0: Have Golang installed
1: Select Configure Integrations from your team menu in slack
2: Add a new Bots integration, give your bot a clever name, and take note of your Token
go get github.com/djosephsen/lazlo
export LAZLO_NAME=<whatever you named your bot in the Slack UI>
export LAZLO_TOKEN=<your token>
export PORT=5000
export LAZLO_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG # (optional if you'd like to see verbose console messages)
Now you can ping Lazlo to make sure he's alive:
Lazlo comes with a variety of simple plugins to get you started and give you examples to work from, and it's pretty easy to add your own. Making and managing your own plugins is pretty much why you're here in the first place after all.
0: Have a github account, a Heroku account, Heroku Toolbelt installed, and upload your ssh key to Github and Heroku
1: Select Configure Integrations from your team menu in slack
2: Add a new Bots integration, give your bot a clever name, and take note of your Token
go get github.com/kr/godep
4: Go to https://github.com/djosephsen/lazlo/fork to fork this repository (or click the fork button up there ^^)
5 through like 27:
mkdir -p $GOPATH/github.com/<yourgithubname>
cd $GOPATH/github.com/<yourgithubname>
git clone [email protected]:<yourgithubname>/lazlo.git
cd lazlo
git remote add upstream https://github.com/djosephsen/lazlo.git
chmod 755 ./importfix.sh && ./importfix.sh
go get
godep save
heroku create -b https://github.com/kr/heroku-buildpack-go.git
heroku config:set LAZLO_NAME=<whatever you named your bot in the Slack UI>
heroku config:set LAZLO_TOKEN=<your token>
heroku config:set LAZLO_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG
git add --all .
git commit -am 'lets DO THIS'
git push
git push heroku master
At this point you can ping Lazlo to make sure he's alive.
When you make changes or add plugins in the future, you can push them to heroku with:
godep save
git add --all .
git commit -am 'snarky commit message'
git push && get push heroku
(sorry this isn't actually a thing yet)
Find out what lazlo can do out of the box Get started adding, removing, and creating plugins Learn more about configuring Lazlo (there's not much to it)