-VisitedHover.storyName = ':visited :hover';
-export const AriaCurrentPage: Story = Template.bind({});
-AriaCurrentPage.args = { 'aria-current': 'page' };
-AriaCurrentPage.storyName = 'aria-current=page';
-export const AriaCurrentPageHover: Story = Template.bind({});
-AriaCurrentPageHover.args = { 'aria-current': 'page' };
-AriaCurrentPageHover.parameters = { pseudo: { hover: true } };
-AriaCurrentPageHover.storyName = 'aria-current=page :hover';
-export const AriaCurrentPageVisited: Story = Template.bind({});
-AriaCurrentPageVisited.args = { 'aria-current': 'page' };
-AriaCurrentPageVisited.parameters = { pseudo: { visited: true } };
-AriaCurrentPageVisited.storyName = 'aria-current=page :visited';
-export const AriaCurrentPageVisitedHover: Story = Template.bind({});
-AriaCurrentPageVisitedHover.args = { 'aria-current': 'page' };
-AriaCurrentPageVisitedHover.parameters = {
- pseudo: { visited: true, hover: true },
-AriaCurrentPageVisitedHover.storyName = 'aria-current=page :visited :hover';
-const ColorInverseTemplate = (args) => (
- Text
-export const ColorInverse: Story = ColorInverseTemplate.bind({});
-ColorInverse.args = { color: 'inverse' };
-ColorInverse.decorators = [inverseBackground];
-ColorInverse.storyName = 'color="inverse"';
-export const ColorInverseHover: Story = ColorInverseTemplate.bind({});
-ColorInverseHover.args = { color: 'inverse' };
-ColorInverseHover.decorators = [inverseBackground];
-ColorInverseHover.parameters = { pseudo: { visited: false, hover: true } };
-ColorInverseHover.storyName = 'color="inverse" :hover';
-export const ColorInverseVisited: Story = ColorInverseTemplate.bind({});
-ColorInverseVisited.args = { color: 'inverse' };
-ColorInverseVisited.decorators = [inverseBackground];
-ColorInverseVisited.parameters = { pseudo: { visited: true } };
-ColorInverseVisited.storyName = 'color="inverse" :visited';
-export const ColorInverseVisitedHover: Story = ColorInverseTemplate.bind({});
-ColorInverseVisitedHover.args = { color: 'inverse' };
-ColorInverseVisitedHover.decorators = [inverseBackground];
-ColorInverseVisitedHover.parameters = {
- pseudo: { visited: true, hover: true },
-ColorInverseVisitedHover.storyName = 'color="inverse" :visited :hover';
-export const ColorInverseAriaCurrentPage: Story = ColorInverseTemplate.bind({});
-ColorInverseAriaCurrentPage.args = { color: 'inverse', 'aria-current': 'page' };
-ColorInverseAriaCurrentPage.decorators = [inverseBackground];
-ColorInverseAriaCurrentPage.storyName = 'color="inverse" aria-current=page';
-export const ColorInverseHoverAriaCurrentPage: Story =
- ColorInverseTemplate.bind({});
-ColorInverseHoverAriaCurrentPage.args = {
- color: 'inverse',
- 'aria-current': 'page',
-ColorInverseHoverAriaCurrentPage.decorators = [inverseBackground];
-ColorInverseHoverAriaCurrentPage.parameters = {
- pseudo: { visited: false, hover: true },
-ColorInverseHoverAriaCurrentPage.storyName =
- 'color="inverse" aria-current=page :hover';
-export const ColorInverseVisitedAriaCurrentPage: Story =
- ColorInverseTemplate.bind({});
-ColorInverseVisitedAriaCurrentPage.args = {
- color: 'inverse',
- 'aria-current': 'page',
-ColorInverseVisitedAriaCurrentPage.decorators = [inverseBackground];
-ColorInverseVisitedAriaCurrentPage.parameters = { pseudo: { visited: true } };
-ColorInverseVisitedAriaCurrentPage.storyName =
- 'color="inverse" aria-current=page :visited';
-export const ColorInverseVisitedHoverAriaCurrentPage: Story =
- ColorInverseTemplate.bind({});
-ColorInverseVisitedHoverAriaCurrentPage.args = {
- color: 'inverse',
- 'aria-current': 'page',
-ColorInverseVisitedHoverAriaCurrentPage.decorators = [inverseBackground];
-ColorInverseVisitedHoverAriaCurrentPage.parameters = {
- pseudo: { visited: true, hover: true },
-ColorInverseVisitedHoverAriaCurrentPage.storyName =
- 'color="inverse" aria-current=page :visited :hover';
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumb/Breadcrumb.test.tsx b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumb/Breadcrumb.test.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 27277fff0..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumb/Breadcrumb.test.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
-import Breadcrumb from './Breadcrumb';
-describe('Breadcrumb', () => {
- it('Can render without ThemeProvider', () => {
- const { baseElement } = render(Text);
- expect(baseElement).toBeTruthy();
- });
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumb/Breadcrumb.tsx b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumb/Breadcrumb.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bdb2f626..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumb/Breadcrumb.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-import type { ElementType } from 'react';
-import React, { forwardRef } from 'react';
-import clsx from 'clsx';
-import type { OverridableComponent, OverrideProps } from '../../utils';
-import type { Styles } from '../../withStyles';
-import withStyles from '../../withStyles';
-import type { LinkClassKey, LinkProps, LinkTypeMap } from '../Link';
-import Link from '../Link';
-export interface BreadcrumbTypeMap<
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
- P = {},
- D extends ElementType = LinkTypeMap['defaultComponent']
-> {
- props: P &
- Omit & {
- /**
- * Whether the link is displayed alone (not inline with other text). Removes "underline" text-decoration of the link.
- */
- standalone?: boolean;
- };
- defaultComponent: D;
- classKey: BreadcrumbClassKey;
-export type BreadcrumbProps<
- D extends ElementType = BreadcrumbTypeMap['defaultComponent'],
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
- P = {}
-> = OverrideProps, D>;
-export type BreadcrumbClassKey = LinkClassKey;
-type PrivateClassKey =
- | 'private-root-color-inverse'
- | 'private-root-color-standard';
-const styles: Styles = (theme) => ({
- /* Styles applied to the root element. */
- root: {
- textDecoration: 'none',
- '&:hover': {
- textDecoration: 'underline',
- },
- },
- 'private-root-color-inverse': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[0],
- '&:hover': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[80],
- textDecoration: 'underline',
- },
- '&:visited': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[0],
- '&:hover': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[80],
- },
- },
- '&[aria-current="page"]': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[0],
- '&:hover': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[80],
- },
- '&:visited': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[0],
- },
- '&:visited:hover': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[80],
- },
- },
- },
- 'private-root-color-standard': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.blue[600],
- '&:visited': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.blue[600],
- '&:hover': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.blue[500],
- },
- },
- '&[aria-current="page"]': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[600],
- '&:hover': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[500],
- },
- '&:visited': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[600],
- },
- '&:visited:hover': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[500],
- },
- },
- },
-const UnstyledBreadcrumb: OverridableComponent = forwardRef(
- function Breadcrumb(props, ref) {
- const { classes, color = 'standard', ...other } = props;
- return (
- );
- }
-const Breadcrumb = withStyles(styles, { name: 'MuiSpark_alpha_Breadcrumb' })(
- UnstyledBreadcrumb
-) as typeof UnstyledBreadcrumb;
-export default Breadcrumb;
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumb/index.ts b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumb/index.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index b2444d3d3..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumb/index.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-export { default } from './Breadcrumb';
-export * from './Breadcrumb';
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumbs/Breadcrumbs.stories.tsx b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumbs/Breadcrumbs.stories.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index f3d816e63..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumbs/Breadcrumbs.stories.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import type { Meta, Story as DefaultStory } from '@storybook/react/types-6-0';
-import { Breadcrumb, Breadcrumbs, BreadcrumbsProps } from '..';
-export const _retyped = Breadcrumbs as typeof Breadcrumbs;
-export default {
- title: '@ps/Breadcrumbs',
- component: _retyped,
- excludeStories: ['_retyped'],
- args: {
- children: [
- Link
- ,
- Link
- ,
- Link
- ,
- Link
- ,
- ],
- },
-} as Meta;
-const Template = (args) => ;
-type Story = DefaultStory;
-export const Default: Story = Template.bind({});
-Default.storyName = '(default)';
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumbs/Breadcrumbs.test.tsx b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumbs/Breadcrumbs.test.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 3aed628f1..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumbs/Breadcrumbs.test.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
-import Breadcrumbs from './Breadcrumbs';
-describe('Breadcrumbs', () => {
- it('Can render without ThemeProvider', () => {
- const { baseElement } = render();
- expect(baseElement).toBeTruthy();
- });
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumbs/Breadcrumbs.tsx b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumbs/Breadcrumbs.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index d832caade..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumbs/Breadcrumbs.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-import type { ElementType } from 'react';
-import React, { forwardRef } from 'react';
-import type {
- BreadcrumbsClassKey as MuiBreadcrumbsClassKey,
- BreadcrumbsProps as MuiBreadcrumbsProps,
- BreadcrumbsTypeMap as MuiBreadcrumbsTypeMap,
-} from '@material-ui/core/Breadcrumbs';
-import { default as MuiBreadcrumbs } from '@material-ui/core/Breadcrumbs';
-import type { OverridableComponent, OverrideProps } from '../../utils';
-import type { Styles } from '../../withStyles';
-import withStyles from '../../withStyles';
-import createSvgIcon from '../createSvgIcon/createSvgIcon';
-export interface BreadcrumbsTypeMap<
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
- P = {},
- D extends ElementType = MuiBreadcrumbsTypeMap['defaultComponent']
-> {
- props: P & MuiBreadcrumbsProps;
- defaultComponent: D;
- classKey: BreadcrumbsClassKey;
-export type BreadcrumbsProps<
- D extends ElementType = BreadcrumbsTypeMap['defaultComponent'],
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
- P = {}
-> = OverrideProps, D>;
-type BreadcrumbsClassKey = MuiBreadcrumbsClassKey;
-const styles: Styles = (theme) => ({
- root: {},
- ol: {},
- li: {},
- separator: {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.blue[600],
- fontSize: 16,
- fontWeight: 500,
- lineHeight: 24,
- marginLeft: 12,
- marginRight: 12,
- height: 12,
- width: 12,
- },
-const UnstyledBreadcrumbs: OverridableComponent =
- forwardRef(function Breadcrumbs(props, ref) {
- const { classes, separator = , ...other } = props;
- return (
- );
- });
-const Breadcrumbs = withStyles(styles, {
- name: 'MuiSpark_alpha_Breadcrumbs',
-})(UnstyledBreadcrumbs) as typeof UnstyledBreadcrumbs;
-export default Breadcrumbs;
-const Separator = createSvgIcon(
- ,
- '0 0 12 12',
- '12',
- '12'
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumbs/index.ts b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumbs/index.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index d447c988b..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Breadcrumbs/index.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-export { default } from './Breadcrumbs';
-export * from './Breadcrumbs';
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Button/Button.stories.tsx b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Button/Button.stories.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index a243b907f..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Button/Button.stories.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import type { Meta, Story as DefaultStory } from '@storybook/react/types-6-0';
-import { theme } from '../..';
-import type { ButtonProps } from '..';
-import { Avatar, Button } from '..';
-import {
- ChevronDown,
- containBoxShadowInline,
- Plus,
- sparkThemeProvider,
-} from '../../../stories';
-export const _retyped = Button as typeof Button;
-export default {
- title: '@ps/Button',
- component: _retyped,
- excludeStories: ['_retyped'],
- parameters: { actions: { argTypesRegex: '^on.*' } },
- argTypes: {
- leadingAvatar: {
- control: 'select',
- options: ['undefined', '(Guide)', '(Initials)'],
- mapping: {
- undefined: undefined,
- '(Guide)': ,
- '(Initials)': M,
- },
- },
- leadingIcon: {
- control: 'select',
- options: ['undefined', 'Plus'],
- mapping: {
- undefined: undefined,
- Plus: ,
- },
- },
- trailingIcon: {
- control: 'select',
- options: ['undefined', 'ChevronDown'],
- mapping: {
- undefined: undefined,
- ChevronDown: ,
- },
- },
- disabled: {
- control: 'boolean',
- },
- },
- args: {
- children: <>Label>,
- },
-} as Meta;
-const Template = (args) => ;
-type Story = DefaultStory;
-export const Default: Story = Template.bind({});
-Default.storyName = '(default)';
-export const STP: Story = Template.bind({});
-STP.decorators = [sparkThemeProvider];
-STP.storyName = '(STP)';
-export const FullWidth: Story = Template.bind({});
-FullWidth.args = { fullWidth: true };
-FullWidth.storyName = 'fullWidth';
-const variants: Array = [
- 'primary',
- 'stroked',
- 'ghost',
- 'destructive',
-const sizes: Array = ['large', 'medium', 'small'];
-const SizeByVariantTemplate = (args) => (
- {sizes.map((size) => (
- {variants.map((variant) => (
- ))}
- ))}
- {sizes.map((size) => (
- {variants.map((variant) => (
- ))}
- ))}
-export const SizeByVariant: Story = SizeByVariantTemplate.bind({});
-SizeByVariant.storyName = 'size ⨯ variant';
-export const SizeByVariantSTP: Story = SizeByVariantTemplate.bind({});
-SizeByVariantSTP.decorators = [sparkThemeProvider];
-SizeByVariantSTP.storyName = 'size ⨯ variant (STP)';
-export const SizeByVariantHover: Story = SizeByVariantTemplate.bind({});
-SizeByVariantHover.parameters = { pseudo: { hover: true } };
-SizeByVariantHover.storyName = 'size ⨯ variant :hover';
-export const SizeByVariantHoverSTP: Story = SizeByVariantTemplate.bind({});
-SizeByVariantHoverSTP.decorators = [sparkThemeProvider];
-SizeByVariantHoverSTP.parameters = { pseudo: { hover: true } };
-SizeByVariantHoverSTP.storyName = 'size ⨯ variant :hover (STP)';
-export const SizeByVariantActive: Story = SizeByVariantTemplate.bind({});
-SizeByVariantActive.parameters = { pseudo: { active: true } };
-SizeByVariantActive.storyName = 'size ⨯ variant :active';
-export const SizeByVariantActiveSTP: Story = SizeByVariantTemplate.bind({});
-SizeByVariantActiveSTP.decorators = [sparkThemeProvider];
-SizeByVariantActiveSTP.parameters = { pseudo: { active: true } };
-SizeByVariantActiveSTP.storyName = 'size ⨯ variant :active (STP)';
-export const SizeByVariantExpanded: Story = SizeByVariantTemplate.bind({});
-SizeByVariantExpanded.args = { 'aria-expanded': true };
-SizeByVariantExpanded.storyName = 'size ⨯ variant aria-expanded';
-export const SizeByVariantExpandedSTP: Story = SizeByVariantTemplate.bind({});
-SizeByVariantExpandedSTP.args = { 'aria-expanded': true };
-SizeByVariantExpandedSTP.decorators = [sparkThemeProvider];
-SizeByVariantExpandedSTP.storyName = 'size ⨯ variant aria-expanded (STP)';
-export const SizeByVariantFocusVisible: Story = SizeByVariantTemplate.bind({});
-SizeByVariantFocusVisible.decorators = [containBoxShadowInline];
-SizeByVariantFocusVisible.parameters = { pseudo: { focusVisible: true } };
-SizeByVariantFocusVisible.storyName = 'size ⨯ variant :focus-visible';
-export const SizeByVariantFocusVisibleSTP: Story = SizeByVariantTemplate.bind(
- {}
-SizeByVariantFocusVisibleSTP.decorators = [
- sparkThemeProvider,
- containBoxShadowInline,
-SizeByVariantFocusVisibleSTP.parameters = { pseudo: { focusVisible: true } };
-SizeByVariantFocusVisibleSTP.storyName = 'size ⨯ variant :focus-visible (STP)';
-export const SizeByVariantDisabled: Story = SizeByVariantTemplate.bind({});
-SizeByVariantDisabled.args = { disabled: true };
-SizeByVariantDisabled.storyName = 'size ⨯ variant disabled';
-export const SizeByVariantDisabledSTP: Story = SizeByVariantTemplate.bind({});
-SizeByVariantDisabledSTP.args = { disabled: true };
-SizeByVariantDisabledSTP.decorators = [sparkThemeProvider];
-SizeByVariantDisabledSTP.storyName = 'size ⨯ variant disabled (STP)';
-export const SizeByVariantLeadingAvatar: Story = SizeByVariantTemplate.bind({});
-SizeByVariantLeadingAvatar.args = { leadingAvatar: '(Guide)' };
-SizeByVariantLeadingAvatar.storyName = 'size ⨯ variant leadingAvatar';
-export const SizeByVariantLeadingAvatarDisabled: Story =
- SizeByVariantTemplate.bind({});
-SizeByVariantLeadingAvatarDisabled.args = {
- leadingAvatar: '(Guide)',
- disabled: true,
-SizeByVariantLeadingAvatarDisabled.storyName =
- 'size ⨯ variant leadingAvatar disabled';
-export const SizeByVariantLeadingIcon: Story = SizeByVariantTemplate.bind({});
-SizeByVariantLeadingIcon.args = { leadingIcon: 'Plus' };
-SizeByVariantLeadingIcon.storyName = 'size ⨯ variant leadingIcon';
-export const SizeByVariantLeadingIconDisabled: Story =
- SizeByVariantTemplate.bind({});
-SizeByVariantLeadingIconDisabled.args = {
- leadingIcon: 'Plus',
- disabled: true,
-SizeByVariantLeadingIconDisabled.storyName =
- 'size ⨯ variant leadingIcon disabled';
-export const SizeByVariantTrailingIcon: Story = SizeByVariantTemplate.bind({});
-SizeByVariantTrailingIcon.args = { trailingIcon: 'ChevronDown' };
-SizeByVariantTrailingIcon.storyName = 'size ⨯ variant trailingIcon';
-export const SizeByVariantTrailingIconDisabled: Story =
- SizeByVariantTemplate.bind({});
-SizeByVariantTrailingIconDisabled.args = {
- trailingIcon: 'ChevronDown',
- disabled: true,
-SizeByVariantTrailingIconDisabled.storyName =
- 'size ⨯ variant trailingIcon disabled';
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Button/Button.test.tsx b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Button/Button.test.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index e5999aa30..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Button/Button.test.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
-import Button from './Button';
-describe('Button', () => {
- it('Can render without ThemeProvider', () => {
- const { baseElement } = render();
- expect(baseElement).toBeTruthy();
- });
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Button/Button.tsx b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Button/Button.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 90c5ad3a2..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Button/Button.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,545 +0,0 @@
-import type { ElementType, ReactNode } from 'react';
-import React, { cloneElement, forwardRef } from 'react';
-import clsx from 'clsx';
-import type { ButtonProps as MuiButtonProps } from '@material-ui/core/Button';
-import { default as MuiButton } from '@material-ui/core/Button';
-import type { OverridableComponent, OverrideProps } from '../../utils';
-import { buildVariant } from '../theme/typography';
-import { lighten, darken, alpha } from '@material-ui/core/styles';
-import type { AvatarProps } from '../Avatar';
-import type { Styles } from '../../withStyles';
-import withStyles from '../../withStyles';
-export interface ButtonTypeMap<
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
- P = {},
- D extends ElementType = 'button'
-> {
- props: P &
- Omit<
- MuiButtonProps,
- | 'classes'
- | 'color'
- | 'startIcon'
- | 'endIcon'
- | 'variant'
- | 'disableElevation'
- | 'disableFocusRipple'
- | 'centerRipple'
- | 'disableRipple'
- | 'disableTouchRipple'
- | 'focusRipple'
- | 'TouchRippleProps'
- > & {
- /**
- * The color of the component.
- */
- color?: 'standard' | 'inverse';
- /**
- * The variant to use.
- */
- variant?: 'primary' | 'stroked' | 'ghost' | 'destructive';
- /**
- * Avatar placed before the children.
- */
- leadingAvatar?: ReactNode;
- /**
- * Icon placed before the children.
- */
- leadingIcon?: ReactNode;
- /**
- * Icon placed after the children.
- */
- trailingIcon?: ReactNode;
- };
- defaultComponent: D;
- classKey: ButtonClassKey;
-export type ButtonProps<
- D extends ElementType = ButtonTypeMap['defaultComponent'],
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
- P = {}
-> = OverrideProps, D>;
-export type ButtonClassKey =
- | 'root'
- | 'leadingAvatar'
- | 'leadingIcon'
- | 'trailingIcon'
- | 'label';
-type PrivateClassKey =
- | 'private-root-size-small'
- | 'private-root-size-medium'
- | 'private-root-size-large'
- | 'private-root-leadingAvatar-size-small'
- | 'private-root-leadingAvatar-size-medium'
- | 'private-root-leadingAvatar-size-large'
- | 'private-root-variant-primary'
- | 'private-root-variant-primary-color-standard'
- | 'private-root-variant-primary-color-inverse'
- | 'private-root-variant-stroked'
- | 'private-root-variant-stroked-color-standard'
- | 'private-root-variant-stroked-color-inverse'
- | 'private-root-variant-stroked-size-small'
- | 'private-root-variant-stroked-size-medium'
- | 'private-root-variant-stroked-size-large'
- | 'private-root-leadingAvatar-variant-stroked-size-small'
- | 'private-root-leadingAvatar-variant-stroked-size-medium'
- | 'private-root-leadingAvatar-variant-stroked-size-large'
- | 'private-root-variant-ghost'
- | 'private-root-variant-ghost-color-standard'
- | 'private-root-variant-ghost-color-inverse'
- | 'private-root-variant-destructive'
- | 'private-root-disabled'
- | 'private-label-variant-primary'
- | 'private-label-variant-primary-color-standard'
- | 'private-label-variant-primary-color-inverse'
- | 'private-label-variant-stroked'
- | 'private-label-variant-stroked-color-standard'
- | 'private-label-variant-stroked-color-inverse'
- | 'private-label-variant-ghost'
- | 'private-label-variant-ghost-color-standard'
- | 'private-label-variant-ghost-color-inverse'
- | 'private-label-variant-destructive'
- | 'private-label-size-small'
- | 'private-label-size-medium'
- | 'private-label-size-large'
- | 'private-label-ariaExpanded'
- | 'private-label-disabled'
- | 'private-leadingAvatar-disabled'
- | 'private-leadingIcon-size-small'
- | 'private-leadingIcon-size-medium'
- | 'private-leadingIcon-size-large'
- | 'private-trailingIcon-size-small'
- | 'private-trailingIcon-size-medium'
- | 'private-trailingIcon-size-large';
-// extracted since there's not an equivalent typography variant
-const buttonFontVariantSmall = buildVariant(
- 500,
- 14,
- 16,
- undefined,
- 'none',
- '"Inter", sans-serif',
- "'cv05' 1, 'ss03' 1"
-const buttonFontVariantMedium = buildVariant(
- 500,
- 16,
- 24,
- undefined,
- 'none',
- '"Inter", sans-serif',
- "'cv05' 1, 'ss03' 1"
-const buttonFontVariantLarge = buildVariant(
- 500,
- 18,
- 24,
- undefined,
- 'none',
- '"Inter", sans-serif',
- "'cv05' 1, 'ss03' 1"
-const styles: Styles = (theme) => ({
- root: {
- '&&': {
- // override PDS v1 (requires double-specifity)
- border: theme.borders_alpha.none,
- borderRadius: theme.radii_alpha.sm,
- '&.Mui-focusVisible, &:focus-visible': {
- boxShadow: theme.shadows_alpha.focus,
- },
- // overide Bootstrap (requires double-specifity)
- color: 'unset',
- outline: 'unset',
- outlineOffset: 'unset',
- },
- },
- label: {
- gap: 8,
- },
- leadingAvatar: {
- color: 'inherit',
- display: 'flex',
- },
- leadingIcon: {
- color: 'inherit',
- display: 'flex',
- lineHeight: 1,
- },
- trailingIcon: {
- color: 'inherit',
- display: 'flex',
- lineHeight: 1,
- },
- 'private-root-size-small': {
- '&&': {
- padding: '8px 16px',
- },
- },
- 'private-root-size-medium': {
- '&&': {
- padding: '12px 24px',
- },
- },
- 'private-root-size-large': {
- '&&': {
- padding: '20px 32px',
- },
- },
- 'private-root-leadingAvatar-size-small': {
- '&&': {
- padding: '4px 8px',
- },
- },
- 'private-root-leadingAvatar-size-medium': {
- '&&': {
- padding: '4px 16px',
- },
- },
- 'private-root-leadingAvatar-size-large': {
- '&&': {
- padding: '12px 24px',
- },
- },
- 'private-root-variant-primary': {
- '&&': {
- backgroundColor: theme.palette_alpha.background.brand,
- '&:hover': {
- backgroundColor: lighten(theme.palette_alpha.background.brand, 0.1),
- },
- '&:active': {
- backgroundColor: darken(theme.palette_alpha.background.brand, 0.2),
- },
- },
- },
- 'private-root-variant-primary-color-standard': {
- '&&': {
- '&[aria-expanded="true"]': {
- backgroundColor: theme.palette_alpha.background.inverse,
- },
- },
- },
- 'private-root-variant-primary-color-inverse': {
- '&&': {
- '&[aria-expanded="true"]': {
- backgroundColor: theme.palette_alpha.background.default,
- },
- },
- },
- 'private-root-variant-stroked': {},
- 'private-root-variant-stroked-color-standard': {
- '&&': {
- backgroundColor: theme.palette_alpha.background.default,
- border: theme.borders_alpha.standard,
- '&:hover': {
- backgroundColor: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[70],
- },
- '&:active': {
- backgroundColor: theme.palette_alpha.blue[100],
- },
- '&[aria-expanded="true"]': {
- backgroundColor: theme.palette_alpha.background.inverse,
- },
- },
- },
- 'private-root-variant-stroked-color-inverse': {
- '&&': {
- backgroundColor: theme.palette_alpha.background.inverse,
- border: `1px solid ${theme.palette_alpha.neutral[80]}`,
- '&:hover': {
- backgroundColor: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[500],
- },
- '&:active': {
- backgroundColor: lighten(theme.palette_alpha.background.inverse, 0.2),
- },
- '&[aria-expanded="true"]': {
- backgroundColor: theme.palette_alpha.background.default,
- },
- },
- },
- 'private-root-variant-stroked-size-small': {
- '&&': {
- padding: '7px 15px',
- },
- },
- 'private-root-variant-stroked-size-medium': {
- '&&': {
- padding: '11px 23px',
- },
- },
- 'private-root-variant-stroked-size-large': {
- '&&': {
- padding: '19px 31px',
- },
- },
- 'private-root-leadingAvatar-variant-stroked-size-small': {
- '&&': {
- padding: '3px 7px',
- },
- },
- 'private-root-leadingAvatar-variant-stroked-size-medium': {
- '&&': {
- padding: '3px 15px',
- },
- },
- 'private-root-leadingAvatar-variant-stroked-size-large': {
- '&&': {
- padding: '11px 23px',
- },
- },
- 'private-root-variant-ghost': {
- '&&': {
- backgroundColor: 'transparent',
- },
- },
- 'private-root-variant-ghost-color-standard': {
- '&&': {
- '&:hover': {
- backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette_alpha.neutral[600], 0.08),
- },
- '&:active': {
- backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette_alpha.blue[300], 0.19),
- },
- '&[aria-expanded="true"]': {
- backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette_alpha.neutral[600], 0.9),
- },
- '&:disabled': {
- backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette_alpha.neutral[200], 0.2),
- },
- },
- },
- 'private-root-variant-ghost-color-inverse': {
- '&:hover': {
- backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette_alpha.neutral[0], 0.08),
- },
- '&:active': {
- backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette_alpha.blue[300], 0.19),
- },
- '&[aria-expanded="true"]': {
- backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette_alpha.neutral[90], 0.4),
- },
- '&:disabled': {
- backgroundColor: alpha(theme.palette_alpha.neutral[200], 0.2),
- },
- },
- 'private-root-variant-destructive': {
- '&&': {
- backgroundColor: theme.palette_alpha.red[700],
- '&:hover': {
- backgroundColor: theme.palette_alpha.red[600],
- },
- '&:active': {
- backgroundColor: darken(theme.palette_alpha.red[700], 0.2),
- },
- '&[aria-expanded="true"]': {
- backgroundColor: theme.palette_alpha.background.inverse,
- },
- },
- },
- 'private-root-disabled': {
- '&&': {
- backgroundColor: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[80],
- color: theme.palette_alpha.text.disabled,
- opacity: 'unset',
- },
- },
- 'private-label-size-small': {
- ...buttonFontVariantSmall,
- },
- 'private-label-size-medium': {
- ...buttonFontVariantMedium,
- },
- 'private-label-size-large': {
- ...buttonFontVariantLarge,
- },
- 'private-label-variant-primary': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.text.inverseHeading,
- },
- 'private-label-variant-primary-color-standard': {},
- 'private-label-variant-primary-color-inverse': {
- '[aria-expanded="true"] &': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.text.heading,
- },
- },
- 'private-label-variant-stroked': {},
- 'private-label-variant-stroked-color-standard': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.brand.blue,
- '[aria-expanded="true"] &': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.text.inverseHeading,
- },
- },
- 'private-label-variant-stroked-color-inverse': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.text.inverseHeading,
- '[aria-expanded="true"] &': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.text.heading,
- },
- },
- 'private-label-variant-ghost': {},
- 'private-label-variant-ghost-color-standard': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.brand.blue,
- '[aria-expanded="true"] &': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.text.inverseHeading,
- },
- },
- 'private-label-variant-ghost-color-inverse': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.text.inverseHeading,
- },
- 'private-label-variant-destructive': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.neutral[0],
- },
- 'private-label-ariaExpanded': {},
- 'private-label-disabled': {
- color: theme.palette_alpha.text.disabled,
- },
- 'private-leadingAvatar-disabled': {
- opacity: 0.62,
- },
- 'private-leadingIcon-size-small': {
- fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(16),
- },
- 'private-leadingIcon-size-medium': {
- fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(24),
- },
- 'private-leadingIcon-size-large': {
- fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(24),
- },
- 'private-trailingIcon-size-small': {
- fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(16),
- },
- 'private-trailingIcon-size-medium': {
- fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(24),
- },
- 'private-trailingIcon-size-large': {
- fontSize: theme.typography.pxToRem(24),
- },
-const Button: OverridableComponent = forwardRef(function Button(
- props,
- ref
-) {
- const {
- 'aria-expanded': ariaExpanded,
- children,
- classes,
- color = 'standard',
- disabled,
- leadingAvatar,
- leadingIcon,
- size = 'medium',
- trailingIcon,
- variant = 'primary',
- ...other
- } = props;
- let leadingEl: ReactNode;
- if (leadingAvatar) {
- const avatarSize: AvatarProps['size'] =
- size === 'small' ? 'small' : 'medium';
- leadingEl = (
- {/* @ts-expect-error can't know if actually given an Avatar instance, so prop may be invalid */}
- {cloneElement(leadingAvatar, { size: avatarSize })}
- );
- } else if (leadingIcon) {
- leadingEl = (
- {leadingIcon}
- );
- }
- let trailingEl: ReactNode;
- if (trailingIcon) {
- trailingEl = (
- {trailingIcon}
- );
- }
- return (
- {leadingEl}
- {children}
- {trailingEl}
- );
-const ButtonWithStyles = withStyles(styles, {
- name: 'MuiSpark_alpha_Button',
-})(Button) as typeof Button;
-// @ts-expect-error property does not exist
-ButtonWithStyles._PDS_ID = 'Button';
-export default ButtonWithStyles;
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Button/index.ts b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Button/index.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index d5d566838..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Button/index.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-export { default } from './Button';
-export * from './Button';
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Card/Card.stories.tsx b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Card/Card.stories.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d922afd5..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Card/Card.stories.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import type { Meta, Story as DefaultStory } from '@storybook/react/types-6-0';
-import type { CardProps } from '..';
-import { Card, Typography } from '..';
-export const _retyped = (props: CardProps) => ;
-export default {
- title: '@ps/Card',
- component: _retyped,
- excludeStories: ['_retyped'],
- args: {
- // mimic defaults
- border: 'standard',
- orientation: 'vertical',
- radius: 'md',
- shadow: 'none',
- },
-} as Meta;
-const Template = (args) => (
- Lorem Ipsum
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
- tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim
- veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea
- commodo consequat.
-type Story = DefaultStory;
-export const Default: Story = Template.bind({});
-Default.storyName = '(default)';
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Card/Card.test.tsx b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Card/Card.test.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index b4a83d11f..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Card/Card.test.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
-import Card from './Card';
-describe('Card', () => {
- it('Can render without ThemeProvider', () => {
- const { baseElement } = render();
- expect(baseElement).toBeTruthy();
- });
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Card/Card.tsx b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Card/Card.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 495c6b9fa..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Card/Card.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-import clsx from 'clsx';
-import type { ElementType } from 'react';
-import React, { forwardRef } from 'react';
-import type { PaperProps } from '../Paper';
-import Paper from '../Paper';
-import type { OverridableComponent, OverrideProps } from '../../utils';
-import type { Styles } from '../../withStyles';
-import withStyles from '../../withStyles';
-export interface CardTypeMap<
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
- P = {},
- D extends ElementType = 'div'
-> {
- props: P &
- PaperProps & {
- orientation?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical';
- };
- defaultComponent: D;
- classKey: CardClassKey;
-export type CardProps<
- D extends ElementType = CardTypeMap['defaultComponent'],
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
- P = {}
-> = OverrideProps, D>;
-export type CardClassKey = 'root';
-type PrivateClassKey =
- | 'private-root-orientation-horizontal'
- | 'private-root-orientation-vertical';
-const styles: Styles = (theme) => ({
- root: {
- display: 'flex',
- padding: '32px 24px',
- [theme.breakpoints.down('sm')]: {
- padding: '24px 18px',
- },
- },
- 'private-root-orientation-horizontal': {
- flexDirection: 'row',
- },
- 'private-root-orientation-vertical': {
- flexDirection: 'column',
- },
-const Card: OverridableComponent = forwardRef(function Card(
- props,
- ref
-) {
- const {
- className,
- classes,
- bgcolor = 'default',
- border = 'standard',
- orientation = 'vertical',
- radius = 'md',
- shadow = 'none',
- ...other
- } = props;
- return (
- );
-export default withStyles(styles, {
- name: 'MuiSpark_alpha_Card',
-})(Card) as typeof Card;
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Card/index.ts b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Card/index.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 83385cbeb..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Card/index.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-export { default } from './Card';
-export * from './Card';
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Checkbox/Checkbox.stories.tsx b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Checkbox/Checkbox.stories.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index dd00fbd3e..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Checkbox/Checkbox.stories.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import type { Meta, Story as DefaultStory } from '@storybook/react/types-6-0';
-import type { CheckboxProps } from '..';
-import { Checkbox } from '..';
-import {
- containBoxShadowInline,
- enableHooks,
- sparkThemeProvider,
- statefulValue,
-} from '../../../stories';
-export const _retyped = Checkbox as typeof Checkbox;
-export default {
- title: '@ps/Checkbox',
- component: _retyped,
- excludeStories: ['_retyped'],
- decorators: [statefulValue, enableHooks, containBoxShadowInline],
- args: {
- inputProps: { 'aria-label': 'Label' },
- },
-} as Meta;
-const Template = (args) => ;
-type Story = DefaultStory;
-export const Default: Story = Template.bind({});
-Default.storyName = '(default)';
-export const STP: Story = Template.bind({});
-STP.decorators = [sparkThemeProvider];
-STP.storyName = '(STP)';
-export const Hover: Story = Template.bind({});
-Hover.parameters = { pseudo: { hover: true } };
-Hover.storyName = ':hover';
-export const FocusVisible: Story = Template.bind({});
-FocusVisible.parameters = { pseudo: { focusVisible: true } };
-FocusVisible.storyName = ':focus-visible';
-export const Disabled: Story = Template.bind({});
-Disabled.args = { disabled: true };
-Disabled.storyName = 'disabled';
-export const DisabledHover: Story = Template.bind({});
-DisabledHover.args = { disabled: true };
-DisabledHover.parameters = { pseudo: { hover: true } };
-DisabledHover.storyName = 'disabled :hover';
-export const DisabledError: Story = Template.bind({});
-DisabledError.args = { disabled: true, error: true };
-DisabledError.storyName = 'disabled error';
-export const DisabledErrorHover: Story = Template.bind({});
-DisabledErrorHover.args = { disabled: true, error: true };
-DisabledErrorHover.parameters = { pseudo: { hover: true } };
-DisabledErrorHover.storyName = 'disabled error :hover';
-export const Error: Story = Template.bind({});
-Error.args = { error: true };
-Error.storyName = 'error';
-export const ErrorHover: Story = Template.bind({});
-ErrorHover.args = { error: true };
-ErrorHover.parameters = { pseudo: { hover: true } };
-ErrorHover.storyName = 'error :hover';
-export const ErrorFocusVisible: Story = Template.bind({});
-ErrorFocusVisible.args = { error: true };
-ErrorFocusVisible.parameters = { pseudo: { focusVisible: true } };
-ErrorFocusVisible.storyName = 'error :focus-visible';
-export const Checked: Story = Template.bind({});
-Checked.args = { checked: true };
-Checked.storyName = 'checked';
-export const CheckedHover: Story = Template.bind({});
-CheckedHover.args = { checked: true };
-CheckedHover.parameters = { pseudo: { hover: true } };
-CheckedHover.storyName = 'checked :hover';
-export const CheckedFocusVisible: Story = Template.bind({});
-CheckedFocusVisible.args = { checked: true };
-CheckedFocusVisible.parameters = { pseudo: { focusVisible: true } };
-CheckedFocusVisible.storyName = 'checked :focus-visible';
-export const CheckedDisabled: Story = Template.bind({});
-CheckedDisabled.args = { checked: true, disabled: true };
-CheckedDisabled.storyName = 'checked disabled';
-export const CheckedDisabledHover: Story = Template.bind({});
-CheckedDisabledHover.args = { checked: true, disabled: true };
-CheckedDisabledHover.parameters = { pseudo: { hover: true } };
-CheckedDisabledHover.storyName = 'checked disabled :hover';
-export const CheckedDisabledError: Story = Template.bind({});
-CheckedDisabledError.args = { checked: true, disabled: true, error: true };
-CheckedDisabledError.storyName = 'checked disabled error';
-export const CheckedDisabledErrorHover: Story = Template.bind({});
-CheckedDisabledErrorHover.args = {
- checked: true,
- disabled: true,
- error: true,
-CheckedDisabledErrorHover.parameters = { pseudo: { hover: true } };
-CheckedDisabledErrorHover.storyName = 'checked disabled error :hover';
-export const CheckedError: Story = Template.bind({});
-CheckedError.args = { checked: true, error: true };
-CheckedError.storyName = 'checked error';
-export const CheckedErrorHover: Story = Template.bind({});
-CheckedErrorHover.args = { checked: true, error: true };
-CheckedErrorHover.parameters = { pseudo: { hover: true } };
-CheckedErrorHover.storyName = 'checked error :hover';
-export const CheckedErrorFocusVisible: Story = Template.bind({});
-CheckedErrorFocusVisible.args = { checked: true, error: true };
-CheckedErrorFocusVisible.parameters = { pseudo: { focusVisible: true } };
-CheckedErrorFocusVisible.storyName = 'checked error :focus-visible';
-export const Indeterminate: Story = Template.bind({});
-Indeterminate.args = { indeterminate: true };
-Indeterminate.storyName = 'indeterminate';
-export const IndeterminateHover: Story = Template.bind({});
-IndeterminateHover.args = { indeterminate: true };
-IndeterminateHover.parameters = { pseudo: { hover: true } };
-IndeterminateHover.storyName = 'indeterminate :hover';
-export const IndeterminateFocusVisible: Story = Template.bind({});
-IndeterminateFocusVisible.args = { indeterminate: true };
-IndeterminateFocusVisible.parameters = { pseudo: { focusVisible: true } };
-IndeterminateFocusVisible.storyName = 'indeterminate :focus-visible';
-export const IndeterminateDisabled: Story = Template.bind({});
-IndeterminateDisabled.args = { indeterminate: true, disabled: true };
-IndeterminateDisabled.storyName = 'indeterminate disabled';
-export const IndeterminateDisabledHover: Story = Template.bind({});
-IndeterminateDisabledHover.args = { indeterminate: true, disabled: true };
-IndeterminateDisabledHover.parameters = { pseudo: { hover: true } };
-IndeterminateDisabledHover.storyName = 'indeterminate disabled :hover';
-export const IndeterminateDisabledError: Story = Template.bind({});
-IndeterminateDisabledError.args = {
- indeterminate: true,
- disabled: true,
- error: true,
-IndeterminateDisabledError.storyName = 'indeterminate disabled error';
-export const IndeterminateDisabledErrorHover: Story = Template.bind({});
-IndeterminateDisabledErrorHover.args = {
- indeterminate: true,
- disabled: true,
- error: true,
-IndeterminateDisabledErrorHover.parameters = { pseudo: { hover: true } };
-IndeterminateDisabledErrorHover.storyName =
- 'indeterminate disabled error :hover';
-export const IndeterminateError: Story = Template.bind({});
-IndeterminateError.args = { indeterminate: true, error: true };
-IndeterminateError.storyName = 'indeterminate error';
-export const IndeterminateErrorHover: Story = Template.bind({});
-IndeterminateErrorHover.args = { indeterminate: true, error: true };
-IndeterminateErrorHover.parameters = { pseudo: { hover: true } };
-IndeterminateErrorHover.storyName = 'indeterminate error :hover';
-export const IndeterminateErrorFocusVisible: Story = Template.bind({});
-IndeterminateErrorFocusVisible.args = { indeterminate: true, error: true };
-IndeterminateErrorFocusVisible.parameters = { pseudo: { focusVisible: true } };
-IndeterminateErrorFocusVisible.storyName = 'indeterminate error :focus-visible';
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Checkbox/Checkbox.test.tsx b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Checkbox/Checkbox.test.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 82c9cab5c..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Checkbox/Checkbox.test.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-import { render } from '@testing-library/react';
-import Checkbox from './Checkbox';
-describe('Checkbox', () => {
- it('Can render without ThemeProvider', () => {
- const { baseElement } = render();
- expect(baseElement).toBeTruthy();
- });
diff --git a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Checkbox/Checkbox.tsx b/libs/spark/src/alpha/Checkbox/Checkbox.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 7339e52ec..000000000
--- a/libs/spark/src/alpha/Checkbox/Checkbox.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-import type { Ref } from 'react';
-import React, { forwardRef } from 'react';
-import clsx from 'clsx';
-import type { CheckboxProps as MuiCheckboxProps } from '@material-ui/core/Checkbox';
-import { default as MuiCheckbox } from '@material-ui/core/Checkbox';
-import CheckboxIcon from './CheckboxIcon';
-import type { StyledComponentProps } from '../../withStyles';
-import withStyles from '../../withStyles';
-export interface CheckboxProps
- extends Omit<
- MuiCheckboxProps,
- | 'checkedIcon'
- | 'classes'
- | 'color'
- | 'centerRipple'
- | 'disableRipple'
- | 'disableFocusRipple'
- | 'disableTouchRipple'
- | 'edge'
- | 'focusRipple'
- | 'icon'
- | 'indeterminateIcon'
- | 'size'
- | 'TouchRippleProps'
- >,
- StyledComponentProps {
- /**
- * If `true`, the component should be displayed in an error state.
- */
- error?: boolean;
-export type CheckboxClassKey = 'root' | 'error';
-const withClasses = withStyles(
- {
- /* Styles applied to the root element. */
- root: {
- // unset Mui internal IconButton default
- padding: 0,
- backgroundColor: 'unset',
- color: 'unset',
- '&:hover': {
- backgroundColor: 'unset',
- color: 'unset',
- },
- },
- error: {},
- },
- { name: 'MuiSpark_alpha_Checkbox' }
-const Checkbox = forwardRef(function Checkbox(
- props,
- ref
-) {
- const { classes, className, error, ...other } = props;
- return (