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I assume you are reading this article because neorg did not setup correctly with the recommended setup provided by Vhyrro's article.

If you haven't seen this article yet, read that. This article is aimed to troubleshoot people who already tried all options listed there.

Also this article is not perfect. If you manage to solve the problem in a way that's not written here, please consider making a PR to enrich this document.


Please do not run commands that are not listed here between the sections. Some commands may generate cache and will not behave the same on the second execution, which might lead to worse situations. So, let's get going. Be prepared, this is not a short journey.

No Errors on Startup but Highlights won't Load

Change config =

If you have config = true for neorg spec change that to a function.

The only working options are a) NO arguments at all or b) you at least pass load = { ["core.defaults"] = {} }.

  dependencies = { "luarocks.nvim" },
  config = function()
    -- Pick one of ...

    -- a) NO arguments at all to setup

    -- b) at least load "core.defaults"
      load = {
        ["core.defaults"] = {},

Try to run :=require("lua-utils").

If you see a wall of errors, build process did not run successfully. So basically you do not have luarocks.nvim / neorg installed correctly no matter what you think.

Follow all instructions I provide including Uninstall luarocks.nvim / neorg.

If you follow all instructions and still cannot make it to work, please visit Discord.

Termux Users

Out of luck. Luarocks cannot be executed due to weird system configuration. Stick to neorg v7.

When neorg v9 is out, there will be a better treesitter parser (v3) and a mobile app for editing neorg is being developed with this parser. So you might not need termux at all?

Install System Dependencies

Install the system dependencies based on your distribution.

  • sudo dnf install luajit compat-lua-devel-5.1.5: comment
  • sudo pacman -Syu luajit lua51: comment
  • sudo apt install luajit liblua5.1-0-dev: comment
  • brew install luajit luarocks: comment
  • NixOS: see NixOS.
  • Termux: unavailable. See Termux Users.

Do not forget to update your system as well. Up to date system is always better regardless of my advice here.

Delete build = Flag

If you have build = ":Neorg sync-parsers", in your lazy spec, delete that line. Run :Lazy build neorg. You might see everything working now.

Be careful if you are an AstroNvim user, this is set by default and there's not much you can do right now. It will be fixed soon so wait patiently.

Uninstall luarocks.nvim / neorg

Open the lazy UI (:Lazy) and move your cursor to luarocks.nvim. Press x (lower x) to uninstall this single plugin. Do this again for neorg.


Restart Neovim

Exit neovim and restart. You should see the lazy UI automatically starting and the installation of both plugins should start.

If you don't see the UI, set config.install.missing = true for lazy's config (this is the default value).

If you see these notifications and all tasks ran successfully, you are good to go. * You might not see pathlib.nvim >= 1.0.2 in the second image; that's OK.

If you missed them, you can see the list with :Notifications or :messages.

./static/luarocks-build.png ./static/neorg-build.png

If you don't see those notifications, try running these two commands.

  • :Lazy build luarocks.nvim
  • :Lazy build neorg

Go to Build Task Failed if you see any of the tasks fail.

If you still don't see the notifications and there is no checkmark next to the two plugins like this, please try...


  1. Open lazy UI: :Lazy.
  2. Search luarocks.nvim.
  3. Press <CR> (enter).
  4. You should see information of the installed plugin.
  5. Remember the path shown with dir:
  6. Run :source <dir-path>/build.lua
    1. For example in my case, I will run :source ~/.local/share/nvim/lazy/luarocks.nvim/build.lua.

./static/plugin-dir.png If you successfully see the notifications, rerun the same process for neorg as well.

Build Task Failed

Read this section if any of the tasks report fail.

No Notifications at All

a) Install nvim-notify

This should be an optional dependency but installation process might not work without this plugin. Please install nvim-notify via lazy.nvim and try again.

B) You Already Have Luarocks Installed

Check if you already have <luarocks.nvim-install-dir>/.rocks/bin/luarocks. (i.e. ~/.local/share/nvim/lazy/luarocks.nvim/.rocks/bin/luarocks)

You must have not followed the instructions somewhere. Good luck on your own.

Cloning luarocks repository with lowest depth

The clone destination already exists. You must have not followed the instructions somewhere. Good luck on your own.

Performing luarocks ./configure if Unix systems

Most likely luarocks could not find lua header files (lua.h) in your system. Make sure you followed Install System Dependencies or this should not happen.

Run locate lua.h and find the most relevant file. Pass the dirname to luarocks_build_args as below.


If you are on NixOS, there are a few ways to do things, as always.

One way to do this is by adding lua or luajit to your neovim's bin path. There will be a few different ways to do this depending on how you're installing neovim on NixOS, this is how I do it with plain old nix:

{ lib, pkgs, ... }:

  binpath = lib.makeBinPath (with pkgs; [
    lua # required for luarocks.nvim to work
    # ... other language servers and stuff only nvim needs
  neovimConfig = pkgs.neovimUtils.makeNeovimConfig {
    # ... whatever else you normally have here
    customRC = "luafile ~/.config/nvim/init.lua";
  fullConfig = (neovimConfig // {
    wrapperArgs = lib.escapeShellArgs neovimConfig.wrapperArgs
      + " --prefix PATH : ${binpath}"; # this is the important part!
in {
  nixpkgs.overlays = [
    (_: super: {
      neovim-custom = pkgs.wrapNeovimUnstable
        (super.neovim-unwrapped.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
          buildInputs = oldAttrs.buildInputs ++ [ super.tree-sitter ];
        })) fullConfig;
  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [

Another possible workaround is to tell luarocks.nvim where in the nix store you're luajit is installed. This path will vary by system, and will of course break when you update, so it's not recommended.

  opts = {
    luarocks_build_args = {
      -- NOTE: This path will be different for you.
      -- Find it with `nix-store --query $(which luajit)` Don't forget to add the `/include`

Performing luarocks make if Unix systems

Umm, you probably did something wrong. Ask it on Discord.

Performing luarocks make install if Unix systems

Umm, you probably did something wrong. Ask it on Discord.

Update Dependencies

With your favorite package manager, uninstall wget and reinstall.

sudo apt uninstall wget && sudo apt update && sudo apt install wget.

nvim-treesitter Does Not Load

  dependencies = { "luarocks.nvim", "nvim-treesitter" }, -- Add nvim-treesitter here
  config = function()