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import lymph

Welcome to an introduction to lymph. Lymph is a framework for writing services in Python.


We've got a vagrant box for you with lymph services running inside. We suggest you use it, but local setup should be straightfoward as well.

The box provisions with all tooling and code ready for your perusal. It has both Zookeeper and RabbitMQ running inside. Services and lymph's tooling can be explored within pre-configured tmux sessions.

The only prerequisits are vagrant and ansible on your host machine.

Getting hands-on is a matter of running:

vagrant up && vagrant ssh

You will be prompted for your root password half-way through vagrant up because we use NFS to share files.

Once inside the box, the motd contains more information. You can directly follow all the examples shown in this introduction.

Let's start then!

Stop trying to glue your services together

An introduction to lymph by Alejandro Castillo & Max Brauer

We'd like to introduce you to lymph, a framework for writing services in Python. With lymph you can write services with almost no boilerplate. But let's introduce ourselves first.

We're Delivery Hero, a holding of online food-ordering services. We're located in Berlin. We operate in 34 countries and growing.

Let me explain the concept of online food-ordering to those who're unfamiliar with it. However, I seriously doubt this is news to anyone. The concept is simple:

  • get hungry
  • go online
  • search for restaurants
  • compile your order
  • pay online
  • wait for delivery Basically, it's e-commerce with very grumpy customers.

How's this introduce structured? Let's briefly go over the flow of of topics:

  1. We're going to explain where we're coming from and why we have given birth to a(nother) framework
  2. We'll look at code as fast possible
  3. We'll run services and progresseivly add new services to explore forms of communication and the tooling of lymph
  4. We'll give you a brief overview of further features and talk about how lymph does things under the hood
  5. We'll touch on similar technology and see how it relates to lymph (Nameko in particular)
  6. We'll talk future plans for lymph and its ecosystem
  7. That's it :)

Before we go ahead, here's a little disclaimer. For the sake of this introduction, we assume that you're familiar with the concept of services. We assume you're familiar with monoliths. We assume that you are familiar with when and why to use either and even more so when not. We will not discuss the differences between the two. We won't talk about how services might safe your development teams or your business. Neither will we talk about sophisticated networking topologies, Docker, "microservices", ...

But what we're going to talk about is lymph. By the end of the talk you should understand what lymph can and cannot do and why that's cool. If we achieved that we'd consider ourselves succesful.

Why write a framework?

Our initial situation was the classic one. We had a massive Django monolith. We weren't moving fast at all. We've had trouble finding rhythm for a growing number of teams and developers. Teams we're blocked by other teams. The code base was a big bowl of legacy spaghetti. We've had issues scaling.

Basically, what comes to mind is the textbook situation: "my monolith hurts, i want services". The idea of a service-oriented architecture became increasingly reasonable and attractive to us.

Another aspect is our heterogenic product landscape. While most countries' websites work the same("order food online") they all differ one way or another. Modularity, extensibility, reuseability, scaleability... are key for us.

Still, the obvious question is: "why write another framework?". The answer is almost as obvious. At that time there was nothing that fit our needs. We wanted to work with services but we wanted some very specific things:

  • We are mainly Python-powered and we wanted to continue rolling with it. Language-agnosticity is great, but not really important for us(yet).
  • Running and testing services should be easy.
  • Developers shouldn't have to worry about registering and discovering services.
  • You don't have to serialize data for sending it over the wire. Neither do you want to manually deserialize it.
  • Requesting remote services should be almost like in-process calls.
  • Developers shouldn't have to deal with event loops nor know about any transport mechanism.
  • Configuring services should be straightforward and flexible.
  • Scaling should be easy, but transparent to clients.
  • Services should speak HTTP.
  • We don't want boilerplate if it can be avoided.

To sum things up, we wanted as little in the way as possible between developers and functionality they want to serve.

You might say "hey, use nameko". But nameko has not come to our attention until few months ago. Neither was it mature enough to be adopted way back then. Later we're going to talk technologies similar to nameko and lymph.

Taking all these things into consideration, rolling our own thing was actually reasonable. And to not suspend any further, say hello to lymph. Hopefully, you're itching to see what a service looks like in lymph. If you know nameko you won't be surprised though.

We'll break the ice by running and playing around with services. We'll slowly progress through lymph's features, service by service. This is a good time to boot the vagrant box.


The greeting service

This is what a simple greeting service looks like in lymph. Its interface is one RPC method called greet which takes a name, prints it, emits an event(containing the text in the body) and returns a greeting for the given name.

import lymph

class Greeting(lymph.Interface):

    def greet(self, name):
        print('Saying hi to %s' % name)
        self.emit('greeted', {'name': name})
        return u'Hi, %s!' % name

All we need to do to make things happen is to inherit from lymph.Interface and decorate RPC methods with @lymph.rpc(). Lastly, we've got the interface's emit() function to our disposal which dispatches events in the event system.

Let's jump on the shell and play with it.

» mux start greeting

What you see here is a tmux session with two panes. On the right-hand side you see the greeting service being run with lymph's instance command. On the left-hand side you see a plain shell on which we'll explore lymph's tooling.

Every time you want to run an instance of a servcie you need to point lymph to its configuration. The configuration tells lymph about the interface's name and where it can import it from. Since lymph imports the interface, its modulea needs to be on the PYTHONPATH. Why can make this happen with export PYTHONPATH=services in our example. But worry not, the tmuxinator sessions take care of it for you. Our service's configuration looks like this:

        class: greeting:Greeting

The lymph instance command receives the path to this file.

One of the first things we considered when building lymph was the tooling. We think we managed to get some very nice tooling built around it to make development of services easier.

So what tooling is available? lymph list will tell us.

» lymph list
node       Run a node service that manages a group of processes on the same machine.
shell      Open an interactive Python shell locally or remotely.
help       Display help information about lymph.
instance   Run a single service instance (one process).
list       List available commands.
inspect    Describes the RPC interface of a service
request    Send a request message to some service and output the reply.
discover   Show available services.
subscribe  Prints events to stdout.
tail       Stream the logs of one or more services.
emit       Manually emits an event.

You see there's plenty of commands available to interact with services. Worry not, we'll explore them one by one.

To begin with let's assert that an instance of the echo service is running. We'll use lymph's discover command.

» lymph discover
Greeting [1]

As you can see, one instance is running indeed (Greeting [1]).

Let's excercise the service's greet method. We'll use lymph's request command. Therefore, we have to provide the service name, the name of the method and the body of the request as JSON. What we expect to see is the echo service to return the text as is, but it should also print it and emit an event.

» lymph request Greeting.greet '{"name": "Joe"}'
u'Hi, Joe!'

The result of the RPC is 'Hi, Joe!' as expected and the service printed the name.

This is boring and our service must be pretty lonely. Nobody listens to its events. Here comes a listener.

The listen service

The listen service listens to greeting's events Again, it's a lymph service(we inherit from lymph.Interface). However, there's nothing but one method which is subscribed to greeted events. It simply prints the greeted name contained in the event's body. Everytime an event of this type occurs exactly once instance of the listen service will consume it.

import lymph

class Listen(lymph.Interface):

    def on_greeted(self, event):
        print('Somebody greeted %s' % event['name'])

Let's excercise our services combination. This time round, though, we'll run two instances of the greeting service and one instance of the listen service.

The listen service's configuration is no different from the one before.

» mux start greeting-listen

Again, we see a tmux session. On the right you find two instances of the greeting service followed by an instance of the listen service.

We should find them registered correctly.

» lymph discover
Greeting [1]
Listen [1]

And, indeed, they list correctly.

Let's emit a greeted event in the event system to assert whether the listen service listens to it. We'll use lymph's emit command. We're expecting the listen service to print the name field from the event body.

» lymph emit echo '{"greeted": "Joe"}'

Nice. That worked.

When we do RPCs now we expect the greeting instances to respond in round-robin fashion while the listen instance should rect to all occuring events.

» lymph request Greeting.greet '{"name": "Joe"}'                                │
u'Hi, Joe!'

(do this repeatedly, until both greeting instances have responded)

As you see, our expectations are met.

If we were to run several instances of the listen services, each event would be consumed by exactly once instance. However, lymph allows to broadcast events.

Finally, since it's 2015, no talk would be complete without talking about HTTP. Let's add a web service to the mix. Let's say we wanted to expose the greeting functionality via an HTTP API. Lymph has a class for that.

The web service

This is the Web service. It subclasses lymph's WebServiceInterface. In this case we're not exposing RPC methods, emitting not listening to events. However, we configure a Werkzeug URL map as a class attribute. We've added one endpoint: /greet and a handler for it. The handler receives a Werkzeug request object.

from lymph.web.interfaces import WebServiceInterface
from werkzeug.routing import Map, Rule
from werkzeug.wrappers import Response

class Web(WebServiceInterface):

    url_map = Map([
        Rule('/greet', endpoint='greet'),

    def greet(self, request):
        name = request.args['name']
        print('About to greet %s' % name)
        return Response(

The greet handler expects a name to be present in the query string. It calls the greeting service via the self.proxy and returns the result in the response. And it prints.

Mind, that we're not validating the request method nor anything else.

Run it or it didn't happen, they say. We'll bring up an instance of each of services now.

Once more, the web service's configuration is no different from the ones we looked at before.

» mux start all

On the right you can see an instance of every service: web, greeting and listen.

Once again, they should have registered correctly:

» lymph discover
Web [1]
Greeting [1]
Listen [1]

Let's hit our web service and see how the request penetrates our service landscape. We should see all service print something. The web service is listening at the default port 4080. We're using httpie to excercise the request:

» http localhost:4080/greet?name=joe
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 8
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Date: Fri, 03 Jul 2015 13:55:29 GMT

Hi, joe!

The response looks good and all services should have performed accordingly.

Lymph's development server

Yet, when developing locally you seldomly would want to run all of your services within different shell or tmux panes. Lymph has its own development server which wraps around any number of services with any number of instances each. Therefore, we'll have to configure which services to run and how many instances of each in the .lymph.yml:

        command: lymph instance --config=conf/web.yml
        numprocesses: 2

        command: lymph instance --config=conf/greeting.yml
        numprocesses: 3

        command: lymph instance --config=conf/listen.yml
        numprocesses: 4

        port: 4080

(Since we run several instances of our web service we have to configure shared sockets.)

Mind that in our case command specifies lymph instances but this could also be any other service you need, e.g. Redis.

Let's bring them all up.

» mux start all

Once more, we find ourselves inside a tmux session with lymph node running in the top-right pane. Below that you see lymph tail running which allows us to follow the logs of any number of services. But first, let's check how many instances are running:

» lymph discover
Web [2]
Greeting [3]
Listen [4]

That's a good number. Once we feed a request into the cluster we should see print statements and logs appearing.

» http localhost:4080/greet?name=joe
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 8
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Date: Fri, 03 Jul 2015 13:55:29 GMT

Hi, joe!

There's a lot going on in the tail pane. You would find an even bigger mess the more services and instances you run and the more intricated your patterns of communication become. Sometimes you wonder "where did my request go?". Lymph helps you though with trace\_ids. Every request that appears in our cluster which doesn't have a trace id assigned gets one. These trace ids get fowarded via every RPC and event.

So we should be able to corellate all actions in cluster to the one incoming HTTP request. If you check the logs within the tail pane you should see that all logs can be related with the trace\_id. And indeed we see the same trace\_id across our service instances for every incoming request.

That mostly covers the tooling we have for lymph services.

Further features

We haven't tried lymph's subscribe command. It is being left as an excercise to the reader.

Testing services is crucial to development. Have a look at our services [tests`]( to get an idea of lymph testing utilities.

There's an API to deal with configuration files. It allows nested lookups, class instantiation etc. This gives you the freedom to configure services with a minial amount of code. Custom configuration can be process by overriding lymph interface's apply_config(self, config) hook.

If a service requires special start and stop logic both the on_start and on_stop can be overridden.

Classic RPC calls block until the response is received. A deferred RPC call mechanism is implemented in case you wish to consume the RPC response later, or simply ingore it. Lymph's RPC implementation allows to defer calls:

proxy('Greeting').greet.defer(name=u'John')  # non-blocking

Standard process metrics are being collected out of the box and exposed via an internal API. It is possible to collect and expose custom metrics.

Lymph has a plugin system which allows one to register code for certain hooks, e.g. on_error, on_http_request, on_interface_installation etc. Both a New Relic and a Sentry plugin are shipped as built-in. You can also register your own hooks.

Lastly, CLIs are pluggable as well. Have a look at lymph top as an example.

Lymph under the hood

How does lymph do things under the hood? It's quite simple really.

Lymph depends on Zookeeper as service registry. Once a service instance is being started it registers itself with Zookeper providing its address and name. If it is stopped it unregisters itself. When you send a request to another service, lymph gets all instance's addresses and routes the request. That means, lymph does client-side load balancing. The request itself is being serialized with msgpack and send over the wire using zeromq.

The pub-sub event system is powered by RabbitMQ. That means any valid topic exchange routing key is valid lymph event type. Lymph also allows to broadcast events.

Every service instance is a single Python process which handles requests and events via of greenlets. Lymph uses gevent for this.

Lymph uses werkzeug to handle everything WSGI and HTTP.

Similar tech

As of now it seems as if both nameko and lymph are the only service frameworks that exist for Python. This is true for the level of integration and self-contained tooling at least. Obviously, they are different frameworks by different authors and having been implemented independently. Nonetheless, they do share some striking characteritics. To us, these similarities validate our assumptions. It is worth mentioning that nameko doesn't do service registry explicitly though. Nameko achieves this by using RabbitMQ for both events and RPC. It'd be tedious to compare in detail.

Most other similar technologies aren't either Python-specific or provide specific solutions for RPC for instance like zerorpc.

Things that are worth mentioning though are cocaine, spread, circuits, ...


We intend to grow a little ecosystem around lymph. While lymph will stay the core framework, we're already in the process of developing complementary libraries for writing special-purpose services, e.g. for storage and business process. Naturally, we'll open-source them once they have matured well enough.

Lastly, we'd like to mention distconfig which a Python library for managing shared state, i.e. configuration, feature switches etc. Distconfig complements lymph quite well.

Summary & outro

  • did we accomplish? circle back to claim and title
  • we accept PRs
  • we're hiring
  • same talk in Spanish
  • PyCon Fr


  • why zookeeper for registry?
  • how to scale up web services? (sharing sockets)

Nice to have

  • plugins (lymph-top, newrelic, sentry)
  • monitoring
  • serial events & broadcast(websockets)
  • sieve of Erathostenes (Mislav)


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  • Python 87.9%
  • Vim Script 12.1%