NOTE: These are the example data files and notebooks for PyFolding. Please see the PyFolding repository for the software.
PyFolding is a simple Python based framework for fitting kinetic and thermodynamic models to protein folding data. It includes several basic models and is extensible to enable fitting of more interesting models.
PyFolding: An open-source software package for graphing, analysis and simulation
of thermodynamic and kinetic models of protein folding
Lowe AR, Perez-Riba A, Itzhaki L, Main E (2018) Biophys J.
author = {Lowe, Alan R. and Perez-Riba, Albert and Itzhaki, Laura S. and Main, Ewan R.G.},
title = {PyFolding: Open-Source Graphing, Simulation, and Analysis of the
Biophysical Properties of Proteins},
volume = {114},
number = {3},
pages = {511-521},
year = {2018},
doi = {10.1016/j.bpj.2017.11.3779},
URL = {},
eprint = {},
journal = {Biophysical Journal}