Given a date
string in the form Day Month Year
, where:
is in the set{"1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th", ..., "30th", "31st"}
is in the set{"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}
is in the range[1900, 2100]
Convert the date string to the format YYYY-MM-DD
, where:
denotes the 4 digit year.MM
denotes the 2 digit month.DD
denotes the 2 digit day.
Example 1:
Input: date = "20th Oct 2052" Output: "2052-10-20"
Example 2:
Input: date = "6th Jun 1933" Output: "1933-06-06"
Example 3:
Input: date = "26th May 1960" Output: "1960-05-26"
- The given dates are guaranteed to be valid, so no error handling is necessary.
class Solution:
def reformatDate(self, date: str) -> str:
months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
mapper = {v: str(k + 1) for k, v in enumerate(months)}
split = date.split(' ')
year = split[2]
month = mapper.get(split[1])
day = split[0][:len(split[0]) - 2]
return year + '-' + month.zfill(2) + '-' + day.zfill(2)
class Solution {
public String reformatDate(String date) {
Map<String, Integer> mapper = new HashMap<>();
String[] months = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};
for (int i = 0; i < months.length; ++i) {
mapper.put(months[i], i + 1);
String[] split = date.split(" ");
int year = Integer.parseInt(split[2]);
int month = mapper.get(split[1]);
int day = Integer.parseInt(split[0].substring(0, split[0].length() -2));
return String.format("%d-%02d-%02d", year, month, day);