index d19d42b291452..8ad6340c400b6 100644
@@ -340,6 +340,26 @@ One way to accomplish this is by executing the following command:
./mvnw test -f integration-tests/resteasy-jackson/ -Dtest=GreetingResourceTest
+### Build with multiple threads
+The following standard Maven option can be used to build with multiple threads to speed things up (here 0.5 threads per CPU core):
+./mvnw install -T0.5C
+Please note that running tests in parallel is not supported at the moment!
+### Don't build any test modules
+To omit building currently way over 100 pure test modules, run:
+./mvnw install -Dno-test-modules
+This can come in handy when you are only interested in the actual "productive" artifacts, e.g. when bisecting.
#### Automatic incremental build
:information_source: This feature is currently in testing mode. You're invited to give it a go and please reach out via [Zulip](https://quarkusio.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/187038-dev) or GitHub in case something doesn't work as expected or you have ideas to improve things.
diff --git a/integration-tests/pom.xml b/integration-tests/pom.xml
index a14eb85810d84..85cd285c932c9 100644
--- a/integration-tests/pom.xml
+++ b/integration-tests/pom.xml
@@ -22,182 +22,8 @@
- avro-reload
- bouncycastle
- bouncycastle-fips
- bouncycastle-fips-jsse
- bouncycastle-jsse
- funqy-amazon-lambda
- funqy-google-cloud-functions
- class-transformer
- shared-library
- hibernate-validator
- common-jpa-entities
- infinispan-client
- devtools
- devtools-registry-client
- gradle
- main
- kafka
- kafka-ssl
- kafka-sasl
- kafka-snappy
- kafka-avro
- kafka-avro-apicurio2
- kafka-streams
- kafka-devservices
- jpa
- jpa-mapping-xml
- jpa-db2
- jpa-derby
- jpa-postgresql
- jpa-postgresql-withxml
- vault
- vault-agroal
- vault-app
- jpa-mariadb
- jpa-h2
- jpa-mssql
- jpa-mysql
- jpa-oracle
- hibernate-orm-panache
- hibernate-orm-rest-data-panache
- hibernate-orm-panache-kotlin
- hibernate-reactive-db2
- hibernate-reactive-mysql
- hibernate-reactive-postgresql
- hibernate-reactive-panache
- hibernate-reactive-panache-blocking
- hibernate-search-orm-elasticsearch
- hibernate-search-orm-elasticsearch-aws
- hibernate-orm-tenancy
- hibernate-orm-envers
- vertx-http
- vertx-web
- vertx-web-jackson
- vertx
- spring-di
- spring-web
- spring-data-jpa
- spring-boot-properties
- spring-cloud-config-client
- spring-data-rest
- infinispan-cache-jpa
- elytron-security
- elytron-security-oauth2
- elytron-resteasy
- elytron-undertow
- flyway
- liquibase
- oidc
- oidc-client
- oidc-client-reactive
- oidc-client-wiremock
- oidc-token-propagation
- smallrye-jwt-token-propagation
- oidc-code-flow
- oidc-tenancy
- oidc-wiremock
- keycloak-authorization
- reactive-db2-client
- reactive-pg-client
- reactive-mysql-client
- reactive-mssql-client
- amazon-services
- test-extension
- amazon-lambda
- amazon-lambda-s3event
- amazon-lambda-stream-handler
- amazon-lambda-http
- amazon-lambda-rest
- amazon-lambda-http-resteasy
- container-image
- kubernetes
- kubernetes-client
- kubernetes-service-binding-jdbc
- openshift-client
- tika
- neo4j
- mongodb-client
- jackson
- jsonb
- resteasy-jackson
- resteasy-mutiny
- jgit
- jsch
- virtual-http
- virtual-http-resteasy
- artemis-core
- artemis-jms
- maven
- scala
- kotlin
- mongodb-panache
- mongodb-panache-kotlin
- mongodb-rest-data-panache
- narayana-stm
- narayana-jta
- narayana-lra
- elytron-security-jdbc
- elytron-security-ldap
- vertx-graphql
- smallrye-config
- smallrye-context-propagation
- smallrye-metrics
- smallrye-graphql
- smallrye-graphql-client
- smallrye-opentracing
- jpa-without-entity
- quartz
- redis-client
- logging-gelf
- cache
- qute
- bootstrap-config
- injectmock
- reactive-messaging-amqp
- reactive-messaging-kafka
- reactive-messaging-http
- rest-client
- resteasy-reactive-kotlin
- resteasy-reactive-rest-client
- resteasy-reactive-rest-client-multipart
- packaging
- simple with space
- consul-config
- picocli
- picocli-native
- webjars-locator
- devmode
- ide-launcher
- elasticsearch-rest-client
- elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client
- micrometer-mp-metrics
- micrometer-prometheus
- opentelemetry
- logging-json
- jaxp
- mailer
- native-config-profile
- logging-min-level-unset
- logging-min-level-set
- redis-devservices
- grpc-tls
- grpc-plain-text-gzip
- grpc-plain-text-mutiny
- grpc-mutual-auth
- grpc-streaming
- grpc-interceptors
- grpc-proto-v2
- grpc-health
- grpc-hibernate
- grpc-hibernate-reactive
- google-cloud-functions-http
- google-cloud-functions
@@ -279,6 +105,191 @@
+ test-modules
+ !no-test-modules
+ avro-reload
+ bouncycastle
+ bouncycastle-fips
+ bouncycastle-fips-jsse
+ bouncycastle-jsse
+ funqy-amazon-lambda
+ funqy-google-cloud-functions
+ class-transformer
+ shared-library
+ hibernate-validator
+ common-jpa-entities
+ infinispan-client
+ devtools
+ devtools-registry-client
+ gradle
+ main
+ kafka
+ kafka-ssl
+ kafka-sasl
+ kafka-snappy
+ kafka-avro
+ kafka-avro-apicurio2
+ kafka-streams
+ kafka-devservices
+ jpa
+ jpa-mapping-xml
+ jpa-db2
+ jpa-derby
+ jpa-postgresql
+ jpa-postgresql-withxml
+ vault
+ vault-agroal
+ vault-app
+ jpa-mariadb
+ jpa-h2
+ jpa-mssql
+ jpa-mysql
+ jpa-oracle
+ hibernate-orm-panache
+ hibernate-orm-rest-data-panache
+ hibernate-orm-panache-kotlin
+ hibernate-reactive-db2
+ hibernate-reactive-mysql
+ hibernate-reactive-postgresql
+ hibernate-reactive-panache
+ hibernate-reactive-panache-blocking
+ hibernate-search-orm-elasticsearch
+ hibernate-search-orm-elasticsearch-aws
+ hibernate-orm-tenancy
+ hibernate-orm-envers
+ vertx-http
+ vertx-web
+ vertx-web-jackson
+ vertx
+ spring-di
+ spring-web
+ spring-data-jpa
+ spring-boot-properties
+ spring-cloud-config-client
+ spring-data-rest
+ infinispan-cache-jpa
+ elytron-security
+ elytron-security-oauth2
+ elytron-resteasy
+ elytron-undertow
+ flyway
+ liquibase
+ oidc
+ oidc-client
+ oidc-client-reactive
+ oidc-client-wiremock
+ oidc-token-propagation
+ smallrye-jwt-token-propagation
+ oidc-code-flow
+ oidc-tenancy
+ oidc-wiremock
+ keycloak-authorization
+ reactive-db2-client
+ reactive-pg-client
+ reactive-mysql-client
+ reactive-mssql-client
+ amazon-services
+ test-extension
+ amazon-lambda
+ amazon-lambda-s3event
+ amazon-lambda-stream-handler
+ amazon-lambda-http
+ amazon-lambda-rest
+ amazon-lambda-http-resteasy
+ container-image
+ kubernetes
+ kubernetes-client
+ kubernetes-service-binding-jdbc
+ openshift-client
+ tika
+ neo4j
+ mongodb-client
+ jackson
+ jsonb
+ resteasy-jackson
+ resteasy-mutiny
+ jgit
+ jsch
+ virtual-http
+ virtual-http-resteasy
+ artemis-core
+ artemis-jms
+ maven
+ scala
+ kotlin
+ mongodb-panache
+ mongodb-panache-kotlin
+ mongodb-rest-data-panache
+ narayana-stm
+ narayana-jta
+ narayana-lra
+ elytron-security-jdbc
+ elytron-security-ldap
+ vertx-graphql
+ smallrye-config
+ smallrye-context-propagation
+ smallrye-metrics
+ smallrye-graphql
+ smallrye-graphql-client
+ smallrye-opentracing
+ jpa-without-entity
+ quartz
+ redis-client
+ logging-gelf
+ cache
+ qute
+ bootstrap-config
+ injectmock
+ reactive-messaging-amqp
+ reactive-messaging-kafka
+ reactive-messaging-http
+ rest-client
+ resteasy-reactive-kotlin
+ resteasy-reactive-rest-client
+ resteasy-reactive-rest-client-multipart
+ packaging
+ simple with space
+ consul-config
+ picocli
+ picocli-native
+ webjars-locator
+ devmode
+ ide-launcher
+ elasticsearch-rest-client
+ elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client
+ micrometer-mp-metrics
+ micrometer-prometheus
+ opentelemetry
+ logging-json
+ jaxp
+ mailer
+ native-config-profile
+ logging-min-level-unset
+ logging-min-level-set
+ redis-devservices
+ grpc-tls
+ grpc-plain-text-gzip
+ grpc-plain-text-mutiny
+ grpc-mutual-auth
+ grpc-streaming
+ grpc-interceptors
+ grpc-proto-v2
+ grpc-health
+ grpc-hibernate
+ grpc-hibernate-reactive
+ google-cloud-functions-http
+ google-cloud-functions
@@ -83,4 +69,29 @@
+ test-modules
+ !no-test-modules
+ microprofile-config
+ microprofile-context-propagation
+ microprofile-fault-tolerance
+ microprofile-health
+ microprofile-jwt
+ microprofile-graphql
+ microprofile-metrics
+ microprofile-reactive-messaging
+ microprofile-rest-client
+ microprofile-rest-client-reactive
+ microprofile-openapi
+ microprofile-opentracing
+ resteasy-reactive