This guide is based on cert manager quickstart guide, to help you debug when setting up TLS w/ cert manager and letsencrypt.
kubectl logs --follow ds/nginx-ingress-controller -n kube-system
kubectl logs --follow $(kubectl get pods -n cert-manager | grep cert-manager --max-count=1 | awk '{print $1}') -n cert-manager
Does cert manager started working on certificate? It should generate a lot of log more than 15 lines.
. ./ get certificate --all-namespaces
Does it show the READY
column as True
kubectl describe certificate letsencrypt-staging-secret -n cicd-django
Check the event log on certificate, does it show something like below?
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Warning IssuerNotReady 4m1s (x2 over 4m1s) cert-manager Issuer letsencrypt-staging-issuer not ready
Normal Generated 4m cert-manager Generated new private key
Normal GenerateSelfSigned 4m cert-manager Generated temporary self signed certificate
Normal OrderCreated 4m cert-manager Created Order resource "letsencrypt-staging-secret-3778618215"
Normal OrderComplete 2m22s cert-manager Order "letsencrypt-staging-secret-3778618215" completed successfully
Normal CertIssued 2m22s cert-manager Certificate issued successfully
. ./ get secrets --all-namespaces
About secret type - the secret on the ing is
, which is fine. The secret for letsencrypt api call private key should be Opaque
curl -vkI
curl -vkI
curl -vkI
(3rd level)
For staging, does it show something like below?
* Server certificate:
* subject: CN=*
* start date: Sep 1 22:55:32 2019 GMT
* expire date: Nov 30 22:55:32 2019 GMT
* issuer: CN=Fake LE Intermediate X1
* SSL certificate verify result: unable to get local issuer certificate (20), continuing anyway.
Even if the website is not secure, can you link on advance link to continue to the website?
If Chrome complains something about HSTS, you config to disable k8 ingress to send HSTS header like in this issue.
You can consider switch to letsencrypt's prod api call. Then start over the inspection steps above.
In case you don't find anything useful after inspecting at resources above, you can try things below before using the last method - flushing everything and start over.
kubectl describe clusterissuer letsencrypt-staging
If the failure reason has something to do with order, look into order resources:
. ./ get order --all-namespaces
Particularly, look at if any failure or error present; if so, look at the reason.
- If you see reason is
Error finalizing order :: certificate public key must be different than account key
, check ifClusterIssuer.spec.privateKeySecretRef
are not the same.
- Get all the ingresses resources
kubectl get ingress -n cicd-django
- Get the ingress resources description for django
kubectl get ingress project-shaungc-digitalocean-ingress-resource -n cicd-django -o yaml
Does the annotation look right?
Because an issue about get and describe, you might not be able to use describe ingress <ingress namw>
, even you sepcify the correct namespace, will still get Error from server (NotFound): ingresses.extensions <ingress name> not found
- Dump the aggregated
- Get the pod of the nginx controller first
kubectl exec -it -n <namespace-of-ingress-controller> <name of the pod> cat /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Before doing this, try to read from logs above to find out what cause the error.
To flush out all the cert, just run ⚡️. ./
, specify LETSENCRYPT_ENV if needed (staging
by default).-
⚡️ This may be the most useful after you made changes to tf:
terraform destroy -target=helm_release.project_cert_manager -target=helm_release.project-nginx-ingress
- The above should already delete the custom resources together, but just to make sure you can run these command to verify that they are deleted:
kubectl delete certificate letsencrypt-staging-secret && kubectl delete clusterissuer letsencrypt-staging-issuer
- The above should already delete the custom resources together, but just to make sure you can run these command to verify that they are deleted:
You may also need to delete secrets created by cert-manager. List
kubectl get secrets -n cert-manager
, then delete like ⚡️kubectl delete secrets letsencrypt-staging-secret -n cert-manager
. -
terraform apply