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This guide will show you how to submit jobs to Azure Quantum using the command line interface (CLI).
Submit jobs to Azure Quantum with the Command Line Interface

Submit jobs to Azure Quantum with the command-line interface

This guide shows you how to submit jobs to Azure Quantum using the command-line interface (CLI).


Ensure that the following items are installed on your computer:

  • An Azure Quantum workspace in your Azure subscription. To create a workspace, see Create an Azure Quantum workspace.
  • The latest version of the Quantum Development Kit.
  • The Azure CLI.
  • The necessary utilities to use Azure Quantum (includes the quantum extension for the Azure CLI).

Submit a job to Azure Quantum with the Azure CLI

These steps show how to use the Azure CLI to run a Q# application and select a target from the different providers of your Azure Quantum workspace.


A provider is a partner quantum service consisting of quantum hardware, a simulator, or an optimization service.

  1. Log in to Azure using your credentials.

    az login


In case you have more than one subscription associated with your Azure account, you must specify the subscription you want to use. You can do this with the command az account set -s <Your subscription ID>.

  1. You can see all the Azure Quantum workspaces in your subscription with the following command:

    az quantum workspace list
  2. You can use quantum workspace set to select a default workspace that you want to use to list and submit jobs. Note that you also need to specify the resource group, for example:

    az quantum workspace set -g MyResourceGroup -w MyWorkspace -o table
    Location     Name                               ResourceGroup
    -----------  ---------------------------------  --------------------------------
    westus       ws-yyyyyy                          rg-yyyyyyyyy


You can check the current workspace with the command az quantum workspace show -o table.

  1. In your Azure Quantum workspace, there are different targets available from the providers that you added when you created the workspace. You can display a list of all the available targets with the command az quantum target list -o table:

    az quantum target list -o table
       Provider    Target-id                                       Status     Average Queue Time
    ----------  ----------------------------------------------  ---------  --------------------
    Microsoft   microsoft.paralleltempering-parameterfree.cpu   Available  0
    Microsoft   microsoft.paralleltempering.cpu                 Available  0
    Microsoft   microsoft.simulatedannealing-parameterfree.cpu  Available  0
    Microsoft   microsoft.simulatedannealing.cpu                Available  0
    Microsoft   microsoft.paralleltempering.fpga                Available  0
    Microsoft   microsoft.simulatedannealing.fpga               Available  0
    ionq        ionq.qpu                                        Available  0
    ionq        ionq.simulator                                  Available  0
  2. To submit a new job, navigate to the directory containing your project using the command line and submit your job. Use the command az quantum job submit. You need to specify the target where you want to run your job, for example:

    az quantum job submit --target-id MyProvider.MyTarget
    Id                                    State    Target               Submission time
    ------------------------------------  -------  -------------------  ---------------------------------
    yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy  Waiting  MyProvider.MyTarget  2020-06-12T14:20:18.6109317+00:00

    The console will output the job information, including the job ID.

  3. You can use the job ID to track its status:

    az quantum job show -j yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy -o table
    Id                                    State      Target               Submission time
    ------------------------------------  ---------  -------------------  ---------------------------------
    yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy  Succeeded  MyProvider.MyTarget  2020-06-12T14:20:19.819981+00:00


To see all the jobs in the workspace, use the command az quantum job list -o table.

  1. Once the job finishes, display the job's results with the command az quantum job output:

     az quantum job output -j yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy -o table
     Result    Frequency
     --------  -----------  -------------------------
     [0,0]     0.00000000                           |
     [1,0]     0.50000000   ▐███████████            |
     [0,1]     0.25000000   ▐█████                  |
     [1,1]     0.25000000   ▐█████                  |


To submit a job synchronously, for example, waiting for the job to complete and showing results, use the command az quantum execute --target-id MyProvider.MyTarget.


Write your quantum application

First, you need the Q# quantum application that you want to run in Azure Quantum.


If this is your first time creating Q# quantum applications, see our Microsoft Learn module.

In this case, we will use a simple quantum random bit generator. Create a Q# project and substitute the content of Program.qs with the following code:

namespace RandomBit {

    open Microsoft.Quantum.Canon;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Intrinsic;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Measurement;

    operation GenerateRandomBit() : Result {
        use q = Qubit();
        return MResetZ(q);

Note that the @EntryPoint attribute tells Q# which operation to run when the program starts.

Submit the job

In this example, we are going to use IonQ as the provider and the ionq.simulator as the target. To submit the job to the currently selected default workspace, use the command az quantum job submit:


Verify that the Quantum SDK version of the *.csproj file is 0.11.2006.403 or higher. If not, it could cause a compilation error.

az quantum job submit --target-id ionq.simulator --job-name ExampleJob -o table

Name   Id                                    Status    Target          Submission time
-----  ------------------------------------  --------  --------------  ---------------------------------
ExampleJob   yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy  Waiting   ionq.simulator  2020-06-17T17:07:07.3484901+00:00

Once the job completes (that is, when it's in a Successful state), use the command az quantum job output to view the results:

az quantum job output -j yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy -o table

Result    Frequency
--------  -----------  -------------------------
[0,0]     0.50000000   ▐███████████            |
[0,1]     0.50000000   ▐███████████            |

The output displays a histogram with the frequency that a specific result was measured. In the example above, the result [0,1] was observed 50% of the times.

Optionally, you can use the command az quantum execute as a shortcut for both submitting and returning the results of a run.

az quantum execute --target-id ionq.simulator --job-name ExampleJob2 -o table
Result    Frequency
--------  -----------  -------------------------
[0,0]     0.50000000   ▐███████████            |
[0,1]     0.50000000   ▐███████████            |

Note that the IonQ simulator gives the probabilities of obtaining each output if we run the algorithm an infinite number of times. In this case, we see that each state has a 50% probability of being measured.


You can also check the status of your jobs from your Azure portal.

Next steps

Now that you know how to submit jobs to Azure quantum, you can try to run the different samples we have available or try to submit your own projects.