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Releases: strongself/Generamba

Small and very friendly

04 Sep 16:55
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This version just does not clear tests group if test_group_path is the same as project_group_path. This small feature is significant for our colleagues from Alpha-lab (see PR)

Liquid 4.0 support

25 Dec 18:13
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I hope you already know that we're developing a Generamba 2.0, that will change the way you use code generators. We still support 1.x versions, so here is a new release ๐Ÿ–

Otherwise it's really small, it brings you the power of Liquid 4.0.


  • Migrated to Liquid 4.0 (Issue #167)


  • Fixed an xcodeproj crash (Issue #183)
  • Whitespace control finally works (Issue #159)

New Home

05 Oct 09:30
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We've moved Generamba and generamba-catalog to a new home - rambler-digital-solutions account. This update fixes some internal dependencies on the old shared catalog repository.

Breaking changes

  • Old versions of Generamba won't be able to install templates from our shared catalog.

Template installation fixes

27 Sep 12:30
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Our template validation system was so strong and reliable, that templates with liquid markup couldn't pass through it. Now it's fixed!


  • Fixed generamba template install behaviour (Issue #128)

A nasty bug

26 Sep 09:38
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Merging branches is hard, so we accidentally lost 1 line of code - and liquid support for .rambaspec files was broken ๐Ÿ˜ฑ.


  • Fixed liquid support for .rambaspec files (PR #158)

Grand refactoring continues

05 Sep 12:50
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Hi again! The second release today - we've fixed a couple of new bugs and made some other small but breaking changes.

Breaking changes

  • Updated logic of rambafile and module validation. Now, only company, project_name, xcodeproj_path fields are mandatory. (PR #148).
  • Renamed gen command options module_file_path -> project_file_path and module_group_path -> project_group_path. (PR #148)
  • Added liquid property product_module_name for use in rambaspec files (PR #148).


  • Fixed file creation in root folder (Issue #147)

Refactoring and some breaking changes

05 Sep 06:43
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Just after we released our first non-beta version, we realized that time for refactoring has come. Sorry for some inconveniences, but you'll have to update your templates syntax.

Breaking changes

  • Renamed gen command --module-targets option to --project-targets. Now you should write generamba gen Module template_name --project_targets Target1,Target2 (PR #137).

  • Renamed rambaspec parameter file_name to custom_name. Now you should write in rambaspec something like this (PR #137):

    - {custom_name: "{{ prefix }}{{ custom_parameters.my_value }}{{ module_info.file_basename }}", name: View/ViewInput.h, path: Code/View/view_input.h.liquid}
  • Replaced rambaspec parameter file_type to is_resource. Now you should write in rambaspec something like this (PR #137):

    {name: Resources/MyJson.json, path: Resources/MyJson.json.liquid, is_resource: true}. 

    Then Generamba adds this file in project like resource, and not like file reference.


  • Added an ability to use all properties from Rambafile and command options in rambaspec files (Issue #128)
  • Added new property to Rambafile - product_module_name for Swift test templates (PR #139)
  • Made project_file_path and project_group_path not mandatory (Issue #144).
  • Updated the appearance of gen command output (Issue #142)
  • Added an extra question to setup command (Issue #126)
  • Fixed code style (PR #133)


  • Fixed an error which occurred when there was an extra / in file path (Issue #129).
  • Fixed template installation from a remote git repo (Issue #135)

Out of beta

23 Jul 09:35
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Finally, after 10 months of active development, we are releasing a 1.0.0 version! ๐Ÿš€๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿพ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿ˜œ

Otherwise this release is not very huge, it introduces some compatibility-breaking changes. Besides it, we don't have any more features to implement except GUI, which will probably be a separate project.


  • The 1.0.0 version, hooray!

Breaking changes

  • We've updated the dependency on cocoapods-core gem to 1.0.1 version. This means that you may have troubles using Generamba with an old-style Podfile.


  • You can now use custom template parameters! Here is an example: generamba gen my_module my_template --custom-parameters=key1:value1 key2:value2. The value1 will be placed in your module for {{ module_info.custom_parameters.key1 }}. See #46 and #119 for more information.

  • Remember cartfile_path property in Rambafile? It's now used to check the Cartfile for missing dependencies together with the Podfile (#83 and #120).

  • It's possible to add an empty group to the Xcode file structure. Just use the - {name: Dir/SubDir} notation in .rambaspec file (#118 and #123).

  • The output of generamba version command is much more informative now:

    generamba version
    Version: 0.8.0
    Release date: 23.07.2016
    Change notes:


  • Fixed the behavior for the path parameters with an extra slash (Issue #99).

File types

16 May 08:24
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@alexgarbarev does a great work again - it's now possible to manually specify the generated file type. Expecially useful for json stubs.


  • You can specify the generated file type in .rambaspec (PR #115).

Customizable filenames

11 May 08:39
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Thanks to @alexgarbarev, we've got a new feature - customizable filenames ๐Ÿพ


  • You can explicitly specify a generated file name using any of the config properties (PR #113).