This is a tool to quickly test Oracle Advanced Queuing (AQ) via the command line.
There are two ways to use the tool. The first way is to build and use it as Java Jar file. The second is to build and use it as a native image binary.
The CLI can enqueue/dequeue to AQ running on Autonomous Database. If you have the OCI CLI configured on your machine and you pass the OCID of the Autonomous DB instance, the CLI will automatically download and use your Autonomous DB wallet to make the connection. If you have enabled TLS connections, you can pass the JDBC URL to avoid using a wallet for the connection. See examples below.
To build a Jar, run ./gradlew assemble
. The Jar file will be build to the build/libs/
Once the Jar has been built, you can use the CLI with java -jar /path/to/the.jar <command> <options>
Enqueue a message with automatic wallet download.
java -jar build/libs/aq-cli-0.1-all.jar \
enqueue -m "{\"id\":1, \"wallet\": true}" \
-o ocid1.autonomousdatabase.oc1.phx... \
-u aqdemouser \
-p Passw3rdHidden! \
-w Wall3tPassw3rd! \
-i ~/.oci/config
Enqueue a message via a TLS connection.
java -jar build/libs/aq-cli-0.1-all.jar \
enqueue -m "{\"id\":1, \"wallet\": false}" \
-u aqdemouser \
-p Passw3rdHidden! \
-U 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@(description=(...))'
Dequeue messages with automatic wallet download.
java -jar build/libs/aq-cli-0.1-all.jar \
dequeue \
-o ocid1.autonomousdatabase.oc1.phx... \
-u aqdemouser \
-p Passw3rdHidden! \
-w Wall3tPassw3rd! \
-i ~/.oci/config
Dequeue a message via a TLS connection.
java -jar build/libs/aq-cli-0.1-all.jar \
dequeue \
-u aqdemouser \
-p Passw3rdHidden! \
-U 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@(description=(...))'
Assemble the Jar (with ./gradlew assemble
) and then build the native image with ./gradlew nativeImage
. The resulting binary will be in build/native-images/
Run it like you would any other binary.
Enqueue a message with automatic wallet download.
aq enqueue -m '{"id":1, "wallet": true}' \
-o ocid1.autonomousdatabase.oc1.phx... \
-u aqdemouser \
-p Passw3rdHidden! \
-i ~/.oci/config
Enqueue a message via a TLS connection.
aq enqueue -m '{"id":1, "wallet": false}' \
-u aqdemouser \
-p Passw3rdHidden! \
-c '(description=(...))'
Enqueue a message via host/port/service name (localhost XE).
aq enqueue -m '{"id":1, "localhost": true}' \
-u aquser \
-p Passw3rdHidden! \
-H localhost \
-P 1521 \
Dequeue messages with automatic wallet download.
aq dequeue \
-o ocid1.autonomousdatabase.oc1.phx... \
-u aqdemouser \
-p Passw3rdHidden! \
-i ~/.oci/config
Dequeue a message via a TLS connection.
aq dequeue \
-u aqdemouser \
-p Passw3rdHidden! \
-c '(description=(...))'
Enqueue a message via host/port/service name (localhost XE).
aq dequeue \
-u aquser \
-p Passw3rdHidden! \
-H localhost \
-P 1521 \
To get help, execute the CLI with -h
or --help
. It will produce the following output:
Usage: aq-cli [-hvV] [-c=<connectString>] [-H=<host>] [-i=<ociProfilePath>]
[-o=<ocid>] [-O=<ociProfile>] -p=<password> [-P=<port>]
-q=<queueName> [-s=<serviceName>] -u=<username> [-U=<url>]
[-w=<walletPassword>] [COMMAND]
-c, --connect-string=<connectString>
The connection string to use to connect to the DB.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-H, --host=<host> The DB host name.
-i, --oci-profile-path=<ociProfilePath>
The path to the OCI profile to use when using automatic
wallet download
-o, --ocid=<ocid> If provided, the ADB OCID will be used to automatically
download Autonomous DB wallet
-O, --oci-profile=<ociProfile>
The OCI profile to use when using automatic wallet
-p, --password=<password>
The database user's password
-P, --port=<port> The DB port.
-q, --queue-name=<queueName>
The AQ queue name
-s, --service-name=<serviceName>
The DB service name.
-u, --username=<username>
The database user's username
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
-w, --wallet-password=<walletPassword>
The ADB Wallet Password. If you do not pass a wallet
password, one will be generated for you.
enqueue Enqueues a message to AQ
dequeue Dequeues messages from AQ (until interrupted with CTRL+C)