An implementation of the language server protocol (LSP) for PlantUML.
Disclaimer: This project is very early in devlopment, so many features will be missing. Contributions are welcome, please open an issue or PR if you would like to add something.
# clone repository
git clone
cd plantuml-lsp
# build lsp binary
go build
cd ..
# (optional but recommended) clone stdlib repo
git clone
# or alternatively, extract stdlib from plantuml executable
plantuml -extractstdlib
Neovim (with lspconfig):
config = function()
local lspconfig = require("lspconfig")
local configs = require("lspconfig.configs")
if not configs.plantuml_lsp then
configs.plantuml_lsp = {
default_config = {
cmd = { "/path/to/plantuml_lsp", "--stdlib-path=/path/to/plantuml-stdlib" },
filetypes = { "plantuml" },
root_dir = function(fname)
return lspconfig.util.find_git_ancestor(fname) or lspconfig.util.path.dirname(fname)
settings = {},
lspconfig.plantuml_lsp.setup {}
- NOTE: This assumes plantuml is set up as a filetype already
VS Code:
TODO (I don't use VS Code)
Core (WIP)
- Types, keywords, directives
- Colors, skinparams (Figuring out if these should be included)
stdlib/C4 (WIP)
- Procedures
- Functions, globals, defines, constants, variables (Todo)
Other stdlib (Todo)
User Defined (Todo)
Snippets (WIP)
- Core (Todo)
- stdlib/C4
- Core
- Example usage (Backlog)
- stdlib/C4
- Example usage (Backlog)
- Other stdlib (Backlog)
- User Defined (Backlog)
- Core (Might be impossible with plantuml project structure)
- stdlib/C4 (Todo)
- Other stdlib (Backlog)
- User Defined (Backlog)
- Core (Backlog)
- stdlib/C4 (Backlog)
- Other stdlib (Backlog)
- User Defined (Backlog)
Other language server features are not currently planned. See the language server protocol specification for more info about other features.
plantuml -language
is a very helpful command (outputs language keywords)cat text.puml | plantuml -syntax
is also useful (checks if thing is valid plantuml, could be good for static analysis)- might be too slow for static analysis