Contributors Guide ================== We are happy with any volunteers involvement in `PyCon SK 2020 website <>`_. If you would like to help us, there are multiple ways to do so. Depending on your skills and type of work you would like to do (doesn’t have to be development), we encourage you to start with any of the following: Write a blog, get involved on social media or make a talk --------------------------------------------------------- You can help out by spreading the word about `PyCon SK 2020 <>`_, or `Slack <>`_ (if there is Slovak chatter, don't worry just start in English) to help others or share your ideas and experiences with people in community. Suggest an improvement or report bug ------------------------------------ All issues are handled by `GitHub issue tracker <>`_, if you've found a bug please create an issue for it. If there is something you are missing, and wish to be implemented in `PyCon SK 2020 website <>`_, feel free to create an issue and mark it as an enhancement. Update the website ------------------ All development is done on `GitHub <>`_. If you decide to work on existing issue, **please mention in the issue comment that you are working on it so other people do not work on the same issue**. Create your `fork <>`_ and **in new branch update code**. Once you are happy with your changes create `pull request <>`_ and we will review and merge it as soon as we can. To make the life easier please do all your work in a `separate branch <>`_ (if there are multiple commits we do `squash merge <>`_), if there is a issue for your change should include the issue number in the branch name and merge request description so they are linked on GitHub. We encourage you to write tests for your code (however this is not required), as we have continuous integration in place. We encourage you to do the best practice and write the tests, but event if you don't we will accept the pull request. Write a test ------------ We realize that there is never too much testing, so you can help us by creating any form of a test. You will improve continuous integration and make the project harder to break. Getting help ------------ If you look for help, visit our monthly meetups in Bratislava or give us a shout at `mailing list: <>`_ or `Slack <>`_ (if there is Slovak chatter, don't worry just start in English). Continuous Integration ====================== Developer creates `pull request <>`_ and once the pull request is merged to the master `live server <>`_ is updated automatically, so you can see your changes in project on server immediately.