The core processor communicates with peripherals (and indirectly external hardware such as CPU) via MMIO. The MMIO region occupies 0x0800-word region in the 16-bit address space, initially starting at 0x8000. The location of MMIO region can be configured in MIU (...yes, via MMIO). MMIO registers usually use even addresses only, which seems to be a hardware optimization as there is a register in MIU that enables forcing this rule. Each peripheral corresponds to a sub-region in MMIO, listed below. The detail of registers are in their corresponding peripheral documents. The register addresses in these documents are offsets to the start of the MMIO region.
SIO, Serial IO+0x0060
OCEM, On-chip Emulation Module+0x0080
PMU, Power Management Unit+0x00C0
APBP, Advanced Peripheral Bus Port?+0x00E0
AHBM, Advanced High Performance Bus Master+0x0100
MIU, Memory Interface Unit+0x0140
CRU, Code Replacement Unit+0x0180
DMA, Direct Memory Access+0x0200
ICU, Interrupt Control Unit+0x0280
BTDMP, Buffered Time Division Multiplexing Port