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This doc details the steps necessary to build a copy of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky from the sources contained in this repository.

0. Clone the repository

Using a terminal or Git client, clone this repository to your local device. All the steps that follow should be performed in the directory where you cloned this repository.

1. Installing MWCC compiler and Nitro SDK

To install the compiler and SDK needed for this project, run make install_toolchain. You will need wget and p7zip installed to run this command.

If you have issues with the make command above, you can also install the compiler and SDK manually.

Manual installation

The build system requires the use of the Metrowerks C Compiler versions 2.0/sp2p2 to compile matching files. Download, and extract it to tools/. At the end of this operation, you should have the file tools/mwccarm/2.0/sp2p2/mwccarm.exe.

For Nitro SDK, download NitroSDK-4_2-071210-jp.7z. Extract and copy the folder tools/bin from the Nitro SDK into the folder tools in your pmd-sky clone. At the end of this operation, you should have the file tools/bin/makelcf.exe inside your pmd-sky clone. Finally, copy include/nitro/specfiles/ARM7-TS.lcf.template into the subdirectory sub, and include/nitro/specfiles/ARM9-TS.lcf.template and include/nitro/specfiles/mwldarm.response.template into the project root.

2. Dependencies


For Linux, if you have the Nix package manager with flake support enabled, you can install dependencies with it. Otherwise, you can install dependencies manually.

Nix flake

Use nix develop to start an environment with the tools present.

Manual installation

Building the ROM requires the following packages. If you cannot find one or more of these using your package distribution, it may be under a different name.

  • make
  • git
  • build-essentials (build-essential on Ubuntu)
  • binutils-arm-none-eabi
  • wine (to run the mwcc executables)
  • python3 (for asm preprocessor)
  • libpng-devel (libpng-dev on Ubuntu)
  • pkg-config
  • pugixml (libpugixml-dev on Ubuntu)

NOTE: If you are using Arch/Manjaro or Void, you will only need base-devel instead of build-essentials or make or git. You will still need wine.


Before following the respective guides, please install devkitARM and ensure the DEVKITPRO and DEVKITARM variables are added to bashrc such that:


export DEVKITPRO=C:/devkitPro


export DEVKITPRO=/cygdrive/c/devkitPro

You will still require the following packages:

  • make
  • git
  • build-essentials
  • libpng-devel
  • pugixml
  • pkg-config

Install them using either the Cygwin package manager or using pacman on Msys2.

NOTE FOR MSYS2: You will need to compile and install libpng from source.


macOS 10.15 Catalina and later is supported on Intel and ARM64 hardware configurations. On ARM64, Rosetta 2 must be installed, as well as the following dependencies:

  • GNU coreutils
  • GNU make
  • GNU sed
  • LLVM clang compiler
  • arm-gcc-bin
  • git
  • libpng
  • pkg-config
  • pugixml
  • wine-crossover (includes wine32on64, required on Catalina and later to run 32-bit x86 EXEs)

They can be installed with the following commands:

$ brew tap osx-cross/homebrew-arm
$ brew tap gcenx/wine
$ brew install coreutils make gnu-sed llvm arm-gcc-bin libpng git pkg-config
$ brew install wine-crossover


This repository has a devcontainer containing all the necessary dependencies, which can be used if you prefer not to install the dependencies manually.

3. Build ROM

Run make to build the ROM. This will build the North American ROM at build/ If you want the European or Japanese ROM, run make eu or make jp respectively.

There are targets for building and testing changes to individual components without repackaging the ROM. For the ARM9 modules, run make main. For the ARM7 module, run make sub. For the filesystem, run make filesystem.

At the end of building each of these, there is a checksum verification step. This makes sure that the final product is byte-for-byte equivalent to the retail ROM. To disable this, append COMPARE=0 to your command.


If you get an error in saving configuration settings when specifying the license file, you need to add a system environment variable called LM_LICENSE_FILE and point it to the license.dat file. Alternatively, run mwccarm.exe from an Administrator command prompt, PowerShell, or WSL session.

After updating from upstream

This repository is still in a volatile state, and several files may be moved around or renamed. If you pull from upstream and experience errors rebuilding, try the following troubleshooting steps one line at a time until you get the message build/ OK:

make tidy && make compare
make clean && make compare
git clean -fdx && make compare

If, after the third step, you're still getting errors, please ask for help in the Discord.