Releases: replikation/poreCov
Releases · replikation/poreCov
- first length-filter the input reads and then classify with
- before, reads were length-filtered but the raw reads were classified with
, leading to classifications of primer-dimers and other too sort (or too long) reads that are anyway not further used in the following steps of the pipeline
- before, reads were length-filtered but the raw reads were classified with
Attention: If you have for example a high proportion of short reads in your sample that are sorted out be --minLength
, their classification as SARS-CoV-2, human or unknown will not reflect them anymore.
small fix to nanopolish output
- small fix to nanopolish output
0.11.1 VarSkip primer support
- support added for NEB varskip primer here
- activate via
--primerV VarSkipV1a
see also--help
for all supported schemes - example command:
nextflow run replikation/poreCov -r 0.11.1 --fastq_pass fastq_pass/ --primerV VarSkipV1a --update -profile local,docker
- default for the amplicon inclusions:
Min read-length set to: 350 [--minLength]
Max read-length set to: 700 [--maxLength]
Release 0.11.0
polishing models for guppy 5.x
- important guppy (for basecalling) / medaka (for genome polishing) model settings are both set default to high accuracy (hac)
- make sure that you are using the correct models
- if you basecall on a gridion or minion with
settings the default medaka_model is fine if you are using guppy version 5 or higher (make sure to update minknow software)
guppy_model = 'dna_r9.4.1_450bps_hac.cfg'
medaka_model = 'r941_min_hac_g507'
- alternatively you could use nanopolish to avoid the whole model stuff (needs the fast5 data for polishing)
Additions and fixes
now downloads the latest available pangolin AND nextclade container- for both the tool version and the database data are mentioned in the final report
- this ensures that you can run porecov always with the latest available lineage and clade definitions
- fixed some errors by downloading databases via
(https certificates) should be now future proof --sample
input now checks if headers are present and if all fields are present (barcodes and sample names)- Please make sure that you are not using excel to generate the input csv use node pad, text-editor etc., any program that is not introducing strange hidden symbols.
- V4 primer support included (
--primerV V4
) - fixed some bugs for CoVarplots
- medaka models for polishing are now pre-downloaded for the container
parameter (default 20) added, can be used for low depth genomes ( with only a few reads)- will be bad quality genomes but is usually enough to roughly determine the lineage it is from
0.10.1 Add support for all available medaka models
After installation, medaka only comes with a bunch of most recent default models. Further (e.g. older) models are downloaded automatically the first time they are requested which can make issues on systems that have restricted internet access.
- added a new container for the ARTIC pipeline that has pre-downloaded medaka models
guppy 5.x support and min depth parameter inclusion
- added --min_depth parameter (default 20)
- this is the minimum depth required for each nucleotide to not be masked to "N"
- updated to newest medaka version to support guppy 5.x models
- default medaka model is now
- Please change accordingly via
(e.g. r941_min_hac_g507 or r941_min_fast_g507)
- default medaka model is now
This is a pre-release and it might contain some bugs
vbz compression support
- vbz compression support added
bug fix on nanopolish
- Fixed a small bug that failed the pipeline via nanopolish and the coverage plot
- thx @iferres