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Parsing Commands

wackymaster edited this page May 31, 2016 · 1 revision

Parsing the commands

Ignoring commands addressed to other bots in group chats

For fetching the messages, use bot.nextMessageSync() helper method. It will return the fetched message and will also set bot.lastMessage to the last fetched message and bot.lastCommand to the last user command, if any.

If bot.lastCommand is nil, then the message is a file attachment or another media type.

When instance of TelegramBot class is constructed, it issues /getMe request and fetches the bot's name. This name is then used to distinguish this bot's commands from other bots in group chats.

Messages addressed to other bots will be silently ignored unless you pass onlyMyMessages: false flag to nextMessageSync().

Constructing the router

Router maps commands to their handler functions.

let router = Router(bot)
router["command1"] = handler1
router["command2"] = handler2

If user passes more arguments than command handler expects, a warning will be issued. You can customize this behavior by passing your own partial match handler to router:

    func partialMatchHandler(args: Arguments) -> Bool {
        bot.respondAsync("Part of your input was ignored: \(args.scanRestOfString())")
        return true
    router.partialMatch = partialMatchHangler

So, for example, if we have a command swap which expects two arguments, but user types: /swap aaa bbb ccc, he will see:

bbb aaa
Part of your input was ignored: ccc

If the command is not found, a warning will also be issued. This also can be customized:

func unknownCommandHandler(args: Arguments) -> Bool {
    guard == .privateChat else { return false }
    guard session.started else {
        bot.respondAsync("Bot is inactive, please type /start")
        return true
    bot.respondAsync("Unknown command. /help")
    return true
router.unknownCommand = unknownCommandHandler

Of course, you can also pass closures or class methods to router.

Adding paths to router

Any bot typically processes at least these 4 commands:

router["start"] = controller.start
router["stop"] = controller.stop
router["help"] =
router["settings"] = controller.settings

Command name is processed differently in private and group chats.

  • In private chats slash is optional. start matches /start as well as start.
  • It group chats it only matches /start.

If you don't want optional slash in private chat, pass a slash option:

router["mycommand", slash: .Required] = controller.myHandler

Commands with arguments

Words can be captured and then processed by using a scanWord method.

router["process_word"] = controller.processWord
class Controller {
    func processWord(args: Arguments) {
        guard let word = args.scanWord() else {
            bot.respondAsync("Expected argument")
        bot.respondAsync("You said: \(word)")

To split string into many words, use args.scanWords().

let words = args.scanWords()
for word in words { ... }

Check Arguments.swift source code for more parsing options. Internally it uses NSScanner, so it's methods can be used as well. Make sure to fetch all the arguments, otherwise partialMatchHandler will come into play.

There's also args.scanRestOfString() method which captures rest of string as a single string.

Handler functions

Any function, class method or a closure can be used as a handler.

The following signatures are supported:

() -> ()

Simple handler. Treats the command as processed.

() -> Bool

Cancellable handler. Return true if the command was processed, false to continue matching other rules.

(args: Arguments) -> ()
(args: Arguments) -> Bool

Handler taking the captured arguments. Extract arguments by calling corresponding methods of args.

() throws -> ()
() throws -> Bool
(args: Arguments) throws -> ()
(args: Arguments) throws -> Bool

Throwing versions of the above. These just pass the exception your code raises to the top. Surround router.process(command) with do {} catch {} if you use them.

More details are available in Router's documentation (to be done, please check the SDK source until then).

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