In this lab, you will use Microsoft Graph data connect to analyze emails from an organization in Office 365 to find subject matter experts on specific topics.
- Setup tenant & get data out of Office 365 with Graph Data Connect and Data Factory
- Extract Office 365 data with Graph Data Connect
- Process the Exported Data
To complete this lab, you need the following:
- Microsoft Azure subscription
- If you do not have one, you can obtain one (for free) here:
- The account used to signin must have the global administrator role granted to it.
- The Azure subbscription must be in the same tenant as the Office 365 tenant as Graph Data Connect will only export data to an Azure subbscription in the same tenant, not across tenants.
- Office 365 tenancy
- If you do not have one, you obtain one (for free) by signing up to the Office 365 Developer Program.
- Multiple Office 365 users with emails sent & received
- Access to at least two accounts that meet the following requirements:
- One of the two accounts must be a global tenant administrator & have the global administrator role granted (just one account)
- Visual Studio installed on your development machine. If you do not have Visual Studio, visit the previous link for download options. (Note: This tutorial was written with Visual Studio 2017. The steps in this guide may work with other versions, but that has not been tested.)
NOTE: The screenshots and examples used in this lab are from an Office 365 test tenant with fake email from test users. You can use your own Office 365 tenant to perform the same steps. No data is written to Office 365. A copy of email data is extracted from all users in an office Office 365 tenant and copied to an Azure Blob Storage account that you maintain control over who has access to the data within the Azure Blob Storage.
Prior to using Microsoft Graph data connect for the first time, you need to configure your Office 365 tenant. This involves turning on the service and configuring a security group with permissions to approve data extraction requests.
In this step you will ensure that two users in your Office 365 tenant have the global administrator role enabled.
Open a browser and navigate to your Azure Portal at
Login using an account with global administrator rights to your Azure and Office 365 tenants.
Select Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) from the sidebar navigation or using the search bar:
On the Azure AD Overview page, select Users from the Manage section of the menu:
In the list of All Users, identify a user you will use in this lab that you have access to.
Select the user by selecting their name.
In the sidebar navigation menu, select Directory role.
If the role Global administrator is not in the list of roles for the user:
- Select Add role button.
- Locate and select the Global administrator role and then select the Select button.
Repeat these steps with another user that you will use in this lab.
In this step you will setup your Office 365 tenant to enable usage of Microsoft Graph data connect.
Open a browser and navigate to your Microsoft 365 Admin Portal at
In the sidebar navigation, select Groups.
Select the Add a group button.
Use the following to create the new mail-enabled security group and select the Add button.
- Type: Mail-enabled security
- Name: Consent Request Approvers
Once the group has been created, select it.
Change the View dropdown to Mail-enabled security if you do not see Consent Request Approvers in the list of groups
On the Members section of the group dialog, select Edit
Add the two users that you enabled the Global administrator role to this new group.
In this step you will enable the Microsoft Graph data connect service on your Office 365 tenant.
While you are still logged into the Microsoft 365 Admin Portal, select the Settings > Services & Add-ins menu item.
Select the Microsoft Graph data connect preview service.
Enable the toggle button at the top of the dialog to Turn Managed access to Microsoft Graph in Microsoft Azure Preview on or off for your entire organization.
Enter Consent Request Approvers (or the name of the group you created previously) in the Group of users to make approval decisions and select Save.
In this exercise you will create, execute and approve an Azure Data Factory pipeline to extra data from Office 365 to an Azure Storage Blob for additional processing.
The first step is to create an Azure AD application that will be used as the security principal to run the data extraction process.
Open a browser and navigate to your Azure Portal at
Login using an account with global administrator rights to your Azure and Office 365 tenants.
Select Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) from the sidebar navigation.
On the Azure AD Overview page, select App registrations from the Manage section of the menu.
Select the New application registration button:
Use the following values to create a new Azure AD application and select Create:
- Name: Microsoft Graph data connect Data Transfer
- Application type: Web app / API
- Sign-on URL: https://[tenantid]
After creating the application, select it.
Locate the Application ID and copy it as you will need it later in this lab. This will be referred to as the service principal ID.
Select the Settings button from the top navigation.
Select the Keys menu item from the application's menu:
In the Passwords section, create a new key by entering a name, duration and value and click Save.
It does not matter what you choose, but ensure you keep a copy of the name and the hashed key after it is saved as the hashed value will never be shown again and you will need to create a new key as it is needed later in the lab.
This will be referenced as the service principal key.
Using the sidebar navigation for the application, select Owners.
Ensure your account is listed as an owner for the application. If it isn't listed as an owner, add it.
While you are in the Azure Active Directory within the Azure portal, obtain the Azure AD's tenant ID as you will need that later in the lab:
- From the Azure AD main sidebar navigation, select the Properties menu item.
- Copy the GUID for the Directory ID as you will need this later.
In this step you will create an Azure Storage account where Microsoft Graph data connect will store the data extracted from Office 365 for further processing.
Open a browser and navigate to your Azure Portal at
Login using an account with global administrator rights to your Azure and Office 365 tenants.
Select Create a resource from the sidebar navigation.
Find the Storage Account resource type and use the following values to create it, then select Review + create:
- Subscription: select your Azure subscription
- Resource group: GraphDataConnect (or select an existing resource group)
- Storage account name: [tenantid]gdcdump
The tenant ID is used as part of the storage account name because it needs to be globally unique.
- Location: pick an Azure region in the same region as your Office 365 region
- Performance: Standard
- Account kind: StorageV2 (general purpose v2)
- Replication: Read-access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS)
- Access tier: Hot
Review that the settings match those shown in the previous step and select Create
Once the Azure Storage account has been created, grant the Azure AD application previously created the proper access to it.
Select the Azure Storage account
In the sidebar menu, select Access control (IAM)
Select the Add button in the Add a role assignment block.
Use the following values to find the application you previously selected to grant it the Storage Blob Data Contributor role, then select Save:
- Role: Storage Account Contributor
- Assign access to: Azure AD user, group or application
- Select: Microsoft Graph data connect Data Transfer (the name of the Azure AD application you created previously)
Create a new container in the Azure Storage account
- Select the Azure Storage account
- In the sidebar menu, select Blobs
- Select the +Container button at the top of the page and use the following values and then select OK:
- Name: maildump
- Public access level: Private (no anonymous access)
The next step is to use the Azure Data Factory to create a pipeline to extract the data from Office 365 to the Azure Storage account using Microsoft Graph data connect.
Open a browser and navigate to your Azure Portal at
Login using an account with global administrator rights to your Azure and Office 365 tenants.
NOTE: Keep track of the user you are using in this step as you will need to switch to the other user you granted the global administrator role and that has multi-factory authentication enabled on their account in a later step.
Select Create a resource from the sidebar navigation.
Find the Data Factory resource type and use the following values to create it, then select Create:
Use the following values to create a new Azure Data Factory resource, then select Create:
- Name: [tenantid]datafactory
The tenant ID is used as part of the data factory name because it needs to be globally unique.
- Subscription: select your Azure subscription
- Resource group: GraphDataConnect
- Version: V2
- Location: pick an Azure region in the same region as your Office 365 region
- Name: [tenantid]datafactory
Once the Azure Data Factory resource is created, select the Author & Monitor tile to launch the Azure Data Factory full screen editor.
Switch from the Overview to the Author experience by selecting it from the left-hand navigation:
[Optional] By default, the Azure Data Factory will use an Integration Runtime that is auto-resolving the region. As the Microsoft Graph Data Connect requires that your source and destination, and integration runtime to exist in the same Office 365 region, it is recommended that you create a new Integration Runtime with a fixed region.
At the bottom of the screen, select Connections > Integration Runtimes.
Select New > Perform data movement and dispatch activities to external computes and then select Next.
Select Azure for the environment and select Next.
Use the following details to complete the form on the final screen and then select Finish:
- Name: name of your integration runtime
- Description: enter a description
- Region: select the region that matches your Office 365 region
Create a new pipeline by selecting the plus icon, then pipeline:
Drag the Copy Data activity from the Move & Transform section onto the design surface:
Select the activity in the designer.
In the activity editor pane below the designer, select the Source tab, then select New.
Locate the dataset Office 365, select it and then select the Finish button.
NOTE: The feature flag you added to the URL earlier is what makes the Office 365 connector appear in this step. This is only necessary when Microsoft Graph data connect is in preview.
The designer will create a new tab for the Office 365 connector. Select the Connection tab in the connector's editor, then the New button.
In the dialog that appears, enter the previously created Azure AD application's Application ID and Password in the Service principal ID & Service principal key fields, then select Finish.
NOTE: If you created a dedicated Integration Runtime, select it in the Connect via integration runtime dropdown.
After creating the Office 365 connection, for the Table field, select BasicDataSet_v0.Message_v0.
Select the Schema tab and then select Import Schema.
With the source configured for your copy data activity, now configure the sink, or the location where data will be stored.
Select the tab in the designer for your pipeline.
Select the copy data activity, then select the sink tab:
Select the New button, then select Azure Blob Storage
Select the Connection tab, then select New.
Set the following values in the dialog, then select Finish:
- Authentication method: Service principal
- Azure subscription: Select all
- Storage account name: [tenantid]gdcdump
This is the storage account created earlier in this exercise.
- Tenant: enter the ID of your Azure tenant
- Service principal ID: enter the ID of the Azure AD application you previously created
- Service principal key: enter the hashed key of the Azure AD application you previously created
NOTE: If you created a dedicated Integration Runtime, select it in the Connect via integration runtime dropdown.
Next to the File path field, select Browse.
Select the name of the storage container you created previously.
Set the File format to JSON format.
Set the File pattern to Set of objects.
With the pipeline created, select the Validate All button at the top of the designer.
After validating (and fixing any issues that were found), select the Publish All button at the top of the designer.
With the pipeline created, now it's time to execute it.
NOTE: In the current Preview state, some of the tasks in this section can take a while to appear. Such as the request for consent may take 5-30 minutes for the consent request to appear and it is not uncommon for the entire process (start, requesting consent & after approving the consent completing the pipeline run) to take over 40 minutes.
In the Azure Data Factory designer, with the pipeline open, select Add trigger > Trigger Now:
After starting the job, from the sidebar menu, select Monitor to view current running jobs:
Locate the pipeline run you just started in the list. In the Actions column, select the View Activity Runs icon:
On the Activity Runs screen, you will see a list of all the activities that are running in this pipeline. Our pipeline only has one activity that should show as currently In Progress.
While the status may show as In Progress, the request may be paused internally as the request for access to the data in Office 365 may need to be approved. You can see if this is the case by selecting the Details icon in the Actions column.
In the Details screen, look for the status of the pipeline activity as highlighted in the following image. In this case you can see it is in a state of RequestingConsent:
At this point, the activity run is internally paused until someone manually approves the consent request.
NOTE: You can alternatively approve consent requests using Windows PowerShell which is demonstrated in the next section.
Open a browser and navigate to your Microsoft 365 Admin Portal at
Replace the URL in the browser with the following link and select ENTER:
Select a pending Data Access Request.
In the Data Access Request callout, select the Approve button.
NOTE: if you approved the request using the Microsoft 365 Admin Center, you can skip this section.
In this step you will use Exchange Online PowerShell to find data requests that are pending consent and approve them so the Azure Data Factory pipeline(s) can continue.
Open Windows PowerShell.
Ensure your PowerShell session has enabled remotely signed scripts:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Connect to Exchange Online:
Obtain a login credential by executing the following PowerShell. Login using a different user than one that created & started the Azure Data Factory pipeline, who has the global administrator role applied, who is a member of the group that has rights to approve requests to data in Office 365, and has multi-factor authentication enabled:
$UserCredential = Get-Credential
Create a new Exchange Online PowerShell session & load (import) it:
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection Import-PSSession $Session -DisableNameChecking
NOTE: Once you are finished with this session, be sure you you disconnect from the session using the PowerShell command
Remove-PSSession $Session
. Exchange Online only allows for three open remote PowerShell sessions to protect against denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.If you simply close the PowerShell window, it will leave the connection open.
Get a list of all pending data requests from Microsoft Graph data connect by executing the following PowerShell:
Get-ElevatedAccessRequest | where {$_.RequestStatus -eq 'Pending'} | select RequestorUPN, Service, Identity, RequestedAccess | fl
Examine the list of data access requests returned. In the following image, notice there are two pending requests:
Approve a data access returned in the previous step by copying the Identity GUID of a request by executing the following PowerShell:
NOTE: Replace the GUID in the following code snippet with the GUID from the results of the previous step.
Approve-ElevatedAccessRequest -RequestId fa041379-0000-0000-0000-7cd5691484bd -Comment 'approval request granted'
After a few moments, you should see the status page for the activity run update to show it is now extracting data:
This process of extracting the data can take some time depending on the size of your Office 365 tenant as shown in the following example:
Once the pipeline completes, verify data has been extracted to the Azure Storage Blob.
Open a browser and navigate to your Azure Portal at
Login using an account with global administrator rights to your Azure and Office 365 tenants.
Select the All resources menu item from the sidebar navigation.
In the list of resources, select the Azure Storage account you created previously in this lab.
On the Azure Storage account blade, select Blobs from the sidebar menu.
Select the container created previously in this lab that you configured the Azure Data Factory pipeline as the sink for the extracted data. You should see data in this container now:
In this exercise you will create a simple ASP.NET MVC web application that will process the data you exported in the previous exercise.
Create a new project:
Open Visual Studio, and select File > New > Project. In the New Project dialog, do the following:
Select Templates > Visual C# > Web.
Select ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework).
Enter EmailMetrics for the Name of the project.
Note: Ensure that you enter the exact same name for the Visual Studio Project that is specified in these lab instructions. The Visual Studio Project name becomes part of the namespace in the code. The code inside these instructions depends on the namespace matching the Visual Studio Project name specified in these instructions. If you use a different project name the code will not compile unless you adjust all the namespaces to match the Visual Studio Project name you enter when you create the project.
Select OK. In the New ASP.NET Web Application Project dialog, select MVC and select OK.
Add and configure Azure Storage as a connected service:
In the Solution Explorer tool window, right-click the Connected Services node and select Add Connected Service.
On the Connected Services dialog, select Cloud Storage with Azure Storage.
On the Azure Storage Dialog, select the storage account where you exported the data to in the previous exercise and select Add.
This will install the necessary NuGet packages for the project.
Create a new model class that will be used to store the email metrics and in the view of the web application.
In the Solution Explorer tool window, right-click the Models folder and select Add > Class.
In the Add New Item dialog, select Class, set the name of the file to EmailMetric.cs and select Add.
Add the following code to the class EmailMetric you just created:
public string Email; public double RecipientsToEmail;
Create a new controller that will calculate and display the results of processing the emails exported in the previous exercise.
Right-click the Controllers folder and select Add > Controller:
In the Add Scaffold dialog, select MVC 5 Controller - Empty and select Add.
When prompted, name the controller EmailMetricsController and select OK.
Add the following
statements after the existingusing
statements at the top fo the file containing theEmailMetricsController
class:using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage; using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using System.Configuration; using System.IO; using System.Threading.Tasks;
Add the following code to the
class. These will be used to connect to the Azure Storage Account that contain the exported data:CloudStorageAccount _storageAccount; CloudBlobClient _storageClient; CloudBlobContainer _storageContainer;
Add the following method to the
class. This will process an Azure blob and update a collection representing the email accounts and how many recipients there were combined across all emails found for the extracted accounts:private void ProcessBlobEmails(List<Models.EmailMetric> emailMetrics, CloudBlob emailBlob) { using (var reader = new StreamReader(emailBlob.OpenRead())) { string line; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { var jsonObj = JObject.Parse(line); // extract sender var sender = jsonObj.SelectToken("Sender.EmailAddress.Address")?.ToString(); // extract and count up recipients var totalRecipients = 0; totalRecipients += jsonObj.SelectToken("ToRecipients").Children().Count(); totalRecipients += jsonObj.SelectToken("CcRecipients").Children().Count(); totalRecipients += jsonObj.SelectToken("BccRecipients").Children().Count(); var emailMetric = new Models.EmailMetric(); emailMetric.Email = sender; emailMetric.RecipientsToEmail = totalRecipients; // if already have this sender... var existingMetric = emailMetrics.FirstOrDefault(metric => metric.Email == emailMetric.Email); if (existingMetric != null) { existingMetric.RecipientsToEmail += emailMetric.RecipientsToEmail; } else { emailMetrics.Add(emailMetric); } } } }
Add the following method to the
class. This will enumerate through all blobs in the specified Azure Storage account's specified container and send each one toProcessBlobEmails()
method added in the last step:private List<Models.EmailMetric> ProcessBlobFiles() { var emailMetrics = new List<Models.EmailMetric>(); // connect to the storage account _storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AzureStorageConnectionString-1"]); _storageClient = _storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient(); // connect to the container _storageContainer = _storageClient.GetContainerReference("maildump"); // get a list of all emails var blobResults = _storageContainer.ListBlobs(); // process each email foreach (IListBlobItem blob in blobResults) { if (blob.GetType() == typeof(CloudBlockBlob)) { var cloudBlob = (CloudBlockBlob)blob; var blockBlob = _storageContainer.GetBlobReference(cloudBlob.Name); ProcessBlobEmails(emailMetrics, blockBlob); } } return emailMetrics; }
Add the following action to the
that will use the methods added this class to process the emails and send the results to the view:[HttpPost, ActionName("ShowMetrics")] [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] public ActionResult ShowMetrics() { var emailMetrics = ProcessEmails(); return View(emailMetrics); }
Create a new view for the EmailMetrics Index action:
In the Solution Explorer tool window, right-click the Views > EmailMetrics folder and select Add > View.
In the Add View dialog, set the View name to Index, leave the remaining input controls to their default values and select Add.
Update the markup in the new Views/EmailMetrics/Index.cshtml to the following. This will add a form with a single button that will submit an HTTP POST to the custom controller action added in the last step:
@{ ViewBag.Title = "Index"; } <h2>Email Metrics</h2> This application will look at the email data for emails extracted to the Azure Blob Storage account and display the total number of recipients from each sender. @using (Html.BeginForm("ShowMetrics", "EmailMetrics", FormMethod.Post)) { @Html.AntiForgeryToken() <div> <button type="submit">View email metrics</button> </div> <div> <em>Please be patient as this can take a few moments to calculate depending on the size of the exported data...</em> </div> }
Create a new view for the EmailMetrics ShowMetrics action:
In the Solution Explorer tool window, right-click the Views > EmailMetrics folder and select Add > View.
In the Add View dialog, set the following values and leave the remaining input controls to their default values and select Add:
- View name: ShowMetrics
- Template: List
- Model class: EmailMetric (EMailMetric.Models)
Update the markup in the new Views/EmailMetrics/ShowMetrics.cshtml to the following. This will display the results of the calculations.
@model IEnumerable<EmailMetrics.Models.EmailMetric> @{ ViewBag.Title = "ShowMetrics"; } <h2>Email Metrics</h2> <table class="table"> <tr> <th>Sender</th> <th>Number of Recipients</th> </tr> @foreach (var item in Model) { <tr> <td>@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Email)</td> <td>@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.RecipientsToEmail)</td> </tr> } </table>
Update the navigation to have a way to get to the new controller:
In the Solution Explorer tool window, locate and open the file Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml.
Replace the following line...
<li>@Html.ActionLink("Contact", "Contact", "Home")</li>
... with the following line to update the menu item:
<li>@Html.ActionLink("Email Metrics", "Index", "EmailMetrics")</li>
Test the application:
In Visual Studio, select Debug > Start Debugging.
When the application is built and loads in a new browser window, select the Email Metrics item in the top navigation bar.
On the Email Metrics page, select the View email metrics button.
When the page loads, you will see a list of emails addresses that were found among all emails with a sum of all the recipients sent between them, as shown from a small sample set in a test email extract in the following figure.