All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Dedicated brightness slider in the app.
- Server uses brightness setting to adjust rgb values, including for previously only "full-brightness" rainbow patterns.
- List of color palettes, whose colors can be picked from individually, or set wholesale.
- Now using bespoke UI for color selection instead of existing color picker libraries.
- Use dedicated provider for saved colors feature.
- Word choice updates for clarity, such as "Add to Favorites" instead of "Save Current Color".
- Hex color display are now in uppercase.
- Breathing pattern now actually prevents runs of the same color if there's more than one color set.
- Scroll pattern now actually uses all colors provided to it.
- Color picker libraries.
- This changelog. :)
- Top-level README.
- Ability to set an animation speed for certain patterns.
- Rewrite server and patterns in Rust, using axum as the framework.
- Upgrade Flutter version.
- Upgrade Dart version.
- Upgrade Flutter packages.
- Update look and feel for app, including a dark mode.
- Breaking: New format for api response and request data.
- Set up Python Flask server.
- Set up Flutter app to use REST api to control the light patterns.
- Flutter app has ability to save color choices locally.
- Certain light patterns can have their colors set by the user.