@echo off setlocal powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile -Command "& { . '%~dp0eng\common\tools.ps1'; InitializeDotNetCli $true $true }" if NOT [%ERRORLEVEL%] == [0] ( echo Failed to install or invoke dotnet... 1>&2 exit /b %ERRORLEVEL% ) set /p dotnetPath=<%~dp0artifacts\toolset\sdk.txt :: Clear the 'Platform' env variable for this session, as it's a per-project setting within the build, and :: misleading value (such as 'MCD' in HP PCs) may lead to build breakage (issue: #69). set Platform= :: Don't resolve runtime, shared framework, or SDK from other locations to ensure build determinism set DOTNET_MULTILEVEL_LOOKUP=0 :: Disable first run since we want to control all package sources set DOTNET_SKIP_FIRST_TIME_EXPERIENCE=1 call "%dotnetPath%\dotnet.exe" %*