Releases: pyomeca/biorbd
Biorbd has this huge potential (energy), it moves and bounces around computing kinetic (energy). But it keeps all this potential (energy) for itself. Now, it exposes it to the world! Computation for kinetic and potential energy are now interfaced for Python
What's Changed
- Fixed the non working "copy" function on np.array on Linux by @pariterre in #307
- [RTR] kinetic and potential energy interfaced with rbdl by @Ipuch in #308
- Bug from transposing in Python by @pariterre in #309
- Made Python marker more resilient to the absence of parent name by @pariterre in #310
Full Changelog: Release_1.9.7...Release_1.9.8
With hopes come despair... but also renewing with hopes! We had been a bit to much happy to release, now it is actually ready
What's Changed
- Properly reordered the swig interface to account for muscles by @pariterre in #306
Full Changelog: Release_1.9.6...Release_1.9.7
Restarting not from the beginning, that is what A New Hope taught us! Here we are... doing the same thing but slightly better. This brings us hope for a brighter future
What's Changed
- Added an actual mean computation for the matrix rotation in Python by @pariterre in #302
- Tried Github actions by @pariterre in #303
- Tried Github actions by @pariterre in #304
- Fixed a reference bug that was randomly transposing matrices by @pariterre in #305
- Move actuators and muscles in "internalforce" namespace by @aceglia in #301
Full Changelog: Release_1.9.5...Release_1.9.6
Grooving too much is tiring. But biorbd could do it endlessly! It is now possible to compute the tiringness of biorbd when grooving with DeGroote
What's Changed
Full Changelog: Release_1.9.4...Release_1.9.5
Dancing can be trilling, it can also be deceiving. When you go too fast too soon, you make mistake. DeGroote was way too groovy and is now more in phase with reality.
What's Changed
Full Changelog: Release_1.9.3...Release_1.9.4
Groovy is the science advancing. DeGroote is the latest muscle model that joined the biorbd suite! With that, let you model dance on the Groove!
Groovy is the science advancing. DeGroote is the latest muscle model that joined the biorbd suite! With that, let you model dance on the Groove!
What's Changed
- Fixed a bug in Kalman by @pariterre in #291
- Replaced translations/rotations litteral for enums by @pariterre in #292
- Based muscle on reference and add degroote type by @aceglia in #250
Full Changelog: Release_1.9.1...Release_1.9.2
Who hasn't dreamed of being a top model? The most beautiful being out there!
Since you'll never be able to achieve that goal, biorbd now allows you to easily create any model you want! And who knows, if you work hard enough, maybe you'll create the most beautiful model out there! (I must admit, I doubt it though...)
What's Changed
- Jacobian of segment rotation matrix by @Ipuch in #284
- added yzy rotation to Rotation.toEulerAngles by @EveCharbie in #287
- Simplified the model creation for segment by @pariterre in #286
- Made better message by @pariterre in #290
Full Changelog: Release_1.9.0...Release_1.9.1
You want to design new models easily? There are now a python interface to do that. Welcome to modernity!
What's Changed
- [RTR] Added a check to make sure nbRoot > 0 by @Sciancisco in #281
- generalizing contacts to forward dynamics by @Ipuch in #278
- Improved version of ToSpatialVector by @pariterre in #282
- [RTR] eulerDot - body velocity tranformation by @EveCharbie in #263
- Model creation in python by @pariterre in #283
Full Changelog: Release_1.8.8...Release_1.9.0
Python is a higher, but sometime things slow down... A round about is therefore always welcome!
Biorbd can now call multiply on native matrix for, for instance, rotate
What's Changed
- Add free floating dynamics by @Sciancisco in #276
- add the class InverseKinematics by @AurelienRenou in #274
- Added the capability to multiply in python by @pariterre in #279
New Contributors
- @Sciancisco made their first contribution in #276
- @AurelienRenou made their first contribution in #274
Full Changelog: Release_1.8.7...Release_1.8.8