A lightweight, templating engine that is all about speed.
plus.js is based on the idea of using '+ +' as tags since this make the template evaluable. As long as you can trust your data (plus.js is using new Function to compile templates), you're fine.
plus.js also caches all the templates based on their ID's so, no need to compile a template twice.
This makes it very fast! http://jsperf.com/mustache-against-handlebars/22
*** A trivial example:***
<script id="exampleTemplate" type="text/template">
'+ name +' is a lightweight, templating engine that
is all about speed.
plus.render(plus.getTemplate('exampleTemplate'), {name:'plus.js'});
//plus.js is an lightweight and performant
<script id="frameworkTemplate" type="text/template">
<h1>This framework is called '+ name +'</h1>
<i>'+ array[0] +' loves it!</i>
plus.render(plus.getTemplate('frameworkTemplate'), {name:'plus.js', array:['Cats','red', 5]);
//<h1>This framework is called plus.js</h1>
//<i>Cats love it!</i>
When looping over an array, use the default placeholder "element".
<script id="foxTemplate" type="text/template">
<h2>What did the fox say?</h2>
'+ loop(foxSaid).over('<li>element</li>') +'
var data = {
foxSaid: [
plus.render(plus.getTemplate('foxTemplate'), data);
//<h2>What did the fox say?</h2>
// <li>Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!</li>
// <li>Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!</li>
// <li>Gering-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!</li>
Use .as() to set your own placeholder in loops.
<script id="foxTemplateAs" type="text/template">
'+ loop(animals).as('animal').over('<li><b>animal</b></li>') +'
var data = {
animals : ['fox','pig','cat','dog']
plus.render(plus.getTemplate('foxTemplateAs'), data);
// <li><b>fox</b></li>
// <li><b>pig</b></li>
// <li><b>cat</b></li>
// <li><b>dog</b></li>
If you want to render more complex templates, use partials. As before, use "element" or call as() as a placeholder.
<script id="meTemplate.love" type="text/template">
<h4><b>'+ love.name +'</b></h4>
<p><i>'+ love.why +'</i></p>
<script id="meTemplate" type="text/template">
<h2>I really '+ doWhat +' these kind of things:</h2>
'+ loop(loveList).as('love').overPartial('meTemplate.love') +'
var data = {
doWhat: 'love',
loveList: [
name: 'A specific girl',
why: 'Because she is my everything.'
name: 'My guitar',
why: 'Because it makes me forget what is worth forgetting.'
plus.render(plus.getTemplate('meTemplate'), data);
//<h2>I really love these kind of things:</h2>
// <li>
// <h4><b>A specific girl</b></h4>
// <p><i>Because she is my everything.</i></p>
// </li>
// <li>
// <h4><b>My guitar</b></h4>
// <p><i>Because it makes me forget what is worth forgetting.</i></p>
// </li>
<input plus-template id="ifTemplate" type="text/template">
<b>'+ i(plusjsRockz, 'this is a if-statement')+'</b>
and <i>'+ ielse(!plusjsRockz, 'This will not be rendered', 'this is a else-statement') +'</i>
var data = {
plusjsRockz : true
plus.render(plus.getTemplate('meTemplate'), data);
//<b>this is a if-statement</b>
//and <i>this is a else-statement</i>
<script id="janeTemplate.gear" type="text/template">
<li>'+ gear.name +'</li>
<script id="janeTemplate" type="text/template">
<h1>'+ name +'</h1>
<h3>'+ age +' years old</h3>
<a href="mailto:'+ mail +'">'+ mail +'</a>
<h3>'+ age +' years old</h3>
'+ loop(likes).as('like').over('<li>like</li>') +'
'+ loop(gearList).as('gear').overPartial('janeTemplate.gear') +'
var jane = {
age: 23,
name: 'Jane Complex',
mail: '[email protected]',
likes: ['music','programming','beer'],
name: 'Computer'
name: 'Coffee Maker'
name: 'Bike'
name: 'Cat'
//<h1>Jane Complex</h1>
//<h3>23 years old</h3>
//<a href="mailto:[email protected]"> [email protected]</a>
//<h3>[email protected] years old</h3>
//<li>Coffee Maker</li>