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ESLint and Prettier config

Recommended ESLint and Prettier for TypeScript and React.js codebase project in PropertyGuru. Actually it can works for JavaScript as well but I recommend to use TypeScript for newer project.

Table of Contents


  1. Install package with your preferred package manager.

    npm install -D @propertyguru/eslint-config-pg husky lint-staged
    # PNPM
    pnpm add -D @propertyguru/eslint-config-pg husky lint-staged
    # Yarn classic or Yarn 1.x
    npx install-peerdeps -Y @propertyguru/eslint-config-pg
    yarn add --dev @propertyguru/eslint-config-pg husky lint-staged
    # Yarn modern or Yarn 2.x
    yarn add --dev @propertyguru/eslint-config-pg husky lint-staged

    Note: I recommend to use latest version of NPM or PNPM or Yarn 2 to make sure peerDependencies will install properly. In Yarn Classic version doesn't have this feature that why we need to run npx install-peerdeps as above.

  2. Create or modify .eslintrc.json file with following content.

      "extends": [
  3. Create Prettier config by copy .prettierrc.json file from this repository into root of your repository. You can change value as you need. More options is here.

  4. Enable lint-staged and husky in your repo. This will do pre-commit task for lint checker and run prettier automatically. Target directory will be src/ so you can edit in .lintstagedrc later.

    You can run follow these commands.

    echo -e '{\n  "{src}/**/**.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}": ["prettier --write", "eslint --fix"]\n}' > .lintstagedrc
    git add  .lintstagedrc
    npm pkg set scripts.prepare="husky install"
    npm run prepare
    npx husky add .husky/pre-commit "npx lint-staged"
    git add .husky/pre-commit
  5. Run these command to add script commands to your project. You can change path of ./src to be another path. It's up to you.

    npm pkg set scripts.eslint="eslint ./src --ext .js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx"
    npm pkg set scripts.prettier="prettier ./src --check"
    npm pkg set scripts.lint="npm run eslint && npm run prettier"
    npm pkg set scripts.fix="npm run eslint -- --fix && npm run prettier -- --write"

    then you can use these commands under these scenarios.

    • npm run lint or yarn lint when PR checking process happen or before you commit.
    • npm run fix or yarn fix on local machine to make sure everythings is clean.
  6. On your tsconfig.json file. Please add these config to make absolute paths with @/* as prefix. This is best solution so far and it's default config on Next.js project as well.

      "compilerOptions": {
        // ...
        // You can add this way.
        "baseUrl": "./src",
        "paths": {
          "@/*": ["./*"]
        // Or this way without baseUrl config.
        "paths": {
          "@/*": ["./src/*"]


  1. You can test eslint configs in this repo by running npm run print:eslint:config to see full config from ESLint.
  2. For previous users. You still can access previous major version from here.
  3. Please don't add another packages that have Eslint style only like Airbnb. We try to reduce dependency as much as we can.
  4. If you still found you can't run npm run lint with error about missing packages from peerDependencies. Please run npm info "@propertyguru/eslint-config-pg" peerDependencies to check requires peerDependencies and add in your project manually.
