This is branch B3
- Branch
was created 3 month ago. The map gave me some trouble. I wanted to start over without the map added.- JournalDogMap from master{:target="_blank"}
- Branch
i continued from master before the map was added. I had updated to node.js v8 and ran into some upgrade troubles - they were fixed. But then I thought - what else has been upgraded (of the CLI and package.json etc)? - So then I created this B3 (all back from the start of master) and restarted with yet another tabs starter.
# from project folder create an Ionic starter app
ionic start ionDogMap tabs --type=ionic-angular #Create new proj from
ionic serve # see what was provided
git commit -a -m "Downloaded latest ionic2-starter-tabs"
# Connected to Ionic Pro -
git remote -v # check that there are two remotes
Add map page
ionic g page tab-map --no-module
ionic g component map
- git remote -v
- |origin||
- |ionic|[email protected]:rasor88/iondogmap.git|
- Awesome CLI - JS on Windows
- Awesome Angular
- ionic SASS variables
- Ionic Troubleshooting
- 3rd party libs
- The Future of Declaration Files
- TypeScript Types Search
- packages depending on ‘@types/leaflet’
- Code from book build-mobile-apps-w-ionic-2-firebase
The End