ci: fix broken builds due to a new PGP key [ci skip]
ci: fix broken builds due to a new PGP key [ci skip]
BR_Win32_SendMessage: swap the documented order of w/l parameters [ci…
BR_Win32_SendMessage: swap the documented order of w/l parameters [ci…
always restore master track auto-icon rules when loading projects [p=…
always restore master track auto-icon rules when loading projects [p=…
Pull request merge
fix 'length' typo in CF_Preview_GetValue's documentation [ci skip]
fix 'length' typo in CF_Preview_GetValue's documentation [ci skip]
snapshots: fix missing Recall actions when loading re-ordered snapsho…
snapshots: fix missing Recall actions when loading re-ordered snapsho…
Pull request merge
fix a crash in various FNG MIDI actions when the active MIDI editor i…
fix a crash in various FNG MIDI actions when the active MIDI editor i…
Pull request merge
fix running cycle actions and some other actions from the alt-recordi…
fix running cycle actions and some other actions from the alt-recordi…
Pull request merge
optimize computation of TCP track spacer size for tracks using fixed …
optimize computation of TCP track spacer size for tracks using fixed …
Pull request merge
bump version to
bump version to
Force push
remove bogus range check in SNM_SetDoubleConfigVarEx when writing to …
remove bogus range check in SNM_SetDoubleConfigVarEx when writing to …
Pull request merge
ci: pin the macOS image used for arm64 builds to Catalina [ci skip]
ci: pin the macOS image used for arm64 builds to Catalina [ci skip]