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Build Tools Docs |
- Scripts that are helping building the application
- depends on nodejs or powershell,
- not needed to run npm install first
- does not need to install dependencies
Checks the App Version Update. Update the project versions to have the same version. The version is specified in the file
npm run app-version-update
Regenerate npm package.json file for front-end with the latest version of create react app
npm run clientapp-create-react-app-update
Regenerate npm package.json file for docusaurus
npm run documentation-create-docusaurus-update
Powershell script to check if there are vulnerablies in the .NET solution Requires .NET 5.0.200 or newer installed And as argument the targetFolder
For checking if there are vulnerablies and update in node.js/npm
Creates an list to able to cache the Nuget packages fast
npm run nuget-package-list
Check for duplicate Project GUID's
npm run project-guid
Make sure the version in files are matching the release version in the branch or tag name. When this is not the case auto fix it.
export GITHUB_REF=refs/tags/v0.3.0
export BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH=refs/heads/release/0.4.2
Note: The release branches should not start with a v