A project which demonstrates a Reason workflow with Esy.
You need Esy, you can install the beta using npm:
% npm install -g esy@latest
NOTE: Make sure
esy --version
returns at least0.5.8
for this project to build.
Then run the esy
command from this project root to install and build dependencies.
% esy
You can start the server to try it out (runs scripts.start
specified in
% esy start
This will start a simple graphql server that runs on port 8080 and has the following routes:
GET / -> responds with "Hello world!"
GET /greet/:name -> responds with "Hello ${name}!"
GET /graphql -> responds GraphiQL user interface
POST /graphql -> responds with GraphQL response
After you make some changes to source code, you can re-run project's build
again with the same simple esy
% esy
And test compiled executable (runs scripts.tests
specified in
% esy test
Documentation for the libraries in the project can be generated with:
% esy doc
% open-cli `esy echo '#{self.target_dir}/default/_doc/_html/index.html'`
This assumes you have a command like open-cli installed on your system.