diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 54467d56..e291d612 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ playground.xcworkspace # hence it is not needed unless you have added a package configuration file to your project # .swiftpm +# our previews will install packages from swiftpm, which will result in references here. +Rive.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/swiftpm/Package.resolved + .build/ # CocoaPods @@ -93,4 +96,4 @@ fastlane/test_output iOSInjectionProject/ # used for us to put our tar.gz lib cache -cache/ \ No newline at end of file +cache/ diff --git a/.rive_head b/.rive_head index c640d70d..1be5c7bb 100644 --- a/.rive_head +++ b/.rive_head @@ -1 +1 @@ -ed4474d1ab3aa1e68d47cfcb2c178f39c376257e +fabb7f97fe7b69368c9a7369febfecbc90be49cd diff --git a/.rive_renderer b/.rive_renderer index aaeb2c98..92ff8adf 100644 --- a/.rive_renderer +++ b/.rive_renderer @@ -1 +1 @@ -05e26a46fb68d9de2595c7d21ce8db48a78892e1 +7b7595392d849217e43a829b71dfad58ecf29b06 diff --git a/Example-iOS/Assets/Inter-45562.ttf b/Example-iOS/Assets/Inter-45562.ttf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a02ee83d Binary files /dev/null and b/Example-iOS/Assets/Inter-45562.ttf differ diff --git a/Example-iOS/Assets/picture-47982.jpeg b/Example-iOS/Assets/picture-47982.jpeg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ec19c5bf Binary files /dev/null and b/Example-iOS/Assets/picture-47982.jpeg differ diff --git a/Example-iOS/Assets/simple_assets.riv b/Example-iOS/Assets/simple_assets.riv new file mode 100644 index 00000000..230bbd8e Binary files /dev/null and b/Example-iOS/Assets/simple_assets.riv differ diff --git a/Example-iOS/Preview (macOS)/Preview Content/Preview Assets.xcassets/Contents.json b/Example-iOS/Preview (macOS)/Preview Content/Preview Assets.xcassets/Contents.json deleted file mode 100644 index 73c00596..00000000 --- a/Example-iOS/Preview (macOS)/Preview Content/Preview Assets.xcassets/Contents.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -{ - "info" : { - "author" : "xcode", - "version" : 1 - } -} diff --git a/Example-iOS/Preview (macOS)/Preview__macOS_.entitlements b/Example-iOS/Preview (macOS)/Preview__macOS_.entitlements deleted file mode 100644 index 18aff0ce..00000000 --- a/Example-iOS/Preview (macOS)/Preview__macOS_.entitlements +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ - - - - - com.apple.security.app-sandbox - - com.apple.security.files.user-selected.read-only - - - diff --git a/Example-iOS/Preview/Info.plist b/Example-iOS/Preview/Info.plist deleted file mode 100644 index dd3c9afd..00000000 --- a/Example-iOS/Preview/Info.plist +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ - - - - - UIApplicationSceneManifest - - UIApplicationSupportsMultipleScenes - - UISceneConfigurations - - UIWindowSceneSessionRoleApplication - - - UISceneConfigurationName - Default Configuration - UISceneDelegateClassName - $(PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME).SceneDelegate - UISceneStoryboardFile - Main - - - - - - diff --git a/Example-iOS/RiveExample.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/Example-iOS/RiveExample.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj index aec98a5b..e9cec02a 100644 --- a/Example-iOS/RiveExample.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj +++ b/Example-iOS/RiveExample.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ 04026DC827CE3EE6002B3DBF /* SwiftLayout.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 04026DC727CE3EE6002B3DBF /* SwiftLayout.swift */; }; 04026DCA27CE3EF6002B3DBF /* SwiftMultipleAnimations.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 04026DC927CE3EF6002B3DBF /* SwiftMultipleAnimations.swift */; }; 04026DCE27CE3F0F002B3DBF /* SwiftStateMachine.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 04026DCD27CE3F0F002B3DBF /* SwiftStateMachine.swift */; }; + 041265222B0BC5A5009400EC /* SwiftSimpleAssets.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 041265212B0BC5A5009400EC /* SwiftSimpleAssets.swift */; }; 042C88832643D6B900E7DBB2 /* Main.storyboard in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88822643D6B900E7DBB2 /* Main.storyboard */; }; 042C88882643DB7100E7DBB2 /* SimpleAnimation.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88872643DB7100E7DBB2 /* SimpleAnimation.swift */; }; 042C888C2643EEE300E7DBB2 /* Layout.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C888B2643EEE300E7DBB2 /* Layout.swift */; }; @@ -34,8 +35,18 @@ 042C88EA2644447500E7DBB2 /* skills.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88D82644447500E7DBB2 /* skills.riv */; }; 042C88EB2644447500E7DBB2 /* clipping.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88D92644447500E7DBB2 /* clipping.riv */; }; 042C88EC2644447500E7DBB2 /* vader.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88DA2644447500E7DBB2 /* vader.riv */; }; + 043025EA2AF9046700320F2E /* asset_load_check.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 043025E92AF9046700320F2E /* asset_load_check.riv */; }; + 043025EB2AF9046700320F2E /* asset_load_check.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 043025E92AF9046700320F2E /* asset_load_check.riv */; }; + 043025EF2AF905B100320F2E /* CachedAssets.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 043025EE2AF905B100320F2E /* CachedAssets.swift */; }; + 043026062B012C5000320F2E /* simple_assets.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 043026052B012C5000320F2E /* simple_assets.riv */; }; + 043026072B012C5000320F2E /* simple_assets.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 043026052B012C5000320F2E /* simple_assets.riv */; }; 0448838F29F82DD000D7523E /* SimpleHttpAnimation.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 0448838C29F82DD000D7523E /* SimpleHttpAnimation.swift */; }; 0450446126B3F71E007B25CA /* constrained.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 0450445E26B3F71E007B25CA /* constrained.riv */; }; + 0453FCB42B012D17001185C8 /* picture-47982.jpeg in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 0453FCB02B012D17001185C8 /* picture-47982.jpeg */; }; + 0453FCB52B012D17001185C8 /* picture-47982.jpeg in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 0453FCB02B012D17001185C8 /* picture-47982.jpeg */; }; + 0453FCB92B012DA9001185C8 /* SimpleOutOfBand.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 0453FCB82B012DA9001185C8 /* SimpleOutOfBand.swift */; }; + 0453FCBA2B012DA9001185C8 /* SimpleOutOfBand.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 0453FCB82B012DA9001185C8 /* SimpleOutOfBand.swift */; }; + 0453FCBF2B014E2F001185C8 /* Inter-45562.ttf in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 0453FCBC2B014E2F001185C8 /* Inter-45562.ttf */; }; 046AFA712673AF04004ED497 /* blendmodes.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 046AFA6E2673AF04004ED497 /* blendmodes.riv */; }; 046AFA732673B00B004ED497 /* BlendModes.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 046AFA722673B00B004ED497 /* BlendModes.swift */; }; 0480028B2729AA4400F7132B /* clean_icon_set.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 048002882729AA4400F7132B /* clean_icon_set.riv */; }; @@ -145,147 +156,11 @@ E5A7874C27E1158E0056F24B /* prop_example.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E5A7874B27E1158E0056F24B /* prop_example.riv */; }; E5CD7D7127DC331900BFE5E2 /* SwiftMeshAnimation.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E5CD7D7027DC331900BFE5E2 /* SwiftMeshAnimation.swift */; }; E5E87A012AE5A83800E7295F /* SwiftVariableFPS.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E5E87A002AE5A83700E7295F /* SwiftVariableFPS.swift */; }; - E5E87A022AE5A85E00E7295F /* SwiftVariableFPS.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E5E87A002AE5A83700E7295F /* SwiftVariableFPS.swift */; }; - F8772A872AD946D500AB5920 /* AppDelegate.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C9C73E9724FC471E00EF9516 /* AppDelegate.swift */; }; - F8772A882AD946FD00AB5920 /* Main.storyboard in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88822643D6B900E7DBB2 /* Main.storyboard */; }; - F8772A892AD9470000AB5920 /* ExamplesMaster.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3357CA0280F42EC00F03B6F /* ExamplesMaster.swift */; }; - F8772A8A2AD9470700AB5920 /* blendmodes.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 046AFA6E2673AF04004ED497 /* blendmodes.riv */; }; - F8772A8B2AD9470700AB5920 /* light_switch.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 27108F2C282C96E700A99D81 /* light_switch.riv */; }; - F8772A8C2AD9470700AB5920 /* wacky.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88C92644447400E7DBB2 /* wacky.riv */; }; - F8772A8D2AD9470700AB5920 /* clean_icon_set.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 048002882729AA4400F7132B /* clean_icon_set.riv */; }; - F8772A8E2AD9470700AB5920 /* switch.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C9E040A8264DFCFD009ABC7C /* switch.riv */; }; - F8772A8F2AD9470700AB5920 /* leg_day_events_example.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3ECAC29281837B300A81123 /* leg_day_events_example.riv */; }; - F8772A902AD9470700AB5920 /* testtext.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E577989D2A72C77900FF25C3 /* testtext.riv */; }; - F8772A912AD9470700AB5920 /* truck_v7.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C9BD3925263B5FC700696C37 /* truck_v7.riv */; }; - F8772A922AD9470700AB5920 /* rating_animation.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E5964AB02A9CDB2100140479 /* rating_animation.riv */; }; - F8772A932AD9470700AB5920 /* energy_bar_example.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E5A7874727E115170056F24B /* energy_bar_example.riv */; }; - F8772A942AD9470700AB5920 /* nothing.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 04D5B069266A460C004ACA5B /* nothing.riv */; }; - F8772A952AD9470700AB5920 /* life_bar.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C9D3DE67264F49F4001BA265 /* life_bar.riv */; }; - F8772A962AD9470700AB5920 /* progress.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88CE2644447500E7DBB2 /* progress.riv */; }; - F8772A972AD9470700AB5920 /* artboard_animations.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88D42644447500E7DBB2 /* artboard_animations.riv */; }; - F8772A982AD9470700AB5920 /* constrained.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 0450445E26B3F71E007B25CA /* constrained.riv */; }; - F8772A992AD9470700AB5920 /* watch_v1.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3E383472837E6B00029D65E /* watch_v1.riv */; }; - F8772A9A2AD9470700AB5920 /* off_road_car_blog.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88D72644447500E7DBB2 /* off_road_car_blog.riv */; }; - F8772A9B2AD9470700AB5920 /* two_bone_ik.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 04F1C80826A8442300CEE6BE /* two_bone_ik.riv */; }; - F8772A9C2AD9470700AB5920 /* ui_swipe_left_to_delete.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88CB2644447400E7DBB2 /* ui_swipe_left_to_delete.riv */; }; - F8772A9D2AD9470700AB5920 /* f22.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88D02644447500E7DBB2 /* f22.riv */; }; - F8772A9E2AD9470700AB5920 /* play_button_event_example.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3ECAC28281837B300A81123 /* play_button_event_example.riv */; }; - F8772A9F2AD9470700AB5920 /* teststatemachine.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3C074AA283FC75900E8EB33 /* teststatemachine.riv */; }; - F8772AA02AD9470700AB5920 /* explorer.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88D32644447500E7DBB2 /* explorer.riv */; }; - F8772AA12AD9470700AB5920 /* basketball.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88CF2644447500E7DBB2 /* basketball.riv */; }; - F8772AA22AD9470700AB5920 /* flux_capacitor.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88D12644447500E7DBB2 /* flux_capacitor.riv */; }; - F8772AA32AD9470700AB5920 /* paper.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83C89AD0298870A700044C17 /* paper.riv */; }; - F8772AA42AD9470700AB5920 /* loopy.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88D62644447500E7DBB2 /* loopy.riv */; }; - F8772AA52AD9470700AB5920 /* rope.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88CC2644447400E7DBB2 /* rope.riv */; }; - F8772AA62AD9470700AB5920 /* clipping.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88D92644447500E7DBB2 /* clipping.riv */; }; - F8772AA72AD9470700AB5920 /* truck.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3D187F8280770EA008B739A /* truck.riv */; }; - F8772AA82AD9470700AB5920 /* juice_v7.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C9CE8265263B90E000F98DDB /* juice_v7.riv */; }; - F8772AA92AD9470700AB5920 /* Bear.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83DE4CB42AB3974300B88B72 /* Bear.riv */; }; - F8772AAA2AD9470700AB5920 /* hero_editor.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3745FCB282AE2320087F4AF /* hero_editor.riv */; }; - F8772AAB2AD9470700AB5920 /* bullet_man_game.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3E2B5872833ECB500A8651B /* bullet_man_game.riv */; }; - F8772AAC2AD9470700AB5920 /* marty.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83C89ACE2988709400044C17 /* marty.riv */; }; - F8772AAD2AD9470700AB5920 /* testanimation.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3C074A7283FC75800E8EB33 /* testanimation.riv */; }; - F8772AAE2AD9470700AB5920 /* switch_event_example.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3ECAC2A281837B300A81123 /* switch_event_example.riv */; }; - F8772AAF2AD9470700AB5920 /* magic_8-ball_v2.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3ECAC222817BE1100A81123 /* magic_8-ball_v2.riv */; }; - F8772AB02AD9470700AB5920 /* prop_example.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E5A7874B27E1158E0056F24B /* prop_example.riv */; }; - F8772AB12AD9470700AB5920 /* trailblaze.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88D52644447500E7DBB2 /* trailblaze.riv */; }; - F8772AB22AD9470700AB5920 /* riveslider.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3D187F628075B6C008B739A /* riveslider.riv */; }; - F8772AB32AD9470700AB5920 /* vader.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88DA2644447500E7DBB2 /* vader.riv */; }; - F8772AB42AD9470700AB5920 /* halloween.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3C074F1284161E400E8EB33 /* halloween.riv */; }; - F8772AB52AD9470700AB5920 /* text_test_2.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E57798AD2A73264100FF25C3 /* text_test_2.riv */; }; - F8772AB62AD9470700AB5920 /* liquid.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C9D3DE5A264F3B51001BA265 /* liquid.riv */; }; - F8772AB72AD9470700AB5920 /* neostream.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88D22644447500E7DBB2 /* neostream.riv */; }; - F8772AB82AD9470700AB5920 /* rbutton.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C324DB5E280740FB0060589F /* rbutton.riv */; }; - F8772AB92AD9470700AB5920 /* mascot.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88CD2644447400E7DBB2 /* mascot.riv */; }; - F8772ABA2AD9470700AB5920 /* skills.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88D82644447500E7DBB2 /* skills.riv */; }; - F8772ABB2AD9470700AB5920 /* pull.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88CA2644447400E7DBB2 /* pull.riv */; }; - F8772ABC2AD9471800AB5920 /* RiveButton.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C324DB5C280728690060589F /* RiveButton.swift */; }; - F8772ABD2AD9471800AB5920 /* RiveSwitch.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C324DB5528071EB80060589F /* RiveSwitch.swift */; }; - F8772ABE2AD9471800AB5920 /* RiveProgressBar.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3D187F2280751A8008B739A /* RiveProgressBar.swift */; }; - F8772ABF2AD9471800AB5920 /* ClockViewModel.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3ECAC2E281840A300A81123 /* ClockViewModel.swift */; }; - F8772AC02AD9471800AB5920 /* RiveSlider.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C324DB5A2807216B0060589F /* RiveSlider.swift */; }; - F8772AC12AD9471B00AB5920 /* StateMachine.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 04C4C83D2646FE410047E614 /* StateMachine.swift */; }; - F8772AC22AD9471B00AB5920 /* BlendModes.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 046AFA722673B00B004ED497 /* BlendModes.swift */; }; - F8772AC32AD9471B00AB5920 /* SimpleSlider.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3468E6127FDCBC6008652FD /* SimpleSlider.swift */; }; - F8772AC42AD9471B00AB5920 /* SimpleAnimation.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88872643DB7100E7DBB2 /* SimpleAnimation.swift */; }; - F8772AC52AD9471B00AB5920 /* SimpleHttpAnimation.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 0448838C29F82DD000D7523E /* SimpleHttpAnimation.swift */; }; - F8772AC62AD9471B00AB5920 /* MultipleAnimations.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C888F2644250D00E7DBB2 /* MultipleAnimations.swift */; }; - F8772AC72AD9471B00AB5920 /* StressTest.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83C89ACA29886ECB00044C17 /* StressTest.swift */; }; - F8772AC82AD9471B00AB5920 /* Layout.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C888B2643EEE300E7DBB2 /* Layout.swift */; }; - F8772AC92AD9471E00AB5920 /* SwiftTestText.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E57798A82A730A9B00FF25C3 /* SwiftTestText.swift */; }; - F8772ACA2AD9471E00AB5920 /* SwiftWidgets.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C9CB2F12264C92D200E7FF0D /* SwiftWidgets.swift */; }; - F8772ACB2AD9471E00AB5920 /* SwiftLayout.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 04026DC727CE3EE6002B3DBF /* SwiftLayout.swift */; }; - F8772ACC2AD9471E00AB5920 /* SwiftMultipleAnimations.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 04026DC927CE3EF6002B3DBF /* SwiftMultipleAnimations.swift */; }; - F8772ACD2AD9471E00AB5920 /* SwiftMeshAnimation.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E5CD7D7027DC331900BFE5E2 /* SwiftMeshAnimation.swift */; }; - F8772ACE2AD9471E00AB5920 /* SwiftCannonGame.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3E2B58B2833ECFE00A8651B /* SwiftCannonGame.swift */; }; - F8772ACF2AD9471E00AB5920 /* SwiftStateMachine.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 04026DCD27CE3F0F002B3DBF /* SwiftStateMachine.swift */; }; - F8772AD02AD9471E00AB5920 /* SwiftTouchEvents.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3ECAC262817BE4600A81123 /* SwiftTouchEvents.swift */; }; - F8772AD12AD9471E00AB5920 /* SwiftTestParityAnimSM.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3C074ED28414F4600E8EB33 /* SwiftTestParityAnimSM.swift */; }; - F8772AD22AD9471E00AB5920 /* SwiftEvents.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E5964AAA2A9CD49200140479 /* SwiftEvents.swift */; }; - F8772AD32AD9471E00AB5920 /* SwiftSimpleAnimation.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 04026DC327CE3ED6002B3DBF /* SwiftSimpleAnimation.swift */; }; - F8772AD42AD9472100AB5920 /* Assets.xcassets in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C9C73E9D24FC471E00EF9516 /* Assets.xcassets */; }; - F8772AD52AD9472400AB5920 /* Preview Assets.xcassets in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C9C73EA024FC471E00EF9516 /* Preview Assets.xcassets */; }; - F8772AD62AD9472800AB5920 /* utility.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C888D2644230700E7DBB2 /* utility.swift */; }; - F8772AD72AD9472F00AB5920 /* SceneDelegate.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C9C73E9924FC471E00EF9516 /* SceneDelegate.swift */; }; - F8772ADA2AD9483800AB5920 /* RiveRuntime in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = F8772AD92AD9483800AB5920 /* RiveRuntime */; }; - F8772AE92AD94A0800AB5920 /* Preview Assets.xcassets in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = F8772AE82AD94A0800AB5920 /* Preview Assets.xcassets */; }; - F8772AEF2AD94A3900AB5920 /* RiveRuntime in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; productRef = F8772AEE2AD94A3900AB5920 /* RiveRuntime */; }; F8772AF02AD94A4400AB5920 /* marty.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83C89ACE2988709400044C17 /* marty.riv */; }; F8772AF12AD94A4400AB5920 /* paper.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83C89AD0298870A700044C17 /* paper.riv */; }; F8772AF22AD94A4400AB5920 /* Bear.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83DE4CB42AB3974300B88B72 /* Bear.riv */; }; - F8772AF32AD94A4500AB5920 /* light_switch.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 27108F2C282C96E700A99D81 /* light_switch.riv */; }; - F8772AF42AD94A4500AB5920 /* prop_example.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E5A7874B27E1158E0056F24B /* prop_example.riv */; }; - F8772AF52AD94A4500AB5920 /* marty.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83C89ACE2988709400044C17 /* marty.riv */; }; - F8772AF62AD94A4500AB5920 /* ui_swipe_left_to_delete.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88CB2644447400E7DBB2 /* ui_swipe_left_to_delete.riv */; }; - F8772AF72AD94A4500AB5920 /* trailblaze.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88D52644447500E7DBB2 /* trailblaze.riv */; }; - F8772AF82AD94A4500AB5920 /* testtext.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E577989D2A72C77900FF25C3 /* testtext.riv */; }; - F8772AF92AD94A4500AB5920 /* testanimation.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3C074A7283FC75800E8EB33 /* testanimation.riv */; }; - F8772AFA2AD94A4500AB5920 /* juice_v7.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C9CE8265263B90E000F98DDB /* juice_v7.riv */; }; - F8772AFB2AD94A4500AB5920 /* nothing.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 04D5B069266A460C004ACA5B /* nothing.riv */; }; - F8772AFC2AD94A4500AB5920 /* wacky.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88C92644447400E7DBB2 /* wacky.riv */; }; - F8772AFD2AD94A4500AB5920 /* clipping.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88D92644447500E7DBB2 /* clipping.riv */; }; - F8772AFE2AD94A4500AB5920 /* life_bar.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C9D3DE67264F49F4001BA265 /* life_bar.riv */; }; - F8772AFF2AD94A4500AB5920 /* hero_editor.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3745FCB282AE2320087F4AF /* hero_editor.riv */; }; - F8772B002AD94A4500AB5920 /* progress.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88CE2644447500E7DBB2 /* progress.riv */; }; - F8772B012AD94A4500AB5920 /* constrained.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 0450445E26B3F71E007B25CA /* constrained.riv */; }; - F8772B022AD94A4500AB5920 /* truck_v7.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C9BD3925263B5FC700696C37 /* truck_v7.riv */; }; - F8772B032AD94A4500AB5920 /* skills.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88D82644447500E7DBB2 /* skills.riv */; }; - F8772B042AD94A4500AB5920 /* text_test_2.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E57798AD2A73264100FF25C3 /* text_test_2.riv */; }; - F8772B052AD94A4500AB5920 /* leg_day_events_example.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3ECAC29281837B300A81123 /* leg_day_events_example.riv */; }; - F8772B062AD94A4500AB5920 /* paper.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83C89AD0298870A700044C17 /* paper.riv */; }; - F8772B072AD94A4500AB5920 /* riveslider.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3D187F628075B6C008B739A /* riveslider.riv */; }; - F8772B082AD94A4500AB5920 /* f22.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88D02644447500E7DBB2 /* f22.riv */; }; - F8772B092AD94A4500AB5920 /* rating_animation.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E5964AB02A9CDB2100140479 /* rating_animation.riv */; }; - F8772B0A2AD94A4500AB5920 /* vader.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88DA2644447500E7DBB2 /* vader.riv */; }; - F8772B0B2AD94A4500AB5920 /* explorer.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88D32644447500E7DBB2 /* explorer.riv */; }; - F8772B0C2AD94A4500AB5920 /* Bear.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83DE4CB42AB3974300B88B72 /* Bear.riv */; }; - F8772B0D2AD94A4500AB5920 /* halloween.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3C074F1284161E400E8EB33 /* halloween.riv */; }; - F8772B0E2AD94A4500AB5920 /* blendmodes.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 046AFA6E2673AF04004ED497 /* blendmodes.riv */; }; - F8772B0F2AD94A4500AB5920 /* liquid.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C9D3DE5A264F3B51001BA265 /* liquid.riv */; }; - F8772B102AD94A4500AB5920 /* rope.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88CC2644447400E7DBB2 /* rope.riv */; }; - F8772B112AD94A4500AB5920 /* clean_icon_set.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 048002882729AA4400F7132B /* clean_icon_set.riv */; }; - F8772B122AD94A4500AB5920 /* energy_bar_example.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = E5A7874727E115170056F24B /* energy_bar_example.riv */; }; - F8772B132AD94A4500AB5920 /* truck.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3D187F8280770EA008B739A /* truck.riv */; }; - F8772B142AD94A4500AB5920 /* pull.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88CA2644447400E7DBB2 /* pull.riv */; }; - F8772B152AD94A4500AB5920 /* mascot.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88CD2644447400E7DBB2 /* mascot.riv */; }; - F8772B162AD94A4500AB5920 /* switch_event_example.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3ECAC2A281837B300A81123 /* switch_event_example.riv */; }; - F8772B172AD94A4500AB5920 /* rbutton.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C324DB5E280740FB0060589F /* rbutton.riv */; }; - F8772B182AD94A4500AB5920 /* neostream.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88D22644447500E7DBB2 /* neostream.riv */; }; - F8772B192AD94A4500AB5920 /* watch_v1.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3E383472837E6B00029D65E /* watch_v1.riv */; }; - F8772B1A2AD94A4500AB5920 /* magic_8-ball_v2.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3ECAC222817BE1100A81123 /* magic_8-ball_v2.riv */; }; - F8772B1B2AD94A4500AB5920 /* loopy.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88D62644447500E7DBB2 /* loopy.riv */; }; - F8772B1C2AD94A4500AB5920 /* switch.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C9E040A8264DFCFD009ABC7C /* switch.riv */; }; - F8772B1D2AD94A4500AB5920 /* flux_capacitor.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88D12644447500E7DBB2 /* flux_capacitor.riv */; }; - F8772B1E2AD94A4500AB5920 /* two_bone_ik.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 04F1C80826A8442300CEE6BE /* two_bone_ik.riv */; }; - F8772B1F2AD94A4500AB5920 /* play_button_event_example.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3ECAC28281837B300A81123 /* play_button_event_example.riv */; }; - F8772B202AD94A4500AB5920 /* artboard_animations.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88D42644447500E7DBB2 /* artboard_animations.riv */; }; - F8772B212AD94A4500AB5920 /* basketball.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88CF2644447500E7DBB2 /* basketball.riv */; }; - F8772B222AD94A4500AB5920 /* off_road_car_blog.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 042C88D72644447500E7DBB2 /* off_road_car_blog.riv */; }; - F8772B232AD94A4500AB5920 /* teststatemachine.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3C074AA283FC75900E8EB33 /* teststatemachine.riv */; }; - F8772B242AD94A4500AB5920 /* bullet_man_game.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3E2B5872833ECB500A8651B /* bullet_man_game.riv */; }; - F8772B252AD94AF900AB5920 /* Example__macOS_App.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 04E51C352A151A1E0075E473 /* Example__macOS_App.swift */; }; - F8772B262AD94AF900AB5920 /* ContentView.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 04E51C372A151A1E0075E473 /* ContentView.swift */; }; - F8772B272AD94AF900AB5920 /* Assets.xcassets in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 04E51C392A151A1F0075E473 /* Assets.xcassets */; }; + F8DA7B452AF523A800FF3CBF /* DismissableView.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = F8DA7B442AF523A800FF3CBF /* DismissableView.swift */; }; + F8DA7B462AF523A800FF3CBF /* DismissableView.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = F8DA7B442AF523A800FF3CBF /* DismissableView.swift */; }; /* End PBXBuildFile section */ /* Begin PBXContainerItemProxy section */ @@ -335,6 +210,7 @@ 04026DC727CE3EE6002B3DBF /* SwiftLayout.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SwiftLayout.swift; sourceTree = ""; }; 04026DC927CE3EF6002B3DBF /* SwiftMultipleAnimations.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SwiftMultipleAnimations.swift; sourceTree = ""; }; 04026DCD27CE3F0F002B3DBF /* SwiftStateMachine.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SwiftStateMachine.swift; sourceTree = ""; }; + 041265212B0BC5A5009400EC /* SwiftSimpleAssets.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SwiftSimpleAssets.swift; sourceTree = ""; }; 042C88822643D6B900E7DBB2 /* Main.storyboard */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.storyboard; path = Main.storyboard; sourceTree = ""; }; 042C88872643DB7100E7DBB2 /* SimpleAnimation.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SimpleAnimation.swift; sourceTree = ""; }; 042C888B2643EEE300E7DBB2 /* Layout.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = Layout.swift; sourceTree = ""; }; @@ -358,8 +234,14 @@ 042C88D82644447500E7DBB2 /* skills.riv */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file; path = skills.riv; sourceTree = ""; }; 042C88D92644447500E7DBB2 /* clipping.riv */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file; path = clipping.riv; sourceTree = ""; }; 042C88DA2644447500E7DBB2 /* vader.riv */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file; path = vader.riv; sourceTree = ""; }; + 043025E92AF9046700320F2E /* asset_load_check.riv */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file; name = asset_load_check.riv; path = ../../../runtime_wasm/wasm/examples/out_of_band_example/asset_load_check.riv; sourceTree = ""; }; + 043025EE2AF905B100320F2E /* CachedAssets.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = CachedAssets.swift; sourceTree = ""; }; + 043026052B012C5000320F2E /* simple_assets.riv */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file; path = simple_assets.riv; sourceTree = ""; }; 0448838C29F82DD000D7523E /* SimpleHttpAnimation.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SimpleHttpAnimation.swift; sourceTree = ""; }; 0450445E26B3F71E007B25CA /* constrained.riv */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file; path = constrained.riv; sourceTree = ""; }; + 0453FCB02B012D17001185C8 /* picture-47982.jpeg */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.jpeg; path = "picture-47982.jpeg"; sourceTree = ""; }; + 0453FCB82B012DA9001185C8 /* SimpleOutOfBand.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SimpleOutOfBand.swift; sourceTree = ""; }; + 0453FCBC2B014E2F001185C8 /* Inter-45562.ttf */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file; path = "Inter-45562.ttf"; sourceTree = ""; }; 046AFA6E2673AF04004ED497 /* blendmodes.riv */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file; path = blendmodes.riv; sourceTree = ""; }; 046AFA722673B00B004ED497 /* BlendModes.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = BlendModes.swift; sourceTree = ""; }; 048002882729AA4400F7132B /* clean_icon_set.riv */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file; path = clean_icon_set.riv; sourceTree = ""; }; @@ -422,11 +304,7 @@ E5A7874B27E1158E0056F24B /* prop_example.riv */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file; path = prop_example.riv; sourceTree = ""; }; E5CD7D7027DC331900BFE5E2 /* SwiftMeshAnimation.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SwiftMeshAnimation.swift; sourceTree = ""; }; E5E87A002AE5A83700E7295F /* SwiftVariableFPS.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = SwiftVariableFPS.swift; sourceTree = ""; }; - F8772A712AD945FC00AB5920 /* Preview.app */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.application; includeInIndex = 0; path = Preview.app; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; }; - F8772A812AD945FE00AB5920 /* Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.xml; path = Info.plist; sourceTree = ""; }; - F8772ADF2AD94A0500AB5920 /* Preview (macOS).app */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.application; includeInIndex = 0; path = "Preview (macOS).app"; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; }; - F8772AE82AD94A0800AB5920 /* Preview Assets.xcassets */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = folder.assetcatalog; path = "Preview Assets.xcassets"; sourceTree = ""; }; - F8772AEA2AD94A0800AB5920 /* Preview__macOS_.entitlements */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.entitlements; path = Preview__macOS_.entitlements; sourceTree = ""; }; + F8DA7B442AF523A800FF3CBF /* DismissableView.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = DismissableView.swift; sourceTree = ""; }; /* End PBXFileReference section */ /* Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */ @@ -446,22 +324,6 @@ ); runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; }; - F8772A6E2AD945FC00AB5920 /* Frameworks */ = { - isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase; - buildActionMask = 2147483647; - files = ( - F8772ADA2AD9483800AB5920 /* RiveRuntime in Frameworks */, - ); - runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; - }; - F8772ADC2AD94A0500AB5920 /* Frameworks */ = { - isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase; - buildActionMask = 2147483647; - files = ( - F8772AEF2AD94A3900AB5920 /* RiveRuntime in Frameworks */, - ); - runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; - }; /* End PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */ /* Begin PBXGroup section */ @@ -476,6 +338,8 @@ 046AFA722673B00B004ED497 /* BlendModes.swift */, 04C4C83D2646FE410047E614 /* StateMachine.swift */, 83C89ACA29886ECB00044C17 /* StressTest.swift */, + 043025EE2AF905B100320F2E /* CachedAssets.swift */, + 0453FCB82B012DA9001185C8 /* SimpleOutOfBand.swift */, ); path = Storyboard; sourceTree = ""; @@ -542,6 +406,9 @@ C9696B0E24FC6FD10041502A /* Assets */ = { isa = PBXGroup; children = ( + 043026052B012C5000320F2E /* simple_assets.riv */, + 0453FCB02B012D17001185C8 /* picture-47982.jpeg */, + 043025E92AF9046700320F2E /* asset_load_check.riv */, 83DE4CB42AB3974300B88B72 /* Bear.riv */, 83C89AD0298870A700044C17 /* paper.riv */, 83C89ACE2988709400044C17 /* marty.riv */, @@ -561,6 +428,7 @@ C3D187F628075B6C008B739A /* riveslider.riv */, C324DB5E280740FB0060589F /* rbutton.riv */, 0450445E26B3F71E007B25CA /* constrained.riv */, + 0453FCBC2B014E2F001185C8 /* Inter-45562.ttf */, 04D5B069266A460C004ACA5B /* nothing.riv */, 042C88D42644447500E7DBB2 /* artboard_animations.riv */, 042C88CF2644447500E7DBB2 /* basketball.riv */, @@ -611,6 +479,7 @@ C3C074ED28414F4600E8EB33 /* SwiftTestParityAnimSM.swift */, E57798A82A730A9B00FF25C3 /* SwiftTestText.swift */, E5964AAA2A9CD49200140479 /* SwiftEvents.swift */, + 041265212B0BC5A5009400EC /* SwiftSimpleAssets.swift */, ); path = SwiftUI; sourceTree = ""; @@ -621,8 +490,6 @@ C9696B0E24FC6FD10041502A /* Assets */, C9C73E9624FC471E00EF9516 /* Source */, 04E51C342A151A1E0075E473 /* Example (macOS) */, - F8772A722AD945FC00AB5920 /* Preview */, - F8772AE02AD94A0500AB5920 /* Preview (macOS) */, C9C73E9524FC471E00EF9516 /* Products */, C9C741FF24FC53CF00EF9516 /* Frameworks */, ); @@ -633,8 +500,6 @@ children = ( C9C73E9424FC471E00EF9516 /* Example (iOS).app */, 04E51C332A151A1E0075E473 /* Example (macOS).app */, - F8772A712AD945FC00AB5920 /* Preview.app */, - F8772ADF2AD94A0500AB5920 /* Preview (macOS).app */, ); name = Products; sourceTree = ""; @@ -644,6 +509,7 @@ children = ( 042C88822643D6B900E7DBB2 /* Main.storyboard */, C3357CA0280F42EC00F03B6F /* ExamplesMaster.swift */, + F8DA7B442AF523A800FF3CBF /* DismissableView.swift */, C3ECAC322818608B00A81123 /* Examples */, C9C73E9D24FC471E00EF9516 /* Assets.xcassets */, C9C73E9F24FC471E00EF9516 /* Preview Content */, @@ -671,31 +537,6 @@ name = Frameworks; sourceTree = ""; }; - F8772A722AD945FC00AB5920 /* Preview */ = { - isa = PBXGroup; - children = ( - F8772A812AD945FE00AB5920 /* Info.plist */, - ); - path = Preview; - sourceTree = ""; - }; - F8772AE02AD94A0500AB5920 /* Preview (macOS) */ = { - isa = PBXGroup; - children = ( - F8772AEA2AD94A0800AB5920 /* Preview__macOS_.entitlements */, - F8772AE72AD94A0800AB5920 /* Preview Content */, - ); - path = "Preview (macOS)"; - sourceTree = ""; - }; - F8772AE72AD94A0800AB5920 /* Preview Content */ = { - isa = PBXGroup; - children = ( - F8772AE82AD94A0800AB5920 /* Preview Assets.xcassets */, - ); - path = "Preview Content"; - sourceTree = ""; - }; /* End PBXGroup section */ /* Begin PBXNativeTarget section */ @@ -735,46 +576,6 @@ productReference = C9C73E9424FC471E00EF9516 /* Example (iOS).app */; productType = "com.apple.product-type.application"; }; - F8772A702AD945FC00AB5920 /* Preview */ = { - isa = PBXNativeTarget; - buildConfigurationList = F8772A862AD945FE00AB5920 /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "Preview" */; - buildPhases = ( - F8772A6D2AD945FC00AB5920 /* Sources */, - F8772A6E2AD945FC00AB5920 /* Frameworks */, - F8772A6F2AD945FC00AB5920 /* Resources */, - ); - buildRules = ( - ); - dependencies = ( - ); - name = Preview; - packageProductDependencies = ( - F8772AD92AD9483800AB5920 /* RiveRuntime */, - ); - productName = Preview; - productReference = F8772A712AD945FC00AB5920 /* Preview.app */; - productType = "com.apple.product-type.application"; - }; - F8772ADE2AD94A0500AB5920 /* Preview (macOS) */ = { - isa = PBXNativeTarget; - buildConfigurationList = F8772AEB2AD94A0800AB5920 /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "Preview (macOS)" */; - buildPhases = ( - F8772ADB2AD94A0500AB5920 /* Sources */, - F8772ADC2AD94A0500AB5920 /* Frameworks */, - F8772ADD2AD94A0500AB5920 /* Resources */, - ); - buildRules = ( - ); - dependencies = ( - ); - name = "Preview (macOS)"; - packageProductDependencies = ( - F8772AEE2AD94A3900AB5920 /* RiveRuntime */, - ); - productName = "Preview (macOS)"; - productReference = F8772ADF2AD94A0500AB5920 /* Preview (macOS).app */; 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runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; }; - F8772A6F2AD945FC00AB5920 /* Resources */ = { - isa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase; - buildActionMask = 2147483647; - files = ( - F8772AB82AD9470700AB5920 /* rbutton.riv in Resources */, - F8772AAD2AD9470700AB5920 /* testanimation.riv in Resources */, - F8772AB02AD9470700AB5920 /* prop_example.riv in Resources */, - F8772AA22AD9470700AB5920 /* flux_capacitor.riv in Resources */, - F8772A9D2AD9470700AB5920 /* f22.riv in Resources */, - F8772AAB2AD9470700AB5920 /* bullet_man_game.riv in Resources */, - F8772A942AD9470700AB5920 /* nothing.riv in Resources */, - F8772A972AD9470700AB5920 /* artboard_animations.riv in Resources */, - F8772A8C2AD9470700AB5920 /* wacky.riv in Resources */, - F8772A8F2AD9470700AB5920 /* leg_day_events_example.riv in Resources */, - F8772AA02AD9470700AB5920 /* explorer.riv in Resources */, - F8772AAC2AD9470700AB5920 /* marty.riv in Resources */, - F8772A902AD9470700AB5920 /* testtext.riv in Resources */, - F8772A912AD9470700AB5920 /* truck_v7.riv in Resources */, - F8772A8E2AD9470700AB5920 /* switch.riv in Resources */, - F8772A992AD9470700AB5920 /* watch_v1.riv in Resources */, - F8772ABA2AD9470700AB5920 /* skills.riv in Resources */, - F8772AB42AD9470700AB5920 /* halloween.riv in Resources */, - F8772A922AD9470700AB5920 /* rating_animation.riv in Resources */, - F8772A962AD9470700AB5920 /* progress.riv in Resources */, - F8772ABB2AD9470700AB5920 /* pull.riv in Resources */, - F8772AA12AD9470700AB5920 /* basketball.riv in Resources */, - F8772AD52AD9472400AB5920 /* Preview Assets.xcassets in Resources */, - F8772AD42AD9472100AB5920 /* Assets.xcassets in Resources */, - F8772A8A2AD9470700AB5920 /* blendmodes.riv in Resources */, - F8772A9F2AD9470700AB5920 /* teststatemachine.riv in Resources */, - F8772A982AD9470700AB5920 /* constrained.riv in Resources */, - F8772AA42AD9470700AB5920 /* loopy.riv in Resources */, - F8772AAE2AD9470700AB5920 /* switch_event_example.riv in Resources */, - F8772AB92AD9470700AB5920 /* mascot.riv in Resources */, - F8772AA62AD9470700AB5920 /* clipping.riv in Resources */, - F8772AA32AD9470700AB5920 /* paper.riv in Resources */, - F8772A932AD9470700AB5920 /* energy_bar_example.riv in Resources */, - F8772AB72AD9470700AB5920 /* neostream.riv in Resources */, - F8772A8B2AD9470700AB5920 /* light_switch.riv in Resources */, - F8772A882AD946FD00AB5920 /* Main.storyboard in Resources */, - F8772AB12AD9470700AB5920 /* trailblaze.riv in Resources */, - F8772A8D2AD9470700AB5920 /* clean_icon_set.riv in Resources */, - F8772AAF2AD9470700AB5920 /* magic_8-ball_v2.riv in Resources */, - F8772AB52AD9470700AB5920 /* text_test_2.riv in Resources */, - F8772A9C2AD9470700AB5920 /* ui_swipe_left_to_delete.riv in Resources */, - F8772A952AD9470700AB5920 /* life_bar.riv in Resources */, - F8772AB22AD9470700AB5920 /* riveslider.riv in Resources */, - F8772AA92AD9470700AB5920 /* Bear.riv in Resources */, - F8772A9B2AD9470700AB5920 /* two_bone_ik.riv in Resources */, - F8772AAA2AD9470700AB5920 /* hero_editor.riv in Resources */, - F8772AA52AD9470700AB5920 /* rope.riv in Resources */, - F8772AA82AD9470700AB5920 /* juice_v7.riv in Resources */, - F8772AB32AD9470700AB5920 /* vader.riv in Resources */, - F8772AA72AD9470700AB5920 /* truck.riv in Resources */, - F8772A9A2AD9470700AB5920 /* off_road_car_blog.riv in Resources */, - F8772A9E2AD9470700AB5920 /* play_button_event_example.riv in Resources */, - F8772AB62AD9470700AB5920 /* liquid.riv in Resources */, - ); 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- GENERATE_INFOPLIST_FILE = YES; - INFOPLIST_KEY_NSHumanReadableCopyright = "Copyright © 2023 Rive. All rights reserved."; - LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = ( - "$(inherited)", - "@executable_path/../Frameworks", - ); - LOCALIZATION_PREFERS_STRING_CATALOGS = YES; - MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 13.1; - MARKETING_VERSION = 1.0; - PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "app.rive.Preview--macOS-"; - PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; - SDKROOT = macosx; - SWIFT_ACTIVE_COMPILATION_CONDITIONS = "DEBUG $(inherited)"; - SWIFT_EMIT_LOC_STRINGS = YES; - SWIFT_VERSION = 5.0; - }; - name = Debug; - }; - F8772AED2AD94A0800AB5920 /* Release */ = { - isa = XCBuildConfiguration; - buildSettings = { - ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_APPICON_NAME = AppIcon; - ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_GENERATE_SWIFT_ASSET_SYMBOL_EXTENSIONS = YES; - ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_GLOBAL_ACCENT_COLOR_NAME = AccentColor; - CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = "gnu++20"; - CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS = "Preview (macOS)/Preview__macOS_.entitlements"; - CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic; - COMBINE_HIDPI_IMAGES = YES; - CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION = 1; - DEVELOPMENT_ASSET_PATHS = "\"Preview (macOS)/Preview Content\""; - ENABLE_PREVIEWS = YES; - ENABLE_USER_SCRIPT_SANDBOXING = YES; - GCC_C_LANGUAGE_STANDARD = gnu17; - GENERATE_INFOPLIST_FILE = YES; - INFOPLIST_KEY_NSHumanReadableCopyright = "Copyright © 2023 Rive. All rights reserved."; - LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS = ( - "$(inherited)", - "@executable_path/../Frameworks", - ); - LOCALIZATION_PREFERS_STRING_CATALOGS = YES; - MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 13.1; - MARKETING_VERSION = 1.0; - PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = "app.rive.Preview--macOS-"; - PRODUCT_NAME = "$(TARGET_NAME)"; - SDKROOT = macosx; - SWIFT_EMIT_LOC_STRINGS = YES; - SWIFT_VERSION = 5.0; - }; - name = Release; - }; /* End XCBuildConfiguration section */ /* Begin XCConfigurationList section */ @@ -1562,24 +1072,6 @@ defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0; defaultConfigurationName = Release; }; - F8772A862AD945FE00AB5920 /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "Preview" */ = { - isa = XCConfigurationList; - buildConfigurations = ( - F8772A822AD945FE00AB5920 /* Debug */, - F8772A832AD945FE00AB5920 /* Release */, - ); - defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0; - defaultConfigurationName = Release; - }; - F8772AEB2AD94A0800AB5920 /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "Preview (macOS)" */ = { - isa = XCConfigurationList; - buildConfigurations = ( - F8772AEC2AD94A0800AB5920 /* Debug */, - F8772AED2AD94A0800AB5920 /* Release */, - ); - defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0; - defaultConfigurationName = Release; - }; /* End XCConfigurationList section */ /* Begin XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference section */ @@ -1592,19 +1084,6 @@ }; }; /* End XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference section */ - -/* Begin XCSwiftPackageProductDependency section */ - F8772AD92AD9483800AB5920 /* RiveRuntime */ = { - isa = XCSwiftPackageProductDependency; - package = F8772AD82AD9483800AB5920 /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "rive-ios" */; - productName = RiveRuntime; - }; - F8772AEE2AD94A3900AB5920 /* RiveRuntime */ = { - isa = XCSwiftPackageProductDependency; - package = F8772AD82AD9483800AB5920 /* XCRemoteSwiftPackageReference "rive-ios" */; - productName = RiveRuntime; - }; -/* End XCSwiftPackageProductDependency section */ }; rootObject = C9C73E8C24FC471E00EF9516 /* Project object */; } diff --git a/Example-iOS/RiveExample.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/swiftpm/Package.resolved b/Example-iOS/RiveExample.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/swiftpm/Package.resolved index c3424e0a..d16df00c 100644 --- a/Example-iOS/RiveExample.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/swiftpm/Package.resolved +++ b/Example-iOS/RiveExample.xcodeproj/project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/swiftpm/Package.resolved @@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ "kind" : "remoteSourceControl", "location" : "https://github.com/rive-app/rive-ios/", "state" : { - "revision" : "9030b8c2c2bd52c22114850c3666a4eef2a2acd8", - "version" : "5.3.2" + "revision" : "5e4e9b42d732e7fc3254848939338b4c192b19c6", + "version" : "5.6.0" } } ], diff --git a/Example-iOS/RiveExample.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Preview (iOS).xcscheme b/Example-iOS/RiveExample.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Preview (iOS).xcscheme deleted file mode 100644 index 14ef30ec..00000000 --- a/Example-iOS/RiveExample.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Preview (iOS).xcscheme +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/Example-iOS/RiveExample.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Preview (macOS).xcscheme b/Example-iOS/RiveExample.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Preview (macOS).xcscheme deleted file mode 100644 index cb4eef15..00000000 --- a/Example-iOS/RiveExample.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/Preview (macOS).xcscheme +++ /dev/null @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - diff --git a/Example-iOS/Source/DismissableView.swift b/Example-iOS/Source/DismissableView.swift new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3d38385b --- /dev/null +++ b/Example-iOS/Source/DismissableView.swift @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +// +// DismissableView.swift +// RiveExample +// +// Created by Peter G Hayes on 03/11/2023. +// Copyright © 2023 Rive. All rights reserved. +// + +import SwiftUI + +public protocol DismissableView: View { + init() + var dismiss: () -> Void { get set } +} diff --git a/Example-iOS/Source/Examples/Storyboard/CachedAssets.swift b/Example-iOS/Source/Examples/Storyboard/CachedAssets.swift new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6654b71a --- /dev/null +++ b/Example-iOS/Source/Examples/Storyboard/CachedAssets.swift @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +// +// File.swift +// RiveExample +// +// Created by Maxwell Talbot on 06/11/2023. +// Copyright © 2023 Rive. All rights reserved. +// + +import UIKit +import RiveRuntime +import SwiftUI + + +class AssetLoader{ + init() { + factory = RenderContextManager.shared()!.getDefaultFactory(); + fillFontCache(); + fillImageCache(); + } + var imageCache: [RiveRenderImage] = []; + var fontCache: [RiveFont] = []; + + var onDemandFont: RiveFontAsset?; + var onDemandImage: RiveImageAsset?; + var cachedFont: RiveFontAsset?; + var cachedImage: RiveImageAsset?; + var factory: RiveFactory?; + + // pretty naive way to clean up any outstanding requests. + var tasks: [URLSessionDataTask] = []; + + func fillFontCache(){ + let options = [ + "https://cdn.rive.app/runtime/flutter/IndieFlower-Regular.ttf", + "https://cdn.rive.app/runtime/flutter/comic-neue.ttf", + "https://cdn.rive.app/runtime/flutter/inter.ttf", + "https://cdn.rive.app/runtime/flutter/inter-tight.ttf", + "https://cdn.rive.app/runtime/flutter/josefin-sans.ttf", + "https://cdn.rive.app/runtime/flutter/send-flowers.ttf", + ] + var first = true; + + for option in options { + let url = URL(string: option)! + let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in + + if let data = data { + self.fontCache.append(self.factory!.decodeFont(data)); + } + + if (first){ + first=false; + if let fontAsset = self.cachedFont, let font=self.fontCache.randomElement() { + fontAsset.font(font); + } + } + + } + task.resume() + tasks.append(task) + } + } + + func fillImageCache(){ + var i = 0; + var first = true; + + repeat { + let url = URL(string: "https://picsum.photos/2048/1365")! + let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in + if let data = data { + self.imageCache.append(self.factory!.decodeImage(data)); + } + if (first){ + first=false; + if let imageAsset = self.cachedImage, let image=self.imageCache.randomElement() { + imageAsset.renderImage(image); + } + } + } + task.resume() + tasks.append(task) + i += 1; + } while (i < 10) + + + } + + + func cachedFontAsset(asset: RiveFontAsset) { + if let font = fontCache.randomElement() { + asset.font(font); + } + + } + func cachedImageAsset(asset: RiveImageAsset) { + if let image = imageCache.randomElement() { + asset.renderImage(image); + } + } + + func randomFontAsset(asset: RiveFontAsset, factory: RiveFactory){ + let options = [ + "https://cdn.rive.app/runtime/flutter/IndieFlower-Regular.ttf", + "https://cdn.rive.app/runtime/flutter/comic-neue.ttf", + "https://cdn.rive.app/runtime/flutter/inter.ttf", + "https://cdn.rive.app/runtime/flutter/inter-tight.ttf", + "https://cdn.rive.app/runtime/flutter/josefin-sans.ttf", + "https://cdn.rive.app/runtime/flutter/send-flowers.ttf", + ] + let url = URL(string: options.randomElement()!)! + let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in + if let data = data { + asset.font(factory.decodeFont(data)); + } else if let error = error { + if (error.localizedDescription != "cancelled"){ + print("HTTP Request Failed \(error)") + } + } + } + task.resume() + tasks.append(task) + } + + func randomImageAsset(asset: RiveImageAsset, factory: RiveFactory){ + let url = URL(string: "https://picsum.photos/1000/1500")! + let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in + if let data = data { + + asset.renderImage(factory.decodeImage(data)); + } else if let error = error { + // there doesnt seem to be much else to go on here + if (error.localizedDescription != "cancelled"){ + print("HTTP Request Failed \(error)") + } + } + } + + task.resume() + tasks.append(task) + } + + func loader (asset: RiveFileAsset, data: Data, factory: RiveFactory) -> Bool{ + if (data.count > 0) {return false;} + if (asset.cdnUuid().count > 0) {return false;} + + switch (asset.name()) { + + + case "flower.jpeg", + "three.png": + onDemandImage = (asset as! RiveImageAsset); + randomImageAsset(asset: onDemandImage!, factory: factory); + return true; + case "tree.jpg": + cachedImage = (asset as! RiveImageAsset); + cachedImageAsset(asset: cachedImage!); + return true; + case "Kenia", + "Inter": + onDemandFont = (asset as! RiveFontAsset); + randomFontAsset(asset: (asset as! RiveFontAsset), factory: factory); + return true; + case "Kodchasan": + cachedFont = (asset as! RiveFontAsset); + cachedFontAsset(asset: cachedFont!); + return true; + default: break + } + return false; + } + + func shuffle(){ + if let asset=onDemandImage, let factory=factory{ + randomImageAsset(asset: (asset), factory: factory); + } + if let asset=onDemandFont, let factory=factory{ + randomFontAsset(asset: (asset), factory: factory); + } + if let asset=cachedFont, let font=fontCache.randomElement(){ + asset.font(font) + } + if let asset=cachedImage, let image=imageCache.randomElement(){ + asset.renderImage(image) + } + } + func cleanup(){ + for task in tasks { + task.cancel(); + } + } +} + + +class OutOfBandAssetsController: UIViewController, UIGestureRecognizerDelegate { + // TODO: talk to people to see if we can make this nice... + var loader: AssetLoader = AssetLoader(); + var viewModel: RiveViewModel?; + + override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) { + super.viewWillDisappear(animated) + loader.cleanup() + } + + + required init?(coder: NSCoder) { + self.viewModel = RiveViewModel(fileName: "asset_load_check", loadCdn: true, customLoader: loader.loader); + super.init(coder: coder); + + } + + override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) { + let riveView = viewModel!.createRiveView() + view.addSubview(riveView) + riveView.frame = view.frame + + let gesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector (self.tap (_:))) + self.view.addGestureRecognizer(gesture) + riveView.addGestureRecognizer(gesture) + + } + + @objc func tap(_ sender:UITapGestureRecognizer) { + loader.shuffle() + } +} diff --git a/Example-iOS/Source/Examples/Storyboard/SimpleOutOfBand.swift b/Example-iOS/Source/Examples/Storyboard/SimpleOutOfBand.swift new file mode 100644 index 00000000..97e23396 --- /dev/null +++ b/Example-iOS/Source/Examples/Storyboard/SimpleOutOfBand.swift @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +// +// File.swift +// RiveExample +// +// Created by Maxwell Talbot on 06/11/2023. +// Copyright © 2023 Rive. All rights reserved. +// + +import UIKit +import RiveRuntime +import SwiftUI + + +func loadAndSetRenderImage(named resourceName: String, asset: RiveImageAsset, factory: RiveFactory) -> Bool { + guard let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: resourceName, withExtension: "jpeg"), + let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) + else { + fatalError("Failed to load or locate '\(resourceName)' in bundle.") + } + asset.renderImage(factory.decodeImage(data)) + return true +} + +func loadAndSetRenderFont(named resourceName: String, asset: RiveFontAsset, factory: RiveFactory) -> Bool { + guard let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: resourceName, withExtension: "ttf"), + let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) + else { + fatalError("Failed to load or locate '\(resourceName)' in bundle.") + } + asset.font(factory.decodeFont(data)) + return true +} + +class SimpleOutOfBandController: UIViewController, UIGestureRecognizerDelegate { + // TODO: talk to people to see if we can make this nice... + var loader: AssetLoader = AssetLoader(); + var viewModel: RiveViewModel?; + + + + required init?(coder: NSCoder) { + + self.viewModel = RiveViewModel(fileName: "simple_assets", loadCdn: false, customLoader: { (asset: RiveFileAsset, data: Data, factory: RiveFactory) -> Bool in + if let imageAsset = asset as? RiveImageAsset { + return loadAndSetRenderImage(named: "picture-47982", asset: imageAsset, factory: factory) + } else if let fontAsset = asset as? RiveFontAsset { + return loadAndSetRenderFont(named: "Inter-45562", asset: fontAsset, factory: factory) + } + + return false; + } + ) + super.init(coder: coder); + + } + + override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) { + let riveView = viewModel!.createRiveView() + view.addSubview(riveView) + riveView.frame = view.frame + } +} diff --git a/Example-iOS/Source/Examples/SwiftUI/SwiftSimpleAnimation.swift b/Example-iOS/Source/Examples/SwiftUI/SwiftSimpleAnimation.swift index 43a798f1..15dc8564 100644 --- a/Example-iOS/Source/Examples/SwiftUI/SwiftSimpleAnimation.swift +++ b/Example-iOS/Source/Examples/SwiftUI/SwiftSimpleAnimation.swift @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import SwiftUI import RiveRuntime + struct SwiftSimpleAnimation: DismissableView { var dismiss: () -> Void = {} diff --git a/Example-iOS/Source/Examples/SwiftUI/SwiftSimpleAssets.swift b/Example-iOS/Source/Examples/SwiftUI/SwiftSimpleAssets.swift new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ce9c7f90 --- /dev/null +++ b/Example-iOS/Source/Examples/SwiftUI/SwiftSimpleAssets.swift @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +// +// SwiftSimpleAssets.swift +// Example (iOS) +// +// Created by Maxwell Talbot on 20/11/2023. +// Copyright © 2023 Rive. All rights reserved. +// + +import SwiftUI +import RiveRuntime + +struct SwiftSimpleAssets: DismissableView { + var dismiss: () -> Void = {} + + var body: some View { + RiveViewModel(fileName: "simple_assets", autoPlay: false, loadCdn: false, customLoader: { (asset: RiveFileAsset, data: Data, factory: RiveFactory) -> Bool in + + // TODO: this looks kinda compolex, can this be simpler? + if (asset is RiveImageAsset){ + + guard let url = (.main as Bundle).url(forResource: "picture-47982", withExtension: "jpeg") else { + fatalError("Failed to locate 'picture-47982' in bundle.") + } + guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) else { + fatalError("Failed to load \(url) from bundle.") + } + (asset as! RiveImageAsset).renderImage( + factory.decodeImage(data) + ) + return true; + }else if (asset is RiveFontAsset) { + guard let url = (.main as Bundle).url(forResource: "Inter-45562", withExtension: "ttf") else { + fatalError("Failed to locate 'Inter-45562' in bundle.") + } + guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) else { + fatalError("Failed to load \(url) from bundle.") + } + + (asset as! RiveFontAsset).font( + factory.decodeFont(data) + ) + return true; + } + + return false; + }).view() + } +} diff --git a/Example-iOS/Source/ExamplesMaster.swift b/Example-iOS/Source/ExamplesMaster.swift index 8c7fe208..ea48b560 100644 --- a/Example-iOS/Source/ExamplesMaster.swift +++ b/Example-iOS/Source/ExamplesMaster.swift @@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ class ExamplesMasterTableViewController: UITableViewController { "State Machine", "Blend Mode", "Slider Widget", - "Stress Test" + "Stress Test", + "Simple assets", + "Cached assets", ] @@ -39,7 +41,8 @@ class ExamplesMasterTableViewController: UITableViewController { ("Mesh Animation", typeErased(dismissableView: SwiftMeshAnimation())), ("Playing with Text", typeErased(dismissableView: TextInputView())), ("Rive Events", typeErased(dismissableView: SwiftEvents())), - ("Variable FPS", typeErased(dismissableView: SwiftVariableFPS())) + ("Variable FPS", typeErased(dismissableView: SwiftVariableFPS())), + ("Simple Assets", typeErased(dismissableView: SwiftSimpleAssets())) ] @@ -150,8 +153,3 @@ extension ExamplesMasterTableViewController { return AnyView(view) } } - -public protocol DismissableView: View { - init() - var dismiss: () -> Void { get set } -} diff --git a/Example-iOS/Source/Main.storyboard b/Example-iOS/Source/Main.storyboard index bb5758ae..da55356f 100644 --- a/Example-iOS/Source/Main.storyboard +++ b/Example-iOS/Source/Main.storyboard @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ - + - + @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ - + @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ - + @@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ - - + + @@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ - + @@ -297,8 +297,8 @@ - - + + @@ -525,8 +525,8 @@ - - + + @@ -608,8 +608,8 @@ - - + + @@ -691,8 +691,8 @@ - - + + @@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ - + @@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ - + @@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ - + @@ -897,6 +897,38 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/Example-iOS/Source/lib/utility.swift b/Example-iOS/Source/lib/utility.swift index 9e0faead..3b38c0d3 100644 --- a/Example-iOS/Source/lib/utility.swift +++ b/Example-iOS/Source/lib/utility.swift @@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ func getBytes(resourceName: String, resourceExt: String=".riv") -> [UInt8] { } @available(*, deprecated, message: "Use convenience init in RiveFile+Extensions instead") -func getRiveFile(resourceName: String, resourceExt: String=".riv") throws -> RiveFile{ +func getRiveFile(resourceName: String, resourceExt: String=".riv", loadCdn: Bool=true) throws -> RiveFile{ let byteArray = getBytes(resourceName: resourceName, resourceExt: resourceExt) - return try RiveFile(byteArray: byteArray) + return try RiveFile(byteArray: byteArray, loadCdn:loadCdn) } struct SwiftVMPlayer: View { diff --git a/RiveRuntime.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/RiveRuntime.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj index fbe30ad3..8e81ab2f 100644 --- a/RiveRuntime.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj +++ b/RiveRuntime.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj @@ -3,10 +3,23 @@ archiveVersion = 1; classes = { }; - objectVersion = 52; + objectVersion = 54; objects = { /* Begin PBXBuildFile section */ + 041265262B0CB41E009400EC /* OutOfBandAssetTest.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 041265252B0CB41E009400EC /* OutOfBandAssetTest.mm */; }; + 041265282B0CC387009400EC /* hosted_assets.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 041265272B0CC387009400EC /* hosted_assets.riv */; }; + 0412652A2B0CCB8E009400EC /* embedded_assets.riv in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 041265292B0CCB8E009400EC /* embedded_assets.riv */; }; + 043025F22AF90D4800320F2E /* RiveFileAssetLoader.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 043025F12AF90D4800320F2E /* RiveFileAssetLoader.h */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (Public, ); }; }; + 043025F42AF90EAC00320F2E /* RiveFileAssetLoader.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 043025F32AF90EAC00320F2E /* RiveFileAssetLoader.mm */; }; + 043025F62AF9355B00320F2E /* CDNFileAssetLoader.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 043025F52AF9355B00320F2E /* CDNFileAssetLoader.h */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (Public, ); }; }; + 043025F82AFA46EF00320F2E /* CDNFileAssetLoader.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 043025F72AFA46EF00320F2E /* CDNFileAssetLoader.mm */; }; + 043025FA2AFA860E00320F2E /* FileAssetLoaderAdapter.hpp in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 043025F92AFA860E00320F2E /* FileAssetLoaderAdapter.hpp */; }; + 043025FC2AFA862E00320F2E /* FileAssetLoaderAdapter.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 043025FB2AFA862E00320F2E /* FileAssetLoaderAdapter.mm */; }; + 043025FE2AFA8FCF00320F2E /* RiveFileAsset.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 043025FD2AFA8FCF00320F2E /* RiveFileAsset.h */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (Public, ); }; }; + 043026002AFA915B00320F2E /* RiveFileAsset.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 043025FF2AFA915B00320F2E /* RiveFileAsset.mm */; }; + 043026022AFB9FCD00320F2E /* RiveFactory.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 043026012AFB9FCD00320F2E /* RiveFactory.h */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (Public, ); }; }; + 043026042AFBA04100320F2E /* RiveFactory.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 043026032AFBA04100320F2E /* RiveFactory.mm */; }; 046FB7F1264EAA60000129B1 /* RiveLinearAnimationInstance.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 046FB7E1264EAA5E000129B1 /* RiveLinearAnimationInstance.h */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (Public, ); }; }; 046FB7F2264EAA60000129B1 /* RiveArtboard.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 046FB7E2264EAA5E000129B1 /* RiveArtboard.mm */; }; 046FB7F4264EAA60000129B1 /* RiveLinearAnimationInstance.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 046FB7E4264EAA5F000129B1 /* RiveLinearAnimationInstance.mm */; }; @@ -50,7 +63,7 @@ 83DE4C932AA8DD9F00B88B72 /* RenderContextManager.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83DE4C922AA8DD9F00B88B72 /* RenderContextManager.h */; settings = {ATTRIBUTES = (Public, ); }; }; 83DE4CA02AAA072B00B88B72 /* PlatformCGImage.mm in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83DE4C9F2AAA072B00B88B72 /* PlatformCGImage.mm */; }; 83DE4CA22AAA077200B88B72 /* PlatformCGImage.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83DE4CA12AAA077200B88B72 /* PlatformCGImage.h */; }; - 83DE4CA72AAAE72100B88B72 /* RenderContext.hh in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83DE4CA62AAAE72000B88B72 /* RenderContext.hh */; }; + 83DE4CA72AAAE72100B88B72 /* RenderContext.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 83DE4CA62AAAE72000B88B72 /* RenderContext.h */; }; C34609FC27FF9114002DBCB7 /* RiveFile+Extensions.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C34609FB27FF9114002DBCB7 /* RiveFile+Extensions.swift */; }; C3468E5827EB9887008652FD /* RiveView.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3468E5727EB9887008652FD /* RiveView.swift */; }; C3468E5A27ECC7C6008652FD /* RiveViewModel.swift in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = C3468E5927ECC7C6008652FD /* RiveViewModel.swift */; }; @@ -85,6 +98,19 @@ /* End PBXContainerItemProxy section */ /* Begin PBXFileReference section */ + 041265252B0CB41E009400EC /* OutOfBandAssetTest.mm */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.objcpp; path = OutOfBandAssetTest.mm; sourceTree = ""; }; + 041265272B0CC387009400EC /* hosted_assets.riv */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file; path = hosted_assets.riv; sourceTree = ""; }; + 041265292B0CCB8E009400EC /* embedded_assets.riv */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file; path = embedded_assets.riv; sourceTree = ""; }; + 043025F12AF90D4800320F2E /* RiveFileAssetLoader.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = RiveFileAssetLoader.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + 043025F32AF90EAC00320F2E /* RiveFileAssetLoader.mm */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.objcpp; path = RiveFileAssetLoader.mm; sourceTree = ""; }; + 043025F52AF9355B00320F2E /* CDNFileAssetLoader.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CDNFileAssetLoader.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + 043025F72AFA46EF00320F2E /* CDNFileAssetLoader.mm */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.objcpp; path = CDNFileAssetLoader.mm; sourceTree = ""; }; + 043025F92AFA860E00320F2E /* FileAssetLoaderAdapter.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; path = FileAssetLoaderAdapter.hpp; sourceTree = ""; }; + 043025FB2AFA862E00320F2E /* FileAssetLoaderAdapter.mm */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.objcpp; path = FileAssetLoaderAdapter.mm; sourceTree = ""; }; + 043025FD2AFA8FCF00320F2E /* RiveFileAsset.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = RiveFileAsset.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + 043025FF2AFA915B00320F2E /* RiveFileAsset.mm */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.objcpp; path = RiveFileAsset.mm; sourceTree = ""; }; + 043026012AFB9FCD00320F2E /* RiveFactory.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = RiveFactory.h; sourceTree = ""; }; + 043026032AFBA04100320F2E /* RiveFactory.mm */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.objcpp; path = RiveFactory.mm; sourceTree = ""; }; 046FB7E1264EAA5E000129B1 /* RiveLinearAnimationInstance.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = RiveLinearAnimationInstance.h; sourceTree = ""; }; 046FB7E2264EAA5E000129B1 /* RiveArtboard.mm */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.objcpp; path = RiveArtboard.mm; sourceTree = ""; }; 046FB7E4264EAA5F000129B1 /* RiveLinearAnimationInstance.mm */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.objcpp; path = RiveLinearAnimationInstance.mm; sourceTree = ""; }; @@ -129,7 +155,7 @@ 83DE4C922AA8DD9F00B88B72 /* RenderContextManager.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = RenderContextManager.h; sourceTree = ""; }; 83DE4C9F2AAA072B00B88B72 /* PlatformCGImage.mm */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.objcpp; path = PlatformCGImage.mm; sourceTree = ""; }; 83DE4CA12AAA077200B88B72 /* PlatformCGImage.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = PlatformCGImage.h; sourceTree = ""; }; - 83DE4CA62AAAE72000B88B72 /* RenderContext.hh */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; path = RenderContext.hh; sourceTree = ""; }; + 83DE4CA62AAAE72000B88B72 /* RenderContext.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = RenderContext.h; sourceTree = ""; }; C34609FB27FF9114002DBCB7 /* RiveFile+Extensions.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "RiveFile+Extensions.swift"; sourceTree = ""; }; C3468E5727EB9887008652FD /* RiveView.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = RiveView.swift; sourceTree = ""; }; C3468E5927ECC7C6008652FD /* RiveViewModel.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = RiveViewModel.swift; sourceTree = ""; }; @@ -190,9 +216,14 @@ 04BE542F264D1F4100427B39 /* LayerState.h */, 04BE5435264D2A7500427B39 /* RivePrivateHeaders.h */, E57798A12A72C81F00FF25C3 /* RiveTextValueRun.h */, - 83DE4CA62AAAE72000B88B72 /* RenderContext.hh */, + 83DE4CA62AAAE72000B88B72 /* RenderContext.h */, 83DE4C922AA8DD9F00B88B72 /* RenderContextManager.h */, E5964A952A965A9300140479 /* RiveEvent.h */, + 043025F12AF90D4800320F2E /* RiveFileAssetLoader.h */, + 043025F52AF9355B00320F2E /* CDNFileAssetLoader.h */, + 043025F92AFA860E00320F2E /* FileAssetLoaderAdapter.hpp */, + 043025FD2AFA8FCF00320F2E /* RiveFileAsset.h */, + 043026012AFB9FCD00320F2E /* RiveFactory.h */, ); path = include; sourceTree = ""; @@ -200,6 +231,8 @@ 04BE53F726493FE600427B39 /* Assets */ = { isa = PBXGroup; children = ( + 041265272B0CC387009400EC /* hosted_assets.riv */, + 041265292B0CCB8E009400EC /* embedded_assets.riv */, C38BB5F3287629C20039E385 /* defaultstatemachine.riv */, 04BE5419264A823000427B39 /* animationconfigurations.riv */, 04BE53FC2649403600427B39 /* flux_capacitor.riv */, @@ -249,6 +282,11 @@ 04BE5431264D243D00427B39 /* LayerState.mm */, 83DE4C902AA8DD7B00B88B72 /* RenderContextManager.mm */, E5964A972A9697B600140479 /* RiveEvent.mm */, + 043025F32AF90EAC00320F2E /* RiveFileAssetLoader.mm */, + 043025F72AFA46EF00320F2E /* CDNFileAssetLoader.mm */, + 043025FB2AFA862E00320F2E /* FileAssetLoaderAdapter.mm */, + 043025FF2AFA915B00320F2E /* RiveFileAsset.mm */, + 043026032AFBA04100320F2E /* RiveFactory.mm */, ); path = Renderer; sourceTree = ""; @@ -302,6 +340,7 @@ 04BE5426264C02AA00427B39 /* StateMachineInstanceTest.mm */, 04BE542C264C1A3300427B39 /* RiveDelegatesTest.swift */, C38BB5F528762B720039E385 /* RiveStateMachineTest.swift */, + 041265252B0CB41E009400EC /* OutOfBandAssetTest.mm */, ); path = Tests; sourceTree = ""; @@ -326,15 +365,20 @@ 83DE4CA22AAA077200B88B72 /* PlatformCGImage.h in Headers */, 83DE4C932AA8DD9F00B88B72 /* RenderContextManager.h in Headers */, 046FB800264EAA61000129B1 /* RiveStateMachineInstance.h in Headers */, + 043025FA2AFA860E00320F2E /* FileAssetLoaderAdapter.hpp in Headers */, 046FB7FB264EAA61000129B1 /* RiveSMIInput.h in Headers */, E57798A72A72EEAD00FF25C3 /* RiveTextValueRun.h in Headers */, 046FB7F1264EAA60000129B1 /* RiveLinearAnimationInstance.h in Headers */, + 043025F62AF9355B00320F2E /* CDNFileAssetLoader.h in Headers */, 04BE5430264D1F4100427B39 /* LayerState.h in Headers */, + 043025F22AF90D4800320F2E /* RiveFileAssetLoader.h in Headers */, + 043025FE2AFA8FCF00320F2E /* RiveFileAsset.h in Headers */, E5964A962A965A9300140479 /* RiveEvent.h in Headers */, + 043026022AFB9FCD00320F2E /* RiveFactory.h in Headers */, C9C741F424FC510200EF9516 /* Rive.h in Headers */, 04BE5436264D2A7500427B39 /* RivePrivateHeaders.h in Headers */, C9C73EE224FC478900EF9516 /* RiveRuntime.h in Headers */, - 83DE4CA72AAAE72100B88B72 /* RenderContext.hh in Headers */, + 83DE4CA72AAAE72100B88B72 /* RenderContext.h in Headers */, ); runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0; }; @@ -435,7 +479,9 @@ C38BB5F4287629C20039E385 /* defaultstatemachine.riv in Resources */, 04BE54082649403600427B39 /* flux_capacitor.riv in Resources */, 04BE54052649403600427B39 /* noartboard.riv in Resources */, + 0412652A2B0CCB8E009400EC /* embedded_assets.riv in Resources */, 04BE540B2649403600427B39 /* multiple_animations.riv in Resources */, + 041265282B0CC387009400EC /* hosted_assets.riv in Resources */, E57798AB2A7310B700FF25C3 /* testtext.riv in Resources */, 04ED72F3299C115100E8DE53 /* empty_animation_state.riv in Resources */, E599DCFA2AAFA06100D1E49A /* rating_animation.riv in Resources */, @@ -461,11 +507,16 @@ C34609FC27FF9114002DBCB7 /* RiveFile+Extensions.swift in Sources */, C3468E5827EB9887008652FD /* RiveView.swift in Sources */, E5964A982A9697B600140479 /* RiveEvent.mm in Sources */, + 043025F82AFA46EF00320F2E /* CDNFileAssetLoader.mm in Sources */, + 043026042AFBA04100320F2E /* RiveFactory.mm in Sources */, 04BE5434264D267900427B39 /* LayerState.mm in Sources */, C9601F2B250C25930032AA07 /* RiveRenderer.mm in Sources */, + 043025F42AF90EAC00320F2E /* RiveFileAssetLoader.mm in Sources */, + 043025FC2AFA862E00320F2E /* FileAssetLoaderAdapter.mm in Sources */, 83DE4C912AA8DD7B00B88B72 /* RenderContextManager.mm in Sources */, C3E2B580282F242400A8651B /* RiveStateMachineInstance+Extensions.swift in Sources */, 046FB7F5264EAA60000129B1 /* RiveSMIInput.mm in Sources */, + 043026002AFA915B00320F2E /* RiveFileAsset.mm in Sources */, C3468E5A27ECC7C6008652FD /* RiveViewModel.swift in Sources */, C3745FD3282BFAB90087F4AF /* FPSCounterView.swift in Sources */, C9C741F524FC510200EF9516 /* Rive.mm in Sources */, @@ -484,6 +535,7 @@ files = ( 04BE5420264ACFC200427B39 /* RiveStateMachineLoadTest.mm in Sources */, 04BE541E264AC7A600427B39 /* RiveArtboardLoadTest.mm in Sources */, + 041265262B0CB41E009400EC /* OutOfBandAssetTest.mm in Sources */, 04BE542D264C1A3300427B39 /* RiveDelegatesTest.swift in Sources */, 04BE5422264AD97C00427B39 /* RiveStateMachineConfigurationTest.mm in Sources */, 04ED72F1299C114000E8DE53 /* RiveViewModelTest.swift in Sources */, @@ -705,6 +757,7 @@ ); "OTHER_LDFLAGS[sdk=macosx*]" = ( "-lskia_macos", + "-lrive_macos", "-lrive_harfbuzz_macos", "-lrive_sheenbidi_macos", "-lrive_skia_renderer_macos", diff --git a/Source/Renderer/CDNFileAssetLoader.mm b/Source/Renderer/CDNFileAssetLoader.mm new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0f1ddd09 --- /dev/null +++ b/Source/Renderer/CDNFileAssetLoader.mm @@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ +// +// CDNFileAssetLoader.m +// RiveRuntime +// +// Created by Maxwell Talbot on 07/11/2023. +// Copyright © 2023 Rive. All rights reserved. +// + +#import +#import +#import + +@implementation CDNFileAssetLoader +{} + +- (bool)loadContentsWithAsset:(RiveFileAsset*)asset + andData:(NSData*)data + andFactory:(RiveFactory*)factory +{ + // TODO: Error handling + // TODO: Track tasks, so we can cancel them if we garbage collect the asset loader + + if ([[asset cdnUuid] length] > 0) + { + NSURL* URL = [NSURL + URLWithString:[NSString + stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@", [asset cdnBaseUrl], [asset cdnUuid]]]; + NSURLSessionTask* task = [[NSURLSession sharedSession] + downloadTaskWithURL:URL + completionHandler:^(NSURL* location, NSURLResponse* response, NSError* error) { + if (!error) + { + // Load the data into the reader + NSData* data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:location]; + + if ([asset isKindOfClass:[RiveFontAsset class]]) + { + [(RiveFontAsset*)asset font:[factory decodeFont:data]]; + } + else if ([asset isKindOfClass:[RiveImageAsset class]]) + { + [(RiveImageAsset*)asset renderImage:[factory decodeImage:data]]; + } + } + }]; + + // Kick off the http download + // QUESTION: Do we need to tie this into the RiveFile so we can wait for these loads to be + // completed? + [task resume]; + return true; + } + + return false; +} + +@end + +@implementation FallbackFileAssetLoader +{ + NSMutableArray* loaders; +} + +- (instancetype)init +{ + self = [super init]; + loaders = [NSMutableArray array]; + return self; +} + +- (void)addLoader:(RiveFileAssetLoader*)loader +{ + [loaders addObject:loader]; +} + +- (bool)loadContentsWithAsset:(RiveFileAsset*)asset + andData:(NSData*)data + andFactory:(RiveFactory*)factory +{ + for (RiveFileAssetLoader* loader in loaders) + { + if ([loader loadContentsWithAsset:asset andData:data andFactory:factory]) + { + return true; + } + } + return false; +} + +@end + +@implementation CustomFileAssetLoader + +- (instancetype)initWithLoader:(LoadAsset)loader +{ + self = [super init]; + _loadAsset = loader; + return self; +} + +- (bool)loadContentsWithAsset:(RiveFileAsset*)asset + andData:(NSData*)data + andFactory:(RiveFactory*)factory +{ + return _loadAsset(asset, data, factory); +} + +@end diff --git a/Source/Renderer/FileAssetLoaderAdapter.mm b/Source/Renderer/FileAssetLoaderAdapter.mm new file mode 100644 index 00000000..17455939 --- /dev/null +++ b/Source/Renderer/FileAssetLoaderAdapter.mm @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +// +// FileAssetLoaderAdapter.m +// RiveRuntime +// +// Created by Maxwell Talbot on 07/11/2023. +// Copyright © 2023 Rive. All rights reserved. +// + +#import +#import +#import +#import + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +rive::FileAssetLoaderAdapter::FileAssetLoaderAdapter(RiveFileAssetLoader* myLoader) +{ + loader = myLoader; +} + +bool rive::FileAssetLoaderAdapter::loadContents(rive::FileAsset& asset, + rive::Span bytes, + rive::Factory* factory) +{ + NSData* data = [NSData dataWithBytes:bytes.data() length:bytes.size()]; + RiveFactory* myFactory = [[RiveFactory alloc] initWithFactory:factory]; + if (asset.is()) + { + RiveFontAsset* fontAsset = + [[RiveFontAsset alloc] initWithFileAsset:asset.as()]; + return [loader loadContentsWithAsset:fontAsset andData:data andFactory:myFactory]; + } + else if (asset.is()) + { + RiveImageAsset* imageAsset = + [[RiveImageAsset alloc] initWithFileAsset:asset.as()]; + return [loader loadContentsWithAsset:imageAsset andData:data andFactory:myFactory]; + } + return false; +} + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/Source/Renderer/NullPLS/out/premake5_pls_renderer.lua b/Source/Renderer/NullPLS/out/premake5_pls_renderer.lua index 0963d457..f5467df0 100644 --- a/Source/Renderer/NullPLS/out/premake5_pls_renderer.lua +++ b/Source/Renderer/NullPLS/out/premake5_pls_renderer.lua @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ do } end - filter {'system:ios', 'options:variant=simulator'} + filter {'system:ios', 'options:variant=emulator'} do targetdir 'iphonesimulator_%{cfg.buildcfg}' objdir 'obj/iphonesimulator_%{cfg.buildcfg}' @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ newoption { description = 'Choose a particular variant to build', allowed = { {'system', 'Builds the static library for the provided system'}, - {'simulator', 'Builds for an emulator/simulator for the provided system'} + {'emulator', 'Builds for an emulator/simulator for the provided system'} }, default = 'system' } diff --git a/Source/Renderer/RenderContextManager.mm b/Source/Renderer/RenderContextManager.mm index 667df3fe..0634e2ec 100644 --- a/Source/Renderer/RenderContextManager.mm +++ b/Source/Renderer/RenderContextManager.mm @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ */ #import -#import +#import #import @@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ - (void)endFrame @end +// skia throws out a bunch of documentation warnings for us +#pragma clang diagnostic push +#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdocumentation" + #include "include/core/SkCanvas.h" #include "include/core/SkSurface.h" #include "include/core/SkSurfaceProps.h" @@ -34,9 +38,14 @@ - (void)endFrame #include "include/gpu/mtl/GrMtlBackendContext.h" #include "skia_renderer.hpp" #include "skia_factory.hpp" +#pragma clang diagnostic pop + #include "cg_factory.hpp" #include "cg_renderer.hpp" +#include "Rive.h" +#include "RivePrivateHeaders.h" + @interface SkiaContext : RenderContext - (rive::Factory*)factory; - (rive::Renderer*)beginFrame:(MTKView*)view; @@ -414,6 +423,8 @@ @implementation RenderContextManager __weak CGRendererContext* _cgContextWeakPtr; } +bool _riveRendererSupportWarningDisplayed = false; + // The context manager is a singleton. + (RenderContextManager*)shared { @@ -439,8 +450,13 @@ - (RenderContext*)getDefaultContext return [self getSkiaContext]; case RendererType::riveRenderer: #if TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR - NSLog(@"warning: Rive Renderer is not supported by the simulator. Falling back on Skia " - @"within the simulator."); + if (_riveRendererSupportWarningDisplayed == false) + { + NSLog(@"warning: Rive Renderer is not supported by the simulator. Falling back on " + @"Skia " + @"within the simulator."); + _riveRendererSupportWarningDisplayed = true; + } return [self getSkiaContext]; #else return [self getRiveRendererContext]; @@ -500,4 +516,24 @@ - (RenderContext*)getCGRendererContext return strongPtr; } +- (RiveFactory*)getDefaultFactory +{ + return [[RiveFactory alloc] initWithFactory:[[self getDefaultContext] factory]]; +} + +- (RiveFactory*)getRiveRendererFactory +{ + return [[RiveFactory alloc] initWithFactory:[[self getRiveRendererContext] factory]]; +} + +- (RiveFactory*)getSkiaFactory +{ + return [[RiveFactory alloc] initWithFactory:[[self getSkiaContext] factory]]; +} + +- (RiveFactory*)getCGFactory +{ + return [[RiveFactory alloc] initWithFactory:[[self getCGRendererContext] factory]]; +} + @end diff --git a/Source/Renderer/RiveFactory.mm b/Source/Renderer/RiveFactory.mm new file mode 100644 index 00000000..29f525c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Source/Renderer/RiveFactory.mm @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +// +// RiveFactory.m +// RiveRuntime +// +// Created by Maxwell Talbot on 08/11/2023. +// Copyright © 2023 Rive. All rights reserved. +// + +#import +#import +#import + +@implementation RiveFont +{ + rive::rcp instance; // note: we do NOT own this, so don't delete it +} +- (instancetype)initWithFont:(rive::rcp)font +{ + if (self = [super init]) + { + instance = font; + return self; + } + else + { + return nil; + } +} +- (rive::rcp)instance +{ + return instance; +} + +@end + +@implementation RiveRenderImage +{ + rive::rcp instance; // note: we do NOT own this, so don't delete it +} +- (instancetype)initWithImage:(rive::rcp)image +{ + if (self = [super init]) + { + instance = image; + return self; + } + else + { + return nil; + } +} +- (rive::rcp)instance +{ + return instance; +} + +@end + +/* + * RiveFactory + */ +@implementation RiveFactory +{ + rive::Factory* instance; // note: we do NOT own this, so don't delete it +} + +// Creates a new RiveFactory from a cpp RiveFactory +- (instancetype)initWithFactory:(rive::Factory*)factory +{ + if (self = [super init]) + { + instance = factory; + return self; + } + else + { + return nil; + } +} + +- (RiveRenderImage*)decodeImage:(nonnull NSData*)data +{ + UInt8* bytes = (UInt8*)[data bytes]; + return [[RiveRenderImage alloc] + initWithImage:instance->decodeImage(rive::Span(bytes, [data length]))]; +} + +- (RiveFont*)decodeFont:(nonnull NSData*)data +{ + UInt8* bytes = (UInt8*)[data bytes]; + return [[RiveFont alloc] + initWithFont:instance->decodeFont(rive::Span(bytes, [data length]))]; +} + +@end diff --git a/Source/Renderer/RiveFile.mm b/Source/Renderer/RiveFile.mm index c51a9723..66597f06 100644 --- a/Source/Renderer/RiveFile.mm +++ b/Source/Renderer/RiveFile.mm @@ -8,8 +8,12 @@ #import #import -#import +#import #import +#import +#import + +#import /* * RiveFile @@ -17,6 +21,7 @@ @implementation RiveFile { std::unique_ptr riveFile; + rive::FileAssetLoader* fileAssetLoader; } + (uint)majorVersion @@ -28,7 +33,39 @@ + (uint)minorVersion return UInt8(rive::File::minorVersion); } -- (nullable instancetype)initWithByteArray:(NSArray*)array error:(NSError**)error +- (nullable instancetype)initWithByteArray:(NSArray*)array loadCdn:(bool)cdn error:(NSError**)error +{ + if (self = [super init]) + { + UInt8* bytes; + @try + { + bytes = (UInt8*)calloc(array.count, sizeof(UInt64)); + + [array enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSNumber* number, NSUInteger index, BOOL* stop) { + bytes[index] = number.unsignedIntValue; + }]; + BOOL ok = [self import:bytes byteLength:array.count loadCdn:cdn error:error]; + if (!ok) + { + return nil; + } + self.isLoaded = true; + } + @finally + { + free(bytes); + } + + return self; + } + return nil; +} + +- (nullable instancetype)initWithByteArray:(NSArray*)array + loadCdn:(bool)cdn + customAssetLoader:(LoadAsset)customAssetLoader + error:(NSError**)error { if (self = [super init]) { @@ -40,7 +77,11 @@ - (nullable instancetype)initWithByteArray:(NSArray*)array error:(NSError**)erro [array enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSNumber* number, NSUInteger index, BOOL* stop) { bytes[index] = number.unsignedIntValue; }]; - BOOL ok = [self import:bytes byteLength:array.count error:error]; + BOOL ok = [self import:bytes + byteLength:array.count + loadCdn:cdn + customAssetLoader:customAssetLoader + error:error]; if (!ok) { return nil; @@ -57,13 +98,15 @@ - (nullable instancetype)initWithByteArray:(NSArray*)array error:(NSError**)erro return nil; } +// QUESTION: deprecate? init with NSData feels like its all we need? - (nullable instancetype)initWithBytes:(UInt8*)bytes byteLength:(UInt64)length + loadCdn:(bool)cdn error:(NSError**)error { if (self = [super init]) { - BOOL ok = [self import:bytes byteLength:length error:error]; + BOOL ok = [self import:bytes byteLength:length loadCdn:cdn error:error]; if (!ok) { return nil; @@ -73,33 +116,118 @@ - (nullable instancetype)initWithBytes:(UInt8*)bytes } return nil; } +- (nullable instancetype)initWithBytes:(UInt8*)bytes + byteLength:(UInt64)length + loadCdn:(bool)cdn + customAssetLoader:(LoadAsset)customAssetLoader + error:(NSError**)error +{ + if (self = [super init]) + { + BOOL ok = [self import:bytes + byteLength:length + loadCdn:cdn + customAssetLoader:customAssetLoader + error:error]; + if (!ok) + { + return nil; + } + self.isLoaded = true; + return self; + } + return nil; +} + +- (nullable instancetype)initWithData:(NSData*)data loadCdn:(bool)cdn error:(NSError**)error +{ + UInt8* bytes = (UInt8*)[data bytes]; + return [self initWithBytes:bytes byteLength:data.length loadCdn:cdn error:error]; +} +- (nullable instancetype)initWithData:(NSData*)data + loadCdn:(bool)cdn + customAssetLoader:(LoadAsset)customAssetLoader + error:(NSError**)error +{ + UInt8* bytes = (UInt8*)[data bytes]; + return [self initWithBytes:bytes + byteLength:data.length + loadCdn:cdn + customAssetLoader:customAssetLoader + error:error]; +} /* * Creates a RiveFile from a binary resource */ - (nullable instancetype)initWithResource:(NSString*)resourceName withExtension:(NSString*)extension + loadCdn:(bool)cdn error:(NSError**)error { + // QUESTION: good ideas on how we can combine a few of these into following the same path + // better? + // there's a lot of copy pasta here. NSString* filepath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:resourceName ofType:extension]; NSURL* fileUrl = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:filepath]; NSData* fileData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:fileUrl]; - UInt8* bytePtr = (UInt8*)[fileData bytes]; - return [self initWithBytes:bytePtr byteLength:fileData.length error:error]; + + return [self initWithData:fileData loadCdn:cdn error:error]; } /* * Creates a RiveFile from a binary resource, and assumes the resource extension is '.riv' */ -- (nullable instancetype)initWithResource:(NSString*)resourceName error:(NSError**)error +- (nullable instancetype)initWithResource:(NSString*)resourceName + loadCdn:(bool)cdn + error:(NSError**)error { - return [self initWithResource:resourceName withExtension:@"riv" error:error]; + return [self initWithResource:resourceName withExtension:@"riv" loadCdn:cdn error:error]; +} + +- (nullable instancetype)initWithResource:(nonnull NSString*)resourceName + loadCdn:(bool)cdn + customAssetLoader:(nonnull LoadAsset)customAssetLoader + error:(NSError* __autoreleasing _Nullable* _Nullable)error +{ + return [self initWithResource:resourceName + withExtension:@"riv" + loadCdn:cdn + customAssetLoader:customAssetLoader + error:error]; +} + +- (nullable instancetype)initWithResource:(nonnull NSString*)resourceName + withExtension:(nonnull NSString*)extension + loadCdn:(bool)cdn + customAssetLoader:(nonnull LoadAsset)customAssetLoader + error:(NSError* __autoreleasing _Nullable* _Nullable)error +{ + NSString* filepath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:resourceName ofType:extension]; + NSURL* fileUrl = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:filepath]; + NSData* fileData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:fileUrl]; + return [self initWithData:fileData loadCdn:cdn customAssetLoader:customAssetLoader error:error]; } /* * Creates a RiveFile from an HTTP url */ -- (nullable instancetype)initWithHttpUrl:(NSString*)url withDelegate:(id)delegate +- (nullable instancetype)initWithHttpUrl:(NSString*)url + loadCdn:(bool)loadCdn + withDelegate:(id)delegate +{ + return [self initWithHttpUrl:url + loadCdn:loadCdn + customAssetLoader:^bool(RiveFileAsset* asset, NSData* data, RiveFactory* factory) { + return false; + } + withDelegate:delegate]; +} + +- (nullable instancetype)initWithHttpUrl:(nonnull NSString*)url + loadCdn:(bool)cdn + customAssetLoader:(nonnull LoadAsset)customAssetLoader + withDelegate:(nonnull id)delegate { self.isLoaded = false; if (self = [super init]) @@ -107,11 +235,9 @@ - (nullable instancetype)initWithHttpUrl:(NSString*)url withDelegate:(id +#import +#import + +@implementation RiveFileAsset +{ + const rive::FileAsset* instance; +} +- (const rive::FileAsset*)getInstance +{ + return instance; +} + +- (instancetype)initWithFileAsset:(const rive::FileAsset*)fileAsset +{ + if (self = [super init]) + { + instance = (rive::FileAsset* _Nonnull)fileAsset; + return self; + } + else + { + return nil; + } +} + +- (nonnull NSString*)cdnBaseUrl +{ + std::string str = instance->cdnBaseUrl(); + return [NSString stringWithCString:str.c_str() encoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding]]; +} + +- (nonnull NSString*)cdnUuid +{ + std::string str = instance->cdnUuidStr(); + return [NSString stringWithCString:str.c_str() encoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding]]; +} + +- (nonnull NSString*)fileExtension +{ + std::string str = instance->fileExtension(); + return [NSString stringWithCString:str.c_str() encoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding]]; +} + +- (nonnull NSString*)name +{ + std::string str = instance->name(); + return [NSString stringWithCString:str.c_str() encoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding]]; +} + +- (nonnull NSString*)uniqueFilename +{ + std::string str = instance->uniqueFilename(); + return [NSString stringWithCString:str.c_str() encoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding]]; +} + +@end + +@implementation RiveImageAsset +- (instancetype)initWithFileAsset:(const rive::ImageAsset*)fileAsset +{ + return [super initWithFileAsset:fileAsset]; +} + +- (void)renderImage:(RiveRenderImage*)image +{ + + ((rive::ImageAsset*)[self getInstance])->renderImage([image instance]); +} + +@end + +@implementation RiveFontAsset +- (instancetype)initWithFileAsset:(const rive::FontAsset*)fileAsset +{ + return [super initWithFileAsset:fileAsset]; +} + +- (void)font:(RiveFont*)font +{ + ((rive::FontAsset*)[self getInstance])->font([font instance]); +} +@end diff --git a/Source/Renderer/RiveFileAssetLoader.mm b/Source/Renderer/RiveFileAssetLoader.mm new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4945f164 --- /dev/null +++ b/Source/Renderer/RiveFileAssetLoader.mm @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +// +// CDNFileAssetLoader.m +// RiveRuntime +// +// Created by Maxwell Talbot on 06/11/2023. +// Copyright © 2023 Rive. All rights reserved. +// + +#import +#import +#import + +using namespace rive; + +@implementation RiveFileAssetLoader + +- (BOOL)loadContentsWithAsset:(RiveFileAsset*)asset + andData:(NSData*)data + andFactory:(RiveFactory*)factory +{ + return false; +} + +@end diff --git a/Source/Renderer/RiveStateMachineInstance.mm b/Source/Renderer/RiveStateMachineInstance.mm index 9fe5fff5..2b53edb9 100644 --- a/Source/Renderer/RiveStateMachineInstance.mm +++ b/Source/Renderer/RiveStateMachineInstance.mm @@ -355,7 +355,6 @@ - (NSInteger)layerCount - (void)touchBeganAtLocation:(CGPoint)touchLocation { instance->pointerDown(rive::Vec2D(touchLocation.x, touchLocation.y)); - NSLog(@"SMI: pointerDown at x:%f, y:%f", touchLocation.x, touchLocation.y); } - (void)touchMovedAtLocation:(CGPoint)touchLocation diff --git a/Source/Renderer/include/CDNFileAssetLoader.h b/Source/Renderer/include/CDNFileAssetLoader.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..09b2800a --- /dev/null +++ b/Source/Renderer/include/CDNFileAssetLoader.h @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// +// CDNFileAssetLoader.h +// RiveRuntime +// +// Created by Maxwell Talbot on 06/11/2023. +// Copyright © 2023 Rive. All rights reserved. +// + +#ifndef CDNFileAssetLoader_h +#define CDNFileAssetLoader_h + +#import + +@class RiveFileAssetLoader; + +@interface CDNFileAssetLoader : RiveFileAssetLoader +@end + +@interface FallbackFileAssetLoader : RiveFileAssetLoader +- (void)addLoader:(RiveFileAssetLoader*)loader; +@end + +typedef bool (^LoadAsset)(RiveFileAsset* asset, NSData* data, RiveFactory* factory); + +@interface CustomFileAssetLoader : RiveFileAssetLoader +@property(nonatomic, copy) LoadAsset loadAsset; + +- (instancetype)initWithLoader:(LoadAsset)loader; + +@end + +#endif /* CDNFileAssetLoader_h */ diff --git a/Source/Renderer/include/FileAssetLoaderAdapter.hpp b/Source/Renderer/include/FileAssetLoaderAdapter.hpp new file mode 100644 index 00000000..14426dab --- /dev/null +++ b/Source/Renderer/include/FileAssetLoaderAdapter.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +// +// FileAssetLoaderAdapter.hpp +// RiveRuntime +// +// Created by Maxwell Talbot on 07/11/2023. +// Copyright © 2023 Rive. All rights reserved. +// + +#ifndef FileAssetLoaderAdapter_h +#define FileAssetLoaderAdapter_h + +#import +#import + +@class RiveFileAssetLoader; + +namespace rive +{ + +class FileAssetLoaderAdapter : public FileAssetLoader +{ +private: + RiveFileAssetLoader* loader; + +public: + FileAssetLoaderAdapter(RiveFileAssetLoader*); + + bool loadContents(rive::FileAsset& asset, + rive::Span bytes, + rive::Factory* factory) override; +}; + +} // namespace rive + +#endif /* FileAssetLoaderAdapter_h */ diff --git a/Source/Renderer/include/RenderContext.hh b/Source/Renderer/include/RenderContext.h similarity index 86% rename from Source/Renderer/include/RenderContext.hh rename to Source/Renderer/include/RenderContext.h index 29c5cefe..7fb6b145 100644 --- a/Source/Renderer/include/RenderContext.hh +++ b/Source/Renderer/include/RenderContext.h @@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ #pragma once +#ifndef render_context_h +#define render_context_h + #import #import @@ -11,7 +14,9 @@ namespace rive { class Factory; class Renderer; -}; +}; // namespace rive + +@class MTKView; /// RenderContext knows how to set up a backend-specific render context (e.g., Skia, CG, Rive, ...), /// and provides a rive::Factory and rive::Renderer for it. @@ -24,3 +29,5 @@ class Renderer; - (rive::Renderer*)beginFrame:(MTKView*)view; - (void)endFrame; @end + +#endif diff --git a/Source/Renderer/include/RenderContextManager.h b/Source/Renderer/include/RenderContextManager.h index efed02ff..d5694528 100644 --- a/Source/Renderer/include/RenderContextManager.h +++ b/Source/Renderer/include/RenderContextManager.h @@ -4,11 +4,15 @@ #pragma once +#ifndef render_context_manager_h +#define render_context_manager_h + #import typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, RendererType) { skiaRenderer, riveRenderer, cgRenderer }; @class RenderContext; +@class RiveFactory; /// The RenderContextManager is used to allow us to share contexts (e.g., Skia, CG, Rive, ...), /// while there are active view(s). It has weak refs to its render contexts, which means that when @@ -20,4 +24,11 @@ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, RendererType) { skiaRenderer, riveRenderer, cgRendere - (RenderContext*)getSkiaContext; - (RenderContext*)getRiveRendererContext; - (RenderContext*)getCGRendererContext; +// exposing these directly as RenderContext is not exposed +- (RiveFactory*)getDefaultFactory; +- (RiveFactory*)getSkiaFactory; +- (RiveFactory*)getCGFactory; +- (RiveFactory*)getRiveRendererFactory; @end + +#endif diff --git a/Source/Renderer/include/Rive.h b/Source/Renderer/include/Rive.h index 82b11b45..26603af2 100644 --- a/Source/Renderer/include/Rive.h +++ b/Source/Renderer/include/Rive.h @@ -21,6 +21,11 @@ #import #import #import +// TODO: fix our headers so these can become exposed here +#import +#import +#import +#import NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @@ -88,6 +93,8 @@ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, RiveErrorCode) { @end +typedef bool (^LoadAsset)(RiveFileAsset* asset, NSData* data, RiveFactory* factory); + NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END #endif /* rive_h */ diff --git a/Source/Renderer/include/RiveFactory.h b/Source/Renderer/include/RiveFactory.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4e3b418d --- /dev/null +++ b/Source/Renderer/include/RiveFactory.h @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +// +// RiveFactory.h +// RiveRuntime +// +// Created by Maxwell Talbot on 08/11/2023. +// Copyright © 2023 Rive. All rights reserved. +// + +#ifndef RiveFactory_h +#define RiveFactory_h + +#import + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +@interface RiveFont : NSObject +@end + +@interface RiveRenderImage : NSObject +@end + +/* + * RiveFactory + */ +@interface RiveFactory : NSObject +- (RiveFont*)decodeFont:(NSData*)data; +- (RiveRenderImage*)decodeImage:(NSData*)data; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END + +#endif /* RiveFactory_h */ diff --git a/Source/Renderer/include/RiveFile.h b/Source/Renderer/include/RiveFile.h index 7e5c4749..0a800afe 100644 --- a/Source/Renderer/include/RiveFile.h +++ b/Source/Renderer/include/RiveFile.h @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @class RiveArtboard; @protocol RiveFileDelegate; +@class RiveFileAsset; +@class RiveFactory; +typedef bool (^LoadAsset)(RiveFileAsset* asset, NSData* data, RiveFactory* factory); /* * RiveFile @@ -30,15 +33,54 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /// Delegate for calling when a file has finished loading @property(weak) id delegate; -- (nullable instancetype)initWithByteArray:(NSArray*)bytes error:(NSError**)error; +/// Used to manage url sessions Rive, this is to enable testing. +- (nullable instancetype)initWithByteArray:(NSArray*)bytes loadCdn:(bool)cdn error:(NSError**)error; +- (nullable instancetype)initWithByteArray:(NSArray*)bytes + loadCdn:(bool)cdn + customAssetLoader:(LoadAsset)customAssetLoader + error:(NSError**)error; + +- (nullable instancetype)initWithBytes:(UInt8*)bytes + byteLength:(UInt64)length + loadCdn:(bool)cdn + error:(NSError**)error; - (nullable instancetype)initWithBytes:(UInt8*)bytes byteLength:(UInt64)length + loadCdn:(bool)cdn + customAssetLoader:(LoadAsset)customAssetLoader error:(NSError**)error; + +- (nullable instancetype)initWithData:(NSData*)bytes loadCdn:(bool)cdn error:(NSError**)error; +- (nullable instancetype)initWithData:(NSData*)bytes + loadCdn:(bool)cdn + customAssetLoader:(LoadAsset)customAssetLoader + error:(NSError**)error; + - (nullable instancetype)initWithResource:(NSString*)resourceName withExtension:(NSString*)extension + loadCdn:(bool)cdn error:(NSError**)error; -- (nullable instancetype)initWithResource:(NSString*)resourceName error:(NSError**)error; -- (nullable instancetype)initWithHttpUrl:(NSString*)url withDelegate:(id)delegate; +- (nullable instancetype)initWithResource:(NSString*)resourceName + withExtension:(NSString*)extension + loadCdn:(bool)cdn + customAssetLoader:(LoadAsset)customAssetLoader + error:(NSError**)error; + +- (nullable instancetype)initWithResource:(NSString*)resourceName + loadCdn:(bool)cdn + error:(NSError**)error; +- (nullable instancetype)initWithResource:(NSString*)resourceName + loadCdn:(bool)cdn + customAssetLoader:(LoadAsset)customAssetLoader + error:(NSError**)error; + +- (nullable instancetype)initWithHttpUrl:(NSString*)url + loadCdn:(bool)cdn + withDelegate:(id)delegate; +- (nullable instancetype)initWithHttpUrl:(NSString*)url + loadCdn:(bool)cdn + customAssetLoader:(LoadAsset)customAssetLoader + withDelegate:(id)delegate; /// Returns a reference to the default artboard - (RiveArtboard* __nullable)artboard:(NSError**)error; diff --git a/Source/Renderer/include/RiveFileAsset.h b/Source/Renderer/include/RiveFileAsset.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..756d8160 --- /dev/null +++ b/Source/Renderer/include/RiveFileAsset.h @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +// +// RiveFileAsset.h +// RiveRuntime +// +// Created by Maxwell Talbot on 07/11/2023. +// Copyright © 2023 Rive. All rights reserved. +// + +#ifndef RiveFileAsset_h +#define RiveFileAsset_h + +#import + +@class RiveRenderImage; +@class RiveFont; + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + +/* + * RiveFileAsset + */ +@interface RiveFileAsset : NSObject +// TODO: add an asset type? +- (NSString*)name; +- (NSString*)uniqueFilename; +- (NSString*)fileExtension; +- (NSString*)cdnBaseUrl; +- (NSString*)cdnUuid; +@end + +/* + * RiveImageAsset + */ +@interface RiveImageAsset : RiveFileAsset +- (void)renderImage:(RiveRenderImage*)image; +@end + +/* + * SMIBool + */ +@interface RiveFontAsset : RiveFileAsset +- (void)font:(RiveFont*)font; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END + +#endif /* RiveFileAsset_h */ diff --git a/Source/Renderer/include/RiveFileAssetLoader.h b/Source/Renderer/include/RiveFileAssetLoader.h new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e6f1bca1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Source/Renderer/include/RiveFileAssetLoader.h @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +// +// RiveFileAssetLoader.h +// RiveRuntime +// +// Created by Maxwell Talbot on 06/11/2023. +// Copyright © 2023 Rive. All rights reserved. +// + +#ifndef RiveFileAssetLoader_h +#define RiveFileAssetLoader_h + +#import + +@class RiveFactory; +@class RiveFileAsset; + +@interface RiveFileAssetLoader : NSObject +- (BOOL)loadContentsWithAsset:(RiveFileAsset*)asset + andData:(NSData*)data + andFactory:(RiveFactory*)factory; +@end + +#endif /* RiveFileAssetLoader_h */ diff --git a/Source/Renderer/include/RivePrivateHeaders.h b/Source/Renderer/include/RivePrivateHeaders.h index ad6a1f1f..a64c6bcc 100644 --- a/Source/Renderer/include/RivePrivateHeaders.h +++ b/Source/Renderer/include/RivePrivateHeaders.h @@ -28,6 +28,11 @@ #import "rive/animation/animation_state.hpp" #import "rive/text/text_value_run.hpp" #import "rive/event.hpp" +#import "rive/assets/image_asset.hpp" +#import "rive/assets/font_asset.hpp" +#import "rive/assets/file_asset.hpp" +#import "rive/file_asset_loader.hpp" + #include "rive/open_url_event.hpp" #include "rive/custom_property_boolean.hpp" #include "rive/custom_property_string.hpp" @@ -116,3 +121,34 @@ @end #endif /* RivePrivateHeaders_h */ + +/* + * RiveImageAsset + */ +@interface RiveImageAsset () +- (instancetype)initWithFileAsset:(const rive::ImageAsset*)fileAsset; +@end + +/* + * SMIBool + */ +@interface RiveFontAsset () +- (instancetype)initWithFileAsset:(const rive::FontAsset*)fileAsset; +@end + +/* + * RiveFileAsset + */ +@interface RiveFactory () +- (instancetype)initWithFactory:(rive::Factory*)factory; +@end + +@interface RiveFont () +- (instancetype)initWithFont:(rive::rcp)font; +- (rive::rcp)instance; +@end + +@interface RiveRenderImage () +- (instancetype)initWithImage:(rive::rcp)image; +- (rive::rcp)instance; +@end diff --git a/Source/Renderer/include/RiveSMIInput.h b/Source/Renderer/include/RiveSMIInput.h index 064d717b..ff82206c 100644 --- a/Source/Renderer/include/RiveSMIInput.h +++ b/Source/Renderer/include/RiveSMIInput.h @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN /* - * SMITrigger + * SMIInput */ @interface RiveSMIInput : NSObject - (NSString*)name; diff --git a/Source/Renderer/rive_renderer_view.mm b/Source/Renderer/rive_renderer_view.mm index dbc375da..b3ae3705 100644 --- a/Source/Renderer/rive_renderer_view.mm +++ b/Source/Renderer/rive_renderer_view.mm @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ #endif #import "RivePrivateHeaders.h" -#import +#import #import @implementation RiveRendererView diff --git a/Source/RiveModel.swift b/Source/RiveModel.swift index ff1bd197..56f9f529 100644 --- a/Source/RiveModel.swift +++ b/Source/RiveModel.swift @@ -7,23 +7,25 @@ // import Foundation +import Combine open class RiveModel: ObservableObject { - internal private(set) var riveFile: RiveFile - public private(set) var artboard: RiveArtboard! + // NOTE: the order here determines the order in which memory garbage collected public internal(set) var stateMachine: RiveStateMachineInstance? public internal(set) var animation: RiveLinearAnimationInstance? + public private(set) var artboard: RiveArtboard! + internal private(set) var riveFile: RiveFile public init(riveFile: RiveFile) { self.riveFile = riveFile } - public init(fileName: String, extension: String = ".riv", in bundle: Bundle = .main) throws { - riveFile = try RiveFile(name: fileName, extension: `extension`, in: bundle) + public init(fileName: String, extension: String = ".riv", in bundle: Bundle = .main, loadCdn: Bool = true, customLoader: LoadAsset? = nil) throws { + riveFile = try RiveFile(name: fileName, extension: `extension`, in: bundle, loadCdn: loadCdn, customLoader: customLoader) } - public init(webURL: String, delegate: RiveFileDelegate) { - riveFile = RiveFile(httpUrl: webURL, with: delegate)! + public init(webURL: String, delegate: RiveFileDelegate, loadCdn: Bool) { + riveFile = RiveFile(httpUrl: webURL, loadCdn:loadCdn, with: delegate)! } // MARK: - Setters diff --git a/Source/RiveViewModel.swift b/Source/RiveViewModel.swift index b8244199..e16f3be0 100644 --- a/Source/RiveViewModel.swift +++ b/Source/RiveViewModel.swift @@ -83,13 +83,15 @@ open class RiveViewModel: NSObject, ObservableObject, RiveFileDelegate, RiveStat fit: RiveFit = .contain, alignment: RiveAlignment = .center, autoPlay: Bool = true, - artboardName: String? = nil + artboardName: String? = nil, + loadCdn: Bool = true, + customLoader: LoadAsset? = nil ) { self.fit = fit self.alignment = alignment self.autoPlay = autoPlay super.init() - riveModel = try! RiveModel(fileName: fileName, extension: `extension`, in: bundle) + riveModel = try! RiveModel(fileName: fileName, extension: `extension`, in: bundle, loadCdn: loadCdn, customLoader:customLoader) sharedInit(artboardName: artboardName, stateMachineName: stateMachineName, animationName: nil) } @@ -102,13 +104,15 @@ open class RiveViewModel: NSObject, ObservableObject, RiveFileDelegate, RiveStat alignment: RiveAlignment = .center, autoPlay: Bool = true, artboardName: String? = nil, - preferredFramesPerSecond: Int? = nil + preferredFramesPerSecond: Int? = nil, + loadCdn: Bool = true, + customLoader: LoadAsset? = nil ) { self.fit = fit self.alignment = alignment self.autoPlay = autoPlay super.init() - riveModel = try! RiveModel(fileName: fileName, extension: `extension`, in: bundle) + riveModel = try! RiveModel(fileName: fileName, extension: `extension`, in: bundle, loadCdn: loadCdn, customLoader:customLoader) sharedInit(artboardName: artboardName, stateMachineName: nil, animationName: animationName) } @@ -118,13 +122,14 @@ open class RiveViewModel: NSObject, ObservableObject, RiveFileDelegate, RiveStat fit: RiveFit = .contain, alignment: RiveAlignment = .center, autoPlay: Bool = true, + loadCdn: Bool = true, artboardName: String? = nil ) { self.fit = fit self.alignment = alignment self.autoPlay = autoPlay super.init() - riveModel = RiveModel(webURL: webURL, delegate: self) + riveModel = RiveModel(webURL: webURL, delegate: self, loadCdn: loadCdn) defaultModel = RiveModelBuffer(artboardName: artboardName, stateMachineName: stateMachineName, animationName: nil) } @@ -134,13 +139,14 @@ open class RiveViewModel: NSObject, ObservableObject, RiveFileDelegate, RiveStat fit: RiveFit = .contain, alignment: RiveAlignment = .center, autoPlay: Bool = true, + loadCdn: Bool = true, artboardName: String? = nil ) { self.fit = fit self.alignment = alignment self.autoPlay = autoPlay super.init() - riveModel = RiveModel(webURL: webURL, delegate: self) + riveModel = RiveModel(webURL: webURL, delegate: self, loadCdn: loadCdn) defaultModel = RiveModelBuffer(artboardName: artboardName, stateMachineName: nil, animationName: animationName) } diff --git a/Source/Utils/RiveFile+Extensions.swift b/Source/Utils/RiveFile+Extensions.swift index 4becd3ad..78cf6b63 100644 --- a/Source/Utils/RiveFile+Extensions.swift +++ b/Source/Utils/RiveFile+Extensions.swift @@ -9,9 +9,13 @@ import Foundation public extension RiveFile { - convenience init(name fileName: String, extension ext: String = ".riv", in bundle: Bundle = .main) throws { + convenience init(name fileName: String, extension ext: String = ".riv", in bundle: Bundle = .main, loadCdn: Bool=true, customLoader: LoadAsset? = nil) throws { let byteArray = RiveFile.getBytes(fileName: fileName, extension: ext, in: bundle) - try self.init(byteArray: byteArray) + if (customLoader == nil){ + try self.init(byteArray: byteArray, loadCdn: loadCdn) + }else { + try self.init(byteArray: byteArray, loadCdn: loadCdn, customAssetLoader: customLoader!) + } } static func getBytes(fileName: String, extension ext: String = ".riv", in bundle: Bundle = .main) -> [UInt8] { diff --git a/Source/Utils/RiveStateMachineInstance+Extensions.swift b/Source/Utils/RiveStateMachineInstance+Extensions.swift index c8703789..024d3b54 100644 --- a/Source/Utils/RiveStateMachineInstance+Extensions.swift +++ b/Source/Utils/RiveStateMachineInstance+Extensions.swift @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import Foundation extension RiveStateMachineInstance { - open var inputs: [StateMachineInput] { + public var inputs: [StateMachineInput] { var inputs: [StateMachineInput] = [] for i in 0 ..< inputCount() { diff --git a/Tests/Assets/embedded_assets.riv b/Tests/Assets/embedded_assets.riv new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e71056e0 Binary files /dev/null and b/Tests/Assets/embedded_assets.riv differ diff --git a/Tests/Assets/hosted_assets.riv b/Tests/Assets/hosted_assets.riv new file mode 100644 index 00000000..96d56bfb Binary files /dev/null and b/Tests/Assets/hosted_assets.riv differ diff --git a/Tests/OutOfBandAssetTest.mm b/Tests/OutOfBandAssetTest.mm new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0079f39b --- /dev/null +++ b/Tests/OutOfBandAssetTest.mm @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +// +// OutOfBandAssetTest.mm +// RiveRuntimeTests +// +// Created by Maxwell Talbot on 21/11/2023. +// Copyright © 2023 Rive. All rights reserved. +// + +#import +#import "Rive.h" +#import "util.h" + +@interface OutOfBandAssetTest : XCTestCase +@end + +@implementation OutOfBandAssetTest + +- (void)testHostedAssetsProvideCallbacks +{ + NSError* error = nil; + NSData* data = [Util loadTestData:@"hosted_assets"]; + __block RiveImageAsset* image; + __block RiveFontAsset* font; + + __block NSData* imageData; + __block NSData* fontData; + + RiveFile* file = [[RiveFile alloc] + initWithData:data + loadCdn:false + customAssetLoader:^bool(RiveFileAsset* asset, NSData* data, RiveFactory* factory) { + if ([asset isKindOfClass:[RiveImageAsset class]]) + { + image = (RiveImageAsset*)asset; + imageData = data; + } + if ([asset isKindOfClass:[RiveFontAsset class]]) + { + font = (RiveFontAsset*)asset; + fontData = data; + } + return false; + } + error:&error]; + + XCTAssertNotNil(file); + XCTAssertNil(error); + + XCTAssertNotNil(image); + XCTAssertEqual(imageData.length, 0); + XCTAssertEqualObjects([image name], @"image.png"); + XCTAssertEqualObjects([image uniqueFilename], @"image-49934.png"); + XCTAssertEqualObjects([image fileExtension], @"png"); + XCTAssertEqualObjects([image cdnBaseUrl], @"https://public.uat.rive.app/cdn/uuid"); + XCTAssertEqualObjects([image cdnUuid], @"eadb7ed8-6d71-4b6c-bbc2-f0f5e9c5dd92"); + + XCTAssertNotNil(font); + XCTAssertEqual(fontData.length, 0); + XCTAssertEqualObjects([font name], @"Inter"); + XCTAssertEqualObjects([font uniqueFilename], @"Inter-45562.ttf"); + XCTAssertEqualObjects([font fileExtension], @"ttf"); + XCTAssertEqualObjects([font cdnBaseUrl], @"https://public.uat.rive.app/cdn/uuid"); + XCTAssertEqualObjects([font cdnUuid], @"60ad5ede-993c-4e03-9a80-e56888b2cff3"); +} + +- (void)testEmbeddedAssetsProvideData +{ + NSError* error = nil; + NSData* data = [Util loadTestData:@"embedded_assets"]; + __block RiveImageAsset* image; + __block RiveFontAsset* font; + + __block NSData* imageData; + __block NSData* fontData; + + RiveFile* file = [[RiveFile alloc] + initWithData:data + loadCdn:false + customAssetLoader:^bool(RiveFileAsset* asset, NSData* data, RiveFactory* factory) { + if ([asset isKindOfClass:[RiveImageAsset class]]) + { + image = (RiveImageAsset*)asset; + imageData = data; + } + if ([asset isKindOfClass:[RiveFontAsset class]]) + { + font = (RiveFontAsset*)asset; + fontData = data; + } + return false; + } + error:&error]; + + XCTAssertNotNil(file); + XCTAssertNil(error); + + XCTAssertNotNil(image); + // data provided in line. + XCTAssertEqual(imageData.length, 308); + XCTAssertEqualObjects([image name], @"1x1.png"); + XCTAssertEqualObjects([image uniqueFilename], @"1x1-49935.png"); + XCTAssertEqualObjects([image fileExtension], @"png"); + XCTAssertEqualObjects([image cdnBaseUrl], @"https://public.rive.app/cdn/uuid"); + XCTAssertEqualObjects([image cdnUuid], @""); + + XCTAssertNotNil(font); + XCTAssertEqual(fontData.length, 3348); + // data provided in line. + XCTAssertEqualObjects([font name], @"Inter"); + XCTAssertEqualObjects([font uniqueFilename], @"Inter-45562.ttf"); + XCTAssertEqualObjects([font fileExtension], @"ttf"); + XCTAssertEqualObjects([font cdnBaseUrl], @"https://public.rive.app/cdn/uuid"); + XCTAssertEqualObjects([font cdnUuid], @""); +} + +@end diff --git a/Tests/RiveDelegatesTest.swift b/Tests/RiveDelegatesTest.swift index fa0e778c..1bfc43ab 100644 --- a/Tests/RiveDelegatesTest.swift +++ b/Tests/RiveDelegatesTest.swift @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import RiveRuntime extension RiveFile { convenience init(testfileName: String, extension ext: String = ".riv") throws { let byteArray = RiveFile.getBytes(fileName: testfileName, extension: ext) - try self.init(byteArray: byteArray) + try self.init(byteArray: byteArray, loadCdn: false) } static func getBytes(fileName: String, extension ext: String = ".riv") -> [UInt8] { diff --git a/Tests/RiveRuntimeTests.mm b/Tests/RiveRuntimeTests.mm index 4e7768f0..940c6651 100644 --- a/Tests/RiveRuntimeTests.mm +++ b/Tests/RiveRuntimeTests.mm @@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ - (void)testRiveFileCreation // Valid Rive file, should not be null RiveFile* file = [[RiveFile alloc] initWithBytes:pingPongRiveFileBytes byteLength:156 + loadCdn:false error:nil]; XCTAssert(file != NULL); } @@ -122,6 +123,7 @@ - (void)testRetrieveDefaultArtboardFromRiveFile { RiveFile* file = [[RiveFile alloc] initWithBytes:pingPongRiveFileBytes byteLength:156 + loadCdn:false error:nil]; RiveArtboard* artboard = [file artboard:nil]; XCTAssert(artboard != NULL); @@ -135,6 +137,7 @@ - (void)testRetrieveArtboardCountFromRiveFile { RiveFile* file = [[RiveFile alloc] initWithBytes:pingPongRiveFileBytes byteLength:156 + loadCdn:false error:nil]; NSInteger count = [file artboardCount]; XCTAssert(count == 1); @@ -147,6 +150,7 @@ - (void)testRetrieveArtboardByIndex { RiveFile* file = [[RiveFile alloc] initWithBytes:pingPongRiveFileBytes byteLength:156 + loadCdn:false error:nil]; RiveArtboard* artboard = [file artboardFromIndex:0 error:nil]; XCTAssert(artboard != NULL); @@ -160,6 +164,7 @@ - (void)testRetrieveArtboardByName { RiveFile* file = [[RiveFile alloc] initWithBytes:pingPongRiveFileBytes byteLength:156 + loadCdn:false error:nil]; RiveArtboard* artboard = [file artboardFromName:@"New Artboard" error:nil]; XCTAssert(artboard != NULL); @@ -173,6 +178,7 @@ - (void)testRetrieveAnimationCountFromArtboard { RiveFile* file = [[RiveFile alloc] initWithBytes:pingPongRiveFileBytes byteLength:156 + loadCdn:false error:nil]; RiveArtboard* artboard = [file artboard:nil]; NSInteger count = [artboard animationCount]; @@ -186,6 +192,7 @@ - (void)testRetrieveFirstAnimation { RiveFile* file = [[RiveFile alloc] initWithBytes:pingPongRiveFileBytes byteLength:156 + loadCdn:false error:nil]; XCTAssert(file != NULL); RiveArtboard* artboard = [file artboard:nil]; @@ -204,6 +211,7 @@ - (void)testRetrieveAnimationByIndex { RiveFile* file = [[RiveFile alloc] initWithBytes:pingPongRiveFileBytes byteLength:156 + loadCdn:false error:nil]; RiveArtboard* artboard = [file artboard:nil]; @@ -219,6 +227,7 @@ - (void)testRetrieveAnimationByName { RiveFile* file = [[RiveFile alloc] initWithBytes:pingPongRiveFileBytes byteLength:156 + loadCdn:false error:nil]; RiveArtboard* artboard = [file artboard:nil]; NSError* error = nil; @@ -236,6 +245,7 @@ - (void)testRetrieveFirstStateMachine { RiveFile* file = [[RiveFile alloc] initWithBytes:stateMachineFileBytes byteLength:916 + loadCdn:false error:nil]; XCTAssert(file != NULL); RiveArtboard* artboard = [file artboard:nil]; @@ -254,6 +264,7 @@ - (void)testRetrieveStateMachineByIndex { RiveFile* file = [[RiveFile alloc] initWithBytes:stateMachineFileBytes byteLength:916 + loadCdn:false error:nil]; XCTAssert(file != NULL); RiveArtboard* artboard = [file artboard:nil]; @@ -286,6 +297,7 @@ - (void)testRetrieveStateMachineByName { RiveFile* file = [[RiveFile alloc] initWithBytes:stateMachineFileBytes byteLength:916 + loadCdn:false error:nil]; XCTAssert(file != NULL); RiveArtboard* artboard = [file artboard:nil]; @@ -308,6 +320,7 @@ - (void)testCreateStateMachineInstance { RiveFile* file = [[RiveFile alloc] initWithBytes:stateMachineFileBytes byteLength:916 + loadCdn:false error:nil]; RiveArtboard* artboard = [file artboard:nil]; diff --git a/Tests/RiveViewModelTest.swift b/Tests/RiveViewModelTest.swift index 328ee272..36b1c569 100644 --- a/Tests/RiveViewModelTest.swift +++ b/Tests/RiveViewModelTest.swift @@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ class RiveViewModelTest: XCTestCase { let file = try RiveFile(testfileName: "testtext") let model = RiveModel(riveFile: file) let viewModel = RiveViewModel(model, autoPlay: false) - let view = viewModel.createRiveView() XCTAssertEqual(viewModel.getTextRunValue("MyRun"), "Hello there") try viewModel.setTextRunValue("MyRun", textValue: "Hello test") diff --git a/Tests/util.h b/Tests/util.h index 12a62f32..ab62e0fc 100644 --- a/Tests/util.h +++ b/Tests/util.h @@ -9,8 +9,20 @@ #ifndef util_h #define util_h +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + @interface Util : NSObject -+ (RiveFile* __nullable)loadTestFile:(NSString*)filename error:(NSError**)error; ++ (RiveFile*)loadTestFile:(NSString*)name error:(NSError**)error; ++ (NSData*)loadTestData:(NSString*)name; +@end + +@interface TestSessionDownloadTask : NSURLSessionDownloadTask @end +@interface TestSession : NSURLSession +- (NSMutableArray*)getUrls; +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END + #endif /* util_h */ diff --git a/Tests/util.mm b/Tests/util.mm index 225d5765..c857fd66 100644 --- a/Tests/util.mm +++ b/Tests/util.mm @@ -9,18 +9,63 @@ #import "Rive.h" #import "util.h" +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN + @implementation Util -+ (RiveFile*)loadTestFile:(NSString*)name error:(NSError**)error ++ (NSData*)loadTestData:(NSString*)name { NSBundle* bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]]; NSString* path = [bundle pathForResource:name ofType:@"riv"]; - NSData* nsData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:path]; - Byte* bytes = (Byte*)malloc(nsData.length); - memcpy(bytes, [nsData bytes], nsData.length); - RiveFile* file = [[RiveFile alloc] initWithBytes:bytes byteLength:nsData.length error:error]; + return nsData; +} + ++ (RiveFile*)loadTestFile:(NSString*)name error:(NSError**)error +{ + NSData* nsData = [self loadTestData:name]; + RiveFile* file = [[RiveFile alloc] initWithData:nsData loadCdn:false error:error]; return file; } +@end + +typedef void (^CompletionHandler)(NSURL* location, NSURLResponse* response, NSError* error); + +@implementation TestSessionDownloadTask +{} + +- (void)resume +{}; @end + +@implementation TestSession +{ + NSMutableArray* urls; +} + +- (instancetype)init +{ + TestSession* session = [super init]; + session->urls = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; + return session; +} + +- (NSURLSessionDownloadTask*)downloadTaskWithURL:(NSURL*)url + completionHandler:(CompletionHandler)completionHandler +{ + [urls addObject:url]; + return [[TestSessionDownloadTask alloc] init]; +} + +- (void)finishTasksAndInvalidate +{} + +- (nonnull NSMutableArray*)getUrls +{ + return urls; +} + +@end + +NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END diff --git a/scripts/build.rive.sh b/scripts/build.rive.sh index 617ef181..a9c4b38a 100755 --- a/scripts/build.rive.sh +++ b/scripts/build.rive.sh @@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ build_runtime() { cp -r $RIVE_RUNTIME_DIR/skia/renderer/include $DEV_SCRIPT_DIR/../dependencies/includes/renderer cp -r $RIVE_RUNTIME_DIR/include $DEV_SCRIPT_DIR/../dependencies/includes/rive - # Build rive_cg_renderer. pushd $RIVE_RUNTIME_DIR/cg_renderer/build premake5 --scripts=$RIVE_RUNTIME_DIR/build --os=ios gmake2 @@ -60,7 +59,6 @@ build_runtime() { cp -r $RIVE_RUNTIME_DIR/cg_renderer/build/ios/bin/$1/librive_cg_renderer.a $DEV_SCRIPT_DIR/../dependencies/$1/librive_cg_renderer.a cp -r $RIVE_RUNTIME_DIR/cg_renderer/include $DEV_SCRIPT_DIR/../dependencies/includes/cg_renderer - # Build rive_pls_renderer. pushd $RIVE_PLS_DIR/out premake5 --scripts=$RIVE_RUNTIME_DIR/build --file=premake5_pls_renderer.lua --universal-release --no-rive-decoders --os=ios gmake2 @@ -85,7 +83,6 @@ build_runtime_sim() { cp -r $RIVE_RUNTIME_DIR/skia/renderer/include $DEV_SCRIPT_DIR/../dependencies/includes/renderer cp -r $RIVE_RUNTIME_DIR/include $DEV_SCRIPT_DIR/../dependencies/includes/rive - # Build rive_cg_renderer. pushd $RIVE_RUNTIME_DIR/cg_renderer/build premake5 --scripts=$RIVE_RUNTIME_DIR/build --os=ios --variant=emulator gmake2 @@ -95,10 +92,9 @@ build_runtime_sim() { cp -r $RIVE_RUNTIME_DIR/cg_renderer/build/ios_sim/bin/$1/librive_cg_renderer.a $DEV_SCRIPT_DIR/../dependencies/$1/librive_cg_renderer_sim.a cp -r $RIVE_RUNTIME_DIR/cg_renderer/include $DEV_SCRIPT_DIR/../dependencies/includes/cg_renderer - # Build rive_pls_renderer. pushd $RIVE_PLS_DIR/out - premake5 --scripts=$RIVE_RUNTIME_DIR/build --file=premake5_pls_renderer.lua --universal-release --no-rive-decoders --os=ios --variant=simulator gmake2 + premake5 --scripts=$RIVE_RUNTIME_DIR/build --file=premake5_pls_renderer.lua --universal-release --no-rive-decoders --os=ios --variant=emulator gmake2 make config=$1 clean make config=$1 -j12 rive_pls_renderer popd @@ -120,7 +116,6 @@ build_runtime_macosx() { cp -r $RIVE_RUNTIME_DIR/skia/renderer/include $DEV_SCRIPT_DIR/../dependencies/includes/renderer cp -r $RIVE_RUNTIME_DIR/include $DEV_SCRIPT_DIR/../dependencies/includes/rive - # Build rive_cg_renderer. pushd $RIVE_RUNTIME_DIR/cg_renderer/build premake5 --scripts=$RIVE_RUNTIME_DIR/build --os=macosx --variant=runtime gmake2 @@ -130,7 +125,6 @@ build_runtime_macosx() { cp -r $RIVE_RUNTIME_DIR/cg_renderer/build/macosx/bin/$1/librive_cg_renderer.a $DEV_SCRIPT_DIR/../dependencies/$1/librive_cg_renderer_macos.a cp -r $RIVE_RUNTIME_DIR/cg_renderer/include $DEV_SCRIPT_DIR/../dependencies/includes/cg_renderer - # Build rive_pls_renderer. pushd $RIVE_PLS_DIR/out premake5 --scripts=$RIVE_RUNTIME_DIR/build --file=premake5_pls_renderer.lua --universal-release --no-rive-decoders --os=macosx gmake2 @@ -220,6 +214,12 @@ ios_sim) make_dependency_directories finalize_skia build_runtime_sim $2 + # TODO: + # to build for the example you need debug, but to profile you need release. + # each time you build, both version are removed. to imnprove this only remove + # the version being built, or add a "both" option. + # build_runtime_sim debug + # build_runtime_sim release ;; *) usage diff --git a/submodules/rive-cpp b/submodules/rive-cpp index 3d0537a0..911b1631 160000 --- a/submodules/rive-cpp +++ b/submodules/rive-cpp @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit 3d0537a01a32c3b295c8532cf77b3a379a7fb7c1 +Subproject commit 911b1631b81fa4fdc1cc1618ed8776e016eded60