///////////////////// /// /// Known issues: /// ////////////////////
#Negation "the chimney was so yellow".negate "the name might come from latin"
#Conjugation verb_conjugate("contain") verb_conjugate("result") verb_conjugate("develop") verb_conjugate("wait") verb_conjugate("represent") verb_conjugate("stain") verb_conjugate("pass") verb_conjugate("answer")
#POS pos("Joe would alks the asdf") //"second pass modal" pos("he blalks the asdf") //"second_pass signal from PRP" pos("He does not perform it with truly human energies", {}) //issue with needs model pos("They’re taking risks", {}) //issue with needs model pos("he lkajsdf so hard", ["PRP", "VB", "RB", "JJ"]) pos("schlooking in toronto is scarey and lkasf", ["VBG", "IN", "NN", "CP", "JJ", "CC", "JJ"])
#Syllables syllables("birchtree")
#Date parsing june to march 1995
#Number parsing two hundred and fifty five thousand
ambiguity for 'tenth, hundredth, thousandth...' "two thousandth" => 0.002 or 2000th ?
this is tricky to do, but possible: "four and a half" => 4.5 two and a half thousand", 2,500
shitbags javascipt float multiplication issue "four point seven seven" -> 4.7700000000000005,
there's an idiomatic rule against saying this, though technically fine. "twenty hundred" -> 2000
#inflection nlp.noun('bus').pluralize() nlp.noun('crisis').pluralize() nlp.noun('analysis').pluralize() nlp.noun('neurosis').pluralize()
#negation "he will really not be a king" -> "he will really be a king" "he will not really be a king" -> "he will really be a king" "smoking in the elevator is allowed" -> "smoking in the elevator is not allowed"