The DBM is a drop-in replacement for DBCSR written in C. For the time being only features required by DBT are implemented.
The DBM uses coordinate lists as internal storage format. An existing block is represented by the following data structure:
typedef struct {
int row; // zero based
int col;
int offset;
} dbm_block_t;
To allow for efficient OpenMP parallelism the blocks are sharded across threads similar to how they are distributed across MPI ranks:
int dbm_get_shard_index(const dbm_matrix_t *matrix, const int row, const int col) {
const int shard_row = row % matrix->dist->rows.nshards;
const int shard_col = col % matrix->dist->cols.nshards;
return shard_row * matrix->dist->cols.nshards + shard_col;
The communication scheme in dbm_multiply_comm.c is decoupled from the local multiplication in dbm_multiply.c via the iterator pattern:
while (dbm_comm_iterator_next(iter, &pack_a, &pack_b)) {
backend_upload_packs(pack_a, pack_b, ctx);
multiply_packs(transa, transb, alpha, pack_a, pack_b, matrix_a, matrix_b,
matrix_c, rows_left_max_eps, flop, ctx);
The last stage of the multiplication are the backends for specific hardware, e.g. CPU and CUDA. They are passed batches of task for processing. Each task describes a single block multiplication. A simplest backend implementation looks like this:
for (int itask = 0; itask < ntasks; itask++) {
const dbm_task_t task = batch[itask];
const int lda = (transa) ? task.k : task.m;
const int ldb = (transb) ? task.n : task.k;
const int ldc = task.m;
const double *data_a = &pack_a->data[task.offset_a];
const double *data_b = &pack_b->data[task.offset_b];
double *data_c = &shard_c->data[task.offset_c];
dgemm(transa, transb, task.m, task.n, task.k, alpha, data_a, lda, data_b, ldb, 1.0, data_c, ldc);
The dbm_miniapp.x
binary allows to run a simple performance test.
$ cd cp2k/src/dbm
$ make -j
$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=32 ./dbm_miniapp.x
OpenMP-threads: 32 GPUs: 1 Libxsmm: n/a MPI-ranks: 1 MPI-cart: 1 x 1
16384 x 128 x 128 with 4 x 4 x 4 blocks: 1.621 s => 21.2 GFLOP/s
128 x 16384 x 128 with 4 x 4 x 4 blocks: 1.374 s => 25.0 GFLOP/s
128 x 128 x 16384 with 4 x 4 x 4 blocks: 1.426 s => 24.1 GFLOP/s
645 x 645 x 645 with 4 x 4 x 4 blocks: 1.500 s => 22.9 GFLOP/s
60 x 500 x 500 with 128 x 4 x 4 blocks: 0.159 s => 386.7 GFLOP/s
500 x 60 x 500 with 4 x 128 x 4 blocks: 0.191 s => 322.1 GFLOP/s
500 x 500 x 60 with 4 x 4 x 128 blocks: 0.193 s => 317.7 GFLOP/s
500 x 60 x 60 with 4 x 128 x 128 blocks: 0.668 s => 353.2 GFLOP/s
60 x 500 x 60 with 128 x 4 x 128 blocks: 0.351 s => 672.8 GFLOP/s
60 x 60 x 500 with 128 x 128 x 4 blocks: 0.663 s => 355.7 GFLOP/s
350 x 350 x 350 with 23 x 23 x 23 blocks: 2.141 s => 487.3 GFLOP/s
250 x 250 x 250 with 32 x 32 x 32 blocks: 0.845 s => 1212.4 GFLOP/s
60 x 60 x 60 with 128 x 128 x 128 blocks: 0.741 s => 1222.0 GFLOP/s
- -
- -
? x ? x ? 1073642493 90.77%
?? x ?? x ?? 58500000 4.95%
? x ? x ??? 15000000 1.27%
? x ??? x ? 15000000 1.27%
??? x ? x ? 15000000 1.27%
? x ??? x ??? 1800000 0.15%
??? x ? x ??? 1800000 0.15%
??? x ??? x ? 1800000 0.15%
??? x ??? x ??? 216000 0.02%