Extensions > Extensions settings > Python Environment > Location of standalone file
java -jar <path/to/burp.jar> --disable-extensions
Settings > Project > Collaborator > Use a privat Collaborator Server > Server location: <serverLocation>
Settings > Network > Connections > SOCKS proxy
Enable "Use SOCKS proxy"
SOCKS proxy host:
SOCKS proxy port: 9050
Settings > Project > Scope
Enable "Use advanced scope control"
Add > .*\.domain\.com
Out-of-scope request handling:
Enable: "Drop all out-of-scope requests"
Settings > Project > Collaborator
Enable "Dont't use Burp Collaborator"
Settings > Suite > Updates
Disable "Enable auto-updates (require restart)"
Sniper - One of the marked parameters tested at a time, with one of the payload items.
Battering Ram - All marked parameters tested at the same time, using one of the payload items.
Pitchfork - Hits each parameter at the same time with one item from its associated payload.
Cluster Bomb - Combination of all payloads vs. parameters