From 729f22f0eabb421141498231708eb36df62bb5bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: skylarbarrera <>
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2024 12:09:08 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 01/12] save

 .../FastComponents/FastBalanceCoinRow.tsx          | 14 +++++---------
 .../FastComponents/FastCoinIcon.tsx                |  1 +
 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastBalanceCoinRow.tsx b/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastBalanceCoinRow.tsx
index 2ed25dbf1ad..a2da80d7fb4 100644
--- a/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastBalanceCoinRow.tsx
+++ b/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastBalanceCoinRow.tsx
@@ -5,11 +5,13 @@ import { Icon } from '../../../../components/icons';
 import { ButtonPressAnimation } from '../../../animations';
 import { ExtendedState } from '../core/RawRecyclerList';
-import FastCoinIcon from './FastCoinIcon';
 import { Text } from '@/design-system';
 import { useAccountAsset, useCoinListFinishEditingOptions } from '@/hooks';
 import Routes from '@/navigation/routesNames';
 import { borders, colors, padding, shadow } from '@/styles';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '@/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
+import { ParsedAddressAsset } from '@/entities';
 interface CoinCheckButtonProps {
   isHidden: boolean;
@@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ interface MemoizedBalanceCoinRowProps {
 const MemoizedBalanceCoinRow = React.memo(
   ({ uniqueId, nativeCurrency, theme, navigate, nativeCurrencySymbol, isHidden, maybeCallback }: MemoizedBalanceCoinRowProps) => {
-    const item = useAccountAsset(uniqueId, nativeCurrency);
+    const item = useAccountAsset(uniqueId, nativeCurrency) as any;
     const handlePress = useCallback(() => {
       if (maybeCallback.current) {
@@ -94,13 +96,7 @@ const MemoizedBalanceCoinRow = React.memo(
         <ButtonPressAnimation onPress={handlePress} scaleTo={0.96} testID={`balance-coin-row-${item?.name}`}>
           <View style={[sx.container]}>
             <View style={sx.iconContainer}>
-              <FastCoinIcon
-                address={item?.address}
-                network={item?.network}
-                mainnetAddress={item?.mainnet_address}
-                symbol={item?.symbol}
-                theme={theme}
-              />
+              <RainbowCoinIcon size={40} icon={item?.icon_url} network={item?.network} symbol={item?.symbol} theme={theme} />
             <View style={[sx.innerContainer, isHidden && sx.hiddenRow]}>
diff --git a/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCoinIcon.tsx b/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCoinIcon.tsx
index fc98617f2f7..ee3ae0da0d9 100644
--- a/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCoinIcon.tsx
+++ b/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCoinIcon.tsx
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ export default React.memo(function FastCoinIcon({
         <Image source={ContractInteraction} style={sx.contract} />
       ) : (
+          icon={icon}

From 0ee904b7e4b31cbbd0ddadf03fe3beace9a29bca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: skylarbarrera <>
Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2024 12:10:01 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 02/12] save new files

 src/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon.tsx | 90 ++++++++++++++++++
 src/components/images/FastImgixImage.tsx     | 96 ++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 186 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon.tsx
 create mode 100644 src/components/images/FastImgixImage.tsx

diff --git a/src/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon.tsx b/src/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d0508e57929
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native';
+import { Network } from '@/networks/types';
+import { borders, fonts } from '@/styles';
+import { ThemeContextProps } from '@/theme';
+import { FallbackIcon as CoinIconTextFallback } from '@/utils';
+import { FastFallbackCoinIconImage } from '../asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastFallbackCoinIconImage';
+import { FastChainBadge } from '../asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCoinBadge';
+const fallbackTextStyles = {
+  fontFamily:,
+  fontWeight: fonts.weight.bold,
+  letterSpacing: fonts.letterSpacing.roundedTight,
+  marginBottom: 0.5,
+  textAlign: 'center',
+const fallbackIconStyle = {
+  ...borders.buildCircleAsObject(40),
+  position: 'absolute',
+export default React.memo(function FastCoinIcon({
+  size = 40,
+  icon,
+  network,
+  symbol,
+  theme,
+  colors,
+  ignoreBadge,
+  badgeXPosition,
+  badgeYPosition,
+}: {
+  size?: number;
+  icon: string;
+  network: Network;
+  symbol: string;
+  theme: ThemeContextProps;
+  colors?: {
+    primary?: string;
+    fallback?: string;
+  };
+  ignoreBadge?: boolean;
+  badgeXPosition?: number;
+  badgeYPosition?: number;
+}) {
+  const fallbackIconColor = colors?.primary || colors?.fallback || theme.colors.purpleUniswap;
+  const shadowColor = theme.isDarkMode ? theme.colors.shadow : colors?.primary || colors?.fallback || theme.colors.shadow;
+  return (
+    <View style={sx.container}>
+      <FastFallbackCoinIconImage icon={icon} shadowColor={shadowColor} symbol={symbol} theme={theme} size={size}>
+        {() => (
+          <CoinIconTextFallback
+            color={fallbackIconColor}
+            height={size}
+            style={fallbackIconStyle}
+            symbol={symbol}
+            textStyles={fallbackTextStyles}
+            width={size}
+          />
+        )}
+      </FastFallbackCoinIconImage>
+      {!ignoreBadge && network && <FastChainBadge network={network} theme={theme} />}
+    </View>
+  );
+const sx = StyleSheet.create({
+  container: {
+    elevation: 6,
+    overflow: 'visible',
+  },
+  reactCoinIconContainer: {
+    alignItems: 'center',
+    justifyContent: 'center',
+  },
+  withShadow: {
+    elevation: 6,
+    shadowOffset: {
+      height: 4,
+      width: 0,
+    },
+    shadowOpacity: 0.3,
+    shadowRadius: 6,
+  },
diff --git a/src/components/images/FastImgixImage.tsx b/src/components/images/FastImgixImage.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e44dcfaa47f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/images/FastImgixImage.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+import * as React from 'react';
+import FastImage, { FastImageProps, Source } from 'react-native-fast-image';
+import { maybeSignSource } from '../../handlers/imgix';
+export type ImgixImageProps = FastImageProps & {
+  readonly Component?: React.ElementType;
+  readonly size: number;
+// Here we're emulating the pattern used in react-native-fast-image:
+type HiddenImgixImageProps = {
+  forwardedRef?: React.Ref<any>;
+  maxRetries?: number;
+  retryOnError?: boolean;
+  size: number;
+  fm?: string;
+type MergedImgixImageProps = ImgixImageProps & HiddenImgixImageProps;
+// ImgixImage must be a class Component to support Animated.createAnimatedComponent.
+class ImgixImage extends React.PureComponent<MergedImgixImageProps, ImgixImageProps & { retryCount: number }> {
+  static getDerivedStateFromProps(props: MergedImgixImageProps) {
+    const { source, size, fm } = props;
+    const options = {
+      ...(fm && { fm: fm }),
+      ...(size && {
+        h: size,
+        w: size,
+      }),
+    };
+    return {
+      retryCount: 0,
+      source: !!source && typeof source === 'object' ? maybeSignSource(source, options) : source,
+    };
+  }
+  handleError = (err: any) => {
+    const { onError, retryOnError, maxRetries = 5 } = this.props;
+    const { retryCount } = this.state;
+    // We don't want to retry if there is a 404.
+    const isNotFound = err?.nativeEvent?.statusCode === 404 || err?.nativeEvent?.message?.includes('404');
+    const shouldRetry = retryOnError && !isNotFound;
+    if (shouldRetry && retryCount < maxRetries) {
+      this.setState(({ retryCount }) => ({ retryCount: retryCount + 1 }));
+    } else {
+      // @ts-expect-error
+      onError?.(err);
+    }
+  };
+  render() {
+    const { Component: maybeComponent, ...props } = this.props;
+    // Use the local state as the signing source, as opposed to the prop directly.
+    // (The source prop may point to an untrusted URL.)
+    const { retryCount, source } = this.state;
+    const Component = maybeComponent || FastImage;
+    return <Component {...props} key={`${JSON.stringify(source)}-${retryCount}`} onError={this.handleError} source={source} />;
+  }
+const preload = (sources: Source[], size?: number, fm?: string): void => {
+  if (sources.length) {
+    const options = {
+      ...(fm && { fm: fm }),
+      ...(size && {
+        h: size,
+        w: size,
+      }),
+    };
+    return FastImage.preload( => maybeSignSource(source, options)));
+  }
+  return;
+const getCachePath = (source: Source) => FastImage.getCachePath(maybeSignSource(source));
+const ImgixImageWithForwardRef = React.forwardRef((props: ImgixImageProps, ref: React.Ref<any>) => (
+  <ImgixImage forwardedRef={ref} {...props} />
+const { cacheControl, clearDiskCache, clearMemoryCache, contextTypes, priority, resizeMode } = FastImage;
+export default Object.assign(ImgixImageWithForwardRef, {
+  cacheControl,
+  clearDiskCache,
+  clearMemoryCache,
+  getCachePath,
+  contextTypes,
+  preload,
+  priority,
+  resizeMode,

From b80ff53dedb30667a54f315732454bbd17720ad7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: skylarbarrera <>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2024 17:14:49 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 03/12] save

 .../FastComponents/FastBalanceCoinRow.tsx     |  9 +++++++-
 .../FastComponents/FastCoinIcon.tsx           |  1 -
 .../FastCurrencySelectionRow.tsx              | 21 +++++++++----------
 .../FastFallbackCoinIconImage.tsx             | 11 +++++-----
 .../RecyclerAssetList2/WrappedNFT.tsx         |  1 -
 src/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon.tsx  | 10 ++++-----
 .../coin-row/FastTransactionCoinRow.tsx       | 14 ++++++-------
 src/components/coin-row/SendCoinRow.js        |  8 ++++---
 src/components/exchange/ExchangeField.tsx     | 12 ++++++++---
 .../exchange/ExchangeInputField.tsx           |  7 +++++++
 .../exchange/ExchangeOutputField.tsx          |  7 +++++++
 src/components/exchange/ExchangeTokenRow.tsx  | 16 +++++++-------
 src/entities/tokens.ts                        |  6 ++----
 src/handlers/imgix.ts                         |  2 ++
 src/resources/assets/externalAssetsQuery.ts   |  2 ++
 src/screens/ExchangeModal.tsx                 |  5 +++++
 16 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastBalanceCoinRow.tsx b/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastBalanceCoinRow.tsx
index a2da80d7fb4..b247a42ba90 100644
--- a/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastBalanceCoinRow.tsx
+++ b/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastBalanceCoinRow.tsx
@@ -96,7 +96,14 @@ const MemoizedBalanceCoinRow = React.memo(
         <ButtonPressAnimation onPress={handlePress} scaleTo={0.96} testID={`balance-coin-row-${item?.name}`}>
           <View style={[sx.container]}>
             <View style={sx.iconContainer}>
-              <RainbowCoinIcon size={40} icon={item?.icon_url} network={item?.network} symbol={item?.symbol} theme={theme} />
+              <RainbowCoinIcon
+                size={40}
+                icon={item?.icon_url}
+                network={item?.network}
+                symbol={item?.symbol}
+                theme={theme}
+                colors={item?.colors}
+              />
             <View style={[sx.innerContainer, isHidden && sx.hiddenRow]}>
diff --git a/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCoinIcon.tsx b/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCoinIcon.tsx
index ee3ae0da0d9..fc98617f2f7 100644
--- a/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCoinIcon.tsx
+++ b/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCoinIcon.tsx
@@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ export default React.memo(function FastCoinIcon({
         <Image source={ContractInteraction} style={sx.contract} />
       ) : (
-          icon={icon}
diff --git a/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCurrencySelectionRow.tsx b/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCurrencySelectionRow.tsx
index d319d0584d4..336cd11236c 100644
--- a/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCurrencySelectionRow.tsx
+++ b/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCurrencySelectionRow.tsx
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ import RadialGradient from 'react-native-radial-gradient';
 import { ButtonPressAnimation } from '../../../animations';
 import { CoinRowHeight } from '../../../coin-row';
 import { FloatingEmojis } from '../../../floating-emojis';
-import FastCoinIcon from './FastCoinIcon';
 import ContextMenuButton from '@/components/native-context-menu/contextMenu';
 import { Text } from '@/design-system';
 import { isNativeAsset } from '@/handlers/assets';
 import { Network } from '@/networks/types';
-import { useAccountAsset } from '@/hooks';
 import { colors, fonts, fontWithWidth, getFontSize } from '@/styles';
 import { deviceUtils } from '@/utils';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '@/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
+import { useExternalToken } from '@/resources/assets/externalAssetsQuery';
 const SafeRadialGradient = (IS_TESTING === 'true' ? View : RadialGradient) as typeof RadialGradient;
@@ -99,7 +99,6 @@ export default React.memo(function FastCurrencySelectionRow({
-    mainnet_address,
@@ -108,10 +107,9 @@ export default React.memo(function FastCurrencySelectionRow({
 }: FastCurrencySelectionRowProps) {
   const { colors } = theme;
-  // TODO
-  const item = useAccountAsset(uniqueId, nativeCurrency);
+  const { data: item } = useExternalToken({ address, network, currency: nativeCurrency });
   const rowTestID = `${testID}-exchange-coin-row-${symbol ?? item?.symbol ?? ''}-${network || Network.mainnet}`;
-  const isInfoButtonVisible = !item?.isNativeAsset || (!isNativeAsset(address ?? item?.address, network) && !showBalance);
+  const isInfoButtonVisible = !isNativeAsset(address, network) && !showBalance;
   return (
     <View style={sx.row}>
@@ -124,12 +122,13 @@ export default React.memo(function FastCurrencySelectionRow({
         <View style={sx.rootContainer}>
           <View style={sx.iconContainer}>
-            <FastCoinIcon
-              address={address || item?.address}
-              network={favorite ? Network.mainnet : network}
-              mainnetAddress={mainnet_address ?? item?.mainnet_address}
-              symbol={symbol ?? item?.symbol}
+            <RainbowCoinIcon
+              size={40}
+              icon={item?.iconUrl || ''}
+              network={network}
+              symbol={item?.symbol || symbol}
+              colors={item?.colors || undefined}
           <View style={sx.innerContainer}>
diff --git a/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastFallbackCoinIconImage.tsx b/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastFallbackCoinIconImage.tsx
index dc26e258b9c..92a641ad89b 100644
--- a/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastFallbackCoinIconImage.tsx
+++ b/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastFallbackCoinIconImage.tsx
@@ -14,24 +14,25 @@ const ImageState = {
 const imagesCache: { [imageUrl: string]: keyof typeof ImageState } = {};
 export const FastFallbackCoinIconImage = React.memo(function FastFallbackCoinIconImage({
-  address,
+  size = 40,
+  icon,
 }: {
+  size?: number;
+  icon?: string;
   theme: ThemeContextProps;
-  address: string;
   network: Network;
   symbol: string;
   shadowColor: string;
   children: () => React.ReactNode;
 }) {
   const { colors } = theme;
-  const imageUrl = getUrlForTrustIconFallback(address, network)!;
-  const key = `${symbol}-${imageUrl}`;
+  const key = `${icon}`;
   const [cacheStatus, setCacheStatus] = useState(imagesCache[key]);
@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ export const FastFallbackCoinIconImage = React.memo(function FastFallbackCoinIco
       {shouldShowImage && (
-          imageUrl={imageUrl}
+          imageUrl={icon}
diff --git a/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/WrappedNFT.tsx b/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/WrappedNFT.tsx
index 0f17c9e0330..785997d7b3b 100644
--- a/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/WrappedNFT.tsx
+++ b/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/WrappedNFT.tsx
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ export default React.memo(function WrappedNFT({
   const asset = useMemo(
     () => ({
-      ...(IS_TESTING === 'true' ? { image_original_url: null, image_preview_url: null, image_url: null } : {}),
diff --git a/src/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon.tsx b/src/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon.tsx
index d0508e57929..6cb02ae8ef8 100644
--- a/src/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon.tsx
+++ b/src/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon.tsx
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import { FallbackIcon as CoinIconTextFallback } from '@/utils';
 import { FastFallbackCoinIconImage } from '../asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastFallbackCoinIconImage';
 import { FastChainBadge } from '../asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCoinBadge';
+import { TokenColors } from '@/graphql/__generated__/metadata';
 const fallbackTextStyles = {
@@ -33,14 +34,11 @@ export default React.memo(function FastCoinIcon({
 }: {
   size?: number;
-  icon: string;
+  icon?: string;
   network: Network;
   symbol: string;
   theme: ThemeContextProps;
-  colors?: {
-    primary?: string;
-    fallback?: string;
-  };
+  colors?: TokenColors;
   ignoreBadge?: boolean;
   badgeXPosition?: number;
   badgeYPosition?: number;
@@ -51,7 +49,7 @@ export default React.memo(function FastCoinIcon({
   return (
     <View style={sx.container}>
-      <FastFallbackCoinIconImage icon={icon} shadowColor={shadowColor} symbol={symbol} theme={theme} size={size}>
+      <FastFallbackCoinIconImage network={network} icon={icon} shadowColor={shadowColor} symbol={symbol} theme={theme} size={size}>
         {() => (
diff --git a/src/components/coin-row/FastTransactionCoinRow.tsx b/src/components/coin-row/FastTransactionCoinRow.tsx
index 6e7db63b310..a03c06aba0f 100644
--- a/src/components/coin-row/FastTransactionCoinRow.tsx
+++ b/src/components/coin-row/FastTransactionCoinRow.tsx
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 import React, { useCallback } from 'react';
 import { StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native';
 import { ButtonPressAnimation } from '../animations';
-import FastCoinIcon from '../asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCoinIcon';
 import FastTransactionStatusBadge from './FastTransactionStatusBadge';
 import { Text, globalColors, useColorMode } from '@/design-system';
 import { TransactionStatusTypes, TransactionTypes } from '@/entities';
@@ -13,6 +12,7 @@ import { CardSize } from '../unique-token/CardSize';
 import { ChainBadge } from '../coin-icon';
 import { Network } from '@/networks/types';
 import { ethereumUtils } from '@/utils';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '../coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
 const BottomRow = React.memo(function BottomRow({
@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ const BottomRow = React.memo(function BottomRow({
 export default React.memo(function TransactionCoinRow({ item, theme }: { item: any; theme: ThemeContextProps }) {
   const { colorMode } = useColorMode();
-  const { mainnetAddress } = item;
   const { colors } = theme;
   const navigation = useNavigation();
@@ -121,12 +120,13 @@ export default React.memo(function TransactionCoinRow({ item, theme }: { item: a
           ) : (
             <View style={sx.iconContainer}>
-              <FastCoinIcon
-                address={mainnetAddress || item.address}
-                network={}
-                mainnetAddress={mainnetAddress}
-                symbol={item.symbol}
+              <RainbowCoinIcon
+                size={40}
+                icon={item?.icon_url}
+                network={item?.network}
+                symbol={item?.symbol}
+                colors={item?.colors}
diff --git a/src/components/coin-row/SendCoinRow.js b/src/components/coin-row/SendCoinRow.js
index 2735ccd1dbf..d6f6c5fd1a0 100644
--- a/src/components/coin-row/SendCoinRow.js
+++ b/src/components/coin-row/SendCoinRow.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { TouchableWithoutFeedback } from 'react-native';
 import LinearGradient from 'react-native-linear-gradient';
 import { buildAssetUniqueIdentifier } from '../../helpers/assets';
 import { useTheme } from '../../theme/ThemeContext';
-import { deviceUtils, magicMemo } from '../../utils';
+import { deviceUtils } from '../../utils';
 import { ButtonPressAnimation } from '../animations';
 import { Text } from '../text';
 import CoinName from './CoinName';
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import { isL2Network } from '@/handlers/web3';
 import { useColorForAsset } from '@/hooks';
 import styled from '@/styled-thing';
 import { padding } from '@/styles';
-import FastCoinIcon from '../asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCoinIcon';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '../coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
 const isSmallPhone = android || deviceUtils.dimensions.height <= 667;
 const isTinyPhone = deviceUtils.dimensions.height <= 568;
@@ -124,10 +124,12 @@ const SendCoinRow = ({
+        icon={item?.icon_url}
+        colors={item?.colors}
         containerStyles={selected ? containerSelectedStyles : containerStyles}
-        coinIconRender={FastCoinIcon}
+        coinIconRender={RainbowCoinIcon}
diff --git a/src/components/exchange/ExchangeField.tsx b/src/components/exchange/ExchangeField.tsx
index 60866656bd9..5f13a223f36 100644
--- a/src/components/exchange/ExchangeField.tsx
+++ b/src/components/exchange/ExchangeField.tsx
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import { borders } from '@/styles';
 import { useTheme } from '@/theme';
 import { AccentColorProvider, Box, Space } from '@/design-system';
 import FastCoinIcon from '../asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCoinIcon';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '../coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
 const ExchangeFieldHeight = android ? 64 : 38;
 const ExchangeFieldPadding: Space = android ? '15px (Deprecated)' : '19px (Deprecated)';
@@ -22,6 +23,11 @@ const Input = styled(ExchangeInput).attrs({
 interface ExchangeFieldProps {
+  icon: string;
+  colors: {
+    primary: string;
+    fallback: string;
+  };
   address: string;
   color: string;
   mainnetAddress?: string;
@@ -45,8 +51,8 @@ interface ExchangeFieldProps {
 const ExchangeField: ForwardRefRenderFunction<TextInput, ExchangeFieldProps> = (
-    address,
-    mainnetAddress,
+    icon,
+    colors,
@@ -138,7 +144,7 @@ const ExchangeField: ForwardRefRenderFunction<TextInput, ExchangeFieldProps> = (
           <Box paddingRight="10px">
             {symbol ? (
-              <FastCoinIcon address={address} mainnetAddress={mainnetAddress} symbol={symbol} network={network} theme={theme} />
+              <RainbowCoinIcon size={40} icon={icon} network={network} symbol={symbol} theme={theme} colors={colors} />
             ) : (
                 <AccentColorProvider color={theme.colors.alpha(theme.colors.blueGreyDark, 0.1)}>
diff --git a/src/components/exchange/ExchangeInputField.tsx b/src/components/exchange/ExchangeInputField.tsx
index 67cd160e147..7eb359cd267 100644
--- a/src/components/exchange/ExchangeInputField.tsx
+++ b/src/components/exchange/ExchangeInputField.tsx
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import ExchangeMaxButton from './ExchangeMaxButton';
 import ExchangeNativeField from './ExchangeNativeField';
 import { Network } from '@/helpers';
 import styled from '@/styled-thing';
+import { TokenColors } from '@/graphql/__generated__/metadata';
 const Container = styled(ColumnWithMargins).attrs({ margin: 5 })({
   paddingTop: android ? 0 : 6,
@@ -34,6 +35,8 @@ interface ExchangeInputFieldProps {
   onPressMaxBalance: () => void;
   onPressSelectInputCurrency: (chainId: any) => void;
   inputAmount: string | null;
+  inputCurrencyIcon?: string;
+  inputCurrencyColors?: TokenColors;
   inputCurrencyAddress: string;
   inputCurrencyMainnetAddress?: string;
   inputCurrencyNetwork?: string;
@@ -53,6 +56,8 @@ export default function ExchangeInputField({
+  inputCurrencyIcon,
+  inputCurrencyColors,
@@ -71,6 +76,8 @@ export default function ExchangeInputField({
   return (
+        icon={inputCurrencyIcon}
+        colors={inputCurrencyColors}
diff --git a/src/components/exchange/ExchangeOutputField.tsx b/src/components/exchange/ExchangeOutputField.tsx
index dfbac8846ca..c81b23ef0a2 100644
--- a/src/components/exchange/ExchangeOutputField.tsx
+++ b/src/components/exchange/ExchangeOutputField.tsx
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { TextInput } from 'react-native';
 import ExchangeField from './ExchangeField';
 import { Box } from '@rainbow-me/design-system';
 import { Network } from '@rainbow-me/helpers';
+import { TokenColors } from '@/graphql/__generated__/metadata';
 interface ExchangeOutputFieldProps {
   color: string;
@@ -13,6 +14,8 @@ interface ExchangeOutputFieldProps {
   onPressSelectOutputCurrency: () => void;
   onTapWhileDisabled?: () => void;
   outputAmount: string | null;
+  outputCurrencyIcon?: string;
+  outputCurrencyColors?: TokenColors;
   outputCurrencyAddress: string;
   outputCurrencyMainnetAddress?: string;
   outputCurrencyNetwork?: string;
@@ -32,6 +35,8 @@ export default function ExchangeOutputField({
+  outputCurrencyIcon,
+  outputCurrencyColors,
@@ -49,6 +54,8 @@ export default function ExchangeOutputField({
+        icon={outputCurrencyIcon}
+        colors={outputCurrencyColors}
diff --git a/src/components/exchange/ExchangeTokenRow.tsx b/src/components/exchange/ExchangeTokenRow.tsx
index 5e92b465a8f..a2733301bac 100644
--- a/src/components/exchange/ExchangeTokenRow.tsx
+++ b/src/components/exchange/ExchangeTokenRow.tsx
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import { FloatingEmojis } from '../floating-emojis';
 import { IS_IOS } from '@/env';
 import { FavStar, Info } from '../asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCurrencySelectionRow';
 import { View } from 'react-native';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '../coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
 interface ExchangeTokenRowProps {
   item: any;
@@ -28,7 +29,6 @@ export default React.memo(function ExchangeTokenRow({
-    mainnet_address,
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ export default React.memo(function ExchangeTokenRow({
   const rowTestID = `${testID}-exchange-coin-row-${symbol ?? item?.symbol ?? ''}-${network || Network.mainnet}`;
   const isInfoButtonVisible = !item?.isNativeAsset || (!isNativeAsset(address ?? item?.address, network) && !showBalance);
+  console.log({ item });
   return (
     <Columns alignVertical="center" space="10px">
@@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ export default React.memo(function ExchangeTokenRow({
           <Columns alignVertical="center" space="10px">
             <Column width="content">
               <View style={{ height: 59, paddingTop: 9 }}>
-                <Box
-                  as={FastCoinIcon}
-                  address={address || item?.address}
-                  network={network || Network.mainnet}
-                  mainnetAddress={mainnet_address ?? item?.mainnet_address}
-                  symbol={symbol ?? item?.symbol}
+                <RainbowCoinIcon
+                  size={40}
+                  icon={item?.icon_url || item?.iconUrl || ''}
+                  network={network}
+                  symbol={item?.symbol || symbol}
+                  colors={item?.colors || undefined}
diff --git a/src/entities/tokens.ts b/src/entities/tokens.ts
index ed769313ec6..045a00dfa1c 100644
--- a/src/entities/tokens.ts
+++ b/src/entities/tokens.ts
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import { ChainId } from '@rainbow-me/swaps';
 import { EthereumAddress } from '.';
 import { Chain } from '@wagmi/chains';
 import { Network } from '@/networks/types';
+import { TokenColors } from '@/graphql/__generated__/metadata';
 export interface ZerionAssetPrice {
   value: number;
@@ -55,10 +56,7 @@ export interface ParsedAddressAsset extends Asset, Partial<RainbowTokenOwnFields
   chainId?: number;
   color?: string;
-  colors?: {
-    primary?: string;
-    fallback?: string;
-  };
+  colors?: TokenColors;
   icon_url?: string;
   price?: {
     changed_at?: number;
diff --git a/src/handlers/imgix.ts b/src/handlers/imgix.ts
index e70046cb12e..5df0d639337 100644
--- a/src/handlers/imgix.ts
+++ b/src/handlers/imgix.ts
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import { Source } from 'react-native-fast-image';
 import parse from 'url-parse';
 import { isCloudinaryStorageIconLink, signCloudinaryIconUrl } from '@/handlers/cloudinary';
 import { logger, RainbowError } from '@/logger';
+import { GOOGLE_USER_CONTENT_URL } from '@/utils/getFullResUrl';
 const shouldCreateImgixClient = (): ImgixClient | null => {
   if (typeof domain === 'string' && !!domain.length && typeof secureURLToken === 'string' && !!secureURLToken.length) {
@@ -135,6 +136,7 @@ export const maybeSignUri = (
 export const maybeSignSource = (source: Source, options?: Record<string, unknown>): Source => {
   if (!!source && typeof source === 'object') {
     const { uri: externalImageUri, ...extras } = source;
     return {
       uri: maybeSignUri(externalImageUri, options),
diff --git a/src/resources/assets/externalAssetsQuery.ts b/src/resources/assets/externalAssetsQuery.ts
index 21aff27fa1f..964d2f547d3 100644
--- a/src/resources/assets/externalAssetsQuery.ts
+++ b/src/resources/assets/externalAssetsQuery.ts
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ const EXTERNAL_TOKEN_STALE_TIME = 1000 * 60; // 1 minute
 // Types
 type ExternalToken = Pick<Token, 'decimals' | 'iconUrl' | 'name' | 'networks' | 'symbol' | 'colors' | 'price'>;
 export type FormattedExternalAsset = ExternalToken & {
+  icon_url: string;
   native: {
     change: string;
     price: {
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ const formatExternalAsset = (asset: ExternalToken, nativeCurrency: NativeCurrenc
       change: asset?.price?.relativeChange24h ? convertAmountToPercentageDisplay(`${asset?.price?.relativeChange24h}`) : '',
       price: convertAmountAndPriceToNativeDisplay(1, asset?.price?.value || 0, nativeCurrency),
+    icon_url: asset.iconUrl,
diff --git a/src/screens/ExchangeModal.tsx b/src/screens/ExchangeModal.tsx
index ab7365fb4d4..7e9371eb8ba 100644
--- a/src/screens/ExchangeModal.tsx
+++ b/src/screens/ExchangeModal.tsx
@@ -773,6 +773,7 @@ export default function ExchangeModal({ fromDiscover, ignoreInitialTypeCheck, te
     return navigateToSwapDetailsModal();
   }, [loading, navigateToSwapDetailsModal]);
+  console.log({ outputCurrency });
   return (
     <Wrapper keyboardType={KeyboardType.numpad}>
       <Box height="full" width="full">
@@ -801,6 +802,8 @@ export default function ExchangeModal({ fromDiscover, ignoreInitialTypeCheck, te
+                  inputCurrencyIcon={inputCurrency?.icon_url || inputCurrency?.iconUrl}
+                  inputCurrencyColors={inputCurrency?.colors}
@@ -831,6 +834,8 @@ export default function ExchangeModal({ fromDiscover, ignoreInitialTypeCheck, te
+                  outputCurrencyIcon={outputCurrency?.icon_url || outputCurrency?.iconUrl}
+                  outputCurrencyColors={outputCurrency?.colors}

From 86b78c97c7f0c7193e3efa1ef46cf440bec11745 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: skylarbarrera <>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2024 17:38:28 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 04/12] save

 .../images/ImageWithCachedMetadata.js         |  3 +-
 src/hooks/useSwapCurrencyHandlers.ts          |  2 +-
 src/screens/CurrencySelectModal.tsx           | 28 ++++++++++++++-----
 3 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/components/images/ImageWithCachedMetadata.js b/src/components/images/ImageWithCachedMetadata.js
index 10829a6daeb..6d7a215ecef 100644
--- a/src/components/images/ImageWithCachedMetadata.js
+++ b/src/components/images/ImageWithCachedMetadata.js
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import React, { useCallback, useMemo } from 'react';
 import ImgixImage from './ImgixImage';
 import { useImageMetadata } from '@/hooks';
+import FastImgixImage from './FastImgixImage';
 const ImageWithCachedMetadata = ({ cache = ImgixImage.cacheControl.web, imageUrl, onLoad, ...props }, ref) => {
   const { onCacheImageMetadata } = useImageMetadata(imageUrl);
@@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ const ImageWithCachedMetadata = ({ cache = ImgixImage.cacheControl.web, imageUrl
     [onCacheImageMetadata, onLoad]
-  return <ImgixImage {...props} onLoad={handleLoad} ref={ref} source={source} />;
+  return <FastImgixImage {...props} onLoad={handleLoad} ref={ref} source={source} />;
 export default React.forwardRef(ImageWithCachedMetadata);
diff --git a/src/hooks/useSwapCurrencyHandlers.ts b/src/hooks/useSwapCurrencyHandlers.ts
index 4c83da275f6..e030608e205 100644
--- a/src/hooks/useSwapCurrencyHandlers.ts
+++ b/src/hooks/useSwapCurrencyHandlers.ts
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ export default function useSwapCurrencyHandlers({
-    [crosschainSwapsEnabled, dispatch, inputFieldRef, nativeCurrency, setLastFocusedInputHandle]
+    [crosschainSwapsEnabled, dispatch, inputFieldRef, setLastFocusedInputHandle]
   const navigateToSelectInputCurrency = useCallback(
diff --git a/src/screens/CurrencySelectModal.tsx b/src/screens/CurrencySelectModal.tsx
index f89136b3510..d6ac2404fa1 100644
--- a/src/screens/CurrencySelectModal.tsx
+++ b/src/screens/CurrencySelectModal.tsx
@@ -38,9 +38,10 @@ import { useTheme } from '@/theme';
 import { IS_TEST } from '@/env';
 import { useSortedUserAssets } from '@/resources/assets/useSortedUserAssets';
 import DiscoverSearchInput from '@/components/discover/DiscoverSearchInput';
-import { prefetchExternalToken } from '@/resources/assets/externalAssetsQuery';
+import { externalTokenQueryKey, fetchExternalToken } from '@/resources/assets/externalAssetsQuery';
 import { getNetworkFromChainId } from '@/utils/ethereumUtils';
 import { getNetworkObj } from '@/networks';
+import { queryClient } from '@/react-query/queryClient';
 export interface EnrichedExchangeAsset extends SwappableAsset {
   ens: boolean;
@@ -347,20 +348,33 @@ export default function CurrencySelectModal() {
       let newAsset = item;
-      const selectAsset = () => {
+      const selectAsset = async () => {
         if (!item?.balance) {
           const network = getNetworkFromChainId(currentChainId);
-          prefetchExternalToken({
-            address: item.address,
-            network,
-            currency: nativeCurrency,
-          });
+          const externalAsset = await queryClient.fetchQuery(
+            externalTokenQueryKey({
+              address: item.address,
+              network,
+              currency: nativeCurrency,
+            }),
+            async () =>
+              fetchExternalToken({
+                address: item.address,
+                network,
+                currency: nativeCurrency,
+              }),
+            {
+              staleTime: Infinity,
+            }
+          );
           // if the asset is external we need to add the network specific information
           newAsset = {
             decimals: item?.networks?.[currentChainId]?.decimals || item.decimals,
             address: item?.address || item?.networks?.[currentChainId]?.address,
             network: getNetworkFromChainId(currentChainId),
+            ...externalAsset,
         setIsTransitioning(true); // continue to display list during transition

From c1cba419cf42b9e74b342978b6bd8464c8b60512 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: skylarbarrera <>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2024 22:52:16 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 05/12] fin

 src/components/L2Disclaimer.js                |   11 +-
 .../FastComponents/FastCoinIcon.tsx           |  141 --
 .../FastCurrencySelectionRow.tsx              |    7 +-
 .../FastFallbackCoinIconImage.tsx             |   23 +-
 src/components/cards/EthCard.tsx              |    4 +-
 .../cards/MintsCard/CollectionCell.tsx        |   33 +-
 src/components/cards/NFTOffersCard/Offer.tsx  |   34 +-
 src/components/coin-icon/CoinIconGroup.js     |   51 -
 src/components/coin-icon/EthCoinIcon.tsx      |   25 +
 src/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon.tsx  |   10 +-
 src/components/coin-icon/index.js             |    1 -
 src/components/coin-row/CoinRow.js            |   28 +-
 .../exchange/CurrencySelectModalHeader.tsx    |   14 +-
 src/components/exchange/ExchangeField.tsx     |   11 +-
 src/components/exchange/ExchangeTokenRow.tsx  |    3 -
 src/components/exchange/NetworkSwitcher.js    |    5 +-
 src/components/exchange/NetworkSwitcherv2.tsx |    5 +-
 .../expanded-state/AvailableNetworks.js       |    8 +-
 .../expanded-state/AvailableNetworksv2.tsx    |    5 +-
 .../chart/ChartExpandedStateHeader.js         |   25 +-
 .../swap-details/CurrencyTile.js              |   16 +-
 .../swap-details/SwapDetailsRefuelRow.js      |   26 +-
 src/components/gas/GasSpeedButton.js          |    3 +-
 src/components/positions/PositionsCard.tsx    |   22 +-
 .../token-info/TokenInfoBalanceValue.js       |   18 +-
 .../DefaultTransactionConfirmationSection.js  |   21 -
 .../sections/MessageSigningSection.js         |   15 -
 .../TransactionConfirmationSection.js         |   71 -
 .../WalletConnectV2ListItem.tsx               |    3 +-
 src/resources/assets/assets.ts                |    2 +-
 src/resources/assets/externalAssetsQuery.ts   |    4 +-
 src/resources/assets/types.ts                 |   15 +-
 .../AddCash/components/ProviderCard.tsx       |    9 +-
 src/screens/ExchangeModal.tsx                 |    4 +-
 src/screens/ExplainSheet.js                   | 1739 +++++++++--------
 src/screens/MintsSheet/card/Card.tsx          |    6 +-
 src/screens/NFTOffersSheet/OfferRow.tsx       |   20 +-
 src/screens/NFTSingleOfferSheet/index.tsx     |   48 +-
 src/screens/SendConfirmationSheet.tsx         |   34 +-
 .../components/    |   23 +-
 src/screens/SignTransactionSheet.tsx          |   24 +-
 src/screens/WalletConnectApprovalSheet.js     |    5 +-
 src/screens/mints/MintSheet.tsx               |   10 +-
 src/screens/positions/SubPositionListItem.tsx |   21 +-
 .../TransactionDetailsValueAndFeeSection.tsx  |   26 +-
 45 files changed, 1225 insertions(+), 1404 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCoinIcon.tsx
 delete mode 100644 src/components/coin-icon/CoinIconGroup.js
 create mode 100644 src/components/coin-icon/EthCoinIcon.tsx
 delete mode 100644 src/components/transaction/sections/DefaultTransactionConfirmationSection.js
 delete mode 100644 src/components/transaction/sections/MessageSigningSection.js
 delete mode 100644 src/components/transaction/sections/TransactionConfirmationSection.js

diff --git a/src/components/L2Disclaimer.js b/src/components/L2Disclaimer.js
index 74111cce4ad..3c791c74f7b 100644
--- a/src/components/L2Disclaimer.js
+++ b/src/components/L2Disclaimer.js
@@ -2,18 +2,15 @@ import React from 'react';
 import RadialGradient from 'react-native-radial-gradient';
 import Divider from './Divider';
 import ButtonPressAnimation from './animations/ButtonPressAnimation';
-import { CoinIcon } from './coin-icon';
 import ChainBadge from './coin-icon/ChainBadge';
 import { Column, Row } from './layout';
 import { Text } from './text';
-import { isL2Asset } from '@/handlers/assets';
-import { ETH_ADDRESS, ETH_SYMBOL } from '@/references';
 import { padding, position } from '@/styles';
 import { darkModeThemeColors } from '@/styles/colors';
-import { ethereumUtils } from '@/utils';
 import { getNetworkObj } from '@/networks';
 import * as lang from '@/languages';
 import { isL2Network } from '@/handlers/web3';
+import { EthCoinIcon } from './coin-icon/EthCoinIcon';
 const L2Disclaimer = ({
@@ -47,11 +44,7 @@ const L2Disclaimer = ({
         <Row borderRadius={16} marginHorizontal={marginHorizontal} style={padding.object(android ? 6 : 10, 10, android ? 6 : 10, 10)}>
           <RadialGradient {...radialGradientProps} borderRadius={16} radius={600} />
           <Column justify="center">
-            {isL2 ? (
-              <ChainBadge network={network} position="relative" size="small" forceDark={forceDarkMode} />
-            ) : (
-              <CoinIcon address={ETH_ADDRESS} size={20} symbol={ETH_SYMBOL} />
-            )}
+            {isL2 ? <ChainBadge network={network} position="relative" size="small" forceDark={forceDarkMode} /> : <EthCoinIcon size={20} />}
           <Column flex={1} justify="center" marginHorizontal={8}>
diff --git a/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCoinIcon.tsx b/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCoinIcon.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index fc98617f2f7..00000000000
--- a/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCoinIcon.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import { Image, StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native';
-import { FastChainBadge } from './FastCoinBadge';
-import { FastFallbackCoinIconImage } from './FastFallbackCoinIconImage';
-import ContractInteraction from '@/assets/contractInteraction.png';
-import EthIcon from '@/assets/eth-icon.png';
-import { useColorForAsset } from '@/hooks';
-import { Network } from '@/networks/types';
-import { borders, fonts } from '@/styles';
-import { ThemeContextProps } from '@/theme';
-import { FallbackIcon as CoinIconTextFallback, isETH } from '@/utils';
-import { getUniqueId } from '@/utils/ethereumUtils';
-const fallbackTextStyles = {
-  fontFamily:,
-  fontWeight: fonts.weight.bold,
-  letterSpacing: fonts.letterSpacing.roundedTight,
-  marginBottom: 0.5,
-  textAlign: 'center',
-const fallbackIconStyle = {
-  ...borders.buildCircleAsObject(40),
-  position: 'absolute',
- * If mainnet asset is available, get the token under /ethereum/ (token) url.
- * Otherwise let it use whatever type it has
- * @param param0 - optional mainnetAddress, address and network
- * @returns a proper type and address to use for the url
- */
-function resolveNetworkAndAddress({ address, mainnetAddress, network }: { mainnetAddress?: string; address: string; network: Network }) {
-  if (mainnetAddress) {
-    return {
-      resolvedAddress: mainnetAddress,
-      resolvedNetwork: Network.mainnet,
-    };
-  }
-  return {
-    resolvedAddress: address,
-    resolvedNetwork: network,
-  };
-export default React.memo(function FastCoinIcon({
-  address,
-  mainnetAddress,
-  network,
-  symbol,
-  theme,
-}: {
-  address: string;
-  mainnetAddress?: string;
-  network: Network;
-  symbol: string;
-  theme: ThemeContextProps;
-}) {
-  const { colors } = theme;
-  const { resolvedNetwork, resolvedAddress } = resolveNetworkAndAddress({
-    address,
-    mainnetAddress,
-    network,
-  });
-  const fallbackIconColor = useColorForAsset({
-    address: resolvedAddress,
-    network: resolvedNetwork,
-    uniqueId: getUniqueId(resolvedAddress, resolvedNetwork),
-  });
-  const shadowColor = theme.isDarkMode ? colors.shadow : fallbackIconColor;
-  const eth = isETH(resolvedAddress);
-  const shouldRenderContract = symbol === 'contract';
-  return (
-    <View style={sx.container}>
-      {eth ? (
-        <View style={[sx.coinIconFallback, sx.reactCoinIconContainer, sx.withShadow, { shadowColor }]}>
-          <Image source={EthIcon} style={sx.coinIconFallback} />
-        </View>
-      ) : shouldRenderContract ? (
-        <Image source={ContractInteraction} style={sx.contract} />
-      ) : (
-        <FastFallbackCoinIconImage
-          address={resolvedAddress}
-          network={resolvedNetwork}
-          shadowColor={shadowColor}
-          symbol={symbol}
-          theme={theme}
-        >
-          {() => (
-            <CoinIconTextFallback
-              color={fallbackIconColor}
-              height={40}
-              style={fallbackIconStyle}
-              symbol={symbol}
-              textStyles={fallbackTextStyles}
-              width={40}
-            />
-          )}
-        </FastFallbackCoinIconImage>
-      )}
-      {network && <FastChainBadge network={network} theme={theme} />}
-    </View>
-  );
-const sx = StyleSheet.create({
-  coinIconFallback: {
-    borderRadius: 20,
-    height: 40,
-    overflow: 'visible',
-    width: 40,
-  },
-  container: {
-    elevation: 6,
-    overflow: 'visible',
-  },
-  contract: {
-    height: 40,
-    width: 40,
-  },
-  reactCoinIconContainer: {
-    alignItems: 'center',
-    justifyContent: 'center',
-  },
-  withShadow: {
-    elevation: 6,
-    shadowOffset: {
-      height: 4,
-      width: 0,
-    },
-    shadowOpacity: 0.3,
-    shadowRadius: 6,
-  },
diff --git a/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCurrencySelectionRow.tsx b/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCurrencySelectionRow.tsx
index 336cd11236c..db7ecc30d92 100644
--- a/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCurrencySelectionRow.tsx
+++ b/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCurrencySelectionRow.tsx
@@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ const deviceWidth = deviceUtils.dimensions.width;
 export default React.memo(function FastCurrencySelectionRow({
   item: {
-    uniqueId,
+    native,
+    balance,
@@ -162,10 +163,10 @@ export default React.memo(function FastCurrencySelectionRow({
             {showBalance && (
               <View style={[sx.column, sx.balanceColumn]}>
                 <Text align="right" color="primary (Deprecated)" size="16px / 22px (Deprecated)" weight="medium">
-                  {item?.native?.balance?.display ?? `${nativeCurrencySymbol}0.00`}
+                  {native?.balance?.display ?? `${nativeCurrencySymbol}0.00`}
                 <Text align="right" color={{ custom: theme.colors.blueGreyDark50 }} size="14px / 19px (Deprecated)" weight="medium">
-                  {item?.balance?.display ?? ''}
+                  {balance?.display ?? ''}
diff --git a/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastFallbackCoinIconImage.tsx b/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastFallbackCoinIconImage.tsx
index 92a641ad89b..623754b9b2d 100644
--- a/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastFallbackCoinIconImage.tsx
+++ b/src/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastFallbackCoinIconImage.tsx
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import { StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native';
 import { Network } from '@/networks/types';
 import { ImageWithCachedMetadata, ImgixImage } from '@/components/images';
 import { ThemeContextProps } from '@/theme';
-import { getUrlForTrustIconFallback } from '@/utils';
 const ImageState = {
@@ -16,8 +15,6 @@ const imagesCache: { [imageUrl: string]: keyof typeof ImageState } = {};
 export const FastFallbackCoinIconImage = React.memo(function FastFallbackCoinIconImage({
   size = 40,
-  network,
-  symbol,
@@ -63,15 +60,15 @@ export const FastFallbackCoinIconImage = React.memo(function FastFallbackCoinIco
   return (
-    <View style={[sx.coinIconContainer, sx.withShadow, { shadowColor }]}>
+    <View style={[sx.coinIconContainer, sx.withShadow, { shadowColor, height: size, width: size }]}>
       {shouldShowImage && (
-          size={40}
-          style={[sx.coinIconFallback, isLoaded && { backgroundColor: colors.white }]}
+          size={size}
+          style={[sx.coinIconFallback, isLoaded && { backgroundColor: colors.white }, { height: size, width: size }]}
@@ -84,26 +81,12 @@ const sx = StyleSheet.create({
   coinIconContainer: {
     alignItems: 'center',
     borderRadius: 20,
-    height: 40,
     justifyContent: 'center',
     overflow: 'visible',
-    width: 40,
   coinIconFallback: {
     borderRadius: 20,
-    height: 40,
     overflow: 'hidden',
-    width: 40,
-  },
-  container: {
-    elevation: 6,
-    height: 59,
-    overflow: 'visible',
-    paddingTop: 9,
-  },
-  contract: {
-    height: 40,
-    width: 40,
   fallbackWrapper: {
     left: 0,
diff --git a/src/components/cards/EthCard.tsx b/src/components/cards/EthCard.tsx
index 06e02679189..99998061341 100644
--- a/src/components/cards/EthCard.tsx
+++ b/src/components/cards/EthCard.tsx
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import Routes from '@/navigation/routesNames';
 import { analyticsV2 } from '@/analytics';
 import { ETH_ADDRESS } from '@/references';
 import { ChartPath, ChartPathProvider } from '@/react-native-animated-charts/src';
-import { CoinIcon } from '../coin-icon';
 import Labels from '../value-chart/ExtremeLabels';
 import showWalletErrorAlert from '@/helpers/support';
 import { IS_IOS } from '@/env';
@@ -25,6 +24,7 @@ import { useExternalToken } from '@/resources/assets/externalAssetsQuery';
 import assetTypes from '@/entities/assetTypes';
 import { Network } from '@/networks/types';
 import { getUniqueId } from '@/utils/ethereumUtils';
+import { EthCoinIcon } from '../coin-icon/EthCoinIcon';
 export const ETH_CARD_HEIGHT = 284.3;
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ export const EthCard = () => {
                 ) : (
-                    <CoinIcon address={ETH_ADDRESS} size={20} symbol={ethAsset.symbol} network={Network.mainnet} />
+                    <EthCoinIcon size={20} />
                     <Text size="17pt" color={{ custom: colorForAsset }} weight="heavy">
diff --git a/src/components/cards/MintsCard/CollectionCell.tsx b/src/components/cards/MintsCard/CollectionCell.tsx
index cce23211e10..6120b161fe3 100644
--- a/src/components/cards/MintsCard/CollectionCell.tsx
+++ b/src/components/cards/MintsCard/CollectionCell.tsx
@@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
 import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
 import { globalColors } from '@/design-system/color/palettes';
 import { convertRawAmountToRoundedDecimal } from '@/helpers/utilities';
-import { CoinIcon } from '@/components/coin-icon';
 import { AccentColorProvider, Bleed, Box, Cover, Inline, Inset, Text } from '@/design-system';
 import { ButtonPressAnimation } from '@/components/animations';
 import { useTheme } from '@/theme';
-import { Linking, View } from 'react-native';
+import { View } from 'react-native';
 import { MintableCollection } from '@/graphql/__generated__/arc';
-import ethereumUtils, { getNetworkFromChainId } from '@/utils/ethereumUtils';
-import { getNetworkObj } from '@/networks';
+import ethereumUtils, { getNetworkFromChainId, useNativeAssetForNetwork } from '@/utils/ethereumUtils';
 import { analyticsV2 } from '@/analytics';
 import * as i18n from '@/languages';
 import { IS_IOS } from '@/env';
 import { ImgixImage } from '@/components/images';
 import { navigateToMintCollection } from '@/resources/reservoir/mints';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '@/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
 export const NFT_IMAGE_SIZE = 111;
@@ -38,11 +37,11 @@ export function Placeholder() {
 export function CollectionCell({ collection }: { collection: MintableCollection }) {
-  const { isDarkMode } = useTheme();
+  const theme = useTheme();
   const [mediaRendered, setMediaRendered] = useState(false);
-  const currency = getNetworkObj(getNetworkFromChainId(collection.chainId)).nativeCurrency;
+  const currency = useNativeAssetForNetwork(getNetworkFromChainId(collection.chainId));
   const amount = convertRawAmountToRoundedDecimal(collection.mintStatus.price, 18, 6);
@@ -100,7 +99,7 @@ export function CollectionCell({ collection }: { collection: MintableCollection
                     : {
                         shadowColor: globalColors.grey100,
                         elevation: 12,
-                        shadowOpacity: isDarkMode ? 1 : 0.6,
+                        shadowOpacity: theme.isDarkMode ? 1 : 0.6,
@@ -128,15 +127,17 @@ export function CollectionCell({ collection }: { collection: MintableCollection
         {!isFree && (
-          <CoinIcon
-            address={currency.address}
-            size={12}
-            symbol={currency.symbol}
-            style={{ marginRight: 4, marginVertical: -4 }}
-            network={getNetworkFromChainId(collection.chainId)}
-            mainnet_address={currency?.mainnetAddress}
-            ignoreBadge
-          />
+          <View style={{ marginRight: 4, marginVertical: -4 }}>
+            <RainbowCoinIcon
+              icon={currency?.icon_url || ''}
+              size={12}
+              network={getNetworkFromChainId(collection.chainId)}
+              symbol={currency?.symbol || ''}
+              theme={theme}
+              colors={currency?.colors}
+              ignoreBadge
+            />
+          </View>
         <View style={{ width: NFT_IMAGE_SIZE - 16 }}>
           <Text color="label" size="11pt" weight="bold" numberOfLines={1}>
diff --git a/src/components/cards/NFTOffersCard/Offer.tsx b/src/components/cards/NFTOffersCard/Offer.tsx
index 07dc5a8260a..b78e42756d9 100644
--- a/src/components/cards/NFTOffersCard/Offer.tsx
+++ b/src/components/cards/NFTOffersCard/Offer.tsx
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import { TextColor, globalColors } from '@/design-system/color/palettes';
 import { ImgixImage } from '@/components/images';
 import MaskedView from '@react-native-masked-view/masked-view';
 import { convertAmountToNativeDisplay, getFormattedTimeQuantity, handleSignificantDecimals } from '@/helpers/utilities';
-import { CoinIcon } from '@/components/coin-icon';
 import { NftOffer, SortCriterion } from '@/graphql/__generated__/arc';
 import { AccentColorProvider, Box, Inline, Inset, Text, useBackgroundColor, useColorMode } from '@/design-system';
 import { RainbowError, logger } from '@/logger';
@@ -20,6 +19,10 @@ import { useRecoilValue } from 'recoil';
 import { nftOffersSortAtom } from '@/components/nft-offers/SortMenu';
 import { View } from 'react-native';
 import Svg, { Path } from 'react-native-svg';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '@/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
+import { useExternalToken } from '@/resources/assets/externalAssetsQuery';
+import { useAccountSettings } from '@/hooks';
+import { Network } from '@/networks/types';
 const TWO_HOURS_MS = 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
 export const CELL_HORIZONTAL_PADDING = 7;
@@ -62,7 +65,13 @@ export const FakeOffer = () => {
 export const Offer = ({ offer }: { offer: NftOffer }) => {
   const { navigate } = useNavigation();
   const { colorMode } = useColorMode();
-  const { isDarkMode } = useTheme();
+  const theme = useTheme();
+  const { nativeCurrency } = useAccountSettings();
+  const { data: externalAsset } = useExternalToken({
+    address: offer.paymentToken.address,
+    network: as Network,
+    currency: nativeCurrency,
+  });
   const surfacePrimaryElevated = useBackgroundColor('surfacePrimaryElevated');
   const surfaceSecondaryElevated = useBackgroundColor('surfaceSecondaryElevated');
@@ -210,7 +219,7 @@ export const Offer = ({ offer }: { offer: NftOffer }) => {
                 width: NFT_IMAGE_SIZE,
                 height: NFT_IMAGE_SIZE,
                 borderRadius: 12,
-                backgroundColor: isDarkMode ? surfaceSecondaryElevated : surfacePrimaryElevated,
+                backgroundColor: theme.isDarkMode ? surfaceSecondaryElevated : surfacePrimaryElevated,
@@ -225,14 +234,17 @@ export const Offer = ({ offer }: { offer: NftOffer }) => {
           alignItems: 'center',
-        <CoinIcon
-          address={offer.paymentToken.address}
-          size={12}
-          symbol={offer.paymentToken.symbol}
-          style={{ marginRight: 4 }}
-          network={}
-          ignoreBadge
-        />
+        <View style={{ marginRight: 4 }}>
+          <RainbowCoinIcon
+            size={12}
+            icon={externalAsset?.icon_url}
+            network={offer?.network as Network}
+            symbol={offer.paymentToken.symbol}
+            theme={theme}
+            colors={externalAsset?.colors}
+            ignoreBadge
+          />
+        </View>
         <Text color="label" size="13pt" weight="heavy">
diff --git a/src/components/coin-icon/CoinIconGroup.js b/src/components/coin-icon/CoinIconGroup.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d2542c01824..00000000000
--- a/src/components/coin-icon/CoinIconGroup.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-import React, { useMemo } from 'react';
-import { View } from 'react-primitives';
-import { Column, Row } from '../layout';
-import CoinIcon from './CoinIcon';
-import { neverRerender } from '@/utils';
-// Note that `width` is always smaller than `iconSize`. We do this to force the
-// `CoinIcon`'s to overlap each other (imagine the Olympics logo).
-const sizesTable = [
-  { breakIndex: false, iconSize: 40, width: 30 },
-  { breakIndex: false, iconSize: 40, width: 30 },
-  { breakIndex: false, iconSize: 30, width: 20 },
-  { breakIndex: false, iconSize: 25, width: 15 },
-  { breakIndex: 1, iconSize: 20, width: 15 },
-  { breakIndex: 2, iconSize: 20, width: 15 },
-  { breakIndex: 3, iconSize: 20, width: 15 },
-  { breakIndex: 4, iconSize: 20, width: 15 },
-const TokenRowsComponent = ({ tokenRows, iconSize, width }) =>
-, lineIndex) => (
-    <Row key={`coinLine_${lineIndex}`}>
-      {, index) => (
-        <View key={`coin_${index}_${lineIndex}`} width={width} zIndex={-index}>
-          <CoinIcon address={token?.address} size={iconSize} symbol={token?.symbol} />
-        </View>
-      ))}
-    </Row>
-  ));
-function CoinIconGroup({ tokens }) {
-  const { breakIndex, iconSize, width } = useMemo(() => sizesTable[tokens.length - 1], [tokens]);
-  const tokenRows = useMemo(() => {
-    return [tokens.slice(0, breakIndex), tokens.slice(breakIndex, tokens.length)];
-  }, [breakIndex, tokens]);
-  return (
-    <Column
-      align={breakIndex ? 'center' : 'start'}
-      // shouldRasterizeIOS fixes a strange framerate choppiness we see in the
-      // pools list on iOS only. Appears to be the amount of coinIcons onscreen at once.
-      shouldRasterizeIOS
-      width={70}
-    >
-      <TokenRowsComponent iconSize={iconSize} tokenRows={tokenRows} width={width} />
-    </Column>
-  );
-export default neverRerender(CoinIconGroup);
diff --git a/src/components/coin-icon/EthCoinIcon.tsx b/src/components/coin-icon/EthCoinIcon.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ab85e04a8bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/coin-icon/EthCoinIcon.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { Network } from '@/networks/types';
+import { ThemeContextProps, useTheme } from '@/theme';
+import { useNativeAssetForNetwork } from '@/utils/ethereumUtils';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from './RainbowCoinIcon';
+import { ETH_SYMBOL } from '@/references';
+type EthCoinIconProps = {
+  size?: number;
+export const EthCoinIcon = ({ size = 40 }: EthCoinIconProps) => {
+  const ethAsset = useNativeAssetForNetwork(Network.mainnet);
+  const theme = useTheme();
+  return (
+    <RainbowCoinIcon
+      size={size}
+      icon={ethAsset?.icon_url}
+      network={Network.mainnet}
+      symbol={ethAsset?.symbol || ETH_SYMBOL}
+      theme={theme}
+      colors={ethAsset?.colors}
+    />
+  );
diff --git a/src/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon.tsx b/src/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon.tsx
index 6cb02ae8ef8..b036de4f50f 100644
--- a/src/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon.tsx
+++ b/src/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon.tsx
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ const fallbackTextStyles = {
   textAlign: 'center',
-const fallbackIconStyle = {
-  ...borders.buildCircleAsObject(40),
+const fallbackIconStyle = (size: number) => ({
+  ...borders.buildCircleAsObject(size),
   position: 'absolute',
-export default React.memo(function FastCoinIcon({
+export default React.memo(function RainbowCoinIcon({
   size = 40,
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ export default React.memo(function FastCoinIcon({
-            style={fallbackIconStyle}
+            style={fallbackIconStyle(size)}
diff --git a/src/components/coin-icon/index.js b/src/components/coin-icon/index.js
index 3ca0cb2d48e..962de1fe0b4 100644
--- a/src/components/coin-icon/index.js
+++ b/src/components/coin-icon/index.js
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 export { default as ChainBadge } from './ChainBadge';
 export { default as CoinIcon, CoinIconSize } from './CoinIcon';
 export { default as CoinIconFallback } from './CoinIconFallback';
-export { default as CoinIconGroup } from './CoinIconGroup';
 export { default as CoinIconIndicator } from './CoinIconIndicator';
 export { default as RequestCoinIcon } from './RequestCoinIcon';
 export { default as RequestVendorLogoIcon } from './RequestVendorLogoIcon';
diff --git a/src/components/coin-row/CoinRow.js b/src/components/coin-row/CoinRow.js
index e0ed394251b..ccaae419140 100644
--- a/src/components/coin-row/CoinRow.js
+++ b/src/components/coin-row/CoinRow.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import React, { createElement } from 'react';
-import { CoinIcon, CoinIconGroup, CoinIconSize } from '../coin-icon';
+import { CoinIcon, CoinIconSize } from '../coin-icon';
 import { Column, Row } from '../layout';
 import { useAccountSettings } from '@/hooks';
 import styled from '@/styled-thing';
@@ -49,21 +49,17 @@ export default function CoinRow({
   const { nativeCurrency, nativeCurrencySymbol } = useAccountSettings();
   return (
     <Container style={containerStyles}>
-      {isPool ? (
-        <CoinIconGroup tokens={tokens} />
-      ) : (
-        createElement(coinIconRender, {
-          address,
-          badgeXPosition,
-          badgeYPosition,
-          isFirstCoinRow,
-          isHidden,
-          isPinned,
-          symbol,
-          network,
-          ...props,
-        })
-      )}
+      {createElement(coinIconRender, {
+        address,
+        badgeXPosition,
+        badgeYPosition,
+        isFirstCoinRow,
+        isHidden,
+        isPinned,
+        symbol,
+        network,
+        ...props,
+      })}
       <Content isHidden={isHidden} justify="center" style={contentStyles}>
         <Row align="center" testID={`${testID}-${symbol || ''}-${network}`}>
diff --git a/src/components/exchange/CurrencySelectModalHeader.tsx b/src/components/exchange/CurrencySelectModalHeader.tsx
index 489ee96e973..410c3af81c4 100644
--- a/src/components/exchange/CurrencySelectModalHeader.tsx
+++ b/src/components/exchange/CurrencySelectModalHeader.tsx
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
 import { useRoute } from '@react-navigation/native';
 import React, { useCallback } from 'react';
 import { delayNext } from '../../hooks/useMagicAutofocus';
-import { CoinIcon } from '../coin-icon';
 import { BackButton } from '../header';
 import { SheetHandleFixedToTop } from '../sheet';
 import { Box, Inset, Text } from '@/design-system';
 import { useNavigation } from '@/navigation';
 import Routes from '@/navigation/routesNames';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '../coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
+import { useTheme } from '@/theme';
 export const CurrencySelectModalHeaderHeight = 59;
@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ export default function CurrencySelectModalHeader({
   const {
     params: { defaultOutputAsset, title, showCoinIcon },
   } = useRoute<any>();
+  const theme = useTheme();
   const handlePressBack = useCallback(() => {
     // @ts-expect-error – updating read-only property
@@ -53,7 +55,15 @@ export default function CurrencySelectModalHeader({
       {showCoinIcon && (
         <Inset right="4px">
-          <CoinIcon size={20} {...defaultOutputAsset} badgeSize="tiny" badgeXPosition={-3} />
+          <RainbowCoinIcon
+            size={20}
+            icon={defaultOutputAsset?.icon_url}
+            network={defaultOutputAsset?.network}
+            colors={defaultOutputAsset?.colors}
+            symbol={defaultOutputAsset?.symbol}
+            theme={theme}
+            ignoreBadge
+          />
diff --git a/src/components/exchange/ExchangeField.tsx b/src/components/exchange/ExchangeField.tsx
index 5f13a223f36..d97883e562e 100644
--- a/src/components/exchange/ExchangeField.tsx
+++ b/src/components/exchange/ExchangeField.tsx
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import React, { FocusEvent, ForwardRefRenderFunction, MutableRefObject, useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
 import { StyleProp, TextInput, TouchableWithoutFeedback, ViewStyle } from 'react-native';
 import { TokenSelectionButton } from '../buttons';
-import { ChainBadge, CoinIcon, CoinIconSize } from '../coin-icon';
+import { ChainBadge, CoinIconSize } from '../coin-icon';
 import { EnDash } from '../text';
 import ExchangeInput from './ExchangeInput';
 import { Network } from '@/helpers';
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import styled from '@/styled-thing';
 import { borders } from '@/styles';
 import { useTheme } from '@/theme';
 import { AccentColorProvider, Box, Space } from '@/design-system';
-import FastCoinIcon from '../asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCoinIcon';
 import RainbowCoinIcon from '../coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
+import { TokenColors } from '@/graphql/__generated__/metadata';
 const ExchangeFieldHeight = android ? 64 : 38;
 const ExchangeFieldPadding: Space = android ? '15px (Deprecated)' : '19px (Deprecated)';
@@ -23,11 +23,8 @@ const Input = styled(ExchangeInput).attrs({
 interface ExchangeFieldProps {
-  icon: string;
-  colors: {
-    primary: string;
-    fallback: string;
-  };
+  icon?: string;
+  colors?: TokenColors;
   address: string;
   color: string;
   mainnetAddress?: string;
diff --git a/src/components/exchange/ExchangeTokenRow.tsx b/src/components/exchange/ExchangeTokenRow.tsx
index a2733301bac..7ec55d01060 100644
--- a/src/components/exchange/ExchangeTokenRow.tsx
+++ b/src/components/exchange/ExchangeTokenRow.tsx
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ import { Box, Column, Columns, Inline, Stack, Text } from '@/design-system';
 import { isNativeAsset } from '@/handlers/assets';
 import { Network } from '@/networks/types';
 import { useAsset, useDimensions } from '@/hooks';
-import FastCoinIcon from '../asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCoinIcon';
 import { ButtonPressAnimation } from '../animations';
 import { FloatingEmojis } from '../floating-emojis';
 import { IS_IOS } from '@/env';
@@ -44,7 +42,6 @@ export default React.memo(function ExchangeTokenRow({
   const rowTestID = `${testID}-exchange-coin-row-${symbol ?? item?.symbol ?? ''}-${network || Network.mainnet}`;
   const isInfoButtonVisible = !item?.isNativeAsset || (!isNativeAsset(address ?? item?.address, network) && !showBalance);
-  console.log({ item });
   return (
     <Columns alignVertical="center" space="10px">
diff --git a/src/components/exchange/NetworkSwitcher.js b/src/components/exchange/NetworkSwitcher.js
index 281c61031dc..d27fd987a83 100644
--- a/src/components/exchange/NetworkSwitcher.js
+++ b/src/components/exchange/NetworkSwitcher.js
@@ -2,15 +2,14 @@ import lang from 'i18n-js';
 import React from 'react';
 import RadialGradient from 'react-native-radial-gradient';
 import Divider from '../Divider';
-import { CoinIcon } from '../coin-icon';
 import ChainBadge from '../coin-icon/ChainBadge';
 import { ContextMenuButton } from '../context-menu';
 import { Column, Row } from '../layout';
 import { Text } from '../text';
-import { ETH_ADDRESS, ETH_SYMBOL } from '@/references';
 import { padding, position } from '@/styles';
 import { ethereumUtils, showActionSheetWithOptions } from '@/utils';
 import { RainbowNetworks, getNetworkObj } from '@/networks';
+import { EthCoinIcon } from '../coin-icon/EthCoinIcon';
 const networkMenuItems = () => {
   return RainbowNetworks.filter(network => network.features.swaps).map(network => ({
@@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ const NetworkSwitcherv1 = ({
             {currentChainId !== 1 ? (
               <ChainBadge network={ethereumUtils.getNetworkFromChainId(currentChainId)} position="relative" size="small" />
             ) : (
-              <CoinIcon address={ETH_ADDRESS} size={20} symbol={ETH_SYMBOL} />
+              <EthCoinIcon size={20} />
           <Column flex={1} justify="center" marginHorizontal={8}>
diff --git a/src/components/exchange/NetworkSwitcherv2.tsx b/src/components/exchange/NetworkSwitcherv2.tsx
index 596c023db26..330de9a2f34 100644
--- a/src/components/exchange/NetworkSwitcherv2.tsx
+++ b/src/components/exchange/NetworkSwitcherv2.tsx
@@ -2,14 +2,13 @@ import React, { useRef, useMemo } from 'react';
 import { ScrollView } from 'react-native';
 import RadialGradient from 'react-native-radial-gradient';
 import { ButtonPressAnimation } from '../animations';
-import { CoinIcon } from '../coin-icon';
 import ChainBadge from '../coin-icon/ChainBadge';
 import { Bleed, Box, Columns, Inline, Text } from '@/design-system';
 import { Network } from '@/helpers';
-import { ETH_ADDRESS, ETH_SYMBOL } from '@rainbow-me/references';
 import { position } from '@rainbow-me/styles';
 import { useTheme } from '@/theme';
 import { sortNetworks } from '@/networks';
+import { EthCoinIcon } from '../coin-icon/EthCoinIcon';
 const NetworkSwitcherv2 = ({
@@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ const NetworkSwitcherv2 = ({
                   <Inline alignHorizontal="center" alignVertical="center" horizontalSpace="4px" wrap={false}>
                     {network === Network.mainnet ? (
-                      <CoinIcon address={ETH_ADDRESS} size={20} symbol={ETH_SYMBOL} network={network} />
+                      <EthCoinIcon size={20} />
                     ) : (
                       <ChainBadge network={network} position="relative" size="small" />
diff --git a/src/components/expanded-state/AvailableNetworks.js b/src/components/expanded-state/AvailableNetworks.js
index ab1fb2df130..4377749ef1a 100644
--- a/src/components/expanded-state/AvailableNetworks.js
+++ b/src/components/expanded-state/AvailableNetworks.js
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import RadialGradient from 'react-native-radial-gradient';
 import { Box } from '@/design-system';
 import networkInfo from '@/helpers/networkInfo';
 import { useNavigation } from '@/navigation';
-import { ETH_ADDRESS, ETH_SYMBOL } from '@/references';
 import Routes from '@/navigation/routesNames';
 import { padding, position } from '@/styles';
 import { ethereumUtils } from '@/utils';
@@ -15,6 +14,7 @@ import { Column, Row } from '../layout';
 import { ChainBadge, CoinIcon } from '../coin-icon';
 import Divider from '../Divider';
 import { Text } from '../text';
+import { EthCoinIcon } from '../coin-icon/EthCoinIcon';
 const AvailableNetworksv1 = ({ asset, networks, hideDivider, marginBottom = 24, marginHorizontal = 19, prominent }) => {
   const { colors } = useTheme();
@@ -69,11 +69,7 @@ const AvailableNetworksv1 = ({ asset, networks, hideDivider, marginBottom = 24,
                   width={{ custom: 22 }}
                   zIndex={availableNetworks?.length - index}
-                  {network !== 'mainnet' ? (
-                    <ChainBadge network={network} position="relative" size="small" />
-                  ) : (
-                    <CoinIcon address={ETH_ADDRESS} size={20} symbol={ETH_SYMBOL} />
-                  )}
+                  {network !== 'mainnet' ? <ChainBadge network={network} position="relative" size="small" /> : <EthCoinIcon size={20} />}
diff --git a/src/components/expanded-state/AvailableNetworksv2.tsx b/src/components/expanded-state/AvailableNetworksv2.tsx
index edd975fb331..d15af381327 100644
--- a/src/components/expanded-state/AvailableNetworksv2.tsx
+++ b/src/components/expanded-state/AvailableNetworksv2.tsx
@@ -2,11 +2,9 @@ import lang from 'i18n-js';
 import React, { useCallback, useMemo } from 'react';
 import RadialGradient from 'react-native-radial-gradient';
 import Divider from '../Divider';
-import { CoinIcon } from '../coin-icon';
 import ChainBadge from '../coin-icon/ChainBadge';
 import { Box, Inline, Text } from '@/design-system';
 import { useNavigation } from '@/navigation';
-import { ETH_ADDRESS, ETH_SYMBOL } from '@/references';
 import Routes from '@/navigation/routesNames';
 import { position } from '@/styles';
 import { ethereumUtils } from '@/utils';
@@ -18,6 +16,7 @@ import { ButtonPressAnimation } from '../animations';
 import ContextMenuButton from '@/components/native-context-menu/contextMenu';
 import { implementation } from '@/entities/dispersion';
 import { RainbowNetworks, getNetworkObj } from '@/networks';
+import { EthCoinIcon } from '../coin-icon/EthCoinIcon';
 const NOOP = () => null;
@@ -158,7 +157,7 @@ const AvailableNetworksv2 = ({
                         {network !== Network.mainnet ? (
                           <ChainBadge network={network} position="relative" size="small" />
                         ) : (
-                          <CoinIcon address={ETH_ADDRESS} size={20} symbol={ETH_SYMBOL} network={Network.mainnet} />
+                          <EthCoinIcon size={20} />
diff --git a/src/components/expanded-state/chart/ChartExpandedStateHeader.js b/src/components/expanded-state/chart/ChartExpandedStateHeader.js
index f90438ab96d..18bbb2b9890 100644
--- a/src/components/expanded-state/chart/ChartExpandedStateHeader.js
+++ b/src/components/expanded-state/chart/ChartExpandedStateHeader.js
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 import lang from 'i18n-js';
 import React, { useMemo } from 'react';
 import { runOnJS, useAnimatedReaction } from 'react-native-reanimated';
-import { CoinIcon, CoinIconGroup } from '../../coin-icon';
 import { Column, ColumnWithMargins, Row, RowWithMargins } from '../../layout';
 import ChartContextButton from './ChartContextButton';
 import { ChartDateLabel, ChartHeaderSubtitle, ChartPercentChangeLabel, ChartPriceLabel } from './chart-data-labels';
@@ -11,8 +10,7 @@ import { convertAmountToNativeDisplay } from '@/helpers/utilities';
 import { useAccountSettings, useBooleanState } from '@/hooks';
 import styled from '@/styled-thing';
 import { padding } from '@/styles';
-import FastCoinIcon from '@/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCoinIcon';
-import { Network } from '@/networks/types';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '@/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
 const noPriceData = lang.t('expanded_state.chart.no_price_data');
@@ -112,19 +110,14 @@ export default function ChartExpandedStateHeader({
   return (
     <Container showChart={showChart}>
       <Row align="center" justify="space-between" testID={testID ? `${testID}-expanded-state-header` : 'expanded-state-header'}>
-        {tokens.length === 1 ? (
-          <FastCoinIcon
-            badgeXPosition={-7}
-            badgeYPosition={0}
-            address={asset?.address}
-            mainnetAddress={asset?.mainnet_address || asset?.mainnetAddress}
-            network={asset?.network || Network.mainnet}
-            symbol={asset?.symbol}
-            theme={theme}
-          />
-        ) : (
-          <CoinIconGroup tokens={tokens} />
-        )}
+        <RainbowCoinIcon
+          size={40}
+          icon={asset?.icon_url}
+          network={asset?.network}
+          symbol={asset?.symbol}
+          theme={theme}
+          colors={asset?.colors}
+        />
         <ChartContextButton asset={asset} color={color} />
diff --git a/src/components/expanded-state/swap-details/CurrencyTile.js b/src/components/expanded-state/swap-details/CurrencyTile.js
index 6b8c22d428d..3ae675a1cb5 100644
--- a/src/components/expanded-state/swap-details/CurrencyTile.js
+++ b/src/components/expanded-state/swap-details/CurrencyTile.js
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 import React from 'react';
 import { useSelector } from 'react-redux';
-import { CoinIcon } from '../../coin-icon';
 import { Centered } from '../../layout';
 import { Text, TruncatedText } from '../../text';
 import { Box, Column, Columns, Row, Rows } from '@/design-system';
@@ -9,6 +8,7 @@ import { SwapModalField } from '@/redux/swap';
 import styled from '@/styled-thing';
 import { position } from '@/styles';
 import { convertAmountToNativeDisplay } from '@/helpers/utilities';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '@/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
 export const CurrencyTileHeight = android ? 153 : 143;
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ export default function CurrencyTile({
   const inputAsExact = useSelector(state => state.swap.independentField !== SwapModalField.output);
   const { nativeCurrency } = useAccountSettings();
   const colorForAsset = useColorForAsset(asset);
+  const theme = useTheme();
   const { address, mainnet_address, symbol, network } = asset;
   const isOther = (inputAsExact && type === 'output') || (!inputAsExact && type === 'input');
@@ -74,14 +75,13 @@ export default function CurrencyTile({
       <Box paddingHorizontal="15px (Deprecated)">
         <Rows alignHorizontal="center" alignVertical="center" space="10px">
           <Row height="content">
-            <CoinIcon
-              address={address}
-              badgeXPosition={-5}
-              badgeYPosition={0}
-              mainnet_address={mainnet_address}
+            <RainbowCoinIcon
-              symbol={symbol}
-              network={network}
+              icon={asset?.icon_url}
+              network={asset?.network}
+              symbol={asset?.symbol}
+              colors={asset?.colors}
+              theme={theme}
           <Row height="content">
diff --git a/src/components/expanded-state/swap-details/SwapDetailsRefuelRow.js b/src/components/expanded-state/swap-details/SwapDetailsRefuelRow.js
index 3c655624ac2..7c9dc8c9458 100644
--- a/src/components/expanded-state/swap-details/SwapDetailsRefuelRow.js
+++ b/src/components/expanded-state/swap-details/SwapDetailsRefuelRow.js
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ import { ImgixImage } from '@/components/images';
 import CaretImageSource from '@/assets/family-dropdown-arrow.png';
 import Spinner from '@/components/Spinner';
 import { useTheme } from '@/theme';
-import { CoinIcon } from '@/components/coin-icon';
 import { useNativeAssetForNetwork } from '@/utils/ethereumUtils';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '@/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
 const CaretIcon = styled(ImgixImage).attrs(({ theme: { colors } }) => ({
   resizeMode: ImgixImage.resizeMode.contain,
@@ -50,15 +50,13 @@ export default function SwapDetailsRefuelRow({ tradeDetails, testID }) {
             <Column width="content">
               <Box paddingRight="2px" marginTop={ICON_ALIGN_MARGIN} marginBottom={ICON_ALIGN_MARGIN}>
-                <CoinIcon
-                  address={fromNativeAsset?.address}
-                  mainnet_address={fromNativeAsset?.mainnet_address}
-                  symbol={fromAsset?.symbol}
+                <RainbowCoinIcon
+                  icon={fromNativeAsset?.icon_url}
-                  badgeXPosition={-6}
-                  badgeYPosition={0}
-                  badgeSize="tiny"
+                  symbol={fromAsset?.symbol}
+                  colors={fromNativeAsset?.colors}
+                  ignoreBadge
@@ -69,15 +67,13 @@ export default function SwapDetailsRefuelRow({ tradeDetails, testID }) {
             <Column width="content">
               <Box paddingLeft="4px" marginTop={ICON_ALIGN_MARGIN} marginBottom={ICON_ALIGN_MARGIN}>
-                <CoinIcon
-                  address={toNativeAsset?.address}
-                  mainnet_address={toNativeAsset?.mainnet_address}
-                  symbol={toAsset?.symbol}
+                <RainbowCoinIcon
+                  icon={toNativeAsset?.icon_url}
-                  badgeXPosition={-6}
-                  badgeYPosition={0}
-                  badgeSize="tiny"
+                  symbol={toAsset?.symbol}
+                  colors={toNativeAsset?.colors}
+                  ignoreBadge
diff --git a/src/components/gas/GasSpeedButton.js b/src/components/gas/GasSpeedButton.js
index e698691639f..a065d0c30e3 100644
--- a/src/components/gas/GasSpeedButton.js
+++ b/src/components/gas/GasSpeedButton.js
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import { ethereumUtils, gasUtils } from '@/utils';
 import { getNetworkObj } from '@/networks';
 import { IS_ANDROID } from '@/env';
 import { ContextMenu } from '../context-menu';
+import { EthCoinIcon } from '../coin-icon/EthCoinIcon';
 const { GAS_EMOJIS, GAS_ICONS, GasSpeedOrder, CUSTOM, URGENT, NORMAL, FAST, getGasLabel } = gasUtils;
@@ -501,7 +502,7 @@ const GasSpeedButton = ({
                     {currentNetwork === Network.mainnet ? (
-                      <CoinIcon address={nativeFeeCurrency.address} size={18} symbol={nativeFeeCurrency.symbol} network={currentNetwork} />
+                      <EthCoinIcon size={18} />
                     ) : (
                       <ChainBadge network={currentNetwork} size="gas" position="relative" />
diff --git a/src/components/positions/PositionsCard.tsx b/src/components/positions/PositionsCard.tsx
index a374c234f6c..b0f3f2df34a 100644
--- a/src/components/positions/PositionsCard.tsx
+++ b/src/components/positions/PositionsCard.tsx
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ import { capitalize, uniqBy } from 'lodash';
 import { RainbowDeposit, RainbowPosition } from '@/resources/defi/types';
 import { ethereumUtils } from '@/utils';
 import { Network } from '@/networks/types';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '../coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
+import { useAccountSettings } from '@/hooks';
+import { useExternalToken } from '@/resources/assets/externalAssetsQuery';
 type PositionCardProps = {
   position: RainbowPosition;
@@ -26,6 +29,23 @@ type CoinStackToken = {
   symbol: string;
+function CoinIconForStack({ token }: { token: CoinStackToken }) {
+  const theme = useTheme();
+  const { nativeCurrency } = useAccountSettings();
+  const { data: externalAsset } = useExternalToken({ address: token.address, network:, currency: nativeCurrency });
+  return (
+    <RainbowCoinIcon
+      size={16}
+      icon={externalAsset?.icon_url}
+      network={token?.network as Network}
+      symbol={token.symbol}
+      theme={theme}
+      colors={externalAsset?.colors}
+      ignoreBadge
+    />
+  );
 function CoinIconStack({ tokens }: { tokens: CoinStackToken[] }) {
   const { colors } = useTheme();
@@ -45,7 +65,7 @@ function CoinIconStack({ tokens }: { tokens: CoinStackToken[] }) {
               borderWidth: 2,
-            <CoinIcon address={token.address} size={16} symbol={token.symbol} network={} ignoreBadge />
+            <CoinIconForStack token={token} />
diff --git a/src/components/token-info/TokenInfoBalanceValue.js b/src/components/token-info/TokenInfoBalanceValue.js
index d209332ee7f..6e951169d28 100644
--- a/src/components/token-info/TokenInfoBalanceValue.js
+++ b/src/components/token-info/TokenInfoBalanceValue.js
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
 import React from 'react';
-import { CoinIcon } from '../coin-icon';
 import { RowWithMargins } from '../layout';
 import TokenInfoValue from './TokenInfoValue';
 import { useColorForAsset } from '@/hooks';
 import styled from '@/styled-thing';
 import { magicMemo } from '@/utils';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '../coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
+import { useTheme } from '@/theme';
+import { View } from 'react-native';
 const InfoValue = styled(TokenInfoValue)(android ? { height: 37.7 } : {});
@@ -12,6 +14,8 @@ const TokenInfoBalanceValue = ({ align, asset, ...props }) => {
   const { address, balance, symbol, type, value } = asset;
   const color = useColorForAsset(asset);
+  const theme = useTheme();
   return (
@@ -20,7 +24,17 @@ const TokenInfoBalanceValue = ({ align, asset, ...props }) => {
       marginKey={align === 'left' ? 'marginRight' : 'marginLeft'}
-      <CoinIcon address={address} ignoreBadge size={20} symbol={symbol} type={type} />
+      <View style={{ marginRight: 5 }}>
+        <RainbowCoinIcon
+          size={20}
+          icon={asset?.icon_url}
+          network={asset?.network}
+          symbol={asset?.symbol}
+          theme={theme}
+          colors={asset?.colors}
+          ignoreBadge
+        />
+      </View>
       <InfoValue color={color}>{balance?.display || value}</InfoValue>
diff --git a/src/components/transaction/sections/DefaultTransactionConfirmationSection.js b/src/components/transaction/sections/DefaultTransactionConfirmationSection.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a65b424ec05..00000000000
--- a/src/components/transaction/sections/DefaultTransactionConfirmationSection.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-import lang from 'i18n-js';
-import React from 'react';
-import { Text, TruncatedAddress } from '../../text';
-import TransactionRow from '../TransactionRow';
-import TransactionSheet from '../TransactionSheet';
-export default function DefaultTransactionConfirmationSection({ address, value = '0' }) {
-  const { colors } = useTheme();
-  return (
-    <TransactionSheet>
-      <TransactionRow title={lang.t('')}>
-        <TruncatedAddress address={address} color={colors.alpha(colors.blueGreyDark, 0.6)} size="lmedium" truncationLength={15} />
-      </TransactionRow>
-      <TransactionRow title={lang.t('wallet.action.value')}>
-        <Text color={colors.alpha(colors.blueGreyDark, 0.6)} size="lmedium" uppercase>
-          {value} ETH
-        </Text>
-      </TransactionRow>
-    </TransactionSheet>
-  );
diff --git a/src/components/transaction/sections/MessageSigningSection.js b/src/components/transaction/sections/MessageSigningSection.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d8191961c12..00000000000
--- a/src/components/transaction/sections/MessageSigningSection.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-import lang from 'i18n-js';
-import React from 'react';
-import TransactionMessage from '../TransactionMessage';
-import TransactionRow from '../TransactionRow';
-import TransactionSheet from '../TransactionSheet';
-export default function MessageSigningSection({ message, method }) {
-  return (
-    <TransactionSheet method={method}>
-      <TransactionRow title={lang.t('wallet.message_signing.message')}>
-        <TransactionMessage message={message} method={method} />
-      </TransactionRow>
-    </TransactionSheet>
-  );
diff --git a/src/components/transaction/sections/TransactionConfirmationSection.js b/src/components/transaction/sections/TransactionConfirmationSection.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a226800b90..00000000000
--- a/src/components/transaction/sections/TransactionConfirmationSection.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import LinearGradient from 'react-native-linear-gradient';
-import ActivityIndicator from '../../../components/ActivityIndicator';
-import Spinner from '../../../components/Spinner';
-import { CoinIcon } from '../../coin-icon';
-import { Centered, Column, RowWithMargins } from '../../layout';
-import { Text, TruncatedText } from '../../text';
-import TransactionSheet from '../TransactionSheet';
-import { formatFixedDecimals } from '@/helpers/utilities';
-import styled from '@/styled-thing';
-import { padding } from '@/styles';
-const Amount = styled(TruncatedText).attrs(({ theme: { colors } }) => ({
-  color: colors.dark,
-  letterSpacing: 'roundedTight',
-  size: 'larger',
-  uppercase: true,
-  weight: 'bold',
-const AmountRow = styled(LinearGradient).attrs(({ theme: { colors } }) => ({
-  colors: colors.gradients.lighterGrey,
-  end: { x: 0, y: 0.5 },
-  start: { x: 1, y: 0.5 },
-  ...padding.object(android ? 1 : 7, 12, android ? 2 : 9, 11),
-  borderRadius: 40,
-  marginBottom: 17,
-  marginLeft: 'auto',
-  marginRight: 'auto',
-  marginTop: 'auto',
-  overflow: 'hidden',
-const NativeAmount = styled(Text).attrs(({ theme: { colors } }) => ({
-  align: 'center',
-  color: colors.dark,
-  letterSpacing: 'zero',
-  size: 'headline',
-  weight: 'heavy',
-  marginBottom: android ? -10 : 10,
-  marginTop: android ? 0 : 19,
-const LoadingSpinner = styled(android ? Spinner : ActivityIndicator).attrs(({ theme: { colors } }) => ({
-  color: colors.alpha(colors.blueGreyDark, 0.3),
-  size: 50,
-  marginBottom: android ? -10 : 19,
-  marginTop: 12,
-export default function TransactionConfirmationSection({ address, amount, nativeAmountDisplay = '', symbol, method }) {
-  return (
-    <TransactionSheet method={method}>
-      <Centered>{!nativeAmountDisplay ? <LoadingSpinner /> : <NativeAmount>{nativeAmountDisplay}</NativeAmount>}</Centered>
-      <Centered />
-      <AmountRow>
-        <Column>
-          <RowWithMargins align="center" margin={5}>
-            <CoinIcon address={address} size={20} symbol={symbol} />
-            <Amount>
-              {formatFixedDecimals(amount, 10)} {symbol}
-            </Amount>
-          </RowWithMargins>
-        </Column>
-      </AmountRow>
-    </TransactionSheet>
-  );
diff --git a/src/components/walletconnect-list/WalletConnectV2ListItem.tsx b/src/components/walletconnect-list/WalletConnectV2ListItem.tsx
index f8df35aeceb..5e7abcd6d6a 100644
--- a/src/components/walletconnect-list/WalletConnectV2ListItem.tsx
+++ b/src/components/walletconnect-list/WalletConnectV2ListItem.tsx
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import ChainBadge from '@/components/coin-icon/ChainBadge';
 import { ETH_ADDRESS, ETH_SYMBOL } from '@/references';
 import { Network } from '@/helpers';
+import { EthCoinIcon } from '../coin-icon/EthCoinIcon';
@@ -232,7 +233,7 @@ export function WalletConnectV2ListItem({ session, reload }: { session: SessionT
                           {network !== Network.mainnet ? (
                             <ChainBadge network={network} position="relative" size="small" />
                           ) : (
-                            <CoinIcon address={ETH_ADDRESS} size={20} symbol={ETH_SYMBOL} network={network} />
+                            <EthCoinIcon size={20} />
diff --git a/src/resources/assets/assets.ts b/src/resources/assets/assets.ts
index 6742f454655..3ecdbbbf6d6 100644
--- a/src/resources/assets/assets.ts
+++ b/src/resources/assets/assets.ts
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ export function parseAsset({ address, asset }: { address: string; asset: AddysAs
   const parsedAsset = {
     color: asset?.colors?.primary,
-    colors: asset?.colors,
+    colors: asset.colors,
     decimals: asset?.decimals,
diff --git a/src/resources/assets/externalAssetsQuery.ts b/src/resources/assets/externalAssetsQuery.ts
index 964d2f547d3..e22cb9b320e 100644
--- a/src/resources/assets/externalAssetsQuery.ts
+++ b/src/resources/assets/externalAssetsQuery.ts
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ const EXTERNAL_TOKEN_STALE_TIME = 1000 * 60; // 1 minute
 // Types
 type ExternalToken = Pick<Token, 'decimals' | 'iconUrl' | 'name' | 'networks' | 'symbol' | 'colors' | 'price'>;
 export type FormattedExternalAsset = ExternalToken & {
-  icon_url: string;
+  icon_url?: string;
   native: {
     change: string;
     price: {
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ const formatExternalAsset = (asset: ExternalToken, nativeCurrency: NativeCurrenc
       change: asset?.price?.relativeChange24h ? convertAmountToPercentageDisplay(`${asset?.price?.relativeChange24h}`) : '',
       price: convertAmountAndPriceToNativeDisplay(1, asset?.price?.value || 0, nativeCurrency),
-    icon_url: asset.iconUrl,
+    icon_url: asset?.iconUrl || undefined,
diff --git a/src/resources/assets/types.ts b/src/resources/assets/types.ts
index cbcbba5543d..39a5f41ea6d 100644
--- a/src/resources/assets/types.ts
+++ b/src/resources/assets/types.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import { Network } from '@/helpers/networkTypes';
 import { NativeCurrencyKey, ParsedAddressAsset } from '@/entities';
+import { TokenColors } from '@/graphql/__generated__/metadata';
 export type AddysAccountAssetsResponse = {
   meta: AddysAccountAssetsMeta;
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ export type AddysAddressAsset = {
 export type AddysAsset = {
   asset_code: string;
-  colors: AddysAssetColors;
+  colors: TokenColors;
   decimals: number;
   icon_url?: string;
   name: string;
@@ -38,12 +39,6 @@ export type AddysAsset = {
   type?: string;
-export type AddysAssetColors = {
-  fallback?: string;
-  primary: string;
-  shadow?: string;
 export type AddysNetworkDetails = {
   address: string;
   decimals: number;
@@ -58,11 +53,7 @@ export type AddysAssetPrice = {
 export interface ParsedAsset {
   address: string;
   color?: string;
-  colors?: {
-    primary?: string;
-    fallback?: string;
-    shadow?: string;
-  };
+  colors?: TokenColors;
   chainId?: number;
   chainName?: string;
   decimals: number;
diff --git a/src/screens/AddCash/components/ProviderCard.tsx b/src/screens/AddCash/components/ProviderCard.tsx
index 17bdfae2763..0c507d73cbf 100644
--- a/src/screens/AddCash/components/ProviderCard.tsx
+++ b/src/screens/AddCash/components/ProviderCard.tsx
@@ -5,10 +5,8 @@ import chroma from 'chroma-js';
 import { IS_IOS } from '@/env';
 import { Box, Text, Inline, Bleed, useBackgroundColor } from '@/design-system';
-import { ETH_ADDRESS, ETH_SYMBOL } from '@/references';
 import { Network } from '@/helpers/networkTypes';
 import ChainBadge from '@/components/coin-icon/ChainBadge';
-import { CoinIcon } from '@/components/coin-icon';
 import { Ramp as RampLogo } from '@/components/icons/svg/Ramp';
 import { Ratio as RatioLogo } from '@/components/icons/svg/Ratio';
@@ -19,6 +17,7 @@ import { FiatProviderName } from '@/entities/f2c';
 import { convertAPINetworkToInternalNetwork } from '@/screens/AddCash/utils';
 import { ProviderConfig, CalloutType, PaymentMethod } from '@/screens/AddCash/types';
 import * as i18n from '@/languages';
+import { EthCoinIcon } from '@/components/coin-icon/EthCoinIcon';
 type PaymentMethodConfig = {
   name: string;
@@ -97,11 +96,7 @@ function NetworkIcons({ networks }: { networks: Network[] }) {
               borderRadius: 30,
-            {network !== Network.mainnet ? (
-              <ChainBadge network={network} position="relative" size="small" />
-            ) : (
-              <CoinIcon address={ETH_ADDRESS} size={20} symbol={ETH_SYMBOL} network={network} />
-            )}
+            {network !== Network.mainnet ? <ChainBadge network={network} position="relative" size="small" /> : <EthCoinIcon size={20} />}
diff --git a/src/screens/ExchangeModal.tsx b/src/screens/ExchangeModal.tsx
index a7d474c89dd..5a762b473e0 100644
--- a/src/screens/ExchangeModal.tsx
+++ b/src/screens/ExchangeModal.tsx
@@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ export default function ExchangeModal({ fromDiscover, ignoreInitialTypeCheck, te
-                  inputCurrencyIcon={inputCurrency?.icon_url || inputCurrency?.iconUrl}
+                  inputCurrencyIcon={inputCurrency?.icon_url}
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ export default function ExchangeModal({ fromDiscover, ignoreInitialTypeCheck, te
-                  outputCurrencyIcon={outputCurrency?.icon_url || outputCurrency?.iconUrl}
+                  outputCurrencyIcon={outputCurrency?.icon_url}
diff --git a/src/screens/ExplainSheet.js b/src/screens/ExplainSheet.js
index 88c2d0584cc..10a24340660 100644
--- a/src/screens/ExplainSheet.js
+++ b/src/screens/ExplainSheet.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import { useRoute } from '@react-navigation/native';
 import lang from 'i18n-js';
 import React, { useCallback, useMemo } from 'react';
-import { Linking } from 'react-native';
+import { Linking, View } from 'react-native';
 import { useSafeAreaInsets } from 'react-native-safe-area-context';
 import { ChainBadge, CoinIcon, DashedWrapper } from '../components/coin-icon';
 import { Centered, Column, ColumnWithMargins, Row, RowWithMargins } from '../components/layout';
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ import networkTypes from '@/helpers/networkTypes';
 import { delay, toFixedDecimals } from '@/helpers/utilities';
 import { useDimensions } from '@/hooks';
 import { ImgixImage } from '@/components/images';
-import { ETH_ADDRESS, ETH_SYMBOL } from '@/references';
 import styled from '@/styled-thing';
 import { fonts, fontWithWidth, padding, position } from '@/styles';
 import { ethereumUtils, gasUtils, getTokenMetadata } from '@/utils';
@@ -37,6 +36,8 @@ import { isL2Network } from '@/handlers/web3';
 import { IS_ANDROID } from '@/env';
 import * as i18n from '@/languages';
 import { getNetworkObj } from '@/networks';
+import { EthCoinIcon } from '@/components/coin-icon/EthCoinIcon';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '@/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
 const { GAS_TRENDS } = gasUtils;
 const APP_ICON_SIZE = 64;
@@ -382,883 +383,923 @@ const navigateToAppIconSettings = async (navigate, goBack) => {
   navigate(Routes.SETTINGS_SHEET, { screen: 'AppIconSection' });
-export const explainers = (params, colors) => ({
-  op_rewards_airdrop_timing: {
-    emoji: '📦',
-    title: i18n.t(i18n.l.rewards.op.airdrop_timing.title),
-    text: i18n.t(i18n.l.rewards.op.airdrop_timing.text),
-    extraHeight: IS_ANDROID ? -65 : 10,
-    readMoreLink: buildRainbowLearnUrl({
-      url: '',
-      query: {
-        campaign: 'explain',
-      },
-    }),
-  },
-  op_rewards_amount_distributed: {
-    emoji: '💰',
-    title: i18n.t(i18n.l.rewards.op.amount_distributed.title),
-    text: i18n.t(i18n.l.rewards.op.amount_distributed.text),
-    extraHeight: IS_ANDROID ? -110 : -65,
-  },
-  op_rewards_bridge: {
-    emoji: '🌉',
-    title: i18n.t(i18n.l.rewards.op.bridge.title, {
-      percent: params?.percent || 0,
-    }),
-    text: i18n.t(i18n.l.rewards.op.bridge.text, {
-      percent: params?.percent || 0,
-    }),
-    extraHeight: IS_ANDROID ? -65 : 10,
-  },
-  op_rewards_swap: {
-    emoji: '🔀',
-    title: i18n.t(i18n.l.rewards.op.swap.title, {
-      percent: params?.percent || 0,
-    }),
-    text: i18n.t(i18n.l.rewards.op.swap.text, {
-      percent: params?.percent || 0,
-    }),
-    extraHeight: IS_ANDROID ? -65 : 10,
-  },
-  op_rewards_position: {
-    emoji: '🏆',
-    title: i18n.t(i18n.l.rewards.op.position.title),
-    text: i18n.t(i18n.l.rewards.op.position.text),
-    extraHeight: IS_ANDROID ? -110 : -65,
-  },
-  optimism_app_icon: {
-    logo: <OptimismAppIcon />,
-    extraHeight: -35,
-    title: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.title', { partner: 'Optimism' }),
-    button: {
-      onPress: navigateToAppIconSettings,
-      label: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.button'),
-      textColor: colors?.optimismRed,
-      bgColor: colors?.optimismRed06,
+export const explainers = (params, theme) => {
+  const colors = theme.colors;
+  return {
+    op_rewards_airdrop_timing: {
+      emoji: '📦',
+      title: i18n.t(i18n.l.rewards.op.airdrop_timing.title),
+      text: i18n.t(i18n.l.rewards.op.airdrop_timing.text),
+      extraHeight: IS_ANDROID ? -65 : 10,
+      readMoreLink: buildRainbowLearnUrl({
+        url: '',
+        query: {
+          campaign: 'explain',
+        },
+      }),
-  },
-  finiliar_app_icon: {
-    logo: <FiniliarAppIcon />,
-    extraHeight: -90,
-    button: {
-      onPress: navigateToAppIconSettings,
-      label: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.button'),
-      textColor: colors?.finiliarPink,
-      bgColor: colors?.finiliarPink06,
+    op_rewards_amount_distributed: {
+      emoji: '💰',
+      title: i18n.t(i18n.l.rewards.op.amount_distributed.title),
+      text: i18n.t(i18n.l.rewards.op.amount_distributed.text),
+      extraHeight: IS_ANDROID ? -110 : -65,
-  },
-  golddoge_app_icon: {
-    logo: <GoldDogeAppIcon />,
-    extraHeight: -65,
-    title: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.title', { partner: 'DOGE' }),
-    button: {
-      onPress: navigateToAppIconSettings,
-      label: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.button'),
-      textColor: colors?.dogeGold,
-      bgColor: colors?.dogeGold06,
+    op_rewards_bridge: {
+      emoji: '🌉',
+      title: i18n.t(i18n.l.rewards.op.bridge.title, {
+        percent: params?.percent || 0,
+      }),
+      text: i18n.t(i18n.l.rewards.op.bridge.text, {
+        percent: params?.percent || 0,
+      }),
+      extraHeight: IS_ANDROID ? -65 : 10,
-  },
-  raindoge_app_icon: {
-    logo: <RainDogeAppIcon />,
-    extraHeight: -65,
-    title: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.title', { partner: 'The Doge NFT' }),
-    button: {
-      onPress: navigateToAppIconSettings,
-      label: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.button'),
-      textColor: colors?.dogeGold,
-      bgColor: colors?.dogeGold06,
+    op_rewards_swap: {
+      emoji: '🔀',
+      title: i18n.t(i18n.l.rewards.op.swap.title, {
+        percent: params?.percent || 0,
+      }),
+      text: i18n.t(i18n.l.rewards.op.swap.text, {
+        percent: params?.percent || 0,
+      }),
+      extraHeight: IS_ANDROID ? -65 : 10,
-  },
-  pooly_app_icon: {
-    logo: <PoolyAppIcon />,
-    extraHeight: -90,
-    button: {
-      onPress: navigateToAppIconSettings,
-      label: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.button'),
-      textColor: colors?.poolyPurple,
-      bgColor: colors?.poolyPurple06,
+    op_rewards_position: {
+      emoji: '🏆',
+      title: i18n.t(i18n.l.rewards.op.position.title),
+      text: i18n.t(i18n.l.rewards.op.position.text),
+      extraHeight: IS_ANDROID ? -110 : -65,
-  },
-  smol_app_icon: {
-    logo: <SmolAppIcon />,
-    extraHeight: -65,
-    title: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.title', { partner: 'SMOL' }),
-    button: {
-      onPress: navigateToAppIconSettings,
-      label: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.button'),
-      textColor: colors?.smolPurple,
-      bgColor: colors?.smolPurple06,
+    optimism_app_icon: {
+      logo: <OptimismAppIcon />,
+      extraHeight: -35,
+      title: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.title', { partner: 'Optimism' }),
+      button: {
+        onPress: navigateToAppIconSettings,
+        label: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.button'),
+        textColor: colors?.optimismRed,
+        bgColor: colors?.optimismRed06,
+      },
-  },
-  zora_app_icon: {
-    logo: <ZoraAppIcon />,
-    extraHeight: -90,
-    title: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.title', { partner: 'Zora' }),
-    button: {
-      onPress: navigateToAppIconSettings,
-      label: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.button'),
-      textColor: colors?.appleBlue,
-      bgColor: colors?.appleBlue06,
+    finiliar_app_icon: {
+      logo: <FiniliarAppIcon />,
+      extraHeight: -90,
+      button: {
+        onPress: navigateToAppIconSettings,
+        label: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.button'),
+        textColor: colors?.finiliarPink,
+        bgColor: colors?.finiliarPink06,
+      },
-  },
-  zorb_app_icon: {
-    logo: <ZorbAppIcon />,
-    extraHeight: -65,
-    title: ZORB_APP_ICON_TITLE,
-    button: {
-      onPress: navigateToAppIconSettings,
-      label: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.button'),
-      textColor: colors?.zorbPink,
-      bgColor: colors?.zorbPink06,
+    golddoge_app_icon: {
+      logo: <GoldDogeAppIcon />,
+      extraHeight: -65,
+      title: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.title', { partner: 'DOGE' }),
+      button: {
+        onPress: navigateToAppIconSettings,
+        label: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.button'),
+        textColor: colors?.dogeGold,
+        bgColor: colors?.dogeGold06,
+      },
-  },
-  poolboy_app_icon: {
-    logo: <PoolboyAppIcon />,
-    extraHeight: -90,
-    button: {
-      onPress: navigateToAppIconSettings,
-      label: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.button'),
-      textColor: colors?.poolboyPink,
-      bgColor: colors?.poolboyPink06,
+    raindoge_app_icon: {
+      logo: <RainDogeAppIcon />,
+      extraHeight: -65,
+      title: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.title', { partner: 'The Doge NFT' }),
+      button: {
+        onPress: navigateToAppIconSettings,
+        label: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.button'),
+        textColor: colors?.dogeGold,
+        bgColor: colors?.dogeGold06,
+      },
-  },
-  adworld_app_icon: {
-    logo: <AdworldAppIcon />,
-    extraHeight: -90,
-    button: {
-      onPress: navigateToAppIconSettings,
-      label: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.button'),
-      textColor: colors?.adworldRed,
-      bgColor: colors?.adworldRed06,
+    pooly_app_icon: {
+      logo: <PoolyAppIcon />,
+      extraHeight: -90,
+      title: POOLY_APP_ICON_TITLE,
+      button: {
+        onPress: navigateToAppIconSettings,
+        label: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.button'),
+        textColor: colors?.poolyPurple,
+        bgColor: colors?.poolyPurple06,
+      },
-  },
-  output_disabled: {
-    extraHeight: -30,
-    title: params?.inputToken
-      ? lang.t(`explain.output_disabled.${params?.isCrosschainSwap ? 'title_crosschain' : 'title'}`, {
-          inputToken: params?.inputToken,
-          fromNetwork: getNetworkObj(params?.fromNetwork).name,
-        })
-      : lang.t('explain.output_disabled.title_empty'),
-    text: params?.isCrosschainSwap
-      ? lang.t(`explain.output_disabled.${params?.isBridgeSwap ? 'text_bridge' : 'text_crosschain'}`, {
-          inputToken: params?.inputToken,
-          outputToken: params?.outputToken,
-          fromNetwork: getNetworkObj(params?.fromNetwork).name,
-          toNetwork: getNetworkObj(params?.toNetwork).name,
-        })
-      : lang.t('explain.output_disabled.text', {
-          fromNetwork: getNetworkObj(params?.fromNetwork)?.name,
-          inputToken: params?.inputToken,
-          outputToken: params?.outputToken,
-        }),
-    logo: !isL2Network(params?.fromNetwork) ? (
-      <CoinIcon address={ETH_ADDRESS} size={40} symbol={ETH_SYMBOL} />
-    ) : (
-      <ChainBadge network={params?.fromNetwork} marginBottom={8} position="relative" size="large" />
-    ),
-  },
-  floor_price: {
-    emoji: '📊',
-    extraHeight: -102,
-    title: lang.t('explain.floor_price.title'),
-  },
-  gas: {
-    logo: (
-      <CoinIcon
-        address={params?.nativeAsset?.address}
-        size={40}
-        symbol={params?.nativeAsset?.symbol}
-        type={params?.network?.toLowerCase()}
-      />
-    ),
-    extraHeight: 2,
-    text: gasExplainer(params?.network),
-    title: lang.t('explain.gas.title', {
-      networkName: params?.network,
-    }),
-  },
-  ens_primary_name: {
-    extraHeight: 50,
-    emoji: '❓',
-  },
-  ens_manager: {
-    extraHeight: -30,
-    emoji: '❓',
-    title: ENS_MANAGER_TITLE,
-  },
-  ens_owner: {
-    extraHeight: 0,
-    emoji: '❓',
-    title: ENS_OWNER_TITLE,
-  },
-  ens_resolver: {
-    extraHeight: -60,
-    emoji: '❓',
-  },
-  ens_configuration: {
-    extraHeight: android ? 100 : 80,
-    emoji: '❓',
-  },
-  ensOnChainDataWarning: {
-    extraHeight: -30,
-    emoji: '✋',
-  },
-  currentBaseFeeStable: {
-    emoji: '🌞',
-    extraHeight: android ? 42 : 28,
-  },
-  currentBaseFeeFalling: {
-    emoji: '📉',
-    extraHeight: android ? 22 : 2,
-  },
-  currentBaseFeeRising: {
-    emoji: '🥵',
-    extraHeight: android ? 62 : 54,
-  },
-  currentBaseFeeSurging: {
-    emoji: '🎢',
-    extraHeight: android ? 102 : 54,
-  },
-  currentBaseFeeNotrend: {
-    emoji: '⛽',
-    extraHeight: android ? -18 : -40,
-  },
-  maxBaseFee: {
-    emoji: '📈',
-    extraHeight: -31,
-    title: lang.t('explain.max_base_fee.title'),
-  },
-  minerTip: {
-    emoji: '⛏',
-    extraHeight: -31,
-    title: lang.t('explain.miner_tip.title'),
-  },
-  sending_funds_to_contract: {
-    emoji: '✋',
-    extraHeight: 80,
-    title: lang.t('explain.sending_to_contract.title'),
-  },
-  verified: {
-    emoji: '􀇻',
-    title: lang.t('explain.verified.title'),
-  },
-  unverified: {
-    extraHeight: 120,
-    emoji: '⚠️',
-    button: {
-      label: lang.t('button.continue'),
-      bgColor: colors?.alpha(colors?.blueGreyDark80, 0.04),
-      textColor: colors?.blueGreyDark80,
+    smol_app_icon: {
+      logo: <SmolAppIcon />,
+      extraHeight: -65,
+      title: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.title', { partner: 'SMOL' }),
+      button: {
+        onPress: navigateToAppIconSettings,
+        label: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.button'),
+        textColor: colors?.smolPurple,
+        bgColor: colors?.smolPurple06,
+      },
-    secondaryButton: {
-      label: lang.t('button.go_back_lowercase'),
-      textColor: colors?.appleBlue,
-      bgColor: colors?.clearBlue,
+    zora_app_icon: {
+      logo: <ZoraAppIcon />,
+      extraHeight: -90,
+      title: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.title', { partner: 'Zora' }),
+      button: {
+        onPress: navigateToAppIconSettings,
+        label: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.button'),
+        textColor: colors?.appleBlue,
+        bgColor: colors?.appleBlue06,
+      },
-    title: lang.t('explain.unverified.title', {
-      symbol: params?.asset?.symbol,
-    }),
-    stillCurious: (
-      <Text {...getBodyTextPropsWithColor(colors)}>
-        {lang.t('explain.unverified.fragment1')}
-        <Text
-          color={colors?.appleBlue}
-          onPress={() => ethereumUtils.openTokenEtherscanURL(params?.asset.address, params?.asset?.network)}
-          size="large"
-          suppressHighlighting
-          weight="semibold"
-        >
-          {lang.t('explain.unverified.fragment2')}
-        </Text>
-        {lang.t('explain.unverified.fragment3')}
-      </Text>
-    ),
-  },
-  optimism: {
-    emoji: '⛽️',
-    extraHeight: 150,
-    logo: <ChainBadge network={networkTypes.optimism} marginBottom={8} position="relative" size="large" />,
-    readMoreLink: buildRainbowLearnUrl({
-      url: '',
-      query: {
-        campaign: 'explain',
+    zorb_app_icon: {
+      logo: <ZorbAppIcon />,
+      extraHeight: -65,
+      title: ZORB_APP_ICON_TITLE,
+      button: {
+        onPress: navigateToAppIconSettings,
+        label: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.button'),
+        textColor: colors?.zorbPink,
+        bgColor: colors?.zorbPink06,
-    }),
-    title: lang.t('explain.optimism.title'),
-  },
-  arbitrum: {
-    emoji: '⛽️',
-    extraHeight: 144,
-    logo: <ChainBadge network={networkTypes.arbitrum} marginBottom={8} position="relative" size="large" />,
-    readMoreLink: buildRainbowLearnUrl({
-      url: '',
-      query: {
-        campaign: 'explain',
+    },
+    poolboy_app_icon: {
+      logo: <PoolboyAppIcon />,
+      extraHeight: -90,
+      button: {
+        onPress: navigateToAppIconSettings,
+        label: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.button'),
+        textColor: colors?.poolboyPink,
+        bgColor: colors?.poolboyPink06,
-    }),
-    title: lang.t('explain.arbitrum.title'),
-  },
-  polygon: {
-    emoji: '⛽️',
-    extraHeight: 120,
-    logo: <ChainBadge network={networkTypes.polygon} marginBottom={8} position="relative" size="large" />,
-    readMoreLink: buildRainbowLearnUrl({
-      url: '',
-      query: {
-        campaign: 'explain',
+    },
+    adworld_app_icon: {
+      logo: <AdworldAppIcon />,
+      extraHeight: -90,
+      button: {
+        onPress: navigateToAppIconSettings,
+        label: lang.t('explain.icon_unlock.button'),
+        textColor: colors?.adworldRed,
+        bgColor: colors?.adworldRed06,
-    }),
-    title: lang.t('explain.polygon.title'),
-  },
-  bsc: {
-    emoji: '⛽️',
-    extraHeight: IS_ANDROID ? 120 : 160,
-    logo: <ChainBadge network={networkTypes.bsc} marginBottom={8} position="relative" size="large" />,
-    readMoreLink: buildRainbowLearnUrl({
-      url: '',
-      query: {
-        campaign: 'explain',
+    },
+    output_disabled: {
+      extraHeight: -30,
+      title: params?.inputToken
+        ? lang.t(`explain.output_disabled.${params?.isCrosschainSwap ? 'title_crosschain' : 'title'}`, {
+            inputToken: params?.inputToken,
+            fromNetwork: getNetworkObj(params?.fromNetwork).name,
+          })
+        : lang.t('explain.output_disabled.title_empty'),
+      text: params?.isCrosschainSwap
+        ? lang.t(`explain.output_disabled.${params?.isBridgeSwap ? 'text_bridge' : 'text_crosschain'}`, {
+            inputToken: params?.inputToken,
+            outputToken: params?.outputToken,
+            fromNetwork: getNetworkObj(params?.fromNetwork).name,
+            toNetwork: getNetworkObj(params?.toNetwork).name,
+          })
+        : lang.t('explain.output_disabled.text', {
+            fromNetwork: getNetworkObj(params?.fromNetwork)?.name,
+            inputToken: params?.inputToken,
+            outputToken: params?.outputToken,
+          }),
+      logo: !isL2Network(params?.fromNetwork) ? (
+        <EthCoinIcon size={40} />
+      ) : (
+        <ChainBadge network={params?.fromNetwork} marginBottom={8} position="relative" size="large" />
+      ),
+    },
+    floor_price: {
+      emoji: '📊',
+      extraHeight: -102,
+      title: lang.t('explain.floor_price.title'),
+    },
+    gas: {
+      logo: (
+        <RainbowCoinIcon
+          size={40}
+          icon={params?.nativeAsset?.icon}
+          symbol={params?.nativeAsset?.symbol}
+          network={params?.network?.toLowerCase()}
+          colors={params?.nativeAsset?.colors}
+          theme={theme}
+        />
+      ),
+      extraHeight: 2,
+      text: gasExplainer(params?.network),
+      title: lang.t('explain.gas.title', {
+        networkName: params?.network,
+      }),
+    },
+    ens_primary_name: {
+      extraHeight: 50,
+      emoji: '❓',
+    },
+    ens_manager: {
+      extraHeight: -30,
+      emoji: '❓',
+      title: ENS_MANAGER_TITLE,
+    },
+    ens_owner: {
+      extraHeight: 0,
+      emoji: '❓',
+      title: ENS_OWNER_TITLE,
+    },
+    ens_resolver: {
+      extraHeight: -60,
+      emoji: '❓',
+      title: ENS_RESOLVER_TITLE,
+    },
+    ens_configuration: {
+      extraHeight: android ? 100 : 80,
+      emoji: '❓',
+    },
+    ensOnChainDataWarning: {
+      extraHeight: -30,
+      emoji: '✋',
+    },
+    currentBaseFeeStable: {
+      emoji: '🌞',
+      extraHeight: android ? 42 : 28,
+    },
+    currentBaseFeeFalling: {
+      emoji: '📉',
+      extraHeight: android ? 22 : 2,
+    },
+    currentBaseFeeRising: {
+      emoji: '🥵',
+      extraHeight: android ? 62 : 54,
+    },
+    currentBaseFeeSurging: {
+      emoji: '🎢',
+      extraHeight: android ? 102 : 54,
+    },
+    currentBaseFeeNotrend: {
+      emoji: '⛽',
+      extraHeight: android ? -18 : -40,
+    },
+    maxBaseFee: {
+      emoji: '📈',
+      extraHeight: -31,
+      title: lang.t('explain.max_base_fee.title'),
+    },
+    minerTip: {
+      emoji: '⛏',
+      extraHeight: -31,
+      title: lang.t('explain.miner_tip.title'),
+    },
+    sending_funds_to_contract: {
+      emoji: '✋',
+      extraHeight: 80,
+      title: lang.t('explain.sending_to_contract.title'),
+    },
+    verified: {
+      emoji: '􀇻',
+      title: lang.t('explain.verified.title'),
+    },
+    unverified: {
+      extraHeight: 120,
+      emoji: '⚠️',
+      button: {
+        label: lang.t('button.continue'),
+        bgColor: colors?.alpha(colors?.blueGreyDark80, 0.04),
+        textColor: colors?.blueGreyDark80,
-    }),
-    text: BSC_EXPLAINER,
-    title: lang.t('explain.bsc.title'),
-  },
-  zora: {
-    emoji: '⛽️',
-    extraHeight: 144,
-    logo: <ChainBadge network={networkTypes.zora} marginBottom={8} position="relative" size="large" />,
-    readMoreLink: buildRainbowLearnUrl({
-      url: '',
-      query: {
-        campaign: 'explain',
+      secondaryButton: {
+        label: lang.t('button.go_back_lowercase'),
+        textColor: colors?.appleBlue,
+        bgColor: colors?.clearBlue,
-    }),
-    text: ZORA_EXPLAINER,
-    title: lang.t('explain.zora.title'),
-  },
-  base: {
-    emoji: '⛽️',
-    extraHeight: 144,
-    logo: <ChainBadge network={networkTypes.base} marginBottom={8} position="relative" size="large" />,
-    readMoreLink: buildRainbowLearnUrl({
-      url: '',
-      query: {
-        campaign: 'explain',
+      title: lang.t('explain.unverified.title', {
+        symbol: params?.asset?.symbol,
+      }),
+      stillCurious: (
+        <Text {...getBodyTextPropsWithColor(colors)}>
+          {lang.t('explain.unverified.fragment1')}
+          <Text
+            color={colors?.appleBlue}
+            onPress={() => ethereumUtils.openTokenEtherscanURL(params?.asset.address, params?.asset?.network)}
+            size="large"
+            suppressHighlighting
+            weight="semibold"
+          >
+            {lang.t('explain.unverified.fragment2')}
+          </Text>
+          {lang.t('explain.unverified.fragment3')}
+        </Text>
+      ),
+    },
+    optimism: {
+      emoji: '⛽️',
+      extraHeight: 150,
+      logo: <ChainBadge network={networkTypes.optimism} marginBottom={8} position="relative" size="large" />,
+      readMoreLink: buildRainbowLearnUrl({
+        url: '',
+        query: {
+          campaign: 'explain',
+        },
+      }),
+      title: lang.t('explain.optimism.title'),
+    },
+    arbitrum: {
+      emoji: '⛽️',
+      extraHeight: 144,
+      logo: <ChainBadge network={networkTypes.arbitrum} marginBottom={8} position="relative" size="large" />,
+      readMoreLink: buildRainbowLearnUrl({
+        url: '',
+        query: {
+          campaign: 'explain',
+        },
+      }),
+      title: lang.t('explain.arbitrum.title'),
+    },
+    polygon: {
+      emoji: '⛽️',
+      extraHeight: 120,
+      logo: <ChainBadge network={networkTypes.polygon} marginBottom={8} position="relative" size="large" />,
+      readMoreLink: buildRainbowLearnUrl({
+        url: '',
+        query: {
+          campaign: 'explain',
+        },
+      }),
+      title: lang.t('explain.polygon.title'),
+    },
+    bsc: {
+      emoji: '⛽️',
+      extraHeight: IS_ANDROID ? 120 : 160,
+      logo: <ChainBadge network={networkTypes.bsc} marginBottom={8} position="relative" size="large" />,
+      readMoreLink: buildRainbowLearnUrl({
+        url: '',
+        query: {
+          campaign: 'explain',
+        },
+      }),
+      text: BSC_EXPLAINER,
+      title: lang.t('explain.bsc.title'),
+    },
+    zora: {
+      emoji: '⛽️',
+      extraHeight: 144,
+      logo: <ChainBadge network={networkTypes.zora} marginBottom={8} position="relative" size="large" />,
+      readMoreLink: buildRainbowLearnUrl({
+        url: '',
+        query: {
+          campaign: 'explain',
+        },
+      }),
+      text: ZORA_EXPLAINER,
+      title: lang.t('explain.zora.title'),
+    },
+    base: {
+      emoji: '⛽️',
+      extraHeight: 144,
+      logo: <ChainBadge network={networkTypes.base} marginBottom={8} position="relative" size="large" />,
+      readMoreLink: buildRainbowLearnUrl({
+        url: '',
+        query: {
+          campaign: 'explain',
+        },
+      }),
+      text: BASE_EXPLAINER,
+      title: lang.t('explain.base.title'),
+    },
+    failed_wc_connection: {
+      emoji: '😵',
+      extraHeight: -50,
+      text: lang.t('explain.failed_walletconnect.text'),
+      title: lang.t('explain.failed_walletconnect.title'),
+    },
+    failed_wc_invalid_methods: {
+      emoji: '😵',
+      extraHeight: -100,
+      text: lang.t('explain.failed_wc_invalid_methods.text'),
+      title: lang.t('explain.failed_wc_invalid_methods.title'),
+    },
+    failed_wc_invalid_chains: {
+      emoji: '😵',
+      extraHeight: -100,
+      text: lang.t('explain.failed_wc_invalid_chains.text'),
+      title: lang.t('explain.failed_wc_invalid_chains.title'),
+    },
+    failed_wc_invalid_chain: {
+      emoji: '😵',
+      extraHeight: -100,
+      text: lang.t('explain.failed_wc_invalid_chain.text'),
+      title: lang.t('explain.failed_wc_invalid_chain.title'),
+    },
+    backup: {
+      emoji: '🔐',
+      extraHeight: 20,
+      text: BACKUP_EXPLAINER,
+      title: lang.t('explain.backup.title'),
+    },
+    rainbow_fee: {
+      emoji: '🌈',
+      extraHeight: -100,
+      text: lang.t('explain.rainbow_fee.text', {
+        feePercentage: params?.feePercentage,
+      }),
+      title: 'Rainbow Fee',
+    },
+    swapResetInputs: {
+      button: {
+        label: `Continue with ${getNetworkObj(params?.network)?.name}`,
+        bgColor: colors?.networkColors[params?.network] && colors?.alpha(colors?.networkColors[params?.network], 0.06),
+        textColor: colors?.networkColors[params?.network] && colors?.networkColors?.[params?.network],
-    }),
-    text: BASE_EXPLAINER,
-    title: lang.t('explain.base.title'),
-  },
-  failed_wc_connection: {
-    emoji: '😵',
-    extraHeight: -50,
-    text: lang.t('explain.failed_walletconnect.text'),
-    title: lang.t('explain.failed_walletconnect.title'),
-  },
-  failed_wc_invalid_methods: {
-    emoji: '😵',
-    extraHeight: -100,
-    text: lang.t('explain.failed_wc_invalid_methods.text'),
-    title: lang.t('explain.failed_wc_invalid_methods.title'),
-  },
-  failed_wc_invalid_chains: {
-    emoji: '😵',
-    extraHeight: -100,
-    text: lang.t('explain.failed_wc_invalid_chains.text'),
-    title: lang.t('explain.failed_wc_invalid_chains.title'),
-  },
-  failed_wc_invalid_chain: {
-    emoji: '😵',
-    extraHeight: -100,
-    text: lang.t('explain.failed_wc_invalid_chain.text'),
-    title: lang.t('explain.failed_wc_invalid_chain.title'),
-  },
-  backup: {
-    emoji: '🔐',
-    extraHeight: 20,
-    title: lang.t('explain.backup.title'),
-  },
-  rainbow_fee: {
-    emoji: '🌈',
-    extraHeight: -100,
-    text: lang.t('explain.rainbow_fee.text', {
-      feePercentage: params?.feePercentage,
-    }),
-    title: 'Rainbow Fee',
-  },
-  swapResetInputs: {
-    button: {
-      label: `Continue with ${getNetworkObj(params?.network)?.name}`,
-      bgColor: colors?.networkColors[params?.network] && colors?.alpha(colors?.networkColors[params?.network], 0.06),
-      textColor: colors?.networkColors[params?.network] && colors?.networkColors?.[params?.network],
+      emoji: '🔐',
+      extraHeight: -90,
+      title: `Switching to ${getNetworkObj(params?.network)?.name}`,
+      logo:
+        params?.network !== 'mainnet' ? (
+          <ChainBadge network={networkTypes[params?.network]} marginBottom={8} position="relative" size="large" />
+        ) : (
+          <EthCoinIcon size={40} />
+        ),
-    emoji: '🔐',
-    extraHeight: -90,
-    title: `Switching to ${getNetworkObj(params?.network)?.name}`,
-    logo:
-      params?.network !== 'mainnet' ? (
-        <ChainBadge network={networkTypes[params?.network]} marginBottom={8} position="relative" size="large" />
-      ) : (
-        <CoinIcon address={ETH_ADDRESS} size={40} symbol={ETH_ADDRESS} />
-      ),
-  },
-  f2cSemiSupportedAssetPurchased: {
-    emoji: '🎉',
-    title: i18n.t(i18n.l.wallet.add_cash_v2.explain_sheet.semi_supported.title),
-    text: i18n.t(i18n.l.wallet.add_cash_v2.explain_sheet.semi_supported.title),
-    extraHeight: -80,
-  },
-  insufficientLiquidity: {
-    extraHeight: -20,
-    emoji: '🏦',
-    title: lang.t('explain.insufficient_liquidity.title'),
-    stillCurious: (
-      <Text {...getBodyTextPropsWithColor(colors)}>
-        {lang.t('explain.insufficient_liquidity.fragment1')}
-        <Text
-          color={colors?.appleBlue}
-          onPress={() =>
-            Linking.openURL(
-              buildRainbowLearnUrl({
-                url: '',
-                query: {
-                  campaign: 'explain',
-                },
-              })
-            )
-          }
-          size="large"
-          suppressHighlighting
-          weight="semibold"
-        >
-          {lang.t('explain.insufficient_liquidity.fragment2')}
+    f2cSemiSupportedAssetPurchased: {
+      emoji: '🎉',
+      title: i18n.t(i18n.l.wallet.add_cash_v2.explain_sheet.semi_supported.title),
+      text: i18n.t(i18n.l.wallet.add_cash_v2.explain_sheet.semi_supported.title),
+      extraHeight: -80,
+    },
+    insufficientLiquidity: {
+      extraHeight: -20,
+      emoji: '🏦',
+      title: lang.t('explain.insufficient_liquidity.title'),
+      stillCurious: (
+        <Text {...getBodyTextPropsWithColor(colors)}>
+          {lang.t('explain.insufficient_liquidity.fragment1')}
+          <Text
+            color={colors?.appleBlue}
+            onPress={() =>
+              Linking.openURL(
+                buildRainbowLearnUrl({
+                  url: '',
+                  query: {
+                    campaign: 'explain',
+                  },
+                })
+              )
+            }
+            size="large"
+            suppressHighlighting
+            weight="semibold"
+          >
+            {lang.t('explain.insufficient_liquidity.fragment2')}
+          </Text>
+          {lang.t('explain.insufficient_liquidity.fragment3')}
-        {lang.t('explain.insufficient_liquidity.fragment3')}
-      </Text>
-    ),
-  },
-  feeOnTransfer: {
-    extraHeight: -70,
-    logo: (
-      <RowWithMargins justify="center" margin={35} marginBottom={10}>
-        <CoinIcon size={40} {...params?.inputCurrency} />
-      </RowWithMargins>
-    ),
-    title: lang.t('explain.fee_on_transfer.title'),
-    stillCurious: (
-      <Text {...getBodyTextPropsWithColor(colors)}>
-        {lang.t('explain.fee_on_transfer.fragment1', {
-          tokenName: params?.inputCurrency?.symbol,
-        })}
-        <Text
-          color={colors?.appleBlue}
-          onPress={() =>
-            Linking.openURL(
-              buildRainbowLearnUrl({
-                url: '',
-                query: {
-                  campaign: 'explain',
-                },
-              })
-            )
-          }
-          size="large"
-          suppressHighlighting
-          weight="semibold"
-        >
-          {lang.t('explain.fee_on_transfer.fragment2')}
+      ),
+    },
+    feeOnTransfer: {
+      extraHeight: -70,
+      logo: (
+        <RowWithMargins justify="center" margin={35} marginBottom={10}>
+          <RainbowCoinIcon
+            size={40}
+            icon={params?.inputCurrency?.icon}
+            symbol={params?.inputCurrency?.symbol}
+            network={params?.inputCurrency?.network}
+            colors={params?.inputCurrency?.colors}
+            theme={theme}
+          />
+        </RowWithMargins>
+      ),
+      title: lang.t('explain.fee_on_transfer.title'),
+      stillCurious: (
+        <Text {...getBodyTextPropsWithColor(colors)}>
+          {lang.t('explain.fee_on_transfer.fragment1', {
+            tokenName: params?.inputCurrency?.symbol,
+          })}
+          <Text
+            color={colors?.appleBlue}
+            onPress={() =>
+              Linking.openURL(
+                buildRainbowLearnUrl({
+                  url: '',
+                  query: {
+                    campaign: 'explain',
+                  },
+                })
+              )
+            }
+            size="large"
+            suppressHighlighting
+            weight="semibold"
+          >
+            {lang.t('explain.fee_on_transfer.fragment2')}
+          </Text>
+          {lang.t('explain.fee_on_transfer.fragment3')}
-        {lang.t('explain.fee_on_transfer.fragment3')}
-      </Text>
-    ),
-  },
-  noRouteFound: {
-    extraHeight: -90,
-    emoji: '🚧',
-    title: lang.t('explain.no_route_found.title'),
-    stillCurious: (
-      <>
-        <Text {...getBodyTextPropsWithColor(colors)}>{lang.t('explain.no_route_found.fragment1')}</Text>
-        <Text {...getBodyTextPropsWithColor(colors)}>{lang.t('explain.no_route_found.fragment2')}</Text>
-      </>
-    ),
-  },
-  noQuote: {
-    extraHeight: -90,
-    emoji: '🏦',
-    title: lang.t('explain.no_quote.title'),
-    text: lang.t('explain.no_quote.text'),
-    logo: (
-      <RowWithMargins justify="center" margin={35} marginBottom={10}>
-        <CoinIcon size={40} {...params?.inputCurrency} />
-        <DoubleChevron />
-        <CoinIcon size={40} {...params?.outputCurrency} />
-      </RowWithMargins>
-    ),
-  },
-  crossChainGas: {
-    extraHeight: 40,
-    title: lang.t('explain.cross_chain_swap.title'),
-    text: lang.t('explain.cross_chain_swap.text'),
-    logo: (
-      <RowWithMargins justify="center" margin={35} marginBottom={10}>
-        <CoinIcon size={40} {...params?.inputCurrency} />
-        <DoubleChevron />
-        <CoinIcon size={40} {...params?.outputCurrency} />
-      </RowWithMargins>
-    ),
-  },
-  availableNetworks: {
-    buttonText: `Go to Hop`,
-    extraHeight: -90,
-    text: availableNetworksExplainer(params?.tokenSymbol, params?.networks),
-    title:
-      params?.networks?.length > 1
-        ? lang.t('explain.available_networks.title_plural', {
-            length: params?.networks?.length,
-          })
-        : lang.t('explain.available_networks.title_singular', {
-            network: params?.networks?.[0],
-          }),
-    logo: (
-      <Row justify="center" marginBottom={10}>
-        {params?.networks?.map((network, index) => {
-          return (
-            <Box
-              height={{ custom: 40 }}
-              key={`networks-${network}`}
-              marginLeft={{
-                custom: index > 0 ? -12 : params?.networks?.length % 2 === 0 ? -2 : -30,
-              }}
-              style={{
-                borderColor: colors.transparent,
-                borderRadius: 0,
-                borderWidth: 1,
-                zIndex: index,
-              }}
-              width={{ custom: 40 }}
-              zIndex={params?.networks?.length - index}
-            >
-              {network !== 'mainnet' ? (
-                <ChainBadge network={network} position="relative" size="large" />
-              ) : (
-                <CoinIcon address={ETH_ADDRESS} size={40} style={{ marginTop: 4 }} symbol={ETH_SYMBOL} />
-              )}
-            </Box>
-          );
-        })}
-      </Row>
-    ),
-  },
-  obtainL2Assets: {
-    extraHeight: 40,
-    button: {
-      label: lang.t('explain.go_to_hop_with_icon.text'),
-      bgColor: colors?.alpha(colors?.blueGreyDark80, 0.04),
-      textColor: colors?.blueGreyDark80,
+      ),
-    secondaryButton: {
-      label: lang.t('button.go_back_lowercase'),
-      textColor: colors?.appleBlue,
-      bgColor: colors?.clearBlue,
+    noRouteFound: {
+      extraHeight: -90,
+      emoji: '🚧',
+      title: lang.t('explain.no_route_found.title'),
+      stillCurious: (
+        <>
+          <Text {...getBodyTextPropsWithColor(colors)}>{lang.t('explain.no_route_found.fragment1')}</Text>
+          <Text {...getBodyTextPropsWithColor(colors)}>{lang.t('explain.no_route_found.fragment2')}</Text>
+        </>
+      ),
-    stillCurious: (
-      <Text {...getBodyTextPropsWithColor(colors)}>
-        {lang.t('explain.obtain_l2_asset.fragment1', {
-          networkName: params?.networkName,
-          tokenName: params?.assetName,
-        })}
-        <Text
-          color={colors?.appleBlue}
-          onPress={() =>
-            Linking.openURL(
-              buildRainbowLearnUrl({
-                url: '',
-                query: {
-                  campaign: 'explain',
-                },
-              })
-            )
-          }
-          size="large"
-          suppressHighlighting
-          weight="semibold"
-        >
-          {lang.t('explain.obtain_l2_asset.fragment2', {
+    noQuote: {
+      extraHeight: -90,
+      emoji: '🏦',
+      title: lang.t('explain.no_quote.title'),
+      text: lang.t('explain.no_quote.text'),
+      logo: (
+        <RowWithMargins justify="center" margin={35} marginBottom={10}>
+          <RainbowCoinIcon
+            size={40}
+            icon={params?.inputCurrency?.icon}
+            symbol={params?.inputCurrency?.symbol}
+            network={params?.inputCurrency?.network}
+            colors={params?.inputCurrency?.colors}
+            theme={theme}
+          />
+          <DoubleChevron />
+          <RainbowCoinIcon
+            size={40}
+            icon={params?.outputCurrency?.icon}
+            symbol={params?.outputCurrency?.symbol}
+            network={params?.outputCurrency?.network}
+            colors={params?.outputCurrency?.colors}
+            theme={theme}
+          />
+        </RowWithMargins>
+      ),
+    },
+    crossChainGas: {
+      extraHeight: 40,
+      title: lang.t('explain.cross_chain_swap.title'),
+      text: lang.t('explain.cross_chain_swap.text'),
+      logo: (
+        <RowWithMargins justify="center" margin={35} marginBottom={10}>
+          <RainbowCoinIcon
+            size={40}
+            icon={params?.inputCurrency?.icon}
+            symbol={params?.inputCurrency?.symbol}
+            network={params?.inputCurrency?.network}
+            colors={params?.inputCurrency?.colors}
+            theme={theme}
+          />
+          <DoubleChevron />
+          <RainbowCoinIcon
+            size={40}
+            icon={params?.outputCurrency?.icon}
+            symbol={params?.outputCurrency?.symbol}
+            network={params?.outputCurrency?.network}
+            colors={params?.outputCurrency?.colors}
+            theme={theme}
+          />
+        </RowWithMargins>
+      ),
+    },
+    availableNetworks: {
+      buttonText: `Go to Hop`,
+      extraHeight: -90,
+      text: availableNetworksExplainer(params?.tokenSymbol, params?.networks),
+      title:
+        params?.networks?.length > 1
+          ? lang.t('explain.available_networks.title_plural', {
+              length: params?.networks?.length,
+            })
+          : lang.t('explain.available_networks.title_singular', {
+              network: params?.networks?.[0],
+            }),
+      logo: (
+        <Row justify="center" marginBottom={10}>
+          {params?.networks?.map((network, index) => {
+            return (
+              <Box
+                height={{ custom: 40 }}
+                key={`networks-${network}`}
+                marginLeft={{
+                  custom: index > 0 ? -12 : params?.networks?.length % 2 === 0 ? -2 : -30,
+                }}
+                style={{
+                  borderColor: colors.transparent,
+                  borderRadius: 0,
+                  borderWidth: 1,
+                  zIndex: index,
+                }}
+                width={{ custom: 40 }}
+                zIndex={params?.networks?.length - index}
+              >
+                {network !== 'mainnet' ? (
+                  <ChainBadge network={network} position="relative" size="large" />
+                ) : (
+                  <View style={{ marginTop: 4 }}>
+                    <EthCoinIcon size={40} />
+                  </View>
+                )}
+              </Box>
+            );
+          })}
+        </Row>
+      ),
+    },
+    obtainL2Assets: {
+      extraHeight: 40,
+      button: {
+        label: lang.t('explain.go_to_hop_with_icon.text'),
+        bgColor: colors?.alpha(colors?.blueGreyDark80, 0.04),
+        textColor: colors?.blueGreyDark80,
+      },
+      secondaryButton: {
+        label: lang.t('button.go_back_lowercase'),
+        textColor: colors?.appleBlue,
+        bgColor: colors?.clearBlue,
+      },
+      stillCurious: (
+        <Text {...getBodyTextPropsWithColor(colors)}>
+          {lang.t('explain.obtain_l2_asset.fragment1', {
             networkName: params?.networkName,
+            tokenName: params?.assetName,
+          <Text
+            color={colors?.appleBlue}
+            onPress={() =>
+              Linking.openURL(
+                buildRainbowLearnUrl({
+                  url: '',
+                  query: {
+                    campaign: 'explain',
+                  },
+                })
+              )
+            }
+            size="large"
+            suppressHighlighting
+            weight="semibold"
+          >
+            {lang.t('explain.obtain_l2_asset.fragment2', {
+              networkName: params?.networkName,
+            })}
+          </Text>
+          {lang.t('explain.obtain_l2_asset.fragment3')}
-        {lang.t('explain.obtain_l2_asset.fragment3')}
-      </Text>
-    ),
-    logo: <ChainBadge network={params?.network} marginBottom={8} position="relative" size="large" />,
-    title: lang.t('explain.obtain_l2_asset.title', {
-      networkName: params?.networkName,
-    }),
-  },
-  flashbots: {
-    extraHeight: android ? 20 : 0,
-    emoji: '🤖',
-    stillCurious: (
-      <Text {...getBodyTextPropsWithColor(colors)}>
-        {lang.t('explain.flashbots.still_curious.fragment1')}
-        <Text
-          color={colors?.appleBlue}
-          onPress={() =>
-            Linking.openURL(
-              buildRainbowLearnUrl({
-                url: '',
-                query: {
-                  campaign: 'explain',
-                },
-              })
-            )
-          }
-          size="large"
-          suppressHighlighting
-          weight="semibold"
-        >
-          {lang.t('explain.flashbots.still_curious.fragment2')}
+      ),
+      logo: <ChainBadge network={params?.network} marginBottom={8} position="relative" size="large" />,
+      title: lang.t('explain.obtain_l2_asset.title', {
+        networkName: params?.networkName,
+      }),
+    },
+    flashbots: {
+      extraHeight: android ? 20 : 0,
+      emoji: '🤖',
+      stillCurious: (
+        <Text {...getBodyTextPropsWithColor(colors)}>
+          {lang.t('explain.flashbots.still_curious.fragment1')}
+          <Text
+            color={colors?.appleBlue}
+            onPress={() =>
+              Linking.openURL(
+                buildRainbowLearnUrl({
+                  url: '',
+                  query: {
+                    campaign: 'explain',
+                  },
+                })
+              )
+            }
+            size="large"
+            suppressHighlighting
+            weight="semibold"
+          >
+            {lang.t('explain.flashbots.still_curious.fragment2')}
+          </Text>
+          {lang.t('explain.flashbots.still_curious.fragment3')}
-        {lang.t('explain.flashbots.still_curious.fragment3')}
-      </Text>
-    ),
-    text: lang.t('explain.flashbots.text'),
-    title: lang.t('explain.flashbots.title'),
-  },
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-    extraHeight: android ? 20 : 0,
-    emoji: '🔀',
-    stillCurious: (
-      <Text {...getBodyTextPropsWithColor(colors)}>
-        {lang.t('explain.swap_routing.still_curious.fragment1')}
-        <Text
-          color={colors?.appleBlue}
-          onPress={() =>
-            Linking.openURL(
-              buildRainbowLearnUrl({
-                url: '',
-                query: {
-                  campaign: 'explain',
-                },
-              })
-            )
-          }
-          size="large"
-          suppressHighlighting
-          weight="semibold"
-        >
-          {lang.t('explain.swap_routing.still_curious.fragment2')}
+      ),
+      text: lang.t('explain.flashbots.text'),
+      title: lang.t('explain.flashbots.title'),
+    },
+    routeSwaps: {
+      extraHeight: android ? 20 : 0,
+      emoji: '🔀',
+      stillCurious: (
+        <Text {...getBodyTextPropsWithColor(colors)}>
+          {lang.t('explain.swap_routing.still_curious.fragment1')}
+          <Text
+            color={colors?.appleBlue}
+            onPress={() =>
+              Linking.openURL(
+                buildRainbowLearnUrl({
+                  url: '',
+                  query: {
+                    campaign: 'explain',
+                  },
+                })
+              )
+            }
+            size="large"
+            suppressHighlighting
+            weight="semibold"
+          >
+            {lang.t('explain.swap_routing.still_curious.fragment2')}
+          </Text>
+          {lang.t('explain.swap_routing.still_curious.fragment3')}
-        {lang.t('explain.swap_routing.still_curious.fragment3')}
-      </Text>
-    ),
-    text: lang.t('explain.swap_routing.text'),
-    title: lang.t('explain.swap_routing.title'),
-  },
-  slippage: {
-    extraHeight: 126,
-    emoji: '🌊',
-    stillCurious: (
-      <Text {...getBodyTextPropsWithColor(colors)}>
-        {lang.t('explain.slippage.still_curious.fragment1')}
-        <Text
-          color={colors?.appleBlue}
-          onPress={() => Linking.openURL('')}
-          size="large"
-          suppressHighlighting
-          weight="semibold"
-        >
-          {lang.t('explain.slippage.still_curious.fragment2')}
+      ),
+      text: lang.t('explain.swap_routing.text'),
+      title: lang.t('explain.swap_routing.title'),
+    },
+    slippage: {
+      extraHeight: 126,
+      emoji: '🌊',
+      stillCurious: (
+        <Text {...getBodyTextPropsWithColor(colors)}>
+          {lang.t('explain.slippage.still_curious.fragment1')}
+          <Text
+            color={colors?.appleBlue}
+            onPress={() => Linking.openURL('')}
+            size="large"
+            suppressHighlighting
+            weight="semibold"
+          >
+            {lang.t('explain.slippage.still_curious.fragment2')}
+          </Text>
+          {lang.t('explain.slippage.still_curious.fragment3')}
-        {lang.t('explain.slippage.still_curious.fragment3')}
-      </Text>
-    ),
-    text: lang.t('explain.slippage.text'),
-    title: lang.t('explain.slippage.title'),
-  },
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-    logo: (
-      <DashedWrapper
-        size={50}
-        childXPosition={10}
-        colors={[
-          colors?.networkColors[params?.network],
-          getTokenMetadata(params?.nativeAsset?.mainnet_address)?.color ?? colors?.appleBlue,
-        ]}
-      >
-        <CoinIcon
-          mainnet_address={params?.nativeAsset?.mainnet_address}
-          address={params?.nativeAsset?.address}
-          symbol={params?.nativeAsset?.symbol}
-          type={params?.nativeAsset?.network}
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-          badgeSize="tiny"
-          badgeXPosition={-4}
-          badgeYPosition={1}
-        />
-      </DashedWrapper>
-    ),
-    title: lang.t('explain.swap_refuel.title', {
-      networkName: params?.networkName,
-      gasToken: params?.gasToken,
-    }),
-    text: lang.t('explain.swap_refuel.text', {
-      networkName: params?.networkName,
-      gasToken: params?.gasToken,
-    }),
-    button: {
-      label: lang.t('button.no_thanks'),
-      textColor: 'blueGreyDark60',
-      bgColor: colors?.transparent,
-      onPress: params?.onContinue,
+      ),
+      text: lang.t('explain.slippage.text'),
+      title: lang.t('explain.slippage.title'),
-    secondaryButton: {
-      label: lang.t('explain.swap_refuel.button', {
+    swap_refuel_add: {
+      logo: (
+        <DashedWrapper
+          size={50}
+          childXPosition={10}
+          colors={[
+            colors?.networkColors[params?.network],
+            getTokenMetadata(params?.nativeAsset?.mainnet_address)?.color ?? colors?.appleBlue,
+          ]}
+        >
+          <RainbowCoinIcon
+            size={30}
+            icon={params?.nativeAsset?.icon}
+            symbol={params?.nativeAsset?.symbol}
+            network={params?.nativeAsset?.network}
+            colors={params?.nativeAssety?.colors}
+            theme={theme}
+            ignoreBadge
+          />
+        </DashedWrapper>
+      ),
+      title: lang.t('explain.swap_refuel.title', {
         networkName: params?.networkName,
         gasToken: params?.gasToken,
-      textColor: colors?.networkColors[params?.network],
-      bgColor: colors?.networkColors[params?.network] && colors?.alpha(colors?.networkColors[params?.network], 0.05),
-      onPress: params?.onRefuel,
-    },
-  },
-  swap_refuel_deduct: {
-    logo: (
-      <DashedWrapper
-        size={50}
-        childXPosition={10}
-        colors={[
-          colors?.networkColors[params?.network],
-          getTokenMetadata(params?.nativeAsset?.mainnet_address)?.color ?? colors?.appleBlue,
-        ]}
-      >
-        <CoinIcon
-          address={params?.nativeAsset?.mainnet_address}
-          symbol={params?.nativeAsset?.symbol}
-          type={params?.nativeAsset?.network}
-          size={30}
-          badgeSize="tiny"
-          badgeXPosition={-4}
-          badgeYPosition={1}
-        />
-      </DashedWrapper>
-    ),
-    title: lang.t('explain.swap_refuel_deduct.title', {
-      networkName: params?.networkName,
-      gasToken: params?.gasToken,
-    }),
-    text: lang.t('explain.swap_refuel_deduct.text', {
-      networkName: params?.networkName,
-      gasToken: params?.gasToken,
-    }),
-    button: {
-      label: lang.t('button.no_thanks'),
-      textColor: 'blueGreyDark60',
-      bgColor: colors?.transparent,
-      onPress: params?.onContinue,
-    },
-    secondaryButton: {
-      label: lang.t('explain.swap_refuel_deduct.button', {
+      text: lang.t('explain.swap_refuel.text', {
         networkName: params?.networkName,
         gasToken: params?.gasToken,
-      textColor: colors?.networkColors[params?.network],
-      bgColor: colors?.networkColors[params?.network] && colors?.alpha(colors?.networkColors[params?.network], 0.05),
-      onPress: params?.onRefuel,
+      button: {
+        label: lang.t('button.no_thanks'),
+        textColor: 'blueGreyDark60',
+        bgColor: colors?.transparent,
+        onPress: params?.onContinue,
+      },
+      secondaryButton: {
+        label: lang.t('explain.swap_refuel.button', {
+          networkName: params?.networkName,
+          gasToken: params?.gasToken,
+        }),
+        textColor: colors?.networkColors[params?.network],
+        bgColor: colors?.networkColors[params?.network] && colors?.alpha(colors?.networkColors[params?.network], 0.05),
+        onPress: params?.onRefuel,
+      },
-  },
-  swap_refuel_notice: {
-    extraHeight: 50,
-    logo: (
-      <DashedWrapper
-        size={50}
-        childXPosition={10}
-        colors={[
-          colors?.networkColors[params?.network],
-          getTokenMetadata(params?.nativeAsset?.mainnet_address)?.color ?? colors?.appleBlue,
-        ]}
-      >
-        <CoinIcon
-          address={params?.nativeAsset?.mainnet_address}
-          symbol={params?.nativeAsset?.symbol}
-          type={params?.nativeAsset?.network}
-          size={30}
-          badgeSize="tiny"
-          badgeXPosition={-4}
-          badgeYPosition={1}
-        />
-      </DashedWrapper>
-    ),
-    title: lang.t('explain.swap_refuel_notice.title', {
-      networkName: params?.networkName,
-      gasToken: params?.gasToken,
-    }),
-    text: lang.t('explain.swap_refuel_notice.text', {
-      networkName: params?.networkName,
-      gasToken: params?.gasToken,
-    }),
-    button: {
-      label: lang.t('button.go_back'),
-      textColor: 'blueGreyDark60',
-      bgColor: colors?.transparent,
-      onPress: params?.onContinue,
+    swap_refuel_deduct: {
+      logo: (
+        <DashedWrapper
+          size={50}
+          childXPosition={10}
+          colors={[
+            colors?.networkColors[params?.network],
+            getTokenMetadata(params?.nativeAsset?.mainnet_address)?.color ?? colors?.appleBlue,
+          ]}
+        >
+          <RainbowCoinIcon
+            size={30}
+            icon={params?.nativeAsset?.icon}
+            symbol={params?.nativeAsset?.symbol}
+            network={params?.nativeAsset?.network}
+            colors={params?.nativeAsset?.colors}
+            theme={theme}
+            ignoreBadge
+          />
+        </DashedWrapper>
+      ),
+      title: lang.t('explain.swap_refuel_deduct.title', {
+        networkName: params?.networkName,
+        gasToken: params?.gasToken,
+      }),
+      text: lang.t('explain.swap_refuel_deduct.text', {
+        networkName: params?.networkName,
+        gasToken: params?.gasToken,
+      }),
+      button: {
+        label: lang.t('button.no_thanks'),
+        textColor: 'blueGreyDark60',
+        bgColor: colors?.transparent,
+        onPress: params?.onContinue,
+      },
+      secondaryButton: {
+        label: lang.t('explain.swap_refuel_deduct.button', {
+          networkName: params?.networkName,
+          gasToken: params?.gasToken,
+        }),
+        textColor: colors?.networkColors[params?.network],
+        bgColor: colors?.networkColors[params?.network] && colors?.alpha(colors?.networkColors[params?.network], 0.05),
+        onPress: params?.onRefuel,
+      },
-    secondaryButton: {
-      label: lang.t('button.proceed_anyway'),
-      textColor: colors?.appleBlue,
-      bgColor: colors?.alpha(colors?.appleBlue, 0.05),
-      onPress: params?.onProceed,
+    swap_refuel_notice: {
+      extraHeight: 50,
+      logo: (
+        <DashedWrapper
+          size={50}
+          childXPosition={10}
+          colors={[
+            colors?.networkColors[params?.network],
+            getTokenMetadata(params?.nativeAsset?.mainnet_address)?.color ?? colors?.appleBlue,
+          ]}
+        >
+          <RainbowCoinIcon
+            size={30}
+            icon={params?.nativeAsset?.icon}
+            symbol={params?.nativeAsset?.symbol}
+            network={params?.nativeAsset?.network}
+            colors={params?.nativeAsset?.colors}
+            theme={theme}
+          />
+        </DashedWrapper>
+      ),
+      title: lang.t('explain.swap_refuel_notice.title', {
+        networkName: params?.networkName,
+        gasToken: params?.gasToken,
+      }),
+      text: lang.t('explain.swap_refuel_notice.text', {
+        networkName: params?.networkName,
+        gasToken: params?.gasToken,
+      }),
+      button: {
+        label: lang.t('button.go_back'),
+        textColor: 'blueGreyDark60',
+        bgColor: colors?.transparent,
+        onPress: params?.onContinue,
+      },
+      secondaryButton: {
+        label: lang.t('button.proceed_anyway'),
+        textColor: colors?.appleBlue,
+        bgColor: colors?.alpha(colors?.appleBlue, 0.05),
+        onPress: params?.onProceed,
+      },
-  },
+  };
 const ExplainSheet = () => {
   const { height: deviceHeight } = useDimensions();
@@ -1266,7 +1307,7 @@ const ExplainSheet = () => {
   const { params } = useRoute();
   const type = params.type;
-  const { colors } = useTheme();
+  const theme = useTheme();
   const { goBack, navigate } = useNavigation();
   const renderBaseFeeIndicator = useMemo(() => {
     if (!type.includes('currentBaseFee')) return null;
@@ -1281,8 +1322,8 @@ const ExplainSheet = () => {
   }, [params, type]);
   const explainSheetConfig = useMemo(() => {
-    return explainers(params, colors)[type];
-  }, [colors, params, type]);
+    return explainers(params, theme)[type];
+  }, [theme, params, type]);
   const handleClose = useCallback(() => {
@@ -1321,24 +1362,24 @@ const ExplainSheet = () => {
     const secondaryButton = (explainSheetConfig?.readMoreLink || explainSheetConfig?.secondaryButton?.label) && (
       <Column height={60} style={android && reverseButtons && { marginTop: 16 }}>
-          color={explainSheetConfig?.secondaryButton?.bgColor ?? colors.blueGreyDarkLight}
+          color={explainSheetConfig?.secondaryButton?.bgColor ?? theme.colors.blueGreyDarkLight}
           label={explainSheetConfig.secondaryButton?.label || lang.t('explain.read_more')}
-          textColor={explainSheetConfig.secondaryButton?.textColor ?? colors.blueGreyDark80}
+          textColor={explainSheetConfig.secondaryButton?.textColor ?? theme.colors.blueGreyDark80}
     const accentCta = (
-        color={explainSheetConfig.button?.bgColor || colors.alpha(colors.appleBlue, 0.04)}
+        color={explainSheetConfig.button?.bgColor || theme.colors.alpha(theme.colors.appleBlue, 0.04)}
         label={explainSheetConfig.button?.label || lang.t('button.got_it')}
-        textColor={explainSheetConfig.button?.textColor ?? colors.appleBlue}
+        textColor={explainSheetConfig.button?.textColor ?? theme.colors.appleBlue}
@@ -1349,7 +1390,7 @@ const ExplainSheet = () => {
     return buttonArray;
   }, [
-    colors,
+    theme.colors,
@@ -1393,7 +1434,7 @@ const ExplainSheet = () => {
             {/** base fee explainer */}
-            {explainSheetConfig.text && <Text {...getBodyTextPropsWithColor(colors)}>{explainSheetConfig.text}</Text>}
+            {explainSheetConfig.text && <Text {...getBodyTextPropsWithColor(theme.colors)}>{explainSheetConfig.text}</Text>}
             {explainSheetConfig?.stillCurious && explainSheetConfig.stillCurious}
diff --git a/src/screens/MintsSheet/card/Card.tsx b/src/screens/MintsSheet/card/Card.tsx
index 5372e3b4ee6..7d438dff17c 100644
--- a/src/screens/MintsSheet/card/Card.tsx
+++ b/src/screens/MintsSheet/card/Card.tsx
@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ import { getNetworkObj } from '@/networks';
 import { getNetworkFromChainId } from '@/utils/ethereumUtils';
 import { ButtonPressAnimation } from '@/components/animations';
 import { Placeholder, RecentMintCell } from './RecentMintCell';
-import { Linking, View } from 'react-native';
+import { View } from 'react-native';
 import { useTheme } from '@/theme';
 import { analyticsV2 } from '@/analytics';
 import * as i18n from '@/languages';
 import ChainBadge from '@/components/coin-icon/ChainBadge';
-import { CoinIcon } from '@/components/coin-icon';
 import { Network } from '@/helpers';
 import { navigateToMintCollection } from '@/resources/reservoir/mints';
+import { EthCoinIcon } from '@/components/coin-icon/EthCoinIcon';
 export const NUM_NFTS = 3;
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ export function Card({ collection }: { collection: MintableCollection }) {
                 {network !== Network.mainnet ? (
                   <ChainBadge network={network} position="relative" size="medium" />
                 ) : (
-                  <CoinIcon size={20} network={network} />
+                  <EthCoinIcon size={20} />
diff --git a/src/screens/NFTOffersSheet/OfferRow.tsx b/src/screens/NFTOffersSheet/OfferRow.tsx
index 6f0a2ae6382..9c29c3ac80b 100644
--- a/src/screens/NFTOffersSheet/OfferRow.tsx
+++ b/src/screens/NFTOffersSheet/OfferRow.tsx
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 import React from 'react';
 import { useNavigation } from '@/navigation';
 import { Bleed, Box, Column, Columns, globalColors, Inline, Inset, Stack, Text, useBackgroundColor, useColorMode } from '@/design-system';
-import { CoinIcon } from '@/components/coin-icon';
 import MaskedView from '@react-native-masked-view/masked-view';
 import { NftOffer } from '@/graphql/__generated__/arc';
 import { ImgixImage } from '@/components/images';
@@ -14,6 +13,10 @@ import { useTheme } from '@/theme';
 import { CardSize } from '@/components/unique-token/CardSize';
 import { View } from 'react-native';
 import Svg, { Path } from 'react-native-svg';
+import { useExternalToken } from '@/resources/assets/externalAssetsQuery';
+import { Network } from '@/networks/types';
+import { useAccountSettings } from '@/hooks';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '@/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
 const NFT_SIZE = 50;
@@ -90,8 +93,15 @@ export const FakeOfferRow = () => {
 export const OfferRow = ({ offer }: { offer: NftOffer }) => {
   const { navigate } = useNavigation();
+  const { nativeCurrency } = useAccountSettings();
   const { colorMode } = useColorMode();
+  const theme = useTheme();
   const bgColor = useBackgroundColor('surfaceSecondaryElevated');
+  const { data: externalAsset } = useExternalToken({
+    address: offer.paymentToken.address,
+    network: as Network,
+    currency: nativeCurrency,
+  });
   const isFloorDiffPercentagePositive = offer.floorDifferencePercentage >= 0;
   const dollarAmount = convertAmountToNativeDisplay(
@@ -200,11 +210,13 @@ export const OfferRow = ({ offer }: { offer: NftOffer }) => {
         <View style={{ alignItems: 'flex-end' }}>
           <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', paddingBottom: 10 }}>
             <View style={{ marginVertical: -2, paddingRight: 6 }}>
-              <CoinIcon
-                address={offer.paymentToken.address}
+              <RainbowCoinIcon
+                icon={externalAsset?.icon_url}
+                network={offer?.network as Network}
-                network={}
+                theme={theme}
+                colors={externalAsset?.colors}
diff --git a/src/screens/NFTSingleOfferSheet/index.tsx b/src/screens/NFTSingleOfferSheet/index.tsx
index 6fbf4e229bc..c477c00b08e 100644
--- a/src/screens/NFTSingleOfferSheet/index.tsx
+++ b/src/screens/NFTSingleOfferSheet/index.tsx
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import { ImgixImage } from '@/components/images';
 import { getFormattedTimeQuantity, convertAmountToNativeDisplay, handleSignificantDecimals } from '@/helpers/utilities';
 import * as i18n from '@/languages';
 import { NftOffer } from '@/graphql/__generated__/arc';
-import { CoinIcon } from '@/components/coin-icon';
 import { ButtonPressAnimation } from '@/components/animations';
 import { useNavigation } from '@/navigation';
 import { IS_ANDROID } from '@/env';
@@ -48,6 +47,8 @@ import { CardSize } from '@/components/unique-token/CardSize';
 import { queryClient } from '@/react-query';
 import { nftOffersQueryKey } from '@/resources/reservoir/nftOffersQuery';
 import { getRainbowFeeAddress } from '@/resources/reservoir/utils';
+import { useExternalToken } from '@/resources/assets/externalAssetsQuery';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '@/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
 const NFT_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 160;
 const TWO_HOURS_MS = 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
@@ -80,9 +81,9 @@ function Row({ symbol, label, value }: { symbol: string; label: string; value: R
 export function NFTSingleOfferSheet() {
   const { params } = useRoute();
   const { navigate, setParams } = useNavigation();
-  const { accountAddress } = useAccountSettings();
+  const { accountAddress, nativeCurrency } = useAccountSettings();
   const { isReadOnlyWallet } = useWallets();
-  const { isDarkMode } = useTheme();
+  const theme = useTheme();
   const { updateTxFee, startPollingGasFees, stopPollingGasFees, isSufficientGas, isValidGas } = useGas();
   const dispatch = useDispatch();
   const {
@@ -91,6 +92,12 @@ export function NFTSingleOfferSheet() {
   const { offer } = params as { offer: NftOffer };
+  const { data: externalAsset } = useExternalToken({
+    address: offer.paymentToken.address,
+    network: as Network,
+    currency: nativeCurrency,
+  });
   const [height, setHeight] = useState(0);
   const didErrorRef = useRef<boolean>(false);
   const didCompleteRef = useRef<boolean>(false);
@@ -447,8 +454,15 @@ export function NFTSingleOfferSheet() {
                     <Inline space="4px" alignVertical="center" alignHorizontal="right">
-                      <CoinIcon address={offer.paymentToken.address} size={16} symbol={offer.paymentToken.symbol} network={} />
+                      <RainbowCoinIcon
+                        size={16}
+                        icon={externalAsset?.icon_url}
+                        network={offer?.network as Network}
+                        symbol={offer.paymentToken.symbol}
+                        theme={theme}
+                        colors={externalAsset?.colors}
+                        ignoreBadge
+                      />
                       <Text color="label" align="right" size="17pt" weight="bold">
                         {listPrice} {offer.paymentToken.symbol}
@@ -478,11 +492,14 @@ export function NFTSingleOfferSheet() {
                     <Inline space="4px" alignVertical="center" alignHorizontal="right">
-                      <CoinIcon
-                        address={offer.floorPrice.paymentToken.address}
+                      <RainbowCoinIcon
-                        symbol={offer.floorPrice.paymentToken.symbol}
-                        network={}
+                        icon={externalAsset?.icon_url}
+                        network={offer?.network as Network}
+                        symbol={offer.paymentToken.symbol}
+                        theme={theme}
+                        colors={externalAsset?.colors}
+                        ignoreBadge
                       <Text color="labelSecondary" align="right" size="17pt" weight="medium">
@@ -563,8 +580,15 @@ export function NFTSingleOfferSheet() {
                     <Inline space="4px" alignVertical="center" alignHorizontal="right">
-                      <CoinIcon address={offer.paymentToken.address} size={16} symbol={offer.paymentToken.symbol} network={} />
+                      <RainbowCoinIcon
+                        size={16}
+                        icon={externalAsset?.icon_url}
+                        network={offer?.network as Network}
+                        symbol={offer.paymentToken.symbol}
+                        theme={theme}
+                        colors={externalAsset?.colors}
+                        ignoreBadge
+                      />
                       <Text color="label" align="right" size="17pt" weight="bold">
                         {netCrypto} {offer.paymentToken.symbol}
@@ -643,7 +667,7 @@ export function NFTSingleOfferSheet() {
-                    theme={isDarkMode ? 'dark' : 'light'}
+                    theme={theme.isDarkMode ? 'dark' : 'light'}
diff --git a/src/screens/SendConfirmationSheet.tsx b/src/screens/SendConfirmationSheet.tsx
index fcb585643d1..bf00ee0ceb1 100644
--- a/src/screens/SendConfirmationSheet.tsx
+++ b/src/screens/SendConfirmationSheet.tsx
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import Pill from '../components/Pill';
 import TouchableBackdrop from '../components/TouchableBackdrop';
 import ButtonPressAnimation from '../components/animations/ButtonPressAnimation';
 import Callout from '../components/callout/Callout';
-import { CoinIcon } from '../components/coin-icon';
 import RequestVendorLogoIcon from '../components/coin-icon/RequestVendorLogoIcon';
 import { ContactAvatar } from '../components/contacts';
 import ImageAvatar from '../components/contacts/ImageAvatar';
@@ -60,6 +59,7 @@ import { useTheme } from '@/theme';
 import { ethereumUtils, getUniqueTokenType, promiseUtils } from '@/utils';
 import logger from '@/utils/logger';
 import { getNetworkObj } from '@/networks';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '@/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
 const Container = styled(Centered).attrs({
   direction: 'column',
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ const ChevronDown = () => {
 export const SendConfirmationSheet = () => {
-  const { colors, isDarkMode } = useTheme();
+  const theme = useTheme();
   const { accountAddress, nativeCurrency } = useAccountSettings();
   const { goBack, navigate, setParams } = useNavigation();
   const { height: deviceHeight, isSmallPhone, isTinyPhone, width: deviceWidth } = useDimensions();
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ export const SendConfirmationSheet = () => {
   let color = useColorForAsset(asset);
   if (isNft) {
-    color = colors.appleBlue;
+    color = theme.colors.appleBlue;
   const shouldShowChecks = isL2 && !isSendingToUserAccount && alreadySentTransactionsCurrentNetwork < 3;
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ export const SendConfirmationSheet = () => {
                 <Row marginTop={12}>
-                      custom: isNft ? colors.alpha(colors.blueGreyDark, 0.6) : color,
+                      custom: isNft ? theme.colors.alpha(theme.colors.blueGreyDark, 0.6) : color,
                     size="16px / 22px (Deprecated)"
                     weight={isNft ? 'bold' : 'heavy'}
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ export const SendConfirmationSheet = () => {
                   {isNft ? (
                     // @ts-expect-error JavaScript component
-                      backgroundColor={asset.background || colors.lightestGrey}
+                      backgroundColor={asset.background || theme.colors.lightestGrey}
@@ -487,8 +487,14 @@ export const SendConfirmationSheet = () => {
                   ) : (
-                    // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-props-no-spreading
-                    <CoinIcon size={50} {...asset} />
+                    <RainbowCoinIcon
+                      size={50}
+                      icon={asset?.icon_url}
+                      network={asset?.network}
+                      symbol={asset?.symbol || ''}
+                      theme={theme}
+                      colors={asset?.colors}
+                    />
@@ -499,7 +505,7 @@ export const SendConfirmationSheet = () => {
               <Pill borderRadius={15} height={30} minWidth={39} paddingHorizontal={10} paddingVertical={5.5}>
-                  color={colors.blueGreyDark60}
+                  color={theme.colors.blueGreyDark60}
@@ -530,7 +536,7 @@ export const SendConfirmationSheet = () => {
-                          custom: colors.alpha(colors.blueGreyDark, isDarkMode ? 0.5 : 0.6),
+                          custom: theme.colors.alpha(theme.colors.blueGreyDark, theme.isDarkMode ? 0.5 : 0.6),
                         size="20px / 24px (Deprecated)"
@@ -541,7 +547,11 @@ export const SendConfirmationSheet = () => {
                 <Row marginTop={12}>
-                  <Text color={{ custom: colors.alpha(colors.blueGreyDark, 0.6) }} size="16px / 22px (Deprecated)" weight="bold">
+                  <Text
+                    color={{ custom: theme.colors.alpha(theme.colors.blueGreyDark, 0.6) }}
+                    size="16px / 22px (Deprecated)"
+                    weight="bold"
+                  >
@@ -555,7 +565,7 @@ export const SendConfirmationSheet = () => {
             {/* @ts-expect-error JavaScript component */}
-            <Divider color={colors.rowDividerExtraLight} inset={[0]} />
+            <Divider color={theme.colors.rowDividerExtraLight} inset={[0]} />
           {(isL2 || isENS || shouldShowChecks) && (
             <Inset bottom="30px (Deprecated)" horizontal="19px (Deprecated)">
@@ -565,7 +575,7 @@ export const SendConfirmationSheet = () => {
                     {/* @ts-expect-error JavaScript component */}
-                      colors={colors}
+                      colors={theme.colors}
diff --git a/src/screens/SettingsSheet/components/ b/src/screens/SettingsSheet/components/
index 4f9e31037c5..a3a4a761427 100644
--- a/src/screens/SettingsSheet/components/
+++ b/src/screens/SettingsSheet/components/
@@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
 import React, { useCallback } from 'react';
-import { Platform } from 'react-native';
+import { Platform, View } from 'react-native';
 import { reloadTimelines } from 'react-native-widgetkit';
-import { CoinIcon } from '../../../components/coin-icon';
 import Menu from './Menu';
 import MenuContainer from './MenuContainer';
 import MenuItem from './MenuItem';
 import { analytics } from '@/analytics';
 import { useAccountSettings } from '@/hooks';
-import { emojis, supportedNativeCurrencies } from '@/references';
+import { ETH_ADDRESS, WBTC_ADDRESS, emojis, supportedNativeCurrencies } from '@/references';
 import { BackgroundProvider, Box, Inline, Inset, Text } from '@/design-system';
-import { useNavigation } from '@/navigation';
 import { SimpleSheet } from '@/components/sheet/SimpleSheet';
 import * as i18n from '@/languages';
 import { Network } from '@/networks/types';
+import { useExternalToken } from '@/resources/assets/externalAssetsQuery';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '@/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
+import { useTheme } from '@/theme';
 const emojiData = Object.entries(emojis).map(([emoji, { name }]) => [name, emoji]);
@@ -25,7 +26,9 @@ const currencyListItems = Object.values(supportedNativeCurrencies).map(({ curren
 const CurrencySection = () => {
   const { nativeCurrency, settingsChangeNativeCurrency } = useAccountSettings();
-  const { goBack } = useNavigation();
+  const theme = useTheme();
+  const { data: WBTC } = useExternalToken({ address: WBTC_ADDRESS, network: Network.mainnet, currency: nativeCurrency });
+  const { data: ETH } = useExternalToken({ address: ETH_ADDRESS, network: Network.mainnet, currency: nativeCurrency });
   const onSelectCurrency = useCallback(
     (currency: any) => {
@@ -60,7 +63,15 @@ const CurrencySection = () => {
                       emojiName ? (
                         <MenuItem.TextIcon icon={(emoji.get('flag_' + emojiName) as string) || ''} isEmoji />
                       ) : (
-                        <CoinIcon address={currency} size={23} style={{ marginLeft: 7 }} symbol={currency} network={Network.mainnet} />
+                        <View style={{ marginLeft: 7 }}>
+                          <RainbowCoinIcon
+                            icon={currency === ETH?.symbol ? ETH?.icon_url : WBTC?.icon_url}
+                            size={23}
+                            symbol={currency}
+                            network={Network.mainnet}
+                            theme={theme}
+                          />
+                        </View>
                     onPress={() => onSelectCurrency(currency)}
diff --git a/src/screens/SignTransactionSheet.tsx b/src/screens/SignTransactionSheet.tsx
index 0430875a368..aaae931e088 100644
--- a/src/screens/SignTransactionSheet.tsx
+++ b/src/screens/SignTransactionSheet.tsx
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ import Animated, {
 import { Transaction } from '@ethersproject/transactions';
 import { ButtonPressAnimation } from '@/components/animations';
-import { CoinIcon } from '@/components/coin-icon';
 import { ChainImage } from '@/components/coin-icon/ChainImage';
 import { SheetActionButton } from '@/components/sheet';
 import { Bleed, Box, Columns, Inline, Inset, Stack, Text, globalColors, useBackgroundColor, useForegroundColor } from '@/design-system';
@@ -95,6 +94,8 @@ import { methodRegistryLookupAndParse } from '@/utils/methodRegistry';
 import { sanitizeTypedData } from '@/utils/signingUtils';
 import { hexToNumber, isHex } from 'viem';
 import { getNextNonce } from '@/state/nonces';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '@/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
+import { useExternalToken } from '@/resources/assets/externalAssetsQuery';
 const MAX_CARD_HEIGHT = 176;
@@ -1549,7 +1550,13 @@ const SimulatedEventRow = ({
   eventType: EventType;
   price?: number | undefined;
 }) => {
-  const { colors } = useTheme();
+  const theme = useTheme();
+  const { nativeCurrency } = useAccountSettings();
+  const { data: externalAsset } = useExternalToken({
+    address: asset?.assetCode || '',
+    network: (asset?.network as Network) || Network.mainnet,
+    currency: nativeCurrency,
+  });
   const eventInfo: EventInfo = infoForEventType[eventType];
@@ -1604,13 +1611,14 @@ const SimulatedEventRow = ({
         <Inline alignVertical="center" space={{ custom: 7 }} wrap={false}>
           <Bleed vertical="6px">
             {asset?.type !== TransactionAssetType.Nft ? (
-              <CoinIcon
-                address={assetCode}
-                symbol={asset?.symbol}
+              <RainbowCoinIcon
-                network={asset?.network || Network.mainnet}
-                forcedShadowColor={colors.transparent}
-                ignoreBadge={true}
+                icon={externalAsset?.icon_url}
+                network={(asset?.network as Network) || Network.mainnet}
+                symbol={externalAsset?.symbol || ''}
+                theme={theme}
+                colors={externalAsset?.colors}
+                ignoreBadge
             ) : (
               <Image source={{ uri: url }} style={{ borderRadius: 4.5, height: 16, width: 16 }} />
diff --git a/src/screens/WalletConnectApprovalSheet.js b/src/screens/WalletConnectApprovalSheet.js
index 91d2acb5bb8..0d3ddb470ee 100644
--- a/src/screens/WalletConnectApprovalSheet.js
+++ b/src/screens/WalletConnectApprovalSheet.js
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import { IS_IOS } from '@/env';
 import { useDappMetadata } from '@/resources/metadata/dapp';
 import { DAppStatus } from '@/graphql/__generated__/metadata';
 import { InfoAlert } from '@/components/info-alert/info-alert';
+import { EthCoinIcon } from '@/components/coin-icon/EthCoinIcon';
 const LoadingSpinner = styled(android ? Spinner : ActivityIndicator).attrs(({ theme: { colors } }) => ({
   color: colors.alpha(colors.blueGreyDark, 0.3),
@@ -124,7 +125,7 @@ const NetworkPill = ({ chainIds }) => {
                     {network !== Network.mainnet ? (
                       <ChainBadge network={network} position="relative" size="small" />
                     ) : (
-                      <CoinIcon address={ETH_ADDRESS} size={20} symbol={ETH_SYMBOL} network={network} />
+                      <EthCoinIcon size={20} />
@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ const NetworkPill = ({ chainIds }) => {
               {availableNetworks[0] !== Network.mainnet ? (
                 <ChainBadge network={availableNetworks[0]} position="relative" size="small" />
               ) : (
-                <CoinIcon address={ETH_ADDRESS} size={20} symbol={ETH_SYMBOL} type={availableNetworks[0]} />
+                <EthCoinIcon size={20} />
               <Box paddingLeft="6px">
diff --git a/src/screens/mints/MintSheet.tsx b/src/screens/mints/MintSheet.tsx
index a43eddeedda..7c68268a50c 100644
--- a/src/screens/mints/MintSheet.tsx
+++ b/src/screens/mints/MintSheet.tsx
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ import { QuantityButton } from './components/QuantityButton';
 import { estimateGas, getProviderForNetwork } from '@/handlers/web3';
 import { getRainbowFeeAddress } from '@/resources/reservoir/utils';
 import { IS_ANDROID, IS_IOS } from '@/env';
+import { EthCoinIcon } from '@/components/coin-icon/EthCoinIcon';
 const NFT_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 250;
 // inset * 2 -> 28 *2
@@ -665,14 +666,7 @@ const MintSheet = () => {
                     <Inset vertical={{ custom: -4 }}>
                       <Inline space="4px" alignVertical="center" alignHorizontal="right">
                         {currentNetwork === Network.mainnet ? (
-                          <CoinIcon
-                            address={ETH_ADDRESS}
-                            size={16}
-                            symbol={ETH_SYMBOL}
-                            forceFallback={undefined}
-                            shadowColor={undefined}
-                            style={undefined}
-                          />
+                          <EthCoinIcon size={16} />
                         ) : (
                           <ChainBadge network={currentNetwork} position="relative" size="small" forceDark={true} />
diff --git a/src/screens/positions/SubPositionListItem.tsx b/src/screens/positions/SubPositionListItem.tsx
index 2f58e7364fb..8ab85b77a7c 100644
--- a/src/screens/positions/SubPositionListItem.tsx
+++ b/src/screens/positions/SubPositionListItem.tsx
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
 import React from 'react';
 import { Bleed, Box, Column, Columns, Inline, Stack, Text } from '@/design-system';
 import { useTheme } from '@/theme';
-import { CoinIcon } from '@/components/coin-icon';
 import {
 } from '@/helpers/utilities';
 import { NativeDisplay, PositionAsset } from '@/resources/defi/types';
-import ethereumUtils from '@/utils/ethereumUtils';
+import { useExternalToken } from '@/resources/assets/externalAssetsQuery';
+import { useAccountSettings } from '@/hooks';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '@/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
 type Props = {
   asset: PositionAsset;
@@ -19,14 +20,22 @@ type Props = {
 export const SubPositionListItem: React.FC<Props> = ({ asset, apy, quantity, native, positionColor }) => {
-  const { colors } = useTheme();
+  const theme = useTheme();
+  const { nativeCurrency } = useAccountSettings();
+  const { data: externalAsset } = useExternalToken({ address: asset.asset_code, network:, currency: nativeCurrency });
-  const priceChangeColor = (asset.price?.relative_change_24h || 0) < 0 ? colors.blueGreyDark60 :;
+  const priceChangeColor = (asset.price?.relative_change_24h || 0) < 0 ? theme.colors.blueGreyDark60 :;
   return (
     <Columns space={'10px'}>
       <Column width={'content'}>
-        <CoinIcon address={asset.asset_code} network={} symbol={asset.symbol} />
+        <RainbowCoinIcon
+          icon={externalAsset?.icon_url}
+          network={}
+          symbol={asset.symbol}
+          theme={theme}
+          colors={externalAsset?.colors}
+        />
       <Box justifyContent="center" style={{ height: 40 }}>
         <Stack space="10px">
@@ -57,7 +66,7 @@ export const SubPositionListItem: React.FC<Props> = ({ asset, apy, quantity, nat
                     <Bleed vertical={{ custom: 3 }}>
-                          backgroundColor: colors.alpha(positionColor, 0.08),
+                          backgroundColor: theme.colors.alpha(positionColor, 0.08),
                           borderRadius: 7,
                           height: 18,
diff --git a/src/screens/transaction-details/components/TransactionDetailsValueAndFeeSection.tsx b/src/screens/transaction-details/components/TransactionDetailsValueAndFeeSection.tsx
index fadda13516c..a399ae42a89 100644
--- a/src/screens/transaction-details/components/TransactionDetailsValueAndFeeSection.tsx
+++ b/src/screens/transaction-details/components/TransactionDetailsValueAndFeeSection.tsx
@@ -2,17 +2,15 @@ import React from 'react';
 import { DoubleLineTransactionDetailsRow } from '@/screens/transaction-details/components/DoubleLineTransactionDetailsRow';
 import { TransactionDetailsSymbol } from '@/screens/transaction-details/components/TransactionDetailsSymbol';
 import { RainbowTransaction, RainbowTransactionFee } from '@/entities/transactions/transaction';
-import { CoinIcon } from '@/components/coin-icon';
 import { Box, Stack } from '@/design-system';
 import { TransactionDetailsDivider } from '@/screens/transaction-details/components/TransactionDetailsDivider';
 import * as i18n from '@/languages';
-import { TransactionType } from '@/entities';
-import { ethereumUtils } from '@/utils';
 import { Network } from '@/networks/types';
 import { useUserAsset } from '@/resources/assets/useUserAsset';
 import { getUniqueId } from '@/utils/ethereumUtils';
-import FastCoinIcon from '@/components/asset-list/RecyclerAssetList2/FastComponents/FastCoinIcon';
 import { useTheme } from '@/theme';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '@/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
 type Props = {
   transaction: RainbowTransaction;
@@ -23,17 +21,10 @@ type Props = {
 export const TransactionDetailsValueAndFeeSection: React.FC<Props> = ({ transaction }) => {
   const theme = useTheme();
-  const { network, symbol, type, fee } = transaction;
+  const { network, fee } = transaction;
   const assetUniqueId = getUniqueId(transaction?.address || '', transaction?.network || Network.mainnet);
   const { data: assetData } = useUserAsset(assetUniqueId);
-  const coinAddress = assetData?.address || transaction?.address || '';
-  const mainnetCoinAddress = assetData?.mainnet_address;
-  const coinSymbol =
-    type === TransactionType.contract_interaction
-      ? ethereumUtils.getNetworkNativeAsset(network ?? Network.mainnet)?.symbol
-      : assetData?.symbol ?? symbol ?? undefined;
   const value = transaction.balance?.display;
   const nativeCurrencyValue = transaction.native?.display;
@@ -52,12 +43,13 @@ export const TransactionDetailsValueAndFeeSection: React.FC<Props> = ({ transact
           {value && (
-                <FastCoinIcon
-                  mainnetAddress={mainnetCoinAddress}
-                  address={coinAddress}
-                  symbol={coinSymbol || ''}
-                  network={network || Network.mainnet}
+                <RainbowCoinIcon
+                  size={40}
+                  icon={assetData?.icon_url}
+                  network={network || assetData?.network || Network.mainnet}
+                  symbol={assetData?.symbol || ''}
+                  colors={assetData?.colors}

From f4a6dd06527340888b251ea670630e0b46877886 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: skylarbarrera <>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2024 12:47:45 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 06/12] clean

 .../coin-row/FastTransactionCoinRow.tsx       |  2 +-
 src/components/images/FastImgixImage.tsx      | 96 -------------------
 .../images/ImageWithCachedMetadata.js         |  7 +-
 3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 101 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/components/images/FastImgixImage.tsx

diff --git a/src/components/coin-row/FastTransactionCoinRow.tsx b/src/components/coin-row/FastTransactionCoinRow.tsx
index 0b5fe53a69c..e9866f780d7 100644
--- a/src/components/coin-row/FastTransactionCoinRow.tsx
+++ b/src/components/coin-row/FastTransactionCoinRow.tsx
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import React, { useCallback } from 'react';
-import { StyleSheet, View, View } from 'react-native';
+import { StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native';
 import { ButtonPressAnimation } from '../animations';
 import FastTransactionStatusBadge from './FastTransactionStatusBadge';
 import { Bleed, Box, Inline, Text, globalColors, useForegroundColor } from '@/design-system';
diff --git a/src/components/images/FastImgixImage.tsx b/src/components/images/FastImgixImage.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index e44dcfaa47f..00000000000
--- a/src/components/images/FastImgixImage.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-import * as React from 'react';
-import FastImage, { FastImageProps, Source } from 'react-native-fast-image';
-import { maybeSignSource } from '../../handlers/imgix';
-export type ImgixImageProps = FastImageProps & {
-  readonly Component?: React.ElementType;
-  readonly size: number;
-// Here we're emulating the pattern used in react-native-fast-image:
-type HiddenImgixImageProps = {
-  forwardedRef?: React.Ref<any>;
-  maxRetries?: number;
-  retryOnError?: boolean;
-  size: number;
-  fm?: string;
-type MergedImgixImageProps = ImgixImageProps & HiddenImgixImageProps;
-// ImgixImage must be a class Component to support Animated.createAnimatedComponent.
-class ImgixImage extends React.PureComponent<MergedImgixImageProps, ImgixImageProps & { retryCount: number }> {
-  static getDerivedStateFromProps(props: MergedImgixImageProps) {
-    const { source, size, fm } = props;
-    const options = {
-      ...(fm && { fm: fm }),
-      ...(size && {
-        h: size,
-        w: size,
-      }),
-    };
-    return {
-      retryCount: 0,
-      source: !!source && typeof source === 'object' ? maybeSignSource(source, options) : source,
-    };
-  }
-  handleError = (err: any) => {
-    const { onError, retryOnError, maxRetries = 5 } = this.props;
-    const { retryCount } = this.state;
-    // We don't want to retry if there is a 404.
-    const isNotFound = err?.nativeEvent?.statusCode === 404 || err?.nativeEvent?.message?.includes('404');
-    const shouldRetry = retryOnError && !isNotFound;
-    if (shouldRetry && retryCount < maxRetries) {
-      this.setState(({ retryCount }) => ({ retryCount: retryCount + 1 }));
-    } else {
-      // @ts-expect-error
-      onError?.(err);
-    }
-  };
-  render() {
-    const { Component: maybeComponent, ...props } = this.props;
-    // Use the local state as the signing source, as opposed to the prop directly.
-    // (The source prop may point to an untrusted URL.)
-    const { retryCount, source } = this.state;
-    const Component = maybeComponent || FastImage;
-    return <Component {...props} key={`${JSON.stringify(source)}-${retryCount}`} onError={this.handleError} source={source} />;
-  }
-const preload = (sources: Source[], size?: number, fm?: string): void => {
-  if (sources.length) {
-    const options = {
-      ...(fm && { fm: fm }),
-      ...(size && {
-        h: size,
-        w: size,
-      }),
-    };
-    return FastImage.preload( => maybeSignSource(source, options)));
-  }
-  return;
-const getCachePath = (source: Source) => FastImage.getCachePath(maybeSignSource(source));
-const ImgixImageWithForwardRef = React.forwardRef((props: ImgixImageProps, ref: React.Ref<any>) => (
-  <ImgixImage forwardedRef={ref} {...props} />
-const { cacheControl, clearDiskCache, clearMemoryCache, contextTypes, priority, resizeMode } = FastImage;
-export default Object.assign(ImgixImageWithForwardRef, {
-  cacheControl,
-  clearDiskCache,
-  clearMemoryCache,
-  getCachePath,
-  contextTypes,
-  preload,
-  priority,
-  resizeMode,
diff --git a/src/components/images/ImageWithCachedMetadata.js b/src/components/images/ImageWithCachedMetadata.js
index 6d7a215ecef..a3908718cb8 100644
--- a/src/components/images/ImageWithCachedMetadata.js
+++ b/src/components/images/ImageWithCachedMetadata.js
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
 import React, { useCallback, useMemo } from 'react';
-import ImgixImage from './ImgixImage';
 import { useImageMetadata } from '@/hooks';
-import FastImgixImage from './FastImgixImage';
+import FastImage from 'react-native-fast-image';
-const ImageWithCachedMetadata = ({ cache = ImgixImage.cacheControl.web, imageUrl, onLoad, ...props }, ref) => {
+const ImageWithCachedMetadata = ({ cache = FastImage.cacheControl.web, imageUrl, onLoad, ...props }, ref) => {
   const { onCacheImageMetadata } = useImageMetadata(imageUrl);
   const source = useMemo(() => ({ cache, uri: imageUrl }), [cache, imageUrl]);
@@ -18,7 +17,7 @@ const ImageWithCachedMetadata = ({ cache = ImgixImage.cacheControl.web, imageUrl
     [onCacheImageMetadata, onLoad]
-  return <FastImgixImage {...props} onLoad={handleLoad} ref={ref} source={source} />;
+  return <FastImage {...props} onLoad={handleLoad} ref={ref} source={source} />;
 export default React.forwardRef(ImageWithCachedMetadata);

From 87b65f3226c733f8501babcc15c962165eec56f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: skylarbarrera <>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2024 12:58:49 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 07/12] add rainbowcoinicon

 src/components/coin-icon/TwoCoinsIcon.tsx | 27 ++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/components/coin-icon/TwoCoinsIcon.tsx b/src/components/coin-icon/TwoCoinsIcon.tsx
index 7a46c126afd..4e561cc3e27 100644
--- a/src/components/coin-icon/TwoCoinsIcon.tsx
+++ b/src/components/coin-icon/TwoCoinsIcon.tsx
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { ParsedAddressAsset } from '@/entities';
 import { useTheme } from '@/theme';
 import { ImgixImage } from '@/components/images';
 import ChainBadge from './ChainBadge';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from './RainbowCoinIcon';
 export function TwoCoinsIcon({
   size = 45,
@@ -40,24 +41,20 @@ export function TwoCoinsIcon({
             left: -0,
-          <ImgixImage
-            source={{ uri: under?.icon_url }}
-            style={{ borderRadius: 100, width: underSize, height: underSize }}
+          <RainbowCoinIcon
+            icon={under?.icon_url}
+            theme={theme}
+            network={}
+            symbol={under.symbol}
+            ignoreBadge
-        <Box borderRadius={100} style={{ zIndex: 10, position: 'absolute', top: 0, right: 0 }}>
-          <ImgixImage
-            source={{ uri: over?.icon_url }}
-            style={{
-              borderRadius: 100,
-              width: overSize,
-              height: overSize,
-              borderWidth: 2,
-              borderColor: theme.colors.white,
-            }}
-            size={overSize}
-          />
+        <Box
+          borderRadius={100}
+          style={{ zIndex: 10, position: 'absolute', top: 0, right: 0, borderRadius: 99, borderColor: theme.colors.white, borderWidth: 2 }}
+        >
+          <RainbowCoinIcon icon={over?.icon_url} theme={theme} size={overSize} network={} symbol={over.symbol} ignoreBadge />
         {badge && <ChainBadge network={} badgeYPosition={9} badgeXPosition={-7.5} />}

From 2df08ea6f3b5035088b5b0455fccda891d877f1c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: skylarbarrera <>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2024 13:00:31 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 08/12] oops

 src/hooks/useAccountTransactions.ts       | 1 -
 src/resources/transactions/transaction.ts | 1 -
 src/screens/ExchangeModal.tsx             | 1 -
 src/screens/SpeedUpAndCancelSheet.js      | 1 -
 4 files changed, 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/hooks/useAccountTransactions.ts b/src/hooks/useAccountTransactions.ts
index 5f45243fc83..e6f20251613 100644
--- a/src/hooks/useAccountTransactions.ts
+++ b/src/hooks/useAccountTransactions.ts
@@ -140,7 +140,6 @@ export default function useAccountTransactions() {
   const { sections } = buildTransactionsSections(accountState);
   const remainingItemsLabel = useMemo(() => {
-    console.log({ hasNextPage });
     if (!hasNextPage) {
       return null;
diff --git a/src/resources/transactions/transaction.ts b/src/resources/transactions/transaction.ts
index 13cbfb07d19..21c4e33b54a 100644
--- a/src/resources/transactions/transaction.ts
+++ b/src/resources/transactions/transaction.ts
@@ -106,7 +106,6 @@ export function useBackendTransaction({ hash, network }: BackendTransactionArgs)
         if (tx) {
           return tx;
-        console.log('fuck');
         return {};
diff --git a/src/screens/ExchangeModal.tsx b/src/screens/ExchangeModal.tsx
index 5a762b473e0..faecd452b7b 100644
--- a/src/screens/ExchangeModal.tsx
+++ b/src/screens/ExchangeModal.tsx
@@ -770,7 +770,6 @@ export default function ExchangeModal({ fromDiscover, ignoreInitialTypeCheck, te
     return navigateToSwapDetailsModal();
   }, [loading, navigateToSwapDetailsModal]);
-  console.log({ outputCurrency });
   return (
     <Wrapper keyboardType={KeyboardType.numpad}>
       <Box height="full" width="full">
diff --git a/src/screens/SpeedUpAndCancelSheet.js b/src/screens/SpeedUpAndCancelSheet.js
index 3f3bd9bcf3e..312db8e5652 100644
--- a/src/screens/SpeedUpAndCancelSheet.js
+++ b/src/screens/SpeedUpAndCancelSheet.js
@@ -172,7 +172,6 @@ export default function SpeedUpAndCancelSheet() {
       updatedTx.hash = res.result?.hash;
       updatedTx.status = 'pending';
       updatedTx.type = 'cancel';
-      console.log({ before: tx.nonce, after: updatedTx.nonce, hash: updatedTx.hash });
       updateTransaction({ address: accountAddress, transaction: updatedTx, network: currentNetwork });
     } catch (e) {
       logger.log('Error submitting cancel tx', e);

From 79ab58828d7b20a661ca767d0d41226ca62cdbf7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: skylarbarrera <>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2024 13:06:45 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 09/12] rm some unused shiz from txs

 src/hooks/useAccountTransactions.ts | 12 +-----------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/hooks/useAccountTransactions.ts b/src/hooks/useAccountTransactions.ts
index e6f20251613..1e7a3745c0a 100644
--- a/src/hooks/useAccountTransactions.ts
+++ b/src/hooks/useAccountTransactions.ts
@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ import useContacts from './useContacts';
 import useRequests from './useRequests';
 import { useNavigation } from '@/navigation';
 import { useTheme } from '@/theme';
-import { getCachedProviderForNetwork, isHardHat } from '@/handlers/web3';
-import { useUserAssets } from '@/resources/assets/UserAssetsQuery';
 import { useConsolidatedTransactions } from '@/resources/transactions/consolidatedTransactions';
 import { RainbowTransaction } from '@/entities';
 import { pendingTransactionsStore, usePendingTransactionsStore } from '@/state/pendingTransactions';
@@ -17,15 +15,7 @@ import { nonceStore } from '@/state/nonces';
 export const NOE_PAGE = 30;
 export default function useAccountTransactions() {
-  const { network: currentNetwork, accountAddress, nativeCurrency } = useAccountSettings();
-  const provider = getCachedProviderForNetwork(currentNetwork);
-  const providerUrl = provider?.connection?.url;
-  const connectedToHardhat = isHardHat(providerUrl);
-  const { data: userAssets } = useUserAssets({
-    address: accountAddress,
-    currency: nativeCurrency,
-    connectedToHardhat,
-  });
+  const { accountAddress, nativeCurrency } = useAccountSettings();
   const { pendingTransactions: storePendingTransactions } = usePendingTransactionsStore();

From b10699ad93614028f4c2ab97239a717fce137521 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: skylarbarrera <>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2024 13:29:35 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 10/12] rm legacy transaction sheet things

 .../transaction/TransactionMessage.js         |   58 -
 src/components/transaction/TransactionRow.js  |   25 -
 .../transaction/TransactionSheet.js           |   12 -
 src/components/transaction/index.js           |    6 -
 src/screens/TransactionConfirmationScreen.js  | 1008 -----------------
 5 files changed, 1109 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/components/transaction/TransactionMessage.js
 delete mode 100644 src/components/transaction/TransactionRow.js
 delete mode 100644 src/components/transaction/TransactionSheet.js
 delete mode 100644 src/components/transaction/index.js
 delete mode 100644 src/screens/TransactionConfirmationScreen.js

diff --git a/src/components/transaction/TransactionMessage.js b/src/components/transaction/TransactionMessage.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7205ae22d68..00000000000
--- a/src/components/transaction/TransactionMessage.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-import { addHexPrefix } from '@walletconnect/legacy-utils';
-import React from 'react';
-import { ScrollView } from 'react-native-gesture-handler';
-import { isSignTypedData } from '../../utils/signingMethods';
-import { Row } from '../layout';
-import { Text } from '../text';
-import styled from '@/styled-thing';
-import { padding } from '@/styles';
-import { deviceUtils } from '@/utils';
-import { sanitizeTypedData } from '@/utils/signingUtils';
-import { RainbowError, logger } from '@/logger';
-const deviceWidth = deviceUtils.dimensions.width;
-const horizontalPadding = 24;
-const Container = styled(Row)({
-  minHeight: ({ minHeight }) => minHeight,
-  overflow: 'visible',
-const MessageWrapper = styled(ScrollView)({
-  marginBottom: 14,
-const TransactionMessage = ({ maxHeight = 150, message, method }) => {
-  const { colors } = useTheme();
-  let msg = message;
-  let maximumHeight = maxHeight;
-  let minimumHeight = 150;
-  if (isSignTypedData(method)) {
-    maximumHeight = 200;
-    minimumHeight = 200;
-    try {
-      const parsedMessage = JSON.parse(message);
-      const sanitizedMessage = sanitizeTypedData(parsedMessage);
-      msg = sanitizedMessage;
-      // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
-    } catch (e) {
-      logger.error(
-        new RainbowError('TransactionMessage: Error parsing message ', {
-          messageType: typeof message,
-        })
-      );
-    }
-    msg = JSON.stringify(msg, null, 4);
-  }
-  return (
-    <Container maxHeight={maximumHeight} minHeight={minimumHeight}>
-      <Text color={colors.alpha(colors.blueGreyDark, 0.6)} size="lmedium" style={{ ...padding.object(12, 15) }}>
-        {msg}
-      </Text>
-    </Container>
-  );
-export default TransactionMessage;
diff --git a/src/components/transaction/TransactionRow.js b/src/components/transaction/TransactionRow.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 15c24e73b3b..00000000000
--- a/src/components/transaction/TransactionRow.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-import React from 'react';
-import { ColumnWithMargins } from '../layout';
-import { Smallcaps } from '../text';
-import styled from '@/styled-thing';
-import { padding } from '@/styles';
-const Container = styled(ColumnWithMargins).attrs({
-  marginLeft: 5,
-  marginRight: 5,
-})(padding.object(0, 19));
-const TransactionRow = ({ children, title, ...props }) => (
-  <Container {...props}>
-    {title && <Smallcaps>{title}</Smallcaps>}
-    {children}
-  </Container>
-TransactionRow.propTypes = {
-  children: PropTypes.node,
-  title: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
-export default TransactionRow;
diff --git a/src/components/transaction/TransactionSheet.js b/src/components/transaction/TransactionSheet.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e22fd16609c..00000000000
--- a/src/components/transaction/TransactionSheet.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import { Column } from '../layout';
-const TransactionSheet = ({ children, ...props }) => {
-  return (
-    <Column {...props} paddingHorizontal={30}>
-      {children}
-    </Column>
-  );
-export default TransactionSheet;
diff --git a/src/components/transaction/index.js b/src/components/transaction/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d3279305fa..00000000000
--- a/src/components/transaction/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-export { default as DefaultTransactionConfirmationSection } from './sections/DefaultTransactionConfirmationSection';
-export { default as MessageSigningSection } from './sections/MessageSigningSection';
-export { default as TransactionConfirmationSection } from './sections/TransactionConfirmationSection';
-export { default as TransactionMessage } from './TransactionMessage';
-export { default as TransactionRow } from './TransactionRow';
-export { default as TransactionSheet } from './TransactionSheet';
diff --git a/src/screens/TransactionConfirmationScreen.js b/src/screens/TransactionConfirmationScreen.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fe231278044..00000000000
--- a/src/screens/TransactionConfirmationScreen.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1008 +0,0 @@
-import { useIsFocused, useRoute } from '@react-navigation/native';
-import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
-import lang from 'i18n-js';
-import * as i18n from '@/languages';
-import isEmpty from 'lodash/isEmpty';
-import isNil from 'lodash/isNil';
-import { IS_TESTING } from 'react-native-dotenv';
-import React, { Fragment, useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react';
-import { ActivityIndicator, InteractionManager } from 'react-native';
-import { isEmulatorSync } from 'react-native-device-info';
-import ReactNativeHapticFeedback from 'react-native-haptic-feedback';
-import Animated, { useAnimatedStyle, useSharedValue, withSpring } from 'react-native-reanimated';
-import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux';
-import URL from 'url-parse';
-import Divider from '../components/Divider';
-import L2Disclaimer from '../components/L2Disclaimer';
-import Spinner from '../components/Spinner';
-import { RequestVendorLogoIcon } from '../components/coin-icon';
-import { ContactAvatar } from '../components/contacts';
-import ImageAvatar from '../components/contacts/ImageAvatar';
-import { GasSpeedButton } from '../components/gas';
-import { Centered, Column, Row, RowWithMargins } from '../components/layout';
-import { SheetActionButton, SheetActionButtonRow, SheetHandleFixedToTop, SheetKeyboardAnimation, SlackSheet } from '../components/sheet';
-import { DefaultTransactionConfirmationSection, MessageSigningSection, TransactionConfirmationSection } from '../components/transaction';
-import { FLASHBOTS_WC } from '../config/experimental';
-import useExperimentalFlag from '../config/experimentalHooks';
-import { lightModeThemeColors } from '../styles/colors';
-import { WrappedAlert as Alert } from '@/helpers/alert';
-import { analytics } from '@/analytics';
-import { Text } from '@/design-system';
-import { useRemoteConfig } from '@/model/remoteConfig';
-import {
-  estimateGas,
-  estimateGasWithPadding,
-  getFlashbotsProvider,
-  getProviderForNetwork,
-  isL2Network,
-  isTestnetNetwork,
-  toHex,
-} from '@/handlers/web3';
-import { Network } from '@/helpers';
-import { getAccountProfileInfo } from '@/helpers/accountInfo';
-import { findWalletWithAccount } from '@/helpers/findWalletWithAccount';
-import {
-  useAccountSettings,
-  useCurrentNonce,
-  useDimensions,
-  useGas,
-  useKeyboardHeight,
-  useTransactionConfirmation,
-  useWalletBalances,
-  useWallets,
-} from '@/hooks';
-import { loadWallet, sendTransaction, signPersonalMessage, signTransaction, signTypedDataMessage } from '@/model/wallet';
-import { useNavigation } from '@/navigation';
-import { parseGasParamsForTransaction } from '@/parsers';
-import { walletConnectRemovePendingRedirect } from '@/redux/walletconnect';
-import Routes from '@/navigation/routesNames';
-import styled from '@/styled-thing';
-import { padding } from '@/styles';
-import {
-  convertAmountToNativeDisplay,
-  convertHexToString,
-  delay,
-  fromWei,
-  greaterThan,
-  greaterThanOrEqualTo,
-  multiply,
-  omitFlatten,
-} from '@/helpers/utilities';
-import { ethereumUtils, safeAreaInsetValues } from '@/utils';
-import { useNativeAssetForNetwork } from '@/utils/ethereumUtils';
-import { methodRegistryLookupAndParse } from '@/utils/methodRegistry';
-import {
-  isMessageDisplayType,
-  isSignTypedData,
-  isTransactionDisplayType,
-  SIGN,
-} from '@/utils/signingMethods';
-import { handleSessionRequestResponse } from '@/walletConnect';
-import { isAddress } from '@ethersproject/address';
-import { logger, RainbowError } from '@/logger';
-import { getNetworkObj } from '@/networks';
-import { getNextNonce } from '@/state/nonces';
-const springConfig = {
-  damping: 500,
-  mass: 3,
-  stiffness: 1000,
-const LoadingSpinner = styled(android ? Spinner : ActivityIndicator).attrs(({ theme: { colors } }) => ({
-  color: colors.alpha(colors.blueGreyDark, 0.3),
-const DappLogo = styled(RequestVendorLogoIcon).attrs(({ theme: { colors } }) => ({
-  backgroundColor: colors.transparent,
-  borderRadius: 16,
-  showLargeShadow: true,
-  size: 50,
-  marginBottom: 14,
-const Container = styled(Column)({
-  flex: 1,
-const AnimatedContainer = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(Container);
-const AnimatedSheet = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(Centered);
-const SwitchText = ({ children, ...props }) => {
-  return (
-    <Text color="secondary40 (Deprecated)" size="14px / 19px (Deprecated)" weight="semibold" {...props}>
-      {children}
-    </Text>
-  );
-const WalletText = ({ balanceTooLow, children }) => {
-  return (
-    <Text
-      color={balanceTooLow ? { custom: lightModeThemeColors.avatarColor[7] } : 'secondary80 (Deprecated)'}
-      numberOfLines={1}
-      size="18px / 27px (Deprecated)"
-      weight={balanceTooLow ? 'bold' : 'semibold'}
-    >
-      {children}
-    </Text>
-  );
-const messageRequestContainerStyle = padding.object(24, 0);
-const rowStyle = padding.object(6, 24, 30);
-const NOOP = () => undefined;
-const Wrapper = ios ? SlackSheet : ({ children }) => children;
-export default function TransactionConfirmationScreen() {
-  const { colors } = useTheme();
-  const [provider, setProvider] = useState();
-  const [currentNetwork, setCurrentNetwork] = useState();
-  const [isAuthorizing, setIsAuthorizing] = useState(false);
-  const [methodName, setMethodName] = useState(null);
-  const calculatingGasLimit = useRef(false);
-  const [isBalanceEnough, setIsBalanceEnough] = useState(true);
-  const [isSufficientGasChecked, setIsSufficientGasChecked] = useState(false);
-  const [nativeAsset, setNativeAsset] = useState(null);
-  const { height: deviceHeight } = useDimensions();
-  const { wallets, walletNames, switchToWalletWithAddress } = useWallets();
-  const balances = useWalletBalances(wallets);
-  const { accountAddress, nativeCurrency } = useAccountSettings();
-  const keyboardHeight = useKeyboardHeight();
-  const dispatch = useDispatch();
-  const { params: routeParams } = useRoute();
-  const { goBack, navigate } = useNavigation();
-  const isFocused = useIsFocused();
-  const { flashbots_enabled } = useRemoteConfig();
-  const pendingRedirect = useSelector(({ walletconnect }) => walletconnect.pendingRedirect);
-  const walletConnectors = useSelector(({ walletconnect }) => walletconnect.walletConnectors);
-  const { dataAddNewTransaction, removeRequest, walletConnectSendStatus } = useTransactionConfirmation();
-  const {
-    callback,
-    transactionDetails: {
-      dappName,
-      dappScheme,
-      dappUrl,
-      displayDetails,
-      imageUrl,
-      payload: { method, params },
-      peerId,
-      requestId,
-      walletConnectV2RequestValues,
-    },
-  } = routeParams;
-  const isMessageRequest = isMessageDisplayType(method);
-  const [ready, setReady] = useState(isMessageRequest);
-  const genericNativeAsset = useNativeAssetForNetwork(currentNetwork);
-  const walletConnector = walletConnectors[peerId];
-  const accountInfo = useMemo(() => {
-    // TODO where do we get address for sign/send transaction?
-    const address = walletConnectV2RequestValues?.address || walletConnector?._accounts?.[0];
-    const selectedWallet = findWalletWithAccount(wallets, address);
-    const profileInfo = getAccountProfileInfo(selectedWallet, walletNames, address);
-    return {
-      ...profileInfo,
-      address,
-      isHardwareWallet: !!selectedWallet?.deviceId,
-    };
-  }, [walletConnector?._accounts, walletNames, wallets, walletConnectV2RequestValues]);
-  const isTestnet = isTestnetNetwork(currentNetwork);
-  const isL2 = isL2Network(currentNetwork);
-  const disableFlashbotsPostMerge = !flashbots_enabled;
-  const flashbotsEnabled = useExperimentalFlag(FLASHBOTS_WC) && !disableFlashbotsPostMerge;
-  useEffect(() => {
-    setCurrentNetwork(ethereumUtils.getNetworkFromChainId(Number(walletConnectV2RequestValues?.chainId || walletConnector?._chainId)));
-  }, [walletConnectV2RequestValues?.chainId, walletConnector?._chainId]);
-  useEffect(() => {
-    const initProvider = async () => {
-      let p;
-      if (currentNetwork === Network.mainnet && flashbotsEnabled) {
-        p = await getFlashbotsProvider(currentNetwork);
-      } else {
-        p = await getProviderForNetwork(currentNetwork);
-      }
-      setProvider(p);
-    };
-    currentNetwork && initProvider();
-  }, [currentNetwork, flashbotsEnabled, setProvider]);
-  useEffect(() => {
-    const getNativeAsset = async () => {
-      const asset = await ethereumUtils.getNativeAssetForNetwork(currentNetwork, accountInfo.address);
-      provider && setNativeAsset(asset);
-    };
-    currentNetwork && getNativeAsset();
-  }, [accountInfo.address, currentNetwork, provider]);
-  const {
-    gasLimit,
-    isValidGas,
-    isSufficientGas,
-    startPollingGasFees,
-    stopPollingGasFees,
-    updateGasFeeOption,
-    updateTxFee,
-    selectedGasFee,
-    selectedGasFeeOption,
-    gasFeeParamsBySpeed,
-  } = useGas({ nativeAsset });
-  useEffect(() => {
-    if (isEmpty(selectedGasFee?.gasFee) || isEmpty(gasFeeParamsBySpeed) || !nativeAsset || !currentNetwork || isSufficientGasChecked)
-      return;
-    updateGasFeeOption(selectedGasFeeOption);
-    setIsSufficientGasChecked(true);
-  }, [
-    isSufficientGas,
-    isSufficientGasChecked,
-    nativeAsset,
-    currentNetwork,
-    selectedGasFee,
-    selectedGasFeeOption,
-    updateGasFeeOption,
-    gasFeeParamsBySpeed,
-  ]);
-  const request = useMemo(() => {
-    return isMessageRequest ? { message: displayDetails.request } : { ...displayDetails.request, nativeAsset: nativeAsset };
-  }, [displayDetails.request, nativeAsset, isMessageRequest]);
-  const openAutomatically = routeParams?.openAutomatically;
-  const formattedDappUrl = useMemo(() => {
-    const { hostname } = new URL(dappUrl);
-    return hostname;
-  }, [dappUrl]);
-  const handleL2DisclaimerPress = useCallback(() => {
-    if (isTestnet) return;
-    navigate(Routes.EXPLAIN_SHEET, {
-      type: currentNetwork,
-    });
-  }, [isTestnet, navigate, currentNetwork]);
-  const fetchMethodName = useCallback(
-    async data => {
-      if (!data) return;
-      const methodSignaturePrefix = data.substr(0, 10);
-      let fallbackHandler;
-      try {
-        fallbackHandler = setTimeout(() => {
-          setMethodName(lang.t('wallet.transaction.request'));
-        }, 5000);
-        const { name } = await methodRegistryLookupAndParse(methodSignaturePrefix, getNetworkObj(currentNetwork).id);
-        if (name) {
-          setMethodName(name);
-          clearTimeout(fallbackHandler);
-        }
-      } catch (e) {
-        setMethodName(lang.t('wallet.transaction.request'));
-        clearTimeout(fallbackHandler);
-      }
-    },
-    [setMethodName, currentNetwork]
-  );
-  useEffect(() => {
-    if (openAutomatically && !isEmulatorSync()) {
-      ReactNativeHapticFeedback.trigger('notificationSuccess');
-    }
-    InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => {
-      if (currentNetwork) {
-        if (!isMessageRequest) {
-          startPollingGasFees(currentNetwork);
-          fetchMethodName(params[0].data);
-        } else {
-          setMethodName(lang.t('wallet.message_signing.request'));
-        }
-        analytics.track('Shown Walletconnect signing request');
-      }
-    });
-  }, [dappUrl, fetchMethodName, isMessageRequest, method, currentNetwork, openAutomatically, params, startPollingGasFees]);
-  const closeScreen = useCallback(
-    canceled => {
-      // we need to close the hw navigator too
-      if (accountInfo.isHardwareWallet) {
-        delay(300);
-        goBack();
-      }
-      goBack();
-      if (!isMessageRequest) {
-        stopPollingGasFees();
-      }
-      let type = method === SEND_TRANSACTION ? 'transaction' : 'sign';
-      if (canceled) {
-        type = `${type}-canceled`;
-      }
-      if (pendingRedirect) {
-        InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => {
-          dispatch(walletConnectRemovePendingRedirect(type, dappScheme));
-        });
-      }
-      if (walletConnectV2RequestValues?.onComplete) {
-        InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => {
-          walletConnectV2RequestValues.onComplete(type);
-        });
-      }
-    },
-    [
-      accountInfo.isHardwareWallet,
-      goBack,
-      isMessageRequest,
-      pendingRedirect,
-      walletConnectV2RequestValues,
-      stopPollingGasFees,
-      method,
-      dispatch,
-      dappScheme,
-    ]
-  );
-  const onCancel = useCallback(
-    async error => {
-      try {
-        if (callback) {
-          callback({ error: error || 'User cancelled the request' });
-        }
-        setTimeout(async () => {
-          if (requestId) {
-            if (walletConnectV2RequestValues) {
-              await handleSessionRequestResponse(walletConnectV2RequestValues, {
-                error: error || 'User cancelled the request',
-              });
-            } else {
-              await dispatch(
-                walletConnectSendStatus(peerId, requestId, {
-                  error: error || 'User cancelled the request',
-                })
-              );
-            }
-            dispatch(removeRequest(requestId));
-          }
-          const rejectionType = method === SEND_TRANSACTION ? 'transaction' : 'signature';
-          analytics.track(`Rejected WalletConnect ${rejectionType} request`, {
-            isHardwareWallet: accountInfo.isHardwareWallet,
-          });
-          closeScreen(true);
-        }, 300);
-      } catch (error) {
-        logger.error(new RainbowError('WC: error while handling cancel request'), { error });
-        closeScreen(true);
-      }
-    },
-    [
-      accountInfo.isHardwareWallet,
-      callback,
-      closeScreen,
-      dispatch,
-      method,
-      peerId,
-      removeRequest,
-      requestId,
-      walletConnectSendStatus,
-      walletConnectV2RequestValues,
-    ]
-  );
-  const onPressCancel = useCallback(() => onCancel(), [onCancel]);
-  useEffect(() => {
-    if (isFocused && (!peerId || (!walletConnector && !walletConnectV2RequestValues)) && (ios || IS_TESTING !== 'true')) {
-      Alert.alert(lang.t('wallet.transaction.alert.connection_expired'), lang.t('wallet.transaction.alert.please_go_back_and_reconnect'), [
-        {
-          onPress: () => onCancel(),
-        },
-      ]);
-    }
-  }, [isFocused, goBack, onCancel, peerId, walletConnector, walletConnectV2RequestValues]);
-  const calculateGasLimit = useCallback(async () => {
-    calculatingGasLimit.current = true;
-    const txPayload = params?.[0];
-    // use the default
-    let gas = txPayload.gasLimit || txPayload.gas;
-    // sometimes provider is undefined, this is hack to ensure its defined
-    const localCurrentNetwork = ethereumUtils.getNetworkFromChainId(
-      Number(walletConnectV2RequestValues?.chainId || walletConnector?._chainId)
-    );
-    const provider = await getProviderForNetwork(localCurrentNetwork);
-    try {
-      // attempt to re-run estimation
-      logger.debug('WC: Estimating gas limit', { gas }, logger.DebugContext.walletconnect);
-      // safety precaution: we want to ensure these properties are not used for gas estimation
-      const cleanTxPayload = omitFlatten(txPayload, ['gas', 'gasLimit', 'gasPrice', 'maxFeePerGas', 'maxPriorityFeePerGas']);
-      const rawGasLimit = await estimateGas(cleanTxPayload, provider);
-      logger.debug('WC: Estimated gas limit', { rawGasLimit }, logger.DebugContext.walletconnect);
-      if (rawGasLimit) {
-        gas = toHex(rawGasLimit);
-      }
-    } catch (error) {
-      logger.error(new RainbowError('WC: error estimating gas'), { error });
-    } finally {
-      logger.debug('WC: Setting gas limit to', { gas: convertHexToString(gas) }, logger.DebugContext.walletconnect);
-      if (getNetworkObj(currentNetwork).gas.OptimismTxFee) {
-        const l1GasFeeOptimism = await ethereumUtils.calculateL1FeeOptimism(txPayload, provider);
-        updateTxFee(gas, null, l1GasFeeOptimism);
-      } else {
-        updateTxFee(gas, null);
-      }
-    }
-  }, [currentNetwork, params, updateTxFee, walletConnectV2RequestValues?.chainId, walletConnector?._chainId]);
-  useEffect(() => {
-    if (!isEmpty(gasFeeParamsBySpeed) && !calculatingGasLimit.current && !isMessageRequest && provider) {
-      InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => {
-        calculateGasLimit();
-      });
-    }
-  }, [calculateGasLimit, gasLimit, gasFeeParamsBySpeed, isMessageRequest, method, params, provider, updateTxFee]);
-  const walletBalance = useMemo(() => {
-    if (isL2 || isTestnet) {
-      return {
-        amount: nativeAsset?.balance?.amount || 0,
-        display: nativeAsset?.balance?.display || `0 ${nativeAsset?.symbol}`,
-        symbol: nativeAsset?.symbol || 'ETH',
-      };
-    } else {
-      return {
-        amount: balances[accountInfo.address] || 0,
-        display: `${balances[accountInfo.address] || 0} ETH`,
-        symbol: 'ETH',
-      };
-    }
-  }, [isL2, isTestnet, nativeAsset?.balance?.amount, nativeAsset?.balance?.display, nativeAsset?.symbol, balances, accountInfo.address]);
-  useEffect(() => {
-    if (isMessageRequest) {
-      setIsBalanceEnough(true);
-      return;
-    }
-    if (!isSufficientGas) {
-      setIsBalanceEnough(false);
-      return;
-    }
-    const { gasFee } = selectedGasFee;
-    if (!gasFee?.estimatedFee) {
-      setIsBalanceEnough(false);
-      return;
-    }
-    // Get the TX fee Amount
-    const txFeeAmount = fromWei(gasFee?.maxFee?.value?.amount ?? 0);
-    // Get the ETH balance
-    const balanceAmount = walletBalance.amount ?? 0;
-    // Get the TX value
-    const txPayload = params?.[0];
-    const value = txPayload?.value ?? 0;
-    // Check that there's enough ETH to pay for everything!
-    const totalAmount = BigNumber(fromWei(value)).plus(txFeeAmount);
-    const isEnough = greaterThanOrEqualTo(balanceAmount, totalAmount);
-    setIsBalanceEnough(isEnough);
-  }, [isBalanceEnough, isMessageRequest, isSufficientGas, method, currentNetwork, params, selectedGasFee, walletBalance.amount]);
-  const handleConfirmTransaction = useCallback(async () => {
-    const sendInsteadOfSign = method === SEND_TRANSACTION;
-    const txPayload = params?.[0];
-    let { gas, gasLimit: gasLimitFromPayload } = txPayload;
-    try {
-      logger.debug(
-        'WC: gas suggested by dapp',
-        {
-          gas: convertHexToString(gas),
-          gasLimitFromPayload: convertHexToString(gasLimitFromPayload),
-        },
-        logger.DebugContext.walletconnect
-      );
-      // Estimate the tx with gas limit padding before sending
-      const rawGasLimit = await estimateGasWithPadding(txPayload, null, null, provider);
-      // If the estimation with padding is higher or gas limit was missing,
-      // let's use the higher value
-      if (
-        (isNil(gas) && isNil(gasLimitFromPayload)) ||
-        (!isNil(gas) && greaterThan(rawGasLimit, convertHexToString(gas))) ||
-        (!isNil(gasLimitFromPayload) && greaterThan(rawGasLimit, convertHexToString(gasLimitFromPayload)))
-      ) {
-        logger.debug('WC: using padded estimation!', { gas: rawGasLimit.toString() }, logger.DebugContext.walletconnect);
-        gas = toHex(rawGasLimit);
-      }
-    } catch (error) {
-      logger.error(new RainbowError('WC: error estimating gas'), { error });
-    }
-    // clean gas prices / fees sent from the dapp
-    const cleanTxPayload = omitFlatten(txPayload, ['gasPrice', 'maxFeePerGas', 'maxPriorityFeePerGas']);
-    const gasParams = parseGasParamsForTransaction(selectedGasFee);
-    const calculatedGasLimit = gas || gasLimitFromPayload || gasLimit;
-    const nonce = await getNextNonce({ address: accountInfo.address, network: currentNetwork });
-    let txPayloadUpdated = {
-      ...cleanTxPayload,
-      ...gasParams,
-      nonce,
-    };
-    if (calculatedGasLimit) {
-      txPayloadUpdated.gasLimit = calculatedGasLimit;
-    }
-    txPayloadUpdated = omitFlatten(txPayloadUpdated, ['from', 'gas', 'chainId']);
-    logger.debug(`WC: ${method} payload`, { txPayload, txPayloadUpdated });
-    let response = null;
-    try {
-      const existingWallet = await loadWallet(accountInfo.address, true, provider);
-      if (sendInsteadOfSign) {
-        response = await sendTransaction({
-          existingWallet,
-          provider,
-          transaction: txPayloadUpdated,
-        });
-      } else {
-        response = await signTransaction({
-          existingWallet,
-          provider,
-          transaction: txPayloadUpdated,
-        });
-      }
-    } catch (e) {
-      logger.error(new RainbowError(`WC: Error while ${sendInsteadOfSign ? 'sending' : 'signing'} transaction`));
-    }
-    const { result, error } = response;
-    if (result) {
-      if (callback) {
-        callback({ result: result.hash });
-      }
-      let txSavedInCurrentWallet = false;
-      let txDetails = null;
-      if (sendInsteadOfSign) {
-        txDetails = {
-          amount: displayDetails?.request?.value ?? 0,
-          asset: nativeAsset || displayDetails?.request?.asset,
-          dappName,
-          data:,
-          from: displayDetails?.request?.from,
-          gasLimit,
-          hash: result.hash,
-          network: currentNetwork,
-          nonce: result.nonce,
-          to: displayDetails?.request?.to,
-          value: result.value.toString(),
-          ...gasParams,
-        };
-        if (accountAddress?.toLowerCase() === txDetails.from?.toLowerCase()) {
-          dispatch(dataAddNewTransaction(txDetails, null, false, provider));
-          txSavedInCurrentWallet = true;
-        }
-      }
-      analytics.track('Approved WalletConnect transaction request', {
-        dappName,
-        dappUrl,
-        isHardwareWallet: accountInfo.isHardwareWallet,
-        network: currentNetwork,
-      });
-      if (isFocused && requestId) {
-        if (walletConnectV2RequestValues) {
-          await handleSessionRequestResponse(walletConnectV2RequestValues, {
-            result: result.hash,
-          });
-        } else {
-          await dispatch(walletConnectSendStatus(peerId, requestId, { result: result.hash }));
-        }
-        dispatch(removeRequest(requestId));
-      }
-      closeScreen(false);
-      // When the tx is sent from a different wallet,
-      // we need to switch to that wallet before saving the tx
-      if (!txSavedInCurrentWallet) {
-        InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(async () => {
-          await switchToWalletWithAddress(txDetails.from);
-          dispatch(dataAddNewTransaction(txDetails, null, false, provider));
-        });
-      }
-    } else {
-      logger.error(new RainbowError(`WC: Tx failure - ${formattedDappUrl}`), {
-        dappName,
-        dappScheme,
-        dappUrl,
-        formattedDappUrl,
-        rpcMethod: method,
-        network: currentNetwork,
-      });
-      // If the user is using a hardware wallet, we don't want to close the sheet on an error
-      if (!accountInfo.isHardwareWallet) {
-        await onCancel(error);
-      }
-    }
-  }, [
-    method,
-    params,
-    selectedGasFee,
-    gasLimit,
-    provider,
-    accountInfo.address,
-    accountInfo.isHardwareWallet,
-    callback,
-    dappName,
-    dappUrl,
-    currentNetwork,
-    isFocused,
-    requestId,
-    closeScreen,
-    displayDetails?.request?.value,
-    displayDetails?.request?.asset,
-    displayDetails?.request?.from,
-    displayDetails?.request?.to,
-    nativeAsset,
-    accountAddress,
-    dispatch,
-    dataAddNewTransaction,
-    walletConnectV2RequestValues,
-    removeRequest,
-    walletConnectSendStatus,
-    peerId,
-    switchToWalletWithAddress,
-    formattedDappUrl,
-    dappScheme,
-    onCancel,
-  ]);
-  const handleSignMessage = useCallback(async () => {
-    const message = params.find(p => !isAddress(p));
-    let response = null;
-    const existingWallet = await loadWallet(accountInfo.address, true, provider);
-    switch (method) {
-      case SIGN:
-        break;
-      case PERSONAL_SIGN:
-        response = await signPersonalMessage(message, existingWallet);
-        break;
-      case SIGN_TYPED_DATA_V4:
-      case SIGN_TYPED_DATA:
-        response = await signTypedDataMessage(message, existingWallet);
-        break;
-      default:
-        break;
-    }
-    const { result, error } = response;
-    if (result) {
-      analytics.track('Approved WalletConnect signature request', {
-        dappName,
-        dappUrl,
-        isHardwareWallet: accountInfo.isHardwareWallet,
-        network: currentNetwork,
-      });
-      if (requestId) {
-        if (walletConnectV2RequestValues) {
-          await handleSessionRequestResponse(walletConnectV2RequestValues, {
-            result,
-          });
-        } else {
-          await dispatch(walletConnectSendStatus(peerId, requestId, response));
-        }
-        dispatch(removeRequest(requestId));
-      }
-      if (callback) {
-        callback({ sig: result });
-      }
-      closeScreen(false);
-    } else {
-      await onCancel(error);
-    }
-  }, [
-    params,
-    accountInfo.address,
-    accountInfo.isHardwareWallet,
-    provider,
-    method,
-    dappName,
-    dappUrl,
-    currentNetwork,
-    requestId,
-    callback,
-    closeScreen,
-    walletConnectV2RequestValues,
-    dispatch,
-    removeRequest,
-    walletConnectSendStatus,
-    peerId,
-    onCancel,
-  ]);
-  const onConfirm = useCallback(async () => {
-    if (isMessageRequest) {
-      return handleSignMessage();
-    }
-    if (!isBalanceEnough || !isValidGas) return;
-    return handleConfirmTransaction();
-  }, [handleConfirmTransaction, handleSignMessage, isBalanceEnough, isMessageRequest, isValidGas]);
-  const onPressSend = useCallback(async () => {
-    if (isAuthorizing) return;
-    setIsAuthorizing(true);
-    try {
-      await onConfirm();
-      setIsAuthorizing(false);
-    } catch (error) {
-      setIsAuthorizing(false);
-    }
-  }, [isAuthorizing, onConfirm]);
-  const submitFn = useCallback(async () => {
-    if (accountInfo.isHardwareWallet) {
-      navigate(Routes.HARDWARE_WALLET_TX_NAVIGATOR, { submit: onPressSend });
-    } else {
-      await onPressSend();
-    }
-  }, [accountInfo.isHardwareWallet, navigate, onPressSend]);
-  const renderTransactionButtons = useCallback(() => {
-    let ready = true;
-    const isMessage = isMessageRequest;
-    // If we don't know about gas prices yet
-    // set the button state to "loading"
-    if (!isMessage && !isBalanceEnough && isSufficientGas === null) {
-      ready = false;
-    }
-    return !isMessage && (isBalanceEnough === false || !isValidGas) && isSufficientGas !== null ? (
-      <Column marginBottom={24} marginTop={19}>
-        <SheetActionButton
-          color={colors.transparent}
-          disabled
-          label={
-            !isValidGas
-              ? lang.t('button.confirm_exchange.invalid_fee_lowercase')
-              : lang.t('button.confirm_exchange.symbol_balance_too_low', {
-                  symbol: nativeAsset?.symbol,
-                })
-          }
-          onPress={onCancel}
-          size="big"
-          textColor={colors.avatarColor[7]}
-          weight="bold"
-        />
-      </Column>
-    ) : (
-      <SheetActionButtonRow ignorePaddingTop>
-        <SheetActionButton
-          color={colors.white}
-          label={lang.t('button.cancel')}
-          onPress={onPressCancel}
-          size="big"
-          textColor={colors.alpha(colors.blueGreyDark, 0.8)}
-          weight="bold"
-        />
-        <SheetActionButton
-          color={colors.appleBlue}
-          label={`􀎽 ${lang.t('button.confirm')}`}
-          onPress={ready ? submitFn : NOOP}
-          size="big"
-          testID="wc-confirm"
-          weight="heavy"
-        />
-      </SheetActionButtonRow>
-    );
-  }, [isMessageRequest, isBalanceEnough, isSufficientGas, isValidGas, colors, nativeAsset?.symbol, onCancel, onPressCancel, submitFn]);
-  const renderTransactionSection = useCallback(() => {
-    if (isMessageRequest) {
-      return (
-        <RowWithMargins style={messageRequestContainerStyle}>
-          <MessageSigningSection message={request.message} method={method} />
-        </RowWithMargins>
-      );
-    }
-    if (isTransactionDisplayType(method) && request?.asset) {
-      const amount = request?.value ?? '0.00';
-      const nativeAssetPrice = request?.asset?.price?.value || genericNativeAsset?.price?.value || nativeAsset?.price?.value;
-      const nativeAmount = multiply(nativeAssetPrice, amount);
-      const nativeAmountDisplay = convertAmountToNativeDisplay(nativeAmount, nativeCurrency);
-      if (!amount) return;
-      return (
-        <TransactionConfirmationSection
-          address={
-            request?.asset?.mainnet_address ||
-            request?.asset?.address ||
-            request?.nativeAsset?.mainnet_address ||
-            request?.nativeAsset?.address
-          }
-          amount={amount}
-          method={method}
-          name={request?.asset?.name || request?.nativeAsset?.name}
-          nativeAmountDisplay={!nativeAssetPrice ? null : nativeAmountDisplay}
-          symbol={request?.asset?.symbol || request?.nativeAsset?.symbol}
-        />
-      );
-    }
-    return <DefaultTransactionConfirmationSection address={request?.to} data={request?.data} method={method} value={request?.value} />;
-  }, [
-    isMessageRequest,
-    method,
-    request?.asset,
-    request?.to,
-    request?.data,
-    request?.value,
-    request.message,
-    nativeAsset,
-    genericNativeAsset?.price?.value,
-    nativeCurrency,
-  ]);
-  const offset = useSharedValue(0);
-  const sheetOpacity = useSharedValue(1);
-  const animatedSheetStyles = useAnimatedStyle(() => ({
-    opacity: sheetOpacity.value,
-  }));
-  useEffect(() => {
-    offset.value = withSpring(0, springConfig);
-    sheetOpacity.value = withSpring(1, springConfig);
-  }, [keyboardHeight, offset, sheetOpacity]);
-  const amount = request?.value ?? '0.00';
-  const isAndroidApprovalRequest = useMemo(
-    () => android && isTransactionDisplayType(method) && !!request?.asset && amount === 0 && isBalanceEnough,
-    [amount, isBalanceEnough, method, request]
-  );
-  const ShortSheetHeight = 486 + safeAreaInsetValues.bottom;
-  const TallSheetHeight = 656 + safeAreaInsetValues.bottom;
-  const MessageSheetHeight = (isSignTypedData(method) ? 630 : android ? 595 : 580) + safeAreaInsetValues.bottom;
-  const balanceTooLow = isBalanceEnough === false && isSufficientGas !== null;
-  let sheetHeight =
-    (isMessageRequest ? MessageSheetHeight : (amount && amount !== '0.00') || !isBalanceEnough ? TallSheetHeight : ShortSheetHeight) *
-    (android ? 1.5 : 1);
-  let marginTop = android ? deviceHeight - sheetHeight + 275 : null;
-  if (isTransactionDisplayType(method) && !request?.asset) {
-    marginTop += 50;
-  }
-  if (isAndroidApprovalRequest) {
-    sheetHeight += 140;
-  }
-  if (isTransactionDisplayType(method) && !isL2 && !isTestnet) {
-    sheetHeight -= 70;
-  }
-  useEffect(() => {
-    if (request?.asset && walletBalance && currentNetwork && provider && nativeAsset && !isEmpty(selectedGasFee)) {
-      setReady(true);
-    }
-  }, [nativeAsset, currentNetwork, provider, ready, request?.asset, selectedGasFee, walletBalance]);
-  const spinnerHeight = sheetHeight - 227 + (isTransactionDisplayType(method) ? (isL2 ? 84 : 72) : 0);
-  return (
-    <SheetKeyboardAnimation as={AnimatedContainer} isKeyboardVisible={false} translateY={offset}>
-      <Wrapper backgroundColor={colors.transparent} borderRadius={0} height={sheetHeight} hideHandle scrollEnabled={false}>
-        <Column testID="wc-request-sheet">
-          <AnimatedSheet
-            backgroundColor={colors.white}
-            borderRadius={39}
-            direction="column"
-            marginTop={marginTop}
-            paddingBottom={isMessageRequest ? safeAreaInsetValues.bottom + (android ? 20 : 0) : 0}
-            paddingTop={24}
-            style={[animatedSheetStyles, android && isMessageRequest ? { borderBottomLeftRadius: 0, borderBottomRightRadius: 0 } : null]}
-          >
-            {!ready ? (
-              <Centered height={spinnerHeight}>
-                <LoadingSpinner size={android ? 40 : 'large'} />
-              </Centered>
-            ) : (
-              <Fragment>
-                <SheetHandleFixedToTop showBlur={false} />
-                <Column marginBottom={17} />
-                <DappLogo dappName={dappName || ''} imageUrl={imageUrl || ''} network={currentNetwork} />
-                <Row marginBottom={android ? -6 : 5}>
-                  <Row marginBottom={android ? 16 : 8} marginHorizontal={32}>
-                    <Text align="center" color="secondary80 (Deprecated)" numberOfLines={1} size="18px / 27px (Deprecated)" weight="bold">
-                      {formattedDappUrl}
-                    </Text>
-                  </Row>
-                </Row>
-                <Centered marginBottom={android ? 10 : 24} paddingHorizontal={24}>
-                  <Text
-                    align="center"
-                    color={methodName ? 'primary (Deprecated)' : { custom: 'transparent' }}
-                    size="18px / 27px (Deprecated)"
-                    weight="heavy"
-                  >
-                    {methodName || lang.t('wallet.transaction.placeholder_title')}
-                  </Text>
-                </Centered>
-                {ios && <Divider color={colors.rowDividerLight} inset={[0, 143.5]} />}
-                {renderTransactionSection()}
-                {(isL2 || isTestnet) && !isMessageRequest && (
-                  <Column margin={android ? 24 : 0} width="100%">
-                    <Row height={android ? 0 : 19} />
-                    <L2Disclaimer
-                      network={currentNetwork}
-                      colors={colors}
-                      hideDivider
-                      onPress={handleL2DisclaimerPress}
-                      prominent
-                      customText={i18n.t(i18n.l.expanded_state.asset.l2_disclaimer_dapp, {
-                        network: getNetworkObj(currentNetwork).name,
-                      })}
-                    />
-                  </Column>
-                )}
-                {renderTransactionButtons()}
-                <RowWithMargins margin={15} style={rowStyle}>
-                  <Column flex={1}>
-                    <Row marginBottom={8}>
-                      <SwitchText>{lang.t('wallet.wallet_title')}</SwitchText>
-                    </Row>
-                    <RowWithMargins margin={5} style={{ alignItems: 'center' }}>
-                      {accountInfo.accountImage ? (
-                        <ImageAvatar image={accountInfo.accountImage} size="smaller" />
-                      ) : (
-                        <ContactAvatar
-                          color={isNaN(accountInfo.accountColor) ? colors.skeleton : accountInfo.accountColor}
-                          size="smaller"
-                          value={accountInfo.accountSymbol}
-                        />
-                      )}
-                      <WalletText>{accountInfo.accountName}</WalletText>
-                    </RowWithMargins>
-                  </Column>
-                  <Column marginLeft={16}>
-                    <Row justify="end" marginBottom={12}>
-                      <SwitchText align="right">{lang.t('wallet.balance_title')}</SwitchText>
-                    </Row>
-                    <WalletText align="right" balanceTooLow={balanceTooLow}>
-                      {isBalanceEnough === false && isSufficientGas !== null && '􀇿 '}
-                      {walletBalance?.display}
-                    </WalletText>
-                  </Column>
-                </RowWithMargins>
-              </Fragment>
-            )}
-          </AnimatedSheet>
-          {!isMessageRequest && <GasSpeedButton currentNetwork={currentNetwork} theme="dark" />}
-        </Column>
-      </Wrapper>
-    </SheetKeyboardAnimation>
-  );

From b074537bf9a763911df760a552d835f335fb70f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: skylarbarrera <>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2024 14:11:42 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 11/12] more clean

 src/navigation/ | 1 -
 src/navigation/Routes.ios.tsx     | 1 -
 2 files changed, 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/navigation/ b/src/navigation/
index f11ae450aab..e35f7b4de17 100644
--- a/src/navigation/
+++ b/src/navigation/
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import SendSheet from '../screens/SendSheet';
 import ShowcaseSheet from '../screens/ShowcaseSheet';
 import SpeedUpAndCancelSheet from '../screens/SpeedUpAndCancelSheet';
 import NotificationsPromoSheet from '../screens/NotificationsPromoSheet';
-import TransactionConfirmationScreen from '../screens/TransactionConfirmationScreen';
 import WalletConnectApprovalSheet from '../screens/WalletConnectApprovalSheet';
 import WalletConnectRedirectSheet from '../screens/WalletConnectRedirectSheet';
 import { WalletDiagnosticsSheet } from '../screens/Diagnostics';
diff --git a/src/navigation/Routes.ios.tsx b/src/navigation/Routes.ios.tsx
index 469a65149b1..164f4a9aed7 100644
--- a/src/navigation/Routes.ios.tsx
+++ b/src/navigation/Routes.ios.tsx
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import ShowcaseScreen from '../screens/ShowcaseSheet';
 import { SignTransactionSheet } from '../screens/SignTransactionSheet';
 import SpeedUpAndCancelSheet from '../screens/SpeedUpAndCancelSheet';
 import NotificationsPromoSheet from '../screens/NotificationsPromoSheet';
-import TransactionConfirmationScreen from '../screens/TransactionConfirmationScreen';
 import WalletConnectApprovalSheet from '../screens/WalletConnectApprovalSheet';
 import WalletConnectRedirectSheet from '../screens/WalletConnectRedirectSheet';
 import { WalletDiagnosticsSheet } from '../screens/Diagnostics';

From a03a42a4622768ec22211ce6fb5868aeab80f27d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: skylarbarrera <>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2024 16:01:35 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 12/12] clean

 src/components/coin-icon/CoinIcon.tsx         | 85 -------------------
 src/components/coin-icon/index.js             |  2 +-
 src/components/coin-row/CoinRow.js            |  5 +-
 .../expanded-state/AvailableNetworks.js       |  2 +-
 src/components/gas/GasSpeedButton.js          |  4 +-
 src/components/positions/PositionsCard.tsx    |  3 +-
 .../WalletConnectV2ListItem.tsx               |  6 +-
 src/screens/ExplainSheet.js                   |  2 +-
 .../components/CurrencySection.tsx            | 77 ++++++++++++-----
 src/screens/WalletConnectApprovalSheet.js     |  4 +-
 src/screens/mints/MintSheet.tsx               |  2 +-
 src/utils/CoinIcons/CoinIcon.js               | 77 -----------------
 src/utils/index.ts                            |  1 -
 13 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 203 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/utils/CoinIcons/CoinIcon.js

diff --git a/src/components/coin-icon/CoinIcon.tsx b/src/components/coin-icon/CoinIcon.tsx
index 9ad65239ffc..25c1a46c13d 100644
--- a/src/components/coin-icon/CoinIcon.tsx
+++ b/src/components/coin-icon/CoinIcon.tsx
@@ -1,86 +1 @@
-import React, { useMemo } from 'react';
-import { View, ViewProps } from 'react-native';
-import ContractInteraction from '../../assets/contractInteraction.png';
-import { useTheme } from '../../theme/ThemeContext';
-import ChainBadge from './ChainBadge';
-import { CoinIconFallback } from './CoinIconFallback';
-import { Network } from '@/networks/types';
-import { useColorForAsset } from '@/hooks';
-import { ImgixImage } from '@/components/images';
-import styled from '@/styled-thing';
-import { ethereumUtils, isETH, magicMemo, CoinIcon as ReactCoinIcon } from '@/utils';
-import { ChainBadgeType } from '@/components/coin-icon/ChainBadgeSizeConfigs';
 export const CoinIconSize = 40;
-const ContractInteractionIcon = styled(ImgixImage)(({ size }: { size: number }) => ({
-  height: size,
-  width: size,
-const StyledCoinIcon = styled(ReactCoinIcon)({
-  opacity: ({ isHidden }: { isHidden?: boolean }) => (isHidden ? 0.4 : 1),
-type Props = {
-  address?: string;
-  badgeXPosition?: number;
-  badgeYPosition?: number;
-  badgeSize?: ChainBadgeType;
-  ignoreBadge?: boolean;
-  forcedShadowColor?: string;
-  size?: number;
-  symbol?: string;
-  network: string;
-  mainnet_address?: string;
-  shadowOpacity?: number;
-} & Pick<ViewProps, 'testID' | 'style'>;
-const CoinIcon: React.FC<Props> = ({
-  address = 'eth',
-  badgeXPosition,
-  badgeYPosition,
-  badgeSize,
-  ignoreBadge = false,
-  forcedShadowColor,
-  size = CoinIconSize,
-  symbol = '',
-  network,
-  mainnet_address,
-  ...props
-}) => {
-  const color = useColorForAsset({
-    address: mainnet_address || address,
-  });
-  const { colors, isDarkMode } = useTheme();
-  const forceFallback = !isETH(mainnet_address || address);
-  const isNotContractInteraction = useMemo(() => symbol !== 'contract', [symbol]);
-  const theme = useTheme();
-  return (
-    <View>
-      {isNotContractInteraction ? (
-        <StyledCoinIcon
-          {...props}
-          address={mainnet_address || address}
-          color={color}
-          fallbackRenderer={CoinIconFallback}
-          forceFallback={true}
-          // force update on change symbol due to ImageCache strategy
-          key={symbol}
-          shadowColor={forcedShadowColor || (isDarkMode ? colors.shadow : color)}
-          size={size}
-          symbol={symbol}
-          network={mainnet_address ? Network.mainnet : network}
-          theme={theme}
-        />
-      ) : (
-        <ContractInteractionIcon size={size} source={ContractInteraction} />
-      )}
-      {!ignoreBadge && <ChainBadge network={network} badgeXPosition={badgeXPosition} badgeYPosition={badgeYPosition} size={badgeSize} />}
-    </View>
-  );
-export default magicMemo(CoinIcon, ['address', 'isHidden', 'isPinned', 'size', 'network', 'symbol', 'shadowColor']);
diff --git a/src/components/coin-icon/index.js b/src/components/coin-icon/index.js
index 962de1fe0b4..da7654b2cd4 100644
--- a/src/components/coin-icon/index.js
+++ b/src/components/coin-icon/index.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 export { default as ChainBadge } from './ChainBadge';
-export { default as CoinIcon, CoinIconSize } from './CoinIcon';
+export { CoinIconSize } from './CoinIcon';
 export { default as CoinIconFallback } from './CoinIconFallback';
 export { default as CoinIconIndicator } from './CoinIconIndicator';
 export { default as RequestCoinIcon } from './RequestCoinIcon';
diff --git a/src/components/coin-row/CoinRow.js b/src/components/coin-row/CoinRow.js
index ccaae419140..08f04fa850f 100644
--- a/src/components/coin-row/CoinRow.js
+++ b/src/components/coin-row/CoinRow.js
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 import React, { createElement } from 'react';
-import { CoinIcon, CoinIconSize } from '../coin-icon';
+import { CoinIconSize } from '../coin-icon';
 import { Column, Row } from '../layout';
 import { useAccountSettings } from '@/hooks';
 import styled from '@/styled-thing';
 import { padding } from '@/styles';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '../coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
 const CoinRowPaddingTop = 9;
 const CoinRowPaddingBottom = 10;
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ export default function CoinRow({
-  coinIconRender = CoinIcon,
+  coinIconRender = RainbowCoinIcon,
diff --git a/src/components/expanded-state/AvailableNetworks.js b/src/components/expanded-state/AvailableNetworks.js
index 4377749ef1a..b54bf9d66b7 100644
--- a/src/components/expanded-state/AvailableNetworks.js
+++ b/src/components/expanded-state/AvailableNetworks.js
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import { ethereumUtils } from '@/utils';
 import { useTheme } from '@/theme';
 import { ButtonPressAnimation } from '../animations';
 import { Column, Row } from '../layout';
-import { ChainBadge, CoinIcon } from '../coin-icon';
+import { ChainBadge } from '../coin-icon';
 import Divider from '../Divider';
 import { Text } from '../text';
 import { EthCoinIcon } from '../coin-icon/EthCoinIcon';
diff --git a/src/components/gas/GasSpeedButton.js b/src/components/gas/GasSpeedButton.js
index a065d0c30e3..e2470b77fa2 100644
--- a/src/components/gas/GasSpeedButton.js
+++ b/src/components/gas/GasSpeedButton.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 /* eslint-disable no-undef */
 import AnimateNumber from '@bankify/react-native-animate-number';
 import lang from 'i18n-js';
-import { isEmpty, isNaN, isNil, upperFirst } from 'lodash';
+import { isEmpty, isNaN, isNil } from 'lodash';
 import makeColorMoreChill from 'make-color-more-chill';
 import { AnimatePresence, MotiView } from 'moti';
 import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react';
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import { InteractionManager, Keyboard } from 'react-native';
 import { Easing } from 'react-native-reanimated';
 import { darkModeThemeColors } from '../../styles/colors';
 import { ButtonPressAnimation } from '../animations';
-import { ChainBadge, CoinIcon } from '../coin-icon';
+import { ChainBadge } from '../coin-icon';
 import { Centered, Column, Row } from '../layout';
 import { Text } from '../text';
 import { GasSpeedLabelPager } from '.';
diff --git a/src/components/positions/PositionsCard.tsx b/src/components/positions/PositionsCard.tsx
index b0f3f2df34a..4eaa4dda1fb 100644
--- a/src/components/positions/PositionsCard.tsx
+++ b/src/components/positions/PositionsCard.tsx
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { useTheme } from '@/theme';
 import { GenericCard } from '../cards/GenericCard';
 import startCase from 'lodash/startCase';
-import { CoinIcon, RequestVendorLogoIcon } from '../coin-icon';
+import { RequestVendorLogoIcon } from '../coin-icon';
 import { EthereumAddress } from '@/entities';
 import { useNavigation } from '@/navigation';
 import Routes from '@/navigation/routesNames';
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import { event } from '@/analytics/event';
 import { IS_ANDROID } from '@/env';
 import { capitalize, uniqBy } from 'lodash';
 import { RainbowDeposit, RainbowPosition } from '@/resources/defi/types';
-import { ethereumUtils } from '@/utils';
 import { Network } from '@/networks/types';
 import RainbowCoinIcon from '../coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
 import { useAccountSettings } from '@/hooks';
diff --git a/src/components/walletconnect-list/WalletConnectV2ListItem.tsx b/src/components/walletconnect-list/WalletConnectV2ListItem.tsx
index 5e7abcd6d6a..eab8284a5d4 100644
--- a/src/components/walletconnect-list/WalletConnectV2ListItem.tsx
+++ b/src/components/walletconnect-list/WalletConnectV2ListItem.tsx
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ import React, { useCallback, useMemo } from 'react';
 import { SessionTypes } from '@walletconnect/types';
 import RadialGradient from 'react-native-radial-gradient';
-import { RequestVendorLogoIcon, CoinIcon } from '../coin-icon';
+import { RequestVendorLogoIcon } from '../coin-icon';
 import { ContactAvatar } from '../contacts';
 import ImageAvatar from '../contacts/ImageAvatar';
 import { ContextMenuButton } from '../context-menu';
 import { Centered, ColumnWithMargins, Row } from '../layout';
-import { Text, TruncatedText } from '../text';
+import { TruncatedText } from '../text';
 import { analytics } from '@/analytics';
 import { getAccountProfileInfo } from '@/helpers/accountInfo';
 import { findWalletWithAccount } from '@/helpers/findWalletWithAccount';
@@ -24,8 +24,6 @@ import { logger, RainbowError } from '@/logger';
 import { changeAccount, disconnectSession, isSupportedChain } from '@/walletConnect';
 import { Box, Inline } from '@/design-system';
 import ChainBadge from '@/components/coin-icon/ChainBadge';
-import { ETH_ADDRESS, ETH_SYMBOL } from '@/references';
 import { Network } from '@/helpers';
 import { EthCoinIcon } from '../coin-icon/EthCoinIcon';
diff --git a/src/screens/ExplainSheet.js b/src/screens/ExplainSheet.js
index 10a24340660..10862fa1422 100644
--- a/src/screens/ExplainSheet.js
+++ b/src/screens/ExplainSheet.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import lang from 'i18n-js';
 import React, { useCallback, useMemo } from 'react';
 import { Linking, View } from 'react-native';
 import { useSafeAreaInsets } from 'react-native-safe-area-context';
-import { ChainBadge, CoinIcon, DashedWrapper } from '../components/coin-icon';
+import { ChainBadge, DashedWrapper } from '../components/coin-icon';
 import { Centered, Column, ColumnWithMargins, Row, RowWithMargins } from '../components/layout';
 import Routes from '@/navigation/routesNames';
 import { SheetActionButton, SheetTitle, SlackSheet } from '../components/sheet';
diff --git a/src/screens/SettingsSheet/components/CurrencySection.tsx b/src/screens/SettingsSheet/components/CurrencySection.tsx
index 7d421d4c3ab..a3a4a761427 100644
--- a/src/screens/SettingsSheet/components/CurrencySection.tsx
+++ b/src/screens/SettingsSheet/components/CurrencySection.tsx
@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
 import React, { useCallback } from 'react';
-import { Platform } from 'react-native';
+import { Platform, View } from 'react-native';
 import { reloadTimelines } from 'react-native-widgetkit';
-import { CoinIcon } from '../../../components/coin-icon';
 import Menu from './Menu';
 import MenuContainer from './MenuContainer';
 import MenuItem from './MenuItem';
 import { analytics } from '@/analytics';
 import { useAccountSettings } from '@/hooks';
-import { emojis, supportedNativeCurrencies } from '@/references';
+import { ETH_ADDRESS, WBTC_ADDRESS, emojis, supportedNativeCurrencies } from '@/references';
+import { BackgroundProvider, Box, Inline, Inset, Text } from '@/design-system';
+import { SimpleSheet } from '@/components/sheet/SimpleSheet';
+import * as i18n from '@/languages';
 import { Network } from '@/networks/types';
+import { useExternalToken } from '@/resources/assets/externalAssetsQuery';
+import RainbowCoinIcon from '@/components/coin-icon/RainbowCoinIcon';
+import { useTheme } from '@/theme';
 const emojiData = Object.entries(emojis).map(([emoji, { name }]) => [name, emoji]);
@@ -21,6 +26,9 @@ const currencyListItems = Object.values(supportedNativeCurrencies).map(({ curren
 const CurrencySection = () => {
   const { nativeCurrency, settingsChangeNativeCurrency } = useAccountSettings();
+  const theme = useTheme();
+  const { data: WBTC } = useExternalToken({ address: WBTC_ADDRESS, network: Network.mainnet, currency: nativeCurrency });
+  const { data: ETH } = useExternalToken({ address: ETH_ADDRESS, network: Network.mainnet, currency: nativeCurrency });
   const onSelectCurrency = useCallback(
     (currency: any) => {
@@ -35,26 +43,49 @@ const CurrencySection = () => {
   return (
-    <MenuContainer>
-      <Menu>
-        {{ label, emojiName, currency }: any) => (
-          <MenuItem
-            key={currency}
-            leftComponent={
-              emojiName ? (
-                <MenuItem.TextIcon icon={(emoji.get('flag_' + emojiName) as string) || ''} isEmoji />
-              ) : (
-                <CoinIcon address={currency} size={23} style={{ marginLeft: 7 }} symbol={currency} network={Network.mainnet} />
-              )
-            }
-            onPress={() => onSelectCurrency(currency)}
-            rightComponent={currency === nativeCurrency && <MenuItem.StatusIcon status="selected" />}
-            size={52}
-            titleComponent={<MenuItem.Title text={label} />}
-          />
-        ))}
-      </Menu>
-    </MenuContainer>
+    <BackgroundProvider color="surfaceSecondary">
+      {({ backgroundColor }) => (
+        <SimpleSheet backgroundColor={backgroundColor as string}>
+          <Inset top="20px" horizontal="20px" bottom="60px">
+            <Inline alignHorizontal="center" alignVertical="center">
+              <Box paddingBottom="12px">
+                <Text size="22pt" weight="heavy" color="label">
+                  {i18n.t(i18n.l.settings.currency)}
+                </Text>
+              </Box>
+            </Inline>
+            <MenuContainer>
+              <Menu>
+                {{ label, emojiName, currency }: any) => (
+                  <MenuItem
+                    key={currency}
+                    leftComponent={
+                      emojiName ? (
+                        <MenuItem.TextIcon icon={(emoji.get('flag_' + emojiName) as string) || ''} isEmoji />
+                      ) : (
+                        <View style={{ marginLeft: 7 }}>
+                          <RainbowCoinIcon
+                            icon={currency === ETH?.symbol ? ETH?.icon_url : WBTC?.icon_url}
+                            size={23}
+                            symbol={currency}
+                            network={Network.mainnet}
+                            theme={theme}
+                          />
+                        </View>
+                      )
+                    }
+                    onPress={() => onSelectCurrency(currency)}
+                    rightComponent={currency === nativeCurrency && <MenuItem.StatusIcon status="selected" />}
+                    size={52}
+                    titleComponent={<MenuItem.Title text={label} />}
+                  />
+                ))}
+              </Menu>
+            </MenuContainer>
+          </Inset>
+        </SimpleSheet>
+      )}
+    </BackgroundProvider>
diff --git a/src/screens/WalletConnectApprovalSheet.js b/src/screens/WalletConnectApprovalSheet.js
index 0d3ddb470ee..eeb5d4b8bd8 100644
--- a/src/screens/WalletConnectApprovalSheet.js
+++ b/src/screens/WalletConnectApprovalSheet.js
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import ChainLogo from '../components/ChainLogo';
 import Divider from '../components/Divider';
 import Spinner from '../components/Spinner';
 import ButtonPressAnimation from '../components/animations/ButtonPressAnimation';
-import { RequestVendorLogoIcon, CoinIcon } from '../components/coin-icon';
+import { RequestVendorLogoIcon } from '../components/coin-icon';
 import { ContactAvatar } from '../components/contacts';
 import ImageAvatar from '../components/contacts/ImageAvatar';
 import { Centered, Column, Flex, Row } from '../components/layout';
@@ -25,9 +25,7 @@ import { Network } from '@/helpers';
 import { Box, Columns, Column as RDSColumn, Inline, Text } from '@/design-system';
 import ChainBadge from '@/components/coin-icon/ChainBadge';
 import * as lang from '@/languages';
-import { ETH_ADDRESS, ETH_SYMBOL } from '@/references';
 import { RainbowNetworks, getNetworkObj } from '@/networks';
-import { IS_IOS } from '@/env';
 import { useDappMetadata } from '@/resources/metadata/dapp';
 import { DAppStatus } from '@/graphql/__generated__/metadata';
 import { InfoAlert } from '@/components/info-alert/info-alert';
diff --git a/src/screens/mints/MintSheet.tsx b/src/screens/mints/MintSheet.tsx
index fab9b9fa41e..c671d7e235c 100644
--- a/src/screens/mints/MintSheet.tsx
+++ b/src/screens/mints/MintSheet.tsx
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import { useNavigation } from '@/navigation';
 import styled from '@/styled-thing';
 import { position } from '@/styles';
 import { useTheme } from '@/theme';
-import { CoinIcon, abbreviations, ethereumUtils, watchingAlert } from '@/utils';
+import { abbreviations, ethereumUtils, watchingAlert } from '@/utils';
 import { usePersistentDominantColorFromImage } from '@/hooks/usePersistentDominantColorFromImage';
 import { maybeSignUri } from '@/handlers/imgix';
 import { ButtonPressAnimation } from '@/components/animations';
diff --git a/src/utils/CoinIcons/CoinIcon.js b/src/utils/CoinIcons/CoinIcon.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f2b7801fff..00000000000
--- a/src/utils/CoinIcons/CoinIcon.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable import/namespace */
-import React, { useMemo } from 'react';
-import * as CoinIconsImages from 'react-coin-icon/lib/pngs';
-import { Image } from 'react-native';
-import { StyleSheet, View } from 'react-primitives';
-import FallbackIcon from './FallbackIcon';
-const sx = StyleSheet.create({
-  container: {
-    alignItems: 'center',
-    justifyContent: 'center',
-  },
-  image: {
-    height: '100%',
-    width: '100%',
-  },
-function formatSymbol(symbol) {
-  return symbol ? symbol.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + symbol.slice(1).toLowerCase() : '';
-const CoinIcon = ({
-  color = '#3A3D51',
-  fallbackRenderer: Fallback = FallbackIcon,
-  forceFallback,
-  shadowColor,
-  size = 32,
-  style,
-  symbol,
-  ...props
-}) => {
-  const formattedSymbol = useMemo(() => formatSymbol(symbol), [symbol]);
-  const circleProps = useMemo(
-    () => ({
-      borderRadius: size / 2,
-      height: size,
-      width: size,
-    }),
-    [size]
-  );
-  const shadowProps = useMemo(() => {
-    const isSmall = size < 30;
-    return {
-      elevation: isSmall ? 4.5 : 6,
-      shadowColor: shadowColor || color,
-      shadowOffset: {
-        height: isSmall ? 3 : 4,
-        width: 0,
-      },
-      shadowOpacity: isSmall ? 0.2 : 0.3,
-      shadowRadius: isSmall ? 4.5 : 6,
-    };
-  }, [color, shadowColor, size]);
-  if (!forceFallback && CoinIconsImages[formattedSymbol]) {
-    return (
-      <View {...circleProps} {...shadowProps} style={[sx.container, style]}>
-        <Image resizeMode="contain" source={CoinIconsImages[formattedSymbol]} style={sx.image} />
-      </View>
-    );
-  }
-  return (
-    <View {...circleProps} style={[sx.container, style]}>
-      <Fallback {...circleProps} {...shadowProps} color={color} symbol={formattedSymbol} size={size} {...props} />
-    </View>
-  );
-const arePropsEqual = (prev, next) =>
-  prev.color === next.color && prev.shadowColor === next.shadowColor && prev.size === next.size && prev.symbol === next.symbol;
-export default React.memo(CoinIcon, arePropsEqual);
diff --git a/src/utils/index.ts b/src/utils/index.ts
index a827e38d6c1..0ebd4ada6b7 100644
--- a/src/utils/index.ts
+++ b/src/utils/index.ts
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ export { filterList } from './search';
 export { getFirstGrapheme, initials, removeLeadingZeros, sanitizeSeedPhrase } from './formatters';
 export { default as watchingAlert } from './watchingAlert';
 export { default as withSpeed } from './withSpeed';
-export { default as CoinIcon } from './CoinIcons/CoinIcon';
 export { default as FallbackIcon } from './CoinIcons/FallbackIcon';
 export { default as getExchangeIconUrl } from './getExchangeIconUrl';
 export { resolveFirstRejectLast } from './resolveFirstRejectLast';