Want to contribute to Rax VS Code Extensions? There are a few things you need to know.
After cloning project, run npm install
to fetch its dependencies.
Run npm run setup
link and bootstrap project before development.
Then, you can run several commands:
npm run lint
checks the code style.npm test
runs the complete test suite.
You can add the VS Code Extension of Rax to the directory extension
Install Yeoman and VS Code Extension Generator:
npm install -g yo generator-code
In the extensions/
Directory, execute yo code
to initialize the extension
yo code
Use the VS Code to develop the extension project, and enable extension debugging through F5
First you need to use vsce
npm i vsce -g
Run vsce package
, package it into vsix and send it to others for installation;
Add "publisher": "Rax"
into your extension package.json:
"publisher": "Rax"
When your PR has been merged, It will be auto published to VS Code Extension Marketplace.