snek make
compile all vyper contracts in source folder,
snek test
compile and test all vyper contracts in source and test folders
snek help
print a long help message with examples
snek test
we want test contracts to work like this:
def __init__(snek : Snek):
self.coin = snek.make('Coin', 'rico')
self.size = 'with'
def testSize():
assert self.coin.balanceOf(self) == 0
assert self.size == 'with'
event Transfer(...)
def testEvent():
log echo()
log Transfer(...)
make multifab
add - add a type (bytecode)
new - create new instance (codehash -> new address)
make snektest helper
_bind(typename, bytecode) - pretest setup, add the types for user
make(typename, objectname) - get new instance
make snek.js test harness
- compile all contracts
- deploy multifab
- put all types in multifab
- deploy snek
- for each test contract
- deploy it
- call each test function
- for each echo event, check events match