JIRA link: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/QUARKUS-976
Rest Data with Panache exist in flavors for HibernateORM and MongoDB. This test plan covers HibernateORM.
The goal is to verify proper functionality and enhance test coverage for hibernate-orm-rest-data-panache extension.
General overview of the extension functionality can be found at this link
Test development will focus on the supported features of the hibernate-orm-rest-data-panache extension. For HibernateORM supported Panache Resources are:
- PanacheEntityResource
- PanacheRepositoryResource
These resources should be extended and based on interfaces.
Resource customization feature is provided through setting up parameters of the following annotations:
- @ResourceProperties
- @MethodProperties
The test will verify correct handling of CRUD operations that are customized by resource and method properties.
- Enhance existing beefy-scenarios test case
- Ensure this coverage works both in JVM and NATIVE mode
Following actions were taken to ensure familiarity:
- Focus on exploratory testing of the feature
- Ensure good user experience and simplicity of use