Releases: riclolsen/json-scada
Releases · riclolsen/json-scada
Version 0.9 Alpha
- New MQTT/Sparkplug-B Client driver.
- Updated Inkscape SVG editor to version 1.1 64 bits.
- Admin UI I18n user-selectable language (code now based on Vue standards).
- Various translations added to Admin UI.
- Enhancements and fixes for Admin UI.
- Chromium updated to 90.0.4430.72.
- Grafana updated to 7.5.4.
- Openssl DLLs added to binary folder (no need to install Openssl anymore).
- Fixed problems with DNP3 Client driver.
- DotNet runtime updated to 5.0.6.
Default login credentials: user=admin password=jsonscada
- Windows 10 64 bits or Server 2016, Windows PowerShell.
Version 0.8 Alpha
- Telegraf data sources integration.
- Added a custom script processor.
- Windows Installer do not wrongly overwrite some config files anymore.
- Experimental OPC UA client driver.
- DotNet 5.0.4 runtime added to installer.
- Various enhancements on Admin panel, Tags and User Actions tabs.
- New config_viewers.js options for locale/tz date/time formatting on Tabular/Alarms/Events viewers.
- Various enhancements and fixes.
The DNP3 client driver is buggy in this release, if you want to use this driver, please extract this file to c:\json-scada\bin.
- Windows 10 64 bits or Server 2016, Windows PowerShell.
- Open SSL binaries for 64-bit Windows,
Version 0.7 Alpha
- PostgreSQL updated to 12.6.
- TimescaleDB updated to 2.0.1.
- Experimental OPC UA client driver.
- Default login credentials: username: admin password: jsonscada
- Windows 10 64 bits or Server 2016, Windows PowerShell.
- Open SSL binaries for 64-bit Windows,
Version 0.6 Alpha
- DotNet 5.0.3 runtime added to the installer.
- Nodejs updated to 14.15.5.
- Mongodb updated to 4.4.3.
- Mongodb Compass updated to 1.25.
- Grafana updated to 7.4.1.
- Chromium updated to 88.0.4324.150.
- Various enhancements and fixes.
Windows 10 64 bits or Server 2016, Windows PowerShell.
Open SSL binaries for 64-bit Windows,
Version 0.5 Alpha
- Admin panel now manages protocol driver connections.
- Enhancements on Admin panel.
- Grafana alerting integration with Events Viewer.
- Various enhancements and fixes.
- Default login credentials: username: admin password: jsonscada
Windows 10 64 bits or Server 2016, Windows PowerShell, DotNet Core 3.1 x64 Runtime.
Open SSL binaries for 64-bit Windows,
Version 0.4 Alpha
- Management UI now manages driver instances.
- Better install and uninstall.
- Various minor enhancements and fixes.
- Included Ruby runtime in Windows installer.
Version 0.3 Alpha
- Role based access control (RBAC), user authentication (JWT).
- Default login credentials: username: admin password: jsonscada
- Web-based admin panel for users/roles configuration.
- Dotnet protocol drivers updated to DOTNET 5.0.
Version 0.2 Alpha
- Fixed PostgreSQL initdb problems, locale, timing, Windows user rights.
- Added demo_simul service for offline simulation and testing (must be manually started).
- Fixed uninstall services removal.
Version 0.1 Alpha
V0.1-alpha Version 0.1. Windows installer released.