This repo acts as the list of all global pluto packages that can be installed through the CLI tool
Some pre-requisites:
- Git locally
- Your lua library that you want to put on the package manager
- The library doesn't use absolute require paths
- Create a project to contain your package (with the module.json) etc files.
- Push that project to github or another public accessible git hosting site
- Note this link:
- Fork this project and clone it locally
- Create a new branch "add-my-package-123"
- Add a git submodule with the link that you copied from above, then running
git submodule add ./packages/My-Package-Name/module
- If all is successful, push the branch changes to your fork
- And finally create a pull request pointing to this project
- After approval your package should show up in everyone's pluto package lists and be available for installation
When your library gets installed to another project it will get put inside an arbitrary folder, this means that you can't
use absolute requires like require("")
, if your library is divided in multiple files, you need to use relative requires
If you have other pluto modules as dependencies you just need to use the pluto shim file that was generated automatically in your project like require("pluto")
this way no matter the structure of the parent project you can just do require("someOtherPackageName")
If you have a single entrypoint file it can be named init.lua and later users can just require("packageName")
Alternatively require("packageName.arbitraryFile")
will also work
I made a template repository to initiate a basic pluto module here:, feel free to use it