Rather than dusting off an old gns3 file or manually carving out a Vagrantfile each time I want to build a test a topology or a technology, I thought it would be nice to build it automatically for use in Vagrant, using the source of truth for the environment - the IPAM.
- Clone repo to salt folder
- Set up pillar with vagrant user and output_folder
- Set up Netbox topology with:
- devices
- device types
- device connections
- circuits
- circuit terminations
- Prefixes (inc carrier role if desired)
- IP addresses (inc carrier description if desired)
- vagrant-net device role (or change the templates)
sudo salt 'minion' state.apply vagrant_net
cd /<output folder>/<netbox-tenant-name>
vagrant up
- Salt bundled with the netbox modules configured with appropriate pillar information (url, token, private_key_file)
- Align vagrant_net_data.jinja box keys with appropriate vagrant boxes and Netbox names (example provided below)
- PE IP addresses for circuit terminations must have roles against the prefix and description against the IP assigned.
- Juniper vagrant plugin should be installed for any auto config (https://github.com/JNPRAutomate/vagrant-junos)
- BYO Cisco vagrant boxes as they are not hosted by Hashi. Help on creating them here: (https://github.com/hpreston/vagrant_net_prog/tree/master/box_building#cisco-csr-1000v)
- Circuits/terminations only needed if simulating MPLS/internet provider outside IPAM (so PE isn't managed in IPAM)
- Excluding the PE, IP Addresses are only used for Juniper auto config
- Folder structure only works for one Netbox tenant, I haven't figured out how to
pass the tenant in the for loop of
to the template itself. Maybe conversion to Python is necessary? - At this stage the PE will be created regardless and for every carriage termination, not just those of the devices in scope. It's on my TODO.
- Maximum of 7 devices connected to PE at this stage. Combined with the above dot point this is bad.
- The PE currently includes an in-band path to my Salt environment with a static IP because the next logical step is to manage your lab with Salt :-)
- The default RAM allocated to each VM is 4G mostly for the Cisco devices, but the vSRX is only given 512MB and seems to work quite well.
- Changing the CSR1000V nic type to
is specifically for versions >=16.7, change as appropriate. - TODO: Buy more RAM
username: vagrant
output_folder: /srv/salt/output/vagrant_net
Keys must match Netbox device type slug
{% set box = {
'vsrx': 'juniper/ffp-12.1X47-D15.4-packetmode',
'csr1000v': 'iosxe/16.07.01',
'nexus9kv': 'cisco/nxos7.0.3'
The following images are screencaps from a Netbox instance which is being accessed by Saltstack through vagrant_net to generate a Vagrantfile.
Devices in scope are configured with the appropriate Netbox role. In this case it will include 8 devices, 6x of which are vSRX, 1x CSR1kv and 1x vSRX PE (not seen) in Netbox.
The only prefixes needed by this template are those marked with the carriage role.
Connections view from the context of srx1, one circuit terminate to carriage, one to device connection to ios1 and one to srx6.
API output of Netbox device types with irrelevant data snipped for brevity:
"count": 3,
"next": null,
"previous": null,
"results": [
"id": 3,
"manufacturer": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Cisco",
"slug": "cisco"
"model": "CSR1000V",
"slug": "csr1000v",
"id": 4,
"manufacturer": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Cisco",
"slug": "cisco"
"model": "Nexus9Kv",
"slug": "nexus9kv",
"id": 1,
"manufacturer": {
"id": 5,
"name": "Juniper",
"slug": "juniper"
"model": "vSRX",
"slug": "vsrx",
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# For Juniper devices, ge-0/0/0.0 defaults to NAT for SSH + management
# connectivity over Vagrant's forwarded ports. This should configure
# ge-0/0/1.0 through ge-0/0/7.0 on VirtualBox.
# ENV['VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER'] = 'vmware_fusion'
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
vb.cpus = 2
vb.gui = false
vb.memory = "4096"
config.vm.provider "vmware_fusion" do |vf|
vf.memory = 512
vf.cpus = 2
vf.gui = false
config.vm.define "srx1" do |srx1|
srx1.vm.box = "juniper/ffp-12.1X47-D15.4-packetmode"
srx1.ssh.insert_key = false
srx1.vm.boot_timeout = 240
srx1.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', disabled: true
if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-vbguest")
config.vbguest.auto_update = false
srx1.vm.hostname = "srx1"
srx1.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |srx1v|
srx1v.memory = 512
srx1.vm.network "private_network",
ip: "",
netmask: "",
virtualbox__intnet: "pe-srx1"
srx1.vm.network "private_network",
ip: "",
netmask: "",
virtualbox__intnet: "srx1-ios1"
srx1.vm.network "private_network",
ip: "",
netmask: "",
virtualbox__intnet: "srx1-srx6"
config.vm.define "srx2" do |srx2|
srx2.vm.box = "juniper/ffp-12.1X47-D15.4-packetmode"
srx2.ssh.insert_key = false
srx2.vm.boot_timeout = 240
srx2.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', disabled: true
if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-vbguest")
config.vbguest.auto_update = false
srx2.vm.hostname = "srx2"
srx2.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |srx2v|
srx2v.memory = 512
srx2.vm.network "private_network",
ip: "",
netmask: "",
virtualbox__intnet: "pe-srx2"
config.vm.define "srx3" do |srx3|
srx3.vm.box = "juniper/ffp-12.1X47-D15.4-packetmode"
srx3.ssh.insert_key = false
srx3.vm.boot_timeout = 240
srx3.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', disabled: true
if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-vbguest")
config.vbguest.auto_update = false
srx3.vm.hostname = "srx3"
srx3.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |srx3v|
srx3v.memory = 512
srx3.vm.network "private_network",
ip: "",
netmask: "",
virtualbox__intnet: "pe-srx3"
config.vm.define "srx4" do |srx4|
srx4.vm.box = "juniper/ffp-12.1X47-D15.4-packetmode"
srx4.ssh.insert_key = false
srx4.vm.boot_timeout = 240
srx4.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', disabled: true
if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-vbguest")
config.vbguest.auto_update = false
srx4.vm.hostname = "srx4"
srx4.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |srx4v|
srx4v.memory = 512
srx4.vm.network "private_network",
ip: "",
netmask: "",
virtualbox__intnet: "pe-srx4"
config.vm.define "srx5" do |srx5|
srx5.vm.box = "juniper/ffp-12.1X47-D15.4-packetmode"
srx5.ssh.insert_key = false
srx5.vm.boot_timeout = 240
srx5.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', disabled: true
if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-vbguest")
config.vbguest.auto_update = false
srx5.vm.hostname = "srx5"
srx5.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |srx5v|
srx5v.memory = 512
srx5.vm.network "private_network",
ip: "",
netmask: "",
virtualbox__intnet: "pe-srx5"
config.vm.define "srx6" do |srx6|
srx6.vm.box = "juniper/ffp-12.1X47-D15.4-packetmode"
srx6.ssh.insert_key = false
srx6.vm.boot_timeout = 240
srx6.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', disabled: true
if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-vbguest")
config.vbguest.auto_update = false
srx6.vm.hostname = "srx6"
srx6.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |srx6v|
srx6v.memory = 512
srx6.vm.network "private_network",
ip: "",
netmask: "",
virtualbox__intnet: "srx1-srx6"
srx6.vm.network "private_network",
ip: "",
netmask: "",
virtualbox__intnet: "ios1-srx6"
config.vm.define "ios1" do |ios1|
ios1.vm.box = "iosxe/16.07.01"
ios1.ssh.insert_key = false
ios1.vm.boot_timeout = 240
ios1.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', disabled: true
if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-vbguest")
config.vbguest.auto_update = false
ios1.vm.network "private_network",
nic_type: "virtio",
auto_config: false,
virtualbox__intnet: "srx1-ios1"
ios1.vm.network "private_network",
nic_type: "virtio",
auto_config: false,
virtualbox__intnet: "ios1-srx6"
config.vm.define "pe" do |pe|
pe.vm.hostname = "pe"
pe.vm.box = "juniper/ffp-12.1X47-D15.4-packetmode"
pe.vm.network "private_network",
ip: "",
netmask: "",
virtualbox__intnet: "pe-srx1"
pe.vm.network "private_network",
ip: "",
netmask: "",
virtualbox__intnet: "pe-srx2"
pe.vm.network "private_network",
ip: "",
netmask: "",
virtualbox__intnet: "pe-srx3"
pe.vm.network "private_network",
ip: "",
netmask: "",
virtualbox__intnet: "pe-srx4"
pe.vm.network "private_network",
ip: "",
netmask: "",
virtualbox__intnet: "pe-srx5"
# Salt Management Path
pe.vm.network "private_network",
ip: "",
netmask: ""