- Conclusion of the Code of Conduct violation
- Discussion on PEP 667 - Consistent views of namespaces semantic changes
- Deliberation of the decision regarding the Code of Conduct violation
- Discussion on how to make the Steering Council more effective by suggesting a different body parallel with the Steering Council to deal with social matters
- Highlight on the need to make clarification on the following different bodies: Code of Conduct Working Group, Steering Council and Python Software Foundation
- Discussion on the resignation of a Core Python Developer
- Mentoring survey: still to be released
- Discussion on PEP 741 - Python Configuration C API
- Discussion on PEP 741 - Python Configuration C API
- Discussion on having overlapping Steering Council terms for continuity’s sake
- Discussion on mentorship, its role and how the Steering Council can improve mentorship for some at-risk packages/libraries
- Cleared out pending tasks and re-evaluated the priority tasks
- Accepted PEP 741 - Python Configuration C API
- Tabled discussion of PEP 12 – Sample reStructuredText PEP Template changes (regrouping rejection rationale, and adding a discussion of publishing new modules to PyPI) for the Core Dev sprint
- Discussion on publishing to PyPI, specifically:
- Getting approval
- Process or flow of release
- Re-review of PEP 667 - Consistent views of namespaces
- Discussion on more explicit authority for the Release Manager’s role going forward
- Highlight on the ongoing PEP 13 – Python Language Governance discussion on potential changes
- Discussion on whether there should be a PEP for PyREPL
- Discussion on how to know when something needs a PEP or not and update PEP 2 – Procedure for Adding New Modules