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/usr/local/bin/python: can't find '__main__' module in '/usr/src/app/' #77

Inventatorul1 opened this issue Dec 7, 2022 · 17 comments


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Describe the bug
Installed the docker container with docker compose.
Started the container and it crashed with error:
/usr/local/bin/python: can't find 'main' module in '/usr/src/app/'

  • OS: Linux Ubuntu 22.04 live server
  • Miner version latest

Docker version:

Client: Docker Engine - Community
Version: 20.10.17
API version: 1.41
Go version: go1.17.11
Git commit: 100c701
Built: Mon Jun 6 23:02:46 2022
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Context: default
Experimental: true

Server: Docker Engine - Community
Version: 20.10.17
API version: 1.41 (minimum version 1.12)
Go version: go1.17.11
Git commit: a89b842
Built: Mon Jun 6 23:00:51 2022
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Experimental: false
Version: 1.6.7
GitCommit: 0197261a30bf81f1ee8e6a4dd2dea0ef95d67ccb
Version: 1.1.3
GitCommit: v1.1.3-0-g6724737
Version: 0.19.0
GitCommit: de40ad0

Docker compose version:

docker-compose version 1.29.2, build 5becea4c docker-py version: 5.0.0 CPython version: 3.7.10 OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.0l 10 Sep 2019

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rdavydov commented Dec 7, 2022

First of all, this should not be accepted in any other case, because you didn't follow the template in the bug report, but I'll leave this open for now, because it is the first question about docker-compose.

  1. How exactly did you install the docker container with docker-compose?
  2. How exactly did you start the container?

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I used portainer with the "add stack" function

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rdavydov commented Dec 7, 2022

I used portainer with the "add stack" function

This doesn't tell anything.

I asked two questions. At least put an effort to answer them properly. 😒

You have to be specific if you want people to help you.

What exact commands and

  1. ...
  2. ...

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Inventatorul1 commented Dec 7, 2022

Then I used the example using docker-compose and pasted it in the web editor
Then I used winscp to upload the file into the folder
And when I start the container I get the error:
/usr/local/bin/python: can't find 'main' module in '/usr/src/app/'

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rdavydov commented Dec 7, 2022

Paste the contents of your /usr/src/app/ file.

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rdavydov commented Dec 7, 2022

What is strange, that on your screenshot has the same icon as folders. Are you sure it is not a folder? :)

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Inventatorul1 commented Dec 7, 2022

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
from colorama import Fore
from TwitchChannelPointsMiner import TwitchChannelPointsMiner
from TwitchChannelPointsMiner.logger import LoggerSettings, ColorPalette
from TwitchChannelPointsMiner.classes.Chat import ChatPresence
from TwitchChannelPointsMiner.classes.Discord import Discord
from TwitchChannelPointsMiner.classes.Telegram import Telegram
from TwitchChannelPointsMiner.classes.Settings import Priority, Events, FollowersOrder
from TwitchChannelPointsMiner.classes.entities.Bet import Strategy, BetSettings, Condition, OutcomeKeys, FilterCondition, DelayMode
from TwitchChannelPointsMiner.classes.entities.Streamer import Streamer, StreamerSettings

twitch_miner = TwitchChannelPointsMiner(
    password="xxxxxxxxx",           # If no password will be provided, the script will ask interactively
    claim_drops_startup=False,                  # If you want to auto claim all drops from Twitch inventory on the startup
    priority=[                                  # Custom priority in this case for example:
        Priority.STREAK,                        # - We want first of all to catch all watch streak from all streamers
        Priority.DROPS,                         # - When we don't have anymore watch streak to catch, wait until all drops are collected over the streamers
        Priority.ORDER                          # - When we have all of the drops claimed and no watch-streak available, use the order priority (POINTS_ASCENDING, POINTS_DESCEDING)
    enable_analytics=True,                     # Disables Analytics if False. Disabling it significantly reduces memory consumption
        save=True,                              # If you want to save logs in a file (suggested)
        console_level=logging.INFO,             # Level of logs - use logging.DEBUG for more info
        console_username=true,                 # Adds a username to every console log line if True. Useful when you have many open consoles with different accounts
        file_level=logging.DEBUG,               # Level of logs - If you think the log file it's too big, use logging.INFO
        emoji=True,                             # On Windows, we have a problem printing emoji. Set to false if you have a problem
        less=False,                             # If you think that the logs are too verbose, set this to True
        colored=True,                           # If you want to print colored text
        color_palette=ColorPalette(             # You can also create a custom palette color (for the common message).
            STREAMER_online="GREEN",            # Don't worry about lower/upper case. The script will parse all the values.
            streamer_offline="red",             #
            BET_wiN=Fore.MAGENTA                # Color allowed are: [BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, WHITE, RESET].
        telegram=Telegram(                                                          # You can omit or leave None if you don't want to receive updates on Telegram
            chat_id=123456789,                                                      # Chat ID to send messages @GiveChatId
            token="123456789:shfuihreuifheuifhiu34578347",                          # Telegram API token @BotFather
            events=[Events.STREAMER_ONLINE, Events.STREAMER_OFFLINE, "BET_LOSE"],   # Only these events will be sent to the chat
            disable_notification=True,                                              # Revoke the notification (sound/vibration)
            webhook_api="",  # Discord Webhook URL
            events=[Events.STREAMER_ONLINE, Events.STREAMER_OFFLINE, Events.BET_LOSE],       # Only these events will be sent to the chat
        make_predictions=False,                  # If you want to Bet / Make prediction
        follow_raid=True,                       # Follow raid to obtain more points
        claim_drops=True,                       # We can't filter rewards base on stream. Set to False for skip viewing counter increase and you will never obtain a drop reward from this script. Issue #21
        watch_streak=True,                      # If a streamer go online change the priority of streamers array and catch the watch screak. Issue #11
        chat=ChatPresence.ONLINE,               # Join irc chat to increase watch-time [ALWAYS, NEVER, ONLINE, OFFLINE]
            strategy=Strategy.SMART,            # Choose you strategy!
            percentage=5,                       # Place the x% of your channel points
            percentage_gap=20,                  # Gap difference between outcomesA and outcomesB (for SMART strategy)
            max_points=50000,                   # If the x percentage of your channel points is gt bet_max_points set this value
            stealth_mode=True,                  # If the calculated amount of channel points is GT the highest bet, place the highest value minus 1-2 points Issue #33
            delay_mode=DelayMode.FROM_END,      # When placing a bet, we will wait until `delay` seconds before the end of the timer
            minimum_points=20000,               # Place the bet only if we have at least 20k points. Issue #113
                by=OutcomeKeys.TOTAL_USERS,     # Where apply the filter. Allowed [PERCENTAGE_USERS, ODDS_PERCENTAGE, ODDS, TOP_POINTS, TOTAL_USERS, TOTAL_POINTS]
                where=Condition.LTE,            # 'by' must be [GT, LT, GTE, LTE] than value

# You can customize the settings for each streamer. If not settings were provided, the script would use the streamer_settings from TwitchChannelPointsMiner.
# If no streamer_settings are provided in TwitchChannelPointsMiner the script will use default settings.
# The streamers array can be a String -> username or Streamer instance.

# The settings priority are: settings in mine function, settings in TwitchChannelPointsMiner instance, default settings.
# For example, if in the mine function you don't provide any value for 'make_prediction' but you have set it on TwitchChannelPointsMiner instance, the script will take the value from here.
# If you haven't set any value even in the instance the default one will be used"", port=5000, refresh=5, days_ago=7)   # Start the Analytics web-server

        Streamer("streamer-username01", settings=StreamerSettings(make_predictions=True  , follow_raid=False , claim_drops=True  , watch_streak=True , bet=BetSettings(strategy=Strategy.SMART      , percentage=5 , stealth_mode=True,  percentage_gap=20 , max_points=234   , filter_condition=FilterCondition(by=OutcomeKeys.TOTAL_USERS,      where=Condition.LTE, value=800 ) ) )),
        Streamer("streamer-username02", settings=StreamerSettings(make_predictions=False , follow_raid=True  , claim_drops=False ,                     bet=BetSettings(strategy=Strategy.PERCENTAGE , percentage=5 , stealth_mode=False, percentage_gap=20 , max_points=1234  , filter_condition=FilterCondition(by=OutcomeKeys.TOTAL_POINTS,     where=Condition.GTE, value=250 ) ) )),
        Streamer("streamer-username03", settings=StreamerSettings(make_predictions=True  , follow_raid=False ,                     watch_streak=True , bet=BetSettings(strategy=Strategy.SMART      , percentage=5 , stealth_mode=False, percentage_gap=30 , max_points=50000 , filter_condition=FilterCondition(by=OutcomeKeys.ODDS,             where=Condition.LT,  value=300 ) ) )),
        Streamer("streamer-username04", settings=StreamerSettings(make_predictions=False , follow_raid=True  ,                     watch_streak=True                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 )),
        Streamer("streamer-username05", settings=StreamerSettings(make_predictions=True  , follow_raid=True  , claim_drops=True ,  watch_streak=True , bet=BetSettings(strategy=Strategy.HIGH_ODDS  , percentage=7 , stealth_mode=True,  percentage_gap=20 , max_points=90    , filter_condition=FilterCondition(by=OutcomeKeys.PERCENTAGE_USERS, where=Condition.GTE, value=300 ) ) )),
    ],                                  # Array of streamers (order = priority)
    followers=False,                    # Automatic download the list of your followers
    followers_order=FollowersOrder.ASC  # Sort the followers list by follow date. ASC or DESC

This is the file I put inside the folder.

Paste the contents of your /usr/src/app/ file.

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What is strange, that on your screenshot has the same icon as folders. Are you sure it is not a folder? :)

It is a folder, it got created automatically, and when I replace it with the the docker container doesn't work ( the console and logs are blank)

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rdavydov commented Dec 7, 2022

Then I used the example using docker-compose and pasted it in the web editor

What exactly did you paste?

Creating a folder and naming it "" - that's pretty funny, but you should have told about it in your first post. So much misunderstanding arises because you hid this fact. 😒

I have to pull information out of you bit by bit, that's not cool. 😒 That's why there is a template for the bug report.

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rdavydov commented Dec 7, 2022

It is a folder, it got created automatically

Then you have to find out how it was created automatically without your intention. A bit of sarcasm.

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From what I've read here:
The needs to exist on the host before mounting it into the docker container.

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Well, are you going to answer my question?

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Kazushi-0 commented Dec 11, 2022

From what I've read here: The needs to exist on the host before mounting it into the docker container.

First, copy this command and put it in terminal

function error {
    echo -e "\\e[91m$1\\e[39m"
    exit 1

sudo -i
echo "Creating directory..."
sudo mkdir /home/twitch-miner || error "Failed to create twitch-miner folder!"
sudo mkdir /home/twitch-miner/cookies || error "Failed to create cookies folder!"
sudo mkdir /home/twitch-miner/logs || error "Failed to create logs folder!"
sudo mkdir /home/twitch-miner/analytics || error "Failed to create analytics folder!"
echo "Setup complete"

Then, follow the tutorial


Copy my config or setting

Then, deploy it.

After deploy it, use some kind of ssh file manager such as WinSCP to go to /home/twitch-miner and added file

Hope this help!

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Kazushi-0 commented Dec 11, 2022

From what I've read here: The needs to exist on the host before mounting it into the docker container.

First, copy this command and put it in terminal

function error {
    echo -e "\\e[91m$1\\e[39m"
    exit 1

sudo -i
echo "Creating directory..."
sudo mkdir /home/twitch-miner || error "Failed to create twitch-miner folder!"
sudo mkdir /home/twitch-miner/cookies || error "Failed to create cookies folder!"
sudo mkdir /home/twitch-miner/logs || error "Failed to create logs folder!"
sudo mkdir /home/twitch-miner/analytics || error "Failed to create analytics folder!"
echo "Setup complete"

Then, follow the tutorial


Copy my config or setting image image image

Then, deploy it.

After deploy it, use some kind of ssh file manager such as WinSCP to go to /home/twitch-miner and added file

Hope this help!

@rdavydov I know this is off topic could look at my portainer app template Forked Pi hosted

It is to make user for easy deploy and let me know what I have add to make you agree on it

Edited : Im new to this stuff soo and I hope you can help me improve.

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@Kazushi-0 Maybe it is a bit excessive for me to check every possible way to run the miner. There are dozens of services that the user can use. Do you have any specific questions that can be discussed and answered by the community?

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@Kazushi-0 As long as you leave the credits and don't violate the license - it is fine with me.

@rdavydov rdavydov closed this as not planned Won't fix, can't repro, duplicate, stale Feb 8, 2023
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mahpgnaohhnim commented Oct 31, 2024

the problem was in the example from your docker compose:
- ./

this will automatically create a empty directory with the name
putting in this folder also wont work und you will get this error on start:
/usr/local/bin/python: can't find '__main__' module in '/usr/src/app/'

if you change to absolute patch in the compose yaml it will work:

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