✅ GET: check connection
✅ POST: create account
✅ POST: verify the account of token's owner (token= aes enc of email)
✅ POST: send reset_password mail
✅ POST: reset the password of token's owner (token= random hex string)
✅ GET get username data
✅ PATCH change username data (if access token == username)
✅ POST get suggested profiles for :username or research
✅ POST add username a visit (from access token owner)
✅ POST add username a like (from access token owner)
✅ DELETE remove the like to username (from access token owner)
✅ POST add/update username rating (from access token owner)
✅ POST add username a report (from access token owner)
✅ POST add username a block (from access token owner)
✅ DELETE remove a block from username (from access token owner)
✅ POST add a tag to username
✅ DELETE remove a tag from username
✅ POST: login
✅ GET: refresh JWT
✅ POST: Remove Access and Refresh tokens and set is_online to false
✅ GET get username pictures
✅ POST upload an image png/jpg and save it locally (server)