Keycloak is a Open Source Identity and Access Management and is the upstream project of RedHat SSO. The sources are hosted on GitHub. Its main goal: Make applications secure in a non-invasive way.
Keycloak is actively maintained (especially by Red Hat engineers) and offers among others:
Single Sign-on
Integration with LDAP and Active Directory
Multi-factor authentication
Standard Protocols (OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, SAML 2.0)
Adapters - Efficient integration of Clients
Customize look and feel
A more complete list with Keycloak features can be found here.
Some technical facts about Keycloak:
Keycloak is strongly based on OAuth 2.0 and its understanding. It is helpful to understand the OAuth 2.0 protocol and OpenID Connect standard to understand the functionality of Keycloak.
Incomplete List of alternative IAM systems.