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User Authentication

cbeer edited this page Nov 30, 2010 · 10 revisions

User authentication

Blacklight is bundled with the Authlogic ruby authentication library. By default, only a small handful of the extensive feature set is enabled.

Extending the User model

Authorization integration

Blacklight defines a very primitive access control mechanism, used primarily to redirect users to the login page as needed. It user the Rails #rescue_from exception handler.

To add basic authorization handling within a controller, it may be easiest to add a before_filter that implements the necessary authorization logic, e.g.:

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  before_filter :verify_user, :only => :show # can't show without a logged in user
  def verify_user
    flash[:notice] = "Please log in to view your profile." and raise Blacklight::Exceptions::AccessDenied  unless current_user

The authorization method raises the Blacklight::Exceptions::AccessDenied exception. The ApplicationController uses rescue_from to handle this exception using the controller's #access_denied method. By default, #access_denied redirects the user to the login form, with the current request persisted as a request parameter:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  rescue_from Blacklight::Exceptions::AccessDenied, :with => :access_denied
  def access_denied
    redirect_to root_url and flash.discard and return if request.referer =~"#{request.request_uri}$")
    redirect_to login_url(:referer => request.request_uri)

This behavior can be customized globally using by modifying the local ApplicationController, or within specific controllers by adding either a controller-specific rescue_from handler or #access_denied method.

SSO integration

customizing #post_auth_redirect_url behavior

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