The repository contains a minimum set of ROS packages for working with Robotino. These packages are modified version of their namesakes from revision 3303 of the official repository.
ROS drivers for Robotino and some of extra devices such as webcam and lidar;
files with description of msg and srv message types which are used within robotino_node package;
files with URDF description of robot and some of extra devices such as webcam and lidar.
Add a needed repository as it is described here.
Update information about available repositories
$ sudo apt-get update
Install RobotinoAPI2 library by typing the command
$ sudo apt-get install robotino-api2
Note: Alternatively RobotinoAPI2 library can be built from sources as it is described here.
Copy this repository into src subfolder of your workspace by for example this way
$ cd PATH_TO_YOUR_WORKSPACE/src $ git clone
Run catkin_make command:
$ cd PATH_TO_YOUR_WORKSPACE $ catkin_make
Some part of the information below was taken from robotino_node package description on appropriate page of wiki.ros.
set_gripper_state (robotino_msgs/SetGripperState)
Service to open or close the gripper
set_encoder_position (robotino_msgs/SetEncoderPosition)
Service to set the encoder position
set_ns_ceil_height (robotino_msgs/SetNsCeilHeight)
Service to change calibration parameter for NorthStar
set_digital_values (robotino_msgs/DigitalReadings)
Digital values for digital outputs on Robotino are set using this topic
cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)
Allows setting velocities for Robotino
analog_readings (robotino_msgs/AnalogReadings)
Readings from the analog inputs on Robotino
bumper (std_msgs/Bool)
Readings from the bumper sensor on Robotino
digital_readings (robotino_msgs/DigitalReadings)
Readings from the digital inputs on Robotino
distance_sensors (sensor_msgs/PointCloud)
Readings from the distance sensors on Robotino
gripper_state (robotino_msgs/GripperState)
Readings from the gripper on Robotino (it currently doesn't work properly)
encoder_readings (robotino_msgs/EncoderReadings)
Readings from additional Robotino's encoder input
motor_readings (robotino_msgs/MotorReadings)
Readings from Robotino's motors
north_star (robotino_msgs/NorthStarReadings)
Readings from the NorthStar sensor on Robotino
power_readings (robotino_msgs/PowerReadings)
Power readings from Robotino (it doesn't work)
robotino_joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState)
Information about positions of robot's joints
~hostname (string, default:
Robotino's IP Address
~max_linear_vel (double, default: 0.2)
Maximum linear velocity in m/s
~min_linear_vel (double, default: 0.05)
Minimum linear velocity in m/s
~max_angular_vel (double, default: 1.0)
Maximum angular velocity in rad/s
~min_angular_vel (double, default: 0.1)
Minimum angular velocity in rad/s
~ns_room_id (int, default: 3)
The room id parameter for NorthStar
~ns_ceil_height (double, default: 3.0)
Calibration parameter for NorthStar
~tf_prefix(string, default: "no_prefix")
If value of this parameter isn't equal to "no_prefix", all robot's links are put to subspace which name coincides with the value of this parameter; for example, when tf_prefix = "robot1", link "base_link" gets new name "robot1/base_link"
reset_odometry (robotino_msgs/ResetOdometry)
Service to reset the odometry
odom (nav_msgs/Odometry)
Odometry data from robot
~hostname (string, default:
Robotino's IP Address
~tf_prefix(string, default: "no_prefix")
If value of this parameter isn't equal to "no_prefix", "odom" and "base_link" links are put to subspace which name coincides with the value of this parameter; for example, when tf_prefix = "robot1", link "base_link" gets new name "robot1/base_link"
odom --> base_link
The node updates this transform using odometry data
scan (sensor_msgs/LaserScan)
Provides data from lidar
~hostname (string, default:
Robotino's IP Address
~tf_prefix(string, default: "no_prefix")
If value of this parameter isn't equal to "no_prefix", "laser_link" link is put to subspace which name is coincide with the value of this parameter; for example, when tf_prefix = "robot1", link "laser_link" gets new name "robot1/laser_link"
~laserRangeFinderNumber(int, default: 0)
The number of lidar. If it is equal to 0, then lidar has topic "scan" and link "laser_link". If it is equal to 1, then lidar has topic "scan1" and link "laser_link1". And so on.
image_raw (sensor_msgs/Image)
Provides image from webcam
~hostname (string, default:
Robotino's IP Address
~cameraNumber(int, default: 0)
The number of webcam. If it is equal to 0, then image from webcam is available from topic "image_raw". If it is equal to 1, then it uses topic "image_raw1". And so on.
All nodes which are needed for work of only one robot can be started using this command
$ roslaunch robotino_node robotino_node.launch hostname:=IP_ADRESS_OF_YOUR_ROBOT
For several robots (for 2 in example below) type these commands in different terminals:
$ roslaunch robotino_node robotino_node.launch hostname:=IP_ADRESS_OF_FIRST_ROBOT tf_prefix:=robot1 use_tf_prefix:=true __ns:=robot1
$ roslaunch robotino_node robotino_node.launch hostname:=IP_ADRESS_OF_SECOND_ROBOT tf_prefix:=robot2 use_tf_prefix:=true __ns:=robot2