This project is a Movie Critic Website where users can browse movies and read reviews, as well as submit their own reviews and ratings. The website stores detailed information about each movie, including its name, release date, and average rating. Users can leave reviews for movies, including a rating (out of 10) and written comments.
You can check out the live demo -
Install movie-critic backend server with npm
cd server
npm install
npm run dev
To deploy this project run
cd frontend
npm run dev
- Browse Movies: View detailed information about movies, including their name, release date, and average ratings.
- Read Reviews: Access user-generated reviews and comments for any movie.
- Submit Reviews: Users can write their own reviews and rate movies (out of 10).
- Dynamic Average Rating: The system updates the average rating for each movie automatically as new reviews are added.
- PostgreSQL Database: A robust schema is designed for efficient management of movies and user reviews.
- Triggers: Automatic recalculation of average ratings using database triggers upon submission of new reviews.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_movie_average_rating()
-- Calculate the new average rating for the movie
UPDATE movies
SET average_rating = (
SELECT AVG(rating)
FROM reviews
WHERE movie_id = NEW.movie_id
WHERE id = NEW.movie_id;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER update_average_rating_after_review
EXECUTE FUNCTION update_movie_average_rating();
- Efficient Data Management: Optimized schema for relational data management, ensuring quick data retrieval and updates.
- Prisma ORM: Integration with Prisma for simplified database operations.
- Live Reloading: Nodemon support for a smoother development experience.
- Database Sync: Automated database schema pull and code generation with Prisma.
- Modular Design: Well-structured codebase to support scalability and easier maintenance.
- Custom Middleware: Add or customize middleware for handling requests and responses.
- CORS Support: Enabled Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for seamless frontend-backend integration.
- RESTful API: API endpoints for managing movies and reviews.
- Responsive Design: Frontend support for a responsive user experience.
- Error Handling: Comprehensive error-handling mechanisms for user-friendly feedback.