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This developer guide is for people who want to contribute to the Katib project. If you're interesting in using Katib in your machine learning project, see the following user guides:
- Concepts in Katib, hyperparameter tuning, and neural architecture search.
- Getting started with Katib.
- Detailed guide to configuring and running a Katib experiment.
Check source code as follows:
make build REGISTRY=<image-registry> TAG=<image-tag>
You can deploy Katib v1beta1 manifests into a k8s cluster as follows:
make deploy
You can undeploy Katib v1beta1 manifests from a k8s cluster as follows:
make undeploy
If you want to modify Katib controller APIs you have to generate deepcopy, clientset, listers, informers, open-api and python SDK with changed APIs. You can update necessary files as follows:
make generate
Please see
Please see
Please see
Please see
Please see Katib UI README.
Please see proposals.