- Enhance by adopting a MicroService Architecture
- Allow single bundled deployment
- Enhance performance by using Red Hat Technology (Quarkus)
- Prioritising simplicity and maintainability
- OpenJDK 11 - Download from Red Hat
This project has multiple components. So far they are: 3 Microservices, 3 supporting shared libraries.
- Microservices that can be bundled user the
- contains features related to the user such as Registration.scorecard-service
- groups features related to scorecard such as "Point Addition".data-service
- manages data and offer CRUD operations on entities.
- Shared Libraries
- shared data modeldata-client
- interface for accessing the CRUD services ofdata-service
- helper classes for testing
is a special project that bundles all the available microservices. In addition, it includes an Open API
specification available at /openapi
. Running it in dev mode (mvn quarkus:dev -f all-service
) will enable Swagger UI
at /swagger-ui
The Shared Libraries are regular java projects indexed with jandex so that they can be Quarkus enhanced later.
The services are Quarkus Project and inherit from quarkus-pom
export USERS_LDAP_PROVIDER=i-wont-tell-you-the-real-value
export USERS_LDAP_BASEDN=i-really-wont-tell-you-the-real-value
export DATABASE_FILE=your-database-file-location # not required
mvn install
java -jar all-service/build/all-service-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar
[System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User) # Need to set only once in user scope
[System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User) # Need to set only once in user scope
[System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User) # Need to set only once in user scope
Note that the default location for the database file is: database.json. A good database example can be found here.
mvn install
java -jar all-service/target/all-service-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT-runner.jar
For native application:
mvn install
mvn package -Pnative -f all-service
- Endpoint start with /data are for internal use only.
- A scorecard cannot be created directly, creating a user creates its scorecard
- The only way to modify a scorecard is by incrementing
Refer to OpenAPI Spec.
curl localhost:8080/user/some-user-id-that-do-exist
curl localhost:8080/user/some-user-id-that-dont-exist
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"username":"some-user-id-that-do-exist"}' localhost:8080/user
curl localhost:8080/user/mail/some-mail-that-exist
curl localhost:8080/data/user
curl localhost:8080/data/scorecard
curl localhost:8080/data/event
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://localhost:8080/user/some-user-id-that-do-exist
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://localhost:8080/user/some-user-id-that-dont-exist
Invoke-RestMethod -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $(@{username='some-user-id-that-do-exist'} | ConvertTo-Json) -Uri http://localhost:8080/user -Method POST
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://localhost:8080/user/mail/some-mail-that-exist
Invoke-RestMethod localhost:8080/data/user
Invoke-RestMethod localhost:8080/data/scorecard
Invoke-RestMethod localhost:8080/data/event
Or (PowerShell)
curl http://localhost:8080/user/some-user-id-that-do-exist
curl http://localhost:8080/user/some-user-id-that-dont-exist
curl http://localhost:8080/user/mail/some-mail-that-exist
curl http://localhost:8080/user -ContentType 'application/json' -Body $(@{username='some-user-id-that-do-exist'} | ConvertTo-Json) -Method POST
curl http://localhost:8080/data/user
curl http://localhost:8080/data/scorecard
curl http://localhost:8080/data/event